The Internet may have helped make Kaley Cuoco a star (well, the Internet and her relationship with Henry Cavill ), but that doesn’t mean the Big Bang Theory actress is 100% happy with all the attention she receives online. Kaley Cuoco in Cabo! 1. Kaley Cuoco Butt Shots Kaley shows two angles of her backside. We think they both look good! Take the above photo, for example. Sure, Kaley posted it to her Instagram account, but she did so to demonstrate that fame is a double-edged sword: “Dear paparazzi, TY for managing to capture the best and WORST angles of my ass that’s humanly possible. You make my dreams come true.” We detect a note of sarcasm. Seriously, though, we can’t understand why she’s upset. We think Kaley’s butt looks good in both shots…and for that matter, in every other bikini photo she’s posted while partying with Ryan Sweeting in Cabo . Fans rushed to Kaley’s defense and reminded the Instagram icon that she really doesn’t have any bad angles, as evidenced by the beach yoga photos she’d posted the day before. So was Kaley just fishing for compliments or does she really have the same body issues as everyone else? Either way, we’re hoping Kaley Cucoco bikini photos are what makes the Internet go ’round we hope she keeps right on posting them! 27 Hottest Pics of Kaley Cuoco 1. Kaley Cuoco Bikini Photo The world’s hottest Kaley Cuoco bikini photo. Which is saying a lot.
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Kaley Cuoco Posts Bikini Photos, Talks About Her Butt on Instagram