Fans always love when Matt Roloff shares family photos . Unfortunately, some recent pics had fans and parent-shamers alike worried that they were endangering baby Jackson. Now, Matt is setting the record straight. Matt Roloff posted a slew of photos, which we have included below, of his family’s vacation to Maui. Unfortunately, after a photo showed Jackson standing in a dry canoe without a lifejacket, some fans were overwhelmed with worry. They peppered Matt’s comments with questions about Jackson’s safety. “Hey everyone that sent me messages of concern…” Matt begins his message on Instagram. “Of course Jackson wore a life jacket while out on the water,” he writes. Matt then asks: “Do you think we’re crazy??” He posted this message along with a very reassuring image. Matt’s other photos were more overtly positive. He was thrilled to get the chance to have some one-on-one time (and two-on-one time) with his grandson. “When you get the call to spend the day with your grandson over in Maui while Zach and Tori explore the road to Hana,” Matt writes. “You don’t say no.” Matt continues, saying: “Anything to spend some time with this little fella and @carynchandler1.” His girlfriend, Caryn, was along for the trip. “Sunshine warms the heart and soul,” Matt claimed in another post. Matt also shared that he pushed himself to do difficult things just to be with his grandbaby. “Sometimes ya just have to force yourself to walk on the sand,” Matt writes. He followed that message with a smiling emoticon. That’s right, even in the age of emojis, some haven’t forgotten emoticons. “Keeping up with the little farmer is my new passion and motivation!” Matt exclaims. He and his family enjoyed their time on land and in the water. “Sailing the high seas off the coast of Maui,” Matt captions a photo of the lot of them on a canoe. Jackson looks so cute! We can understand that people are concerned about the safety of children. Sometimes, even the kindest parents are totally clueless about safety for children. But the Roloffs are kind and also experienced. Anyone familiar with the Roloff family should realize that they’re not going to make simple safety mistakes with Jackson or with Ember Jean. They love their grandbabies, folks. They’re not going to risk Jackson’s life. Some would consider the Roloff family’s trip to Maui a waste because they’re missing the autumn weather in Oregon. But Matt, at least, seems to enjoy warmer temperatures. He and Caryn enjoy spending time in Arizona so much that they bought a house there. And just everybody enjoys a trip to the beach, right? Matt was clearly having a good time, even though he had to put in a lot of extra effort to maneuver over the sand. But he did it, for Jackson’s sake, and the results were some wonderful experiences and memories. Jackson is old enough to be forming lifelong memories, folks, and a visit to Mauii is sure to make an indelible impression upon the little cutie. View Slideshow: Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World
Continued here:
Matt Roloff Hits Back at Mom-Shamers: Tori Would Never Endanger Jackson!