Tag Archives: lowell

Tyler Baltierra: Caught Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are the latest Teen Mom cast members to be hit with cheating rumors, thanks to a recent blind item. Is the “OG” pair on the verge of an infidelity-related split? A blind item on the site Crazy Days and Nights revealed: “The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline.” While infidelity might make for some incredible ratings and drama elsewhere, for MTV it was not a good fit “for this season for the couple.”  Eventually, the couple was revealed as “Tyler/Catelynn.” We knew these two had been going through some tough times, especially lately, but wow. Who would have expected anything like this? The amazing part of this story is still to come, too … Lowell responded to the rumor by apparently confirming it: “Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me. He’s busted.” Tyler added: “Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him … idk it was dark and I was drunk.” If that sounds like a joke … it is. They’re not serious. The mom of Novalee, 2, later posted a selfie with the caption, “Much love and a big #F**koff to the haters, but sooo much love for my lovers.” While the cheating rumor may be overblown or false – it’s not clear how the blind item got planted in the first place – their struggle is real. Lowell has entered rehab to battle her depression and anxiety, and her husband has come across as less than understanding at times. “You know what Cate? You better figure something out,” he said. “Listen, if you go into this thing again I got to check out. I’ll get hardened.” “I’ll close everyone off. It’s safe that way.” Lowell then cried, “I feel like my mental illness ruins everything!” Tyler’s response to that: “I can’t do this forever, there is no way, not like this.” Incredibly, the cheating blind item comes on the heels of a separate report this weekend suggesting Catelynn Lowell is pregnant again. She posted a meme using a classic TV ad featuring old people falling over, with the text “When people ask me when I’m having another baby.” In her caption, she added “For real tho.” Lowell has talked about having another, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch … though she also used the hashtags “someday” and “not yet.” Catelynn turns 25 next month, too, so she and Tyler have plenty of fertile years remaining if they really want to have a bigger family. They’ve talked about trying for at least one more in hopes of having a boy, and calling it quits after that … or trying again if that fails. We just hope they’re on steady ground at this point. Tyler has made no secret that he’s desperate to have a son (after two daughters), but the guy should worry most of all about his marriage. We hate to say it, but it’s probably a good thing she’s not pregnant right now, given her recent and terrible fight with postpartum depression. View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide! PPD is no joke. Even after rehab, the impact remains. She obviously still has issues with mental health, Tyler has problems coping with it, and little Nova requires every ounce of their strength. That’s a concern, and they’re not out of the woods. Given everything they’ve been through, dating back to their teen years, it’s amazing Cate and Ty are doing as well as they have been. Perhaps taking a step back to work on themselves, together and individually, would ensure that we’re still talking about them in 10 years. We’re pulling for these two. Every day. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Dads, Husbands & Boyfriends Ranked: Who’s #1?!

Go here to see the original:
Tyler Baltierra: Caught Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!

Catelynn Lowell Addresses Pregnancy Rumors: Is She Having Another Baby?!

Those ladies from Teen Mom sure are fertile, right? They all got pregnant when they were just 16 years old, and this past year, several of them have had additional children. Heck, we’re barely into this year and both Jenelle Evans and Chelsea Houska have already welcomed new babies, and on top of that, Kailyn Lowry has been widely rumored to be pregnant right now . It takes a lot of effort to keep up with all the comings and goings of these girls’ uteruses, doesn’t it? Well, it might just be time to get ready to add one more addition on the ever-growing list of Teen Mom babies, because as rumor has it, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are planning for their third child! But hey, before you get your hopes up too high, you should know that while they are planning on having another kid, it’s going to be a ways in the future. Catelynn shared this funny meme on her Instagram page: As you can see, it shows an image from one of those classic commercials featuring old people falling all over the place, along with the text “When people ask me when I’m having another baby.” In her caption, she added “For real tho,” along with a laughing emoji. She also threw in the hashtags “someday” and “not yet.” And that’s fair — obviously, right? It’s her body and her family. Catelynn turns 25 next month, too, so girl has got plenty of time to expand her family. She’s even elaborated on her family plans before — a year ago, she stated in an interview that she wanted to have at least one more child, but maybe she’d be up for two. “If the next one is a boy, I’m done,” she explained. “If it’s not, then we’ll probably try for a third but I’m done after that.” Tyler has made no secret that he’s desperate to have a son, but after their first child, Carly, who they placed for adoption, and two-year-old Nova , it seems like these two have a habit of making girl babies. But while we’re on the subject of Catelynn and pregnancy and the possibility of more children coming soon, it feels important to note that it’s probably a good thing she’s not pregnant right now. After giving birth to Nova, Catelynn had a terrible struggle with postpartum depression. It was so bad that she felt the need to head to a rehab facility to get a grip on her illness. She came home from her treatment center, and while she seemed to be doing better, she obviously still had issues with her mental health. Issues that she tried to medicate with marijuana . All that happened less than a year ago, so it seems like it would be risky to dive back into all those hormones so soon, you know? But no matter what’s going on in that womb of Catelynn’s, we wish her and her family the absolute best. View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!

