Tag Archives: jackson-roloff

Matt Roloff Hits Back at Mom-Shamers: Tori Would Never Endanger Jackson!

Fans always love when Matt Roloff shares family photos . Unfortunately, some recent pics had fans and parent-shamers alike worried that they were endangering baby Jackson. Now, Matt is setting the record straight. Matt Roloff posted a slew of photos, which we have included below, of his family’s vacation to Maui. Unfortunately, after a photo showed Jackson standing in a dry canoe without a lifejacket, some fans were overwhelmed with worry. They peppered Matt’s comments with questions about Jackson’s safety. “Hey everyone that sent me messages of concern…” Matt begins his message on Instagram. “Of course Jackson wore a life jacket while out on the water,” he writes. Matt then asks: “Do you think we’re crazy??” He posted this message along with a very reassuring image. Matt’s other photos were more overtly positive. He was thrilled to get the chance to have some one-on-one time (and two-on-one time) with his grandson. “When you get the call to spend the day with your grandson over in Maui while Zach and Tori explore the road to Hana,” Matt writes. “You don’t say no.” Matt continues, saying: “Anything to spend some time with this little fella and @carynchandler1.” His girlfriend, Caryn, was along for the trip. “Sunshine warms the heart and soul,” Matt claimed in another post. Matt also shared that he pushed himself to do difficult things just to be with his grandbaby. “Sometimes ya just have to force yourself to walk on the sand,” Matt writes. He followed that message with a smiling emoticon. That’s right, even in the age of emojis, some haven’t forgotten emoticons. “Keeping up with the little farmer is my new passion and motivation!” Matt exclaims. He and his family enjoyed their time on land and in the water. “Sailing the high seas off the coast of Maui,” Matt captions a photo of the lot of them on a canoe. Jackson looks so cute! We can understand that people are concerned about the safety of children. Sometimes, even the kindest parents are totally clueless about safety for children. But the Roloffs are kind and also experienced. Anyone familiar with the Roloff family should realize that they’re not going to make simple safety mistakes with Jackson or with Ember Jean. They love their grandbabies, folks. They’re not going to risk Jackson’s life. Some would consider the Roloff family’s trip to Maui a waste because they’re missing the autumn weather in Oregon. But Matt, at least, seems to enjoy warmer temperatures. He and Caryn enjoy spending time in Arizona so much that they bought a house there. And just everybody enjoys a trip to the beach, right? Matt was clearly having a good time, even though he had to put in a lot of extra effort to maneuver over the sand. But he did it, for Jackson’s sake, and the results were some wonderful experiences and memories. Jackson is old enough to be forming lifelong memories, folks, and a visit to Mauii is sure to make an indelible impression upon the little cutie. View Slideshow: Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: Why They REALLY Quit Little People, Big World

Continued here:
Matt Roloff Hits Back at Mom-Shamers: Tori Would Never Endanger Jackson!

Tori Roloff Shares Startling 7-Month Update on Jackson

Stop and look up in the air, celebrity gossip lovers. Do you see it? Way up there? Farther away than you ever imagined was possible? We’re referring, of course, to time … and how it’s flying way too fast for our liking when it comes to Jackson Kyle Roloff. We swear this precious child was just born yesterday, but one glance at the calendar and one peek at his mother’s Instagram page reveals something different. Jackson was born seven months ago. We have no idea where all that time has gone, but Tori Roloff has been kind enough to provide us with a new update on her adorable first-born. Just as she did when Jackson turned six months old , the Little People, Big World has posted a new picture (above) of her son, along with news on what he’s up to these days. To wit: Jackson is rolling. He has two teeth and is working on a third. J is obsessed with his feet and will take off anything in his way of his toes. Jackson has started eating “solid” food! Jackson woke up this morning with his first sickness (but is still his usual happy self). Baby J loves to babble and doesn’t like awkward silences.  Tori added that the family recently “got our first Christmas tree and we’re loving all of our new Christmas traditions.” It looks like that tradition involves picking up said Christmas tree with his aunt, uncle and cousin . Prior to sharing these fun tidbits about her child with husband Zach, Tori gushed like never before about Jackson. She posted the image directly above and wrote as a sweet caption: I have such FOMO when it comes to this kid. I am so obsessed with every move he makes. His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile. He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves. I love being this kids mom. God has blessed me in such a way. He’s made me realize things don’t matter-people do. Love you so much baby j. FOMO is an acronym for Fear of Missing Out, in case you weren’t aware. And we totally understand. Just look at this little guy! Finally, in one other social media post this week, Tori shot down an unfortunate rumor. A few Internet users noticed a sore on Zach’s face in the image above and wondered whether he had come down with a case of oral Herpes. Wrote Tori in response: “For those of you asking, my husband does not have a disease on his lip. He scraped it. Kthanks.” She added, clearly a little annoyed: “Also my kid scratched his face because mama let his nails get too long. “The Roloff household is a little bit of a hot mess currently but we’ll get it together. K thanksforasking.” No rush and no worries, Tori. Don’t let these trolls get you down. Just keep sharing cute new pictures of Jackson, please, so we can keep adding them to this gallery: View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute!

