Tag Archives: joyce-hawkins

Chris Brown and Tyga Have Play Date With King, Royalty!

Chris Brown and Tyga, music industry stars and bros forever, recently collaborated … on a play date with his daughter Royalty and his son King. Now that sounds like a regal day of fun if ever there were one! In March, news broke that Chris Brown is a father to a nearly one-year-old girl named Royalty, whose mom is former model Nia Guzman-Amey. While Nia’s pregnancy and birth were secret – Chris’ (now ex-) girlfriend Karrueche Tran found out after we did – he’s been gushing ever since. Royalty has been a visible part of Brown’s life, as fans know, and he even wants Guzman to move out to L.A. from Houston to keep it that way. He sure seems like he’s taking to fatherhood so far. Brown has posted Royalty pics left and right, and Friday, the R&B star had his first celebrity play date with rapper Tyga and his son King Cairo! While the latter is involved in a custody dispute with his baby mama, Tyga says Blac Chyna is just jealous of his underage girlfriend, Kylie Jenner. Tyga claims he’s a great father, and while one play date with Royalty and some Instagram pics don’t prove that case, they certainly don’t hurt it. His photo also shows what looks to be a large Charlie Brown character in the background, a nod to Chris’ nickname and love of the cartoon. In a brief video clip he posted, Tyga can also be heard telling King to “be nice” and “you gotta share” when things got a little heated. When you’re two years old, these things are tough. Breezy, meanwhile, also posted a snap of his baby girl cuddling with his mom, Joyce Hawkins, writing, “Grandma has taken over the house!” Say what you will about Chris and Tyga and their personal lives, but by all accounts they are treating their kids like … well, a King and Royalty. View Slideshow: Blac Chyna: All-Star Stripper, Tyga Baby Mama

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Chris Brown and Tyga Have Play Date With King, Royalty!

Poor Thang: Chris Brown’s Mom Breaks Down On Twitter After Her Ain’t Isht Son Gets Thrown In Prison For A Month

Chris Brown ‘s mom is heartbroken because her son can’t get his life together! Chris Brown’s Mom Breaks Down On Twitter After He Gets Locked Up Via UB Magazine : Chris Brown has a new album dropping soon, but his legal problems continue to stack up making it nearly impossible for him to promote his new music. In fact, Chris is currently in prison because he was kicked out of his second anger management rehab program in just a few months. Reports suggest Chris Brown’s mother Joyce Hawkins is taking everything hard and even cried in court when it was confirmed that Chris will now have to spend a month in jail. Interestingly enough, it’s clear by her tweets from several days ago that she’s completely stressed out about her son and she’s not happy with all the criticism being written about him on social media. She continued… Chris Brown’s mama is hurting! As a mother we’re sure she raised Chris to be a man and not a thug who beats up on women and can’t stay out the judicial system. Hit the flip to peep what else she had to say…

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Poor Thang: Chris Brown’s Mom Breaks Down On Twitter After Her Ain’t Isht Son Gets Thrown In Prison For A Month

Chris Brown’s Mom Blames His Friends For Out of Control Behavior

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R&B bad boy Chris Brown was recently sent back to rehab to deal with his anger issues after he was thrwn out of a California…

Chris Brown’s Mom Blames His Friends For Out of Control Behavior

Chris Brown Attorney Defends Singer, Fires Back at D.A., Alleges Huge Conspiracy

Chris Brown’s attorney Mark Geragos is far from pleased with the L.A. County District Attorney’s allegation that the star lied about doing community service . In his official response to the D.A.’s scathing motion, Geragos hits back hard , claiming that prosecutors omitted key facts and implying they are out to get Chris. Brown is accused of falsifying reports , but Geragos refutes claims that “no human being ever witnessed” Chris performing the required community service. On the contrary, Geragos claims the deputy police chief in Richmond, Va., personally “observed Brown working very hard at cleaning the brush at the [police] stables.” Geragos’ filing also includes invoices and checks indicating that Chris Brown paid $31,534.70 to the Richmond PD for providing security during his labor details. Richmond PD’s counsel also sent the D.A. documents showing Chris did some of his required hours of service – back in 2009-2010 – at various police precincts. However, nowhere does Geragos refer to the Tappahannock (Va.) Children’s Center, where Chris says he performed odd jobs and where his mom was once director. The D.A. has questioned the validity of Chris’ hours there because Joyce Hawkins filled out his paperwork and no one else appears to have seen him working there. Geragos says he’s just begun, however, and that “what we’ve uncovered so far should shock the conscience of the court. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.” Richard Marx had no immediate comment.