Read more from the original source:
Catelynn Lowell Addresses Pregnancy Rumors: Is She Having Another Baby?!

Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing: The Feud That Just Won’t Quit

It’s been ten long, scary, disheartening days since Election Day, and we’d like to say that the news that Donald Trump would be our next president has gotten easier … Nope. Still sucks. One of the worst things about the Trump presidency — and to be clear, all the things about it are the worst things — is how hard it’s divided the country. And we’re not just talking about how it’s separated racist, misogynistic bigots from people with actual sense. As sad as it is, even people who stood against Trump are now turning against each other in these troubling times. In this case, we’re talking about people like Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing. To give a little background. Debra has always been a loud and proud supporter of Hillary Clinton, while Susan was all about Bernie Sanders. When Hillary won the primary , well, that did just not sit well with Susan, and though Bernie urged his followers to stand with Hillary, Susan was just like “nah.” In an interview in March, Susan even suggested that Trump would be a better president than Hillary. “Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” she said in real life. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.” Susan was right on that one: things sure are exploding . It doesn’t seem to be the charming revolution she had in mind though. After Susan gave that quote, Debra tweeted that “the idea that Susan Sarandon wud say that NOT supporting HRC in a HRC/Trump race is a legitimate choice for Democrats, is insane.” Susan maintained that, for Bernie supporters, a Clinton vs. Trump election would be “a dilemma,” and then on November 1st, she publicly endorsed Jill Stein. This woman actually said “Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.” Where’s a good “bitch, please” gif when you need one? So obviously things didn’t work out at all like Susan expected, and now she’s trying to hold on to the last little bit of hope that everything won’t go to hell in the next four years. She responded to a tweet urging people to never forget how awful Trump is with “True but reach out in dialogue to those who voted for him.” “We can’t afford a blanket judgement of them. We need allies in that camp. Possible.” And that was a statement Debra did not feel good about. “JESUS CHRIST,” she wrote in response. “NOW she wants to give racist, islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, mysogynists a chance! ‘Pure’ 4 Bernie. F-CK everyone else.” Susan hit back with “No, never excuse hatred, but how do you move forward in a climate of hate when you only expect the worst of an entire group of people?” Then Debra wrote of Susan “She encouraged ppl to vote for Trump over HRC on a news interview. Said she was more ‘dangerous.’ She needs to be held accountable.” When someone suggested Debra was threatening Susan (LOL can you imagine?), Debra clarified “Dangerous!? Hell no!” “I wud like her to say that she regrets not simply saying that she’s voting 3rd party vs. saying a revol with DJT cud be *thumbs up emoji*.” Instead of admitting that though, Susan chose to ask Debra to tweet something about the Dakota Access pipeline protests, and Debra agreed, so all’s well that ends well? We guess we’ll just have to see. View Slideshow: 21 Celebrity Feuds We Never Saw Coming

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Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing: The Feud That Just Won’t Quit

Catelynn Lowell: Is She PREGNANT?!