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Tori Roloff Shares Startling 7-Month Update on Jackson

Tori Roloff Gushes Over Precious Baby Jackson with New Pic!

While we all wait with bated breath for TLC to announce when Little People, Big World is coming back , we don’t have to wait for news of the Roloffs. Because social media exists. And Tori Roloff is making use of it to tell us exactly how much she loves her precious baby, Jackson Roloff. Or, as the family has taken to calling him: Baby J. Awwww! If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by Jackson’s cuteness, you’re not alone. Not even Jackson’s own mother is immune. In fact, if anything, Tori Roloff is “I have such FOMO when it comes to this kid.” Before you start googling things or, worse, trying to come up with your own guesses for that achronym, it means: fear of missing out . “I am so obsessed with every move he makes.” That’s human instinct in a nutshell, right there. (Tori Roloff’s post continues, but first, let’s remember exactly how inescapably adorable Jackson Roloff is) He’s. So. Cute. Tori can only begin to list his most precious attributes: “His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile.” We  can’t even, either. “He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves.” That’s, again, human instinct. Your whole system gets flooded with oxytocin. (This doesn’t just happen with babies; making your favorite person laugh or looking at videos of puppies can do the same thing) “I love being this kids mom.” A lot of parents like to gripe about their kids (totally unfair), so it’s so nice to hear this from Tori. “God has blessed me in such a way. He’s made me realize things don’t matter — people do.” Different people have different views of materialism, but we can probably all agree that your children should come first. Tori ends the beautiful note by reiterating her affection for her infant son, and referring to him by his nickname. “Love you so much baby j.” That’s followed by a cyan heart emoji and the tag: “#babyjroloff” We like the name Jackson, but you know what? “Baby J” is sweet and has the same number of syllables as Ember Jean . That’s probably not why they came up with the nickname — those tend to crop up organically — but it’s a cute little coincidence. Jackson is adorable and, now that Jackson’s over 6 months old , it might not be long before he’s talking. Like, for-real talking. (Different babies develop at different rates — some don’t talk until they’re over a year old, and that’s okay!) For now, though, his parents and the rest of the Roloff clan can just enjoy how precious and sweet he is. Baby J doesn’t need words to show them how much he loves them. Ember Jean recently passed a couple of “milestones,” herself. Not, like, developmental milestones — she’s still only a few months old. But she went to “help” pick out a Christmas tree. And she had her first trip to the beach! Right now, the developmental gap between Ember Jean and Baby J might as well be the grand canyon — just a few months, at their age, make a world of difference. But, in just a few years, their age difference will seem almost meaningless. These two precious cousins will get to grow up, side-by-side. We can’t wait to watch them every step of the way!

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Tori Roloff Gushes Over Precious Baby Jackson with New Pic!

Jackson Roloff "Helps" Grandma Amy Roloff Pick Out a Tree!