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Chris Brown Attorney Defends Singer, Fires Back at D.A., Alleges Huge Conspiracy

Chris Brown Dresses as Islamic Terrorist For Rihanna Halloween Party

Chris Brown, a man already linked to violence and destruction on a regular basis, hit up Rihanna’s Halloween party last night dressed as … a stereotypical Islamic terrorist. Here’s the singer and his crew, Taliban style: The 23-year-old and his pals donned beards, turbans and fake guns as they made their way to a TSA Watch List Greystone Manor in West Hollywood. “Ain’t nobody F–king wit my clique!!! #ohb,” Chris tweeted, classily. Chris Brown himself hasn’t commented beyond that, but his mother, Joyce Hawkins, weighed in: “HALLOWEEN IS FOR FUN NOTHING MORE THAN JUST FUN.” “GET A LIFE PLEASE.” Thanks, Joyce. We’ll do that. It’s not like your boy goes out of his way to court controversy. Halloween is the time for shock value, but still. You’d think a convicted woman-beater with obvious rage issues might opt for a costume a little less provocative. You know, like Green Man from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia . Or Karrueche Tran . What do you think of Chris’ costume? Good fun or goodness, what is he thinking?   Harmless fun! Offensive and insensitive! View Poll »

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Chris Brown Dresses as Islamic Terrorist For Rihanna Halloween Party

Chris Brown Dresses as Islamic Terrorist For Rihanna Halloween Party

Chris Brown, a man already linked to violence and destruction on a regular basis, hit up Rihanna’s Halloween party last night dressed as … a stereotypical Islamic terrorist. Here’s the singer and his crew, Taliban style: The 23-year-old and his pals donned beards, turbans and fake guns as they made their way to a TSA Watch List Greystone Manor in West Hollywood. “Ain’t nobody F–king wit my clique!!! #ohb,” Chris tweeted, classily. Chris Brown himself hasn’t commented beyond that, but his mother, Joyce Hawkins, weighed in: “HALLOWEEN IS FOR FUN NOTHING MORE THAN JUST FUN.” “GET A LIFE PLEASE.” Thanks, Joyce. We’ll do that. It’s not like your boy goes out of his way to court controversy. Halloween is the time for shock value, but still. You’d think a convicted woman-beater with obvious rage issues might opt for a costume a little less provocative. You know, like Green Man from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia . Or Karrueche Tran . What do you think of Chris’ costume? Good fun or goodness, what is he thinking?   Harmless fun! Offensive and insensitive! View Poll »

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Chris Brown Dresses as Islamic Terrorist For Rihanna Halloween Party

Joan Rivers Wants to Slap "Idiot" Rihanna

Despite the candor, honesty and genuine emotion she showed, some of Rihanna’s recent confessions to Oprah did not go over well with people. Joan Rivers pointedly criticized her interview Sunday on Oprah’s Next Chapter , in which she wept talking about how she still loves Chris Brown . Rivers weighed in on this surprising revelation as only she can … and Rihanna wasted little time firing back at the outspoken TV personality: Rihanna also told Joan to “slap on some diapers.” Nice. Mind you, in the interview, the singer alluded to the fact that Chris is in a relationship with Karrueche Tran , and said they are NOT back together. Rihanna’s comments were more about wanting to help Chris with his obvious problems and the pain of losing someone she called her best friend. Is there something more between them? Will there be? Chris’ mom Joyce Hawkins might think so, but we’re skeptical. Not that it’s any of her business regardless, but if they’re not even dating again, why is Joan so pissed? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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Joan Rivers Wants to Slap "Idiot" Rihanna

Corey Simms: Still Pining For Leah Messer?