It’s only been a few days since the Roloff family held Thanksgiving , but that doesn’t mean that they’re getting out of the holiday spirit. Because, well, it’ll be December by the end of the week. The Roloffs have zero chill about the holidays, and they’re making sure that baby Jackson Roloff is feeling the Christmas spirit. Because he and his parents helped Amy Roloff and Amy’s boyfriend pick out a Christmas tree. Awwww! Tori Roloff shared this precious family photo — note the trees in the background. Jackson is getting so big! Tori’s caption explained the context: “Today we helped Grandma Roloff get her Christmas tree!” We’re sure that Amy appreciated the company! That line was followed by a blue heart emoji. Tori continued her caption with exactly the sort of sweet and caring words that we’d expect from her: “So blessed to call these people family.” And they’re blessed to call Tori their family, as well. “The way holidays bring everyone together fills my cup with such joy.” That’s an odd expression, but odd in a good way (and I might just steal it). Tori also shares warm wishes for her fans and followers: “I am praying that this season bring your family joy!” After that came a red heart emoji and a tree emoji (a treemoji?), and the hashtags: “#zandtpartyofthree #seestorsfolife #babyjroloff” It’s worth noting that Amy Roloff’s “controversial” boyfriend was also there. While we don’t imagine that Jackson was instrumental in picking out the tree, we’re sure that everyone enjoyed the quality time together. The Roloff family just celebrated Thanksgiving last week, and the Roloffs have a lot to be thankful for. They already did, admittedly — Amy and Matt were financially successful before they ever began living on a farm. And now, of course, the whole family is famous through the reality series, Little People, Big World . Zach Roloff is thankful to have his wife, Tori. Jeremy Roloff is thankful to have his wife, Audrey. And, of course, Zach and Tori welcomed their first child , precious baby Jackson, back during the spring. More recently, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff welcomed baby Ember Jean into their lives. Audrey has struggled with some post-partum issues, but we’re sure that the couple is still very grateful for a healthy birth and their beautiful daughter. And Matt and Amy Roloff are delighted to have not one but two wonderful grandbabies. The whole family gets to watch Jackson and Ember Jean grow up together . And the Roloff family might have another thing for which to be thankful. Amy Roloff and Tori Roloff both seemed to refer to Jacob Roloff’s girlfriend, Isabel Rock, as family . That, on top of Isabel recently mentioning a major life decision , might mean that Jacob has proposed to his girlfriend and that the two are engaged. That’s what some fans believe, anyway. And if so, that would be wonderful. Jacob has spent time estranged from his family, but he’s been reconnecting recently — which is welcome news on its own. But it really would be amazing to see the Roloffs officially welcome Isabel into the fold. And, honestly, it looks like they already have. View Slideshow: Roloff Family Photo Album: Little People, Lots of Love!

See the original post:
Jackson Roloff "Helps" Grandma Amy Roloff Pick Out a Tree!

Jackson Roloff Can Now Do WHAT at 5 Months?!?

We hope you’re sitting down for this shocking piece of news. We hope you aren’t operating any heavy machinery. Okay? Ready? Here we go: Jackson Kyle Roloff is now FIVE months old!!!! Totally crazy, right? It really does seem like only yesterday that Zach and Tori Roloff were happily informing fans that the latter had given birth to the couple’s first child. That blessed occasion took place on May 12 and this beloved couple has been incredibly open ever since regarding the status of little Jackson. They sat down for an interview with People Magazine shortly after he entered the world, for example, and confirmed that he has dwarfism. And, since then, both Tori and Zach have been constantly updating their Instagram feeds with photos of Jackson. The latest (above) is a portrait of the tiny human at five months old and it was shared along with the following message from Tori: – Jackson is grabbing everything. – He is super smiley in the morning and slightly grumpy in the evening. – Bath time is still our favorite. – Jackson can now lift himself up on his stomach. – He loves making noises with his feet. – We can feel his first two teeth coming in. – He has been sleeping in his own room all month and is rockin it!. – And J loves hanging out at the pumpkin patch! Tori concluded her update by writing “Love you so much sweet boy!” So do we! We’re so grateful to Zach and Tori for keeping us this well apprised when it comes to their son. It’s been a very busy few days for Jackson, based on his parents’ social media activity. For example, his mother dressed him up like a pumpkin and sat him down in a patch in the family’s farm in what just might be THE CUTEST PHOTO WE’VE EVER SEEN IN OUR LIVES. Also, Jackson got a change to hang out with his cousin, Ember Jean, who was born just over a month ago to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff. Might this actually be the cutest photo in the whole wide world? Back when Jackson turned four months old , Tori said he could roll over and occasionally hold his head up. He was also coming off his first airplane ride and weighed nearly 16 pounds. It’s amazing how much babies can change over the course of just a few weeks, isn’t it? Take a look at all the pictures below to get an idea of what we mean: View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute!

See original here:
Jackson Roloff Can Now Do WHAT at 5 Months?!?

Jackson Roloff Turns 4 Months. Now He Can Do THIS!