Their marriage lasted a mere six months, and imploded fast and hard on the Teen Mom 2 season finale , but Corey Simms will always think fondly of Leah Messer. “Corey still has feelings for Leah,” a source close to Simms says. “She is the only girl he ever wanted and he’s ever really loved.” By late last year, Leah Messer had clearly moved on, accepting an engagement ring from Jeremy Calvert. She got pregnant by Jeremy, but later had a miscarriage . For Simms, moving on hasn’t been as easy: “Corey is trying to move forward with life, just as Leah has done,” the source says. “He is trying hard to get over her.” Leah Messer , still only 19, and Corey Simms, 21, have always had a rocky relationship. The two dated for one month before they found out they were expecting. They split after the 2009 birth of twins Aliannah and Aleeah, then reunited six months later. After moving in together, Simms proposed. They wed October 17, 2010. Messer filed for divorce the following April. “Corey wishes his marriage would have worked out but he knows it’s over. He knows in his heart he did all he could do to make it work,” the Simms source says . “Part of him still wishes he and Leah could work things out, but for now he is staying busy working on his new house trying to get it ready for his girls.”

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Corey Simms: Still Pining For Leah Messer?

Chris Brown’s Mom: PISSED at Him Over Twitter Rant!

Chris Brown’s mother, Joyce Hawkins, is reportedly livid about his post-Grammy Twitter rampage in which he told his haters to f–k off … among other things. The singer lashed out at critics who slammed the Grammys for honoring him during Sunday’s awards show, and had bitter words for those bashing him. “HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That’s the ultimate F**K OFF!” The tweets from Brown’s account said at the height of the rampage. The Tweets have since been removed, and Brown is in damage control mode, with his camp saying he didn’t even post that. Mom? Not buying it. Chris Brown and Joyce Hawkins on Larry King Live in 2009 . A Brown source says: “Chris didn’t Tweet that, someone does his postings to Twitter and when he saw that he ordered it taken down immediately.” However, “Joyce is absolutely livid that those vile words and rants were posted on Chris’ Twitter page. She isn’t buying his excuse that he didn’t post it.” “She has told him repeatedly that it is his Twitter, only he should be posting to it, period. She feels like people were just waiting for a negative reaction.” “She had begged Chris to just ignore it and now that he didn’t listen, she is just beside herself that after such successful performance at the Grammys and winning the award, people are now talking about this Twitter controversy.” “It’s time for Chris to grow up, and his mother told him that. Chris is his own worst enemy and she constantly worries about how he reacts to stress.” The Chris Brown Twitter tirade also included this missive : “Strange how we pick and choose who to hate! Let me ask u this. Our society is full of rappers (which I listen to) who have sold drugs (poisoning).” “But yet we glorify them and imitate everything they do. Then right before the worlds eyes is a man shows how he can make a Big mistake and learn from it, but still has to deal with day to day hatred! You guys love to hate!!! But guess what???” Brown’s Twitter page looks much different today, and now only has 11 posts total, with most of the past year’s activity deleted. His most recent Tweet: “TeamBreezy, the Grammy I received was for those of you who supported my music and the hard work and growth in my life. I thank you! Love U!”

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Chris Brown’s Mom: PISSED at Him Over Twitter Rant!

Chris Brown’s Mom Reminisces On Giving Birth

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Chris Brown’s mother, Joyce Hawkins, hopped on Twitter last night to celebrate her son’s birthday. Breezy turns 22 today. “I believe Chris was born around 12:30 PM on May 5, 1989,” she tweeted. “I don’t know if it’s exact, but it’s close!!!  Angels, I do remember being in Pain for 40 hours before he was born!!!!!  I went 2 the hospital 2 have him. They kept me for a little then said he’s not ready 2 come yet n sent me back home n pain. I returned next day. Sometimes I say I see y he didn’t want to come out to such a cruel world!!!!! His head was all funny shaped I said ‘Is his head gonna stay like that!!!!!’ The doctor laughed @ me n said no!!!!  He weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces!!!!!!!” Awwwwww! Source: Chris Brown’s Mom’s twitter: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 RELATED: Chris Brown Makes A Birthday Resolution; Goes Blonde Again RELATED: Top 10 Chris Brown Songs

Chris Brown’s Mom Reminisces On Giving Birth