This is an exciting time to be a member of the Roloff family. On Sunday, Audrey and Jeremy welcomed their first child, a precious girl named Ember Jean . She joins relatively new baby Jackson Kyle as the second grandchild in the Little People, Big World universe, as this adorable young fella was born to Tori and Zach back on May 12. That was four months ago exactly… and Tori has now provided Instagram followers with an update on her son. “And just like that our little man is 4 months old! Lots of milestones this month,” wrote Tori, following up on the same sort of post she penned on Jackson’s three-month birthday . Tori then proceeded to list Jackson’s latest accomplishments, which include the following: Baby J can hold his head up. We can roll over…sometimes. We want to put everything in our mouth. We went on our first airplane ride… to Catalina. We went to Disneyland. We love telling stories. We’re still not sleeping through the night. We weigh almost 16 pounds! And we got to meet our cousin Ember Jean! Tori concluded that “we are already so in love with” with Jeremy and Audrey’s daughter, while adding, of course, that she loves Jackson. And she included the hashtags “#babyjroloff #ZandTPartyofThree” toward the end of her caption. About a month ago, TLC resumed filming on Little People, Big World , with sources confirming Jackson will play a prominent role. Cameras followed around his parents throughout Tori’s pregnancy this spring and they are expected to document Audrey’s path to motherhood in detail this fall/winter. But expect to see plenty of shots of Jackson as well, with Tori and Zach taking him on multiple trips already. As mentioned above, he’s been to Disneyland… and he’s also cheered on the Seattle Seahawks in person… and he’s met his great grandmother and nearly all his other relatives as well. View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute! With all due respect to all other babies on the Internet, it would be easy to argue that Jackson is the cutest celebrity baby of them all. Just look at the photos above, readers! Just look at this one below: Come on, right?!? Just… so…. adorable! We continue to send our best wishes to Tori and Zach and now to Audrey and Jeremy as well. Babies are a blessing and we just know these small human beings will be so well loved and cared for. We’re incredibly excited to watch them grow up.

Original post:
Jackson Roloff Turns 4 Months. Now He Can Do THIS!

Tori Roloff Shares Precious Photo, Update on Baby Son

Jackson Kyle Roloff is a total cutie. He’s a precious bundle of joy whose every photograph makes us squeal in delight. This much we’ve known ever since the newest member of the Little People, Big World cast came into the world on May 12. Because Jackson was born to Tori and Zach Roloff with the gene for dwarfism , fans have been a bit concerned about the baby, wondering if he’s showing any signs of being different just yet. His parents have talked openly about the challenges that likely await Jackson as he gets older and does not grow at the same rate as his peers, with Zach especially sensitive to this strong possibility because he lived through it himself.  “I grew up with the name-calling,” the 27-year old told People Magazine this spring, adding: “I look at my childhood and being a boy on the farm, it was a little tough because boys are very alpha-doggy and follow the pack. “I was always chasing the back and way behind the pack. It was tough.” Roloff also said at the time that “you have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two.” But this just means Jackson will grow up especially tough, having earned everything he receives. On Wednesday, meanwhile, Tori shared a new picture of her firstborn in celebration of his two-month birthday: She also provided curious followers on Instagram with an update on Jackson. “Our Baby J is two months old today! How?! Baby j is sleeping a consistent 7 hours!” she wrote excitedly as a caption, going on to detail other aspects of her son as follows: Loves smiling at mom and dad! Falls asleep during pool time! Gets excited when we change his diaper. LOVES bath time. Hates being hungry. Then there’s this: “Jackson is 98th percentile for height and weighs over 12 pounds! Keep growin baby J!” Wow. That’s so great. We’re so very happy to hear Jackson is doing well. Im just sayin’. This kid’s a stud muffin, wrote grandpa Matt Roloff as a Facebook caption to this photo. Jackson weighed weighed in at 9 lbs., 1 oz. at birth and measured 20.5 inches long. Doctors say he’ll stop growing at some point (the average male with his condition averages four feet and four inches tall at adulthood), but Jackson was born large and continues to remain big for his age. And adorable for his age! “I want people to know that he’s just like his dad: being a dwarf is just part of the whole package of who he is,” Zach told People in the aforementioned interview. What a perfect attitude. We’ve updated our Jackson Roloff photo gallery with the following snapshots. Click through them now! View Slideshow: Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG! He’s So Cute!

See more here:
Tori Roloff Shares Precious Photo, Update on Baby Son