As you surely know if you watch Teen Mom OG (or even if you just get on the internet sometimes), Catelynn Lowell has been having a tough time lately. Or really, she’s had it rough for a while now — she was thrown into a hell of a battle with postpartum depression after giving birth to her daughter, Novalee , in January 2015. Things got so bad that Catelynn went to rehab in March to deal with her mental illness, and she’s still struggling with it. According to what we’ve seen on the show, there are some days when Catelynn can’t even get out of bed, and it’s all really affected her marriage with Tyler Baltierra. So hey, sounds like a great time to have another baby, right? If we’re to believe the rumors, Catelynn is pregnant with her third child, mental health be damned. She sparked those rumors herself when she posted this photo with fellow Teen Mom stars, Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney: “#thxbirthcontrol nine months from now I plan on being more awesome!!” she captioned the picture, and a lot of people took that as a pregnancy announcement. She got several comments like “Congrats, Catelynn!” and “omg you’re pregnant!” She also got some comments that were a little less kind, like “The last thing you need is something else you aren’t capable of taking care of.” But still, the general consensus was that she’s pregnant. So is she? Did she and Tyler decide to have another kid, even though things have been so hard lately? Are we going to see another precious little Teen Mom baby? No, it turns out that Catelynn’s just bad at communicating, because she’s given a statement denying the pregnancy. “After all of the rumors started circulating,” she said, “I wanted to make this very clear.” “After just recovering from postpartum depression coupled with the fact that I’m on birth control, Tyler and I are not and will not be expecting for a few more years.” “Sorry for the inconvenience,” she added. Over on Twitter, one of her followers asked her “did you know you’re pregnant?” and she responded “Yea definitely not.” And so there you have it. Catelynn actually does have the good sense to wait a little while before having another child, after all that postpartum depression put her through . A Teen Mom with some sense … hey, stranger things have happened, right? Surely.

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Catelynn Lowell: Is She PREGNANT?!

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Still Struggling with Her Mental Illness?

Back in March, Catelynn Lowell checked into a rehab center to get help with her mental health issues, namely her depression and anxiety. She spent three weeks there, but sadly, she’s still been having significant problems stemming from her illnesses. And in this new sneak peek from next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, it looks like things are coming to a head. Again: Catelynn Lowell Wants to Buy a Horse Things start off normal and fine, with Catelynn telling her husband, Tyler Baltierra, about her visit with little Nova to see some horses. She says that Nova wanted to get down and run around, but that she wouldn’t let her because there were so many horses around — cute, right? But then Catelynn mentions that she saw a horse for sale that she was interested in buying. And that’s when things got weird. “They had one of the ones there that I liked for sale,” she tells Tyler. “She’s $3,000 because she’s young, and she’s very, like, um … a broad spectrum, you can put little kids on her, you can put scared adults on her, and she does really good.” She goes on to explain that “It’s just first of all finding a horse that you like, and if I’m interested in one, then that’s when, you know, you call boarding facilities, see what they offer, how much they are, before you even buy a horse, and then you just kind of go from there.” Which might be a normal conversation, except it’s clear by the expression on Tyler’s face that he’s not even remotely interested in buying a horse, not even a little bit, not even at all. But he tries to be reasonable about it, and he asks Catelynn how much it costs to board a horse. She really tries to sell it here, telling him that some boarding costs as little as $100 a month, but a producer interrupts to mention that the guy they spoke with at the stables actually said boarding was $1,000 a month. Still, Tyler tries to find a way to politely end the conversation, this time by suggesting that Catelynn volunteer at some horse stables instead of actually buying a horse. “No, volunteering’s different though,” Catelynn sneers. “I want to be able to ride if I’m having a panic attack.” And there it is. Tyler still thinks volunteering would be good, because she’s be “right there, and it’s free, I’m just sayin’,” but she’s not having it. She insists that owning a horse would be much better for her, because that way she wouldn’t have to pay $30 whenever she had a panic attack to ride a horse that wasn’t hers. (It’s interesting to note that, at this point in the video, Nova takes off her diaper and runs into another room by herself. But sure, let’s keep talking about horses.) Good ol’ Tyler points out that it might make more sense to just pay $30 for each riding session instead of paying thousands and thousands of dollars to own a horse, and Catelynn actually laughs at him. After that, he gives up, and she starts repeating, over and over, that she will own a horse. It’s just a little bit unbearable. We feel for Catelynn, we really do, and it must be terrible to suffer from mental illness like she does. But let’s remember that, earlier this season, she bought a miniature pig , and that pig was a big part of what drove Catelynn to go to rehab. The poor animal squealed and squealed, like pigs do, but she couldn’t handle it, and she told her Teen Mom producers that she needed help. Catelynn and Tyler Argue Over Catelynn’s Depression (Again) So she went to rehab, she came back home, but she’s still been struggling with even getting out of bed in the mornings . But she wants to buy a horse? Things just aren’t looking great for Catelynn. That’s all.

See the original post here:
Catelynn Lowell: Is She Still Struggling with Her Mental Illness?

50 Cent Mocks Jimmy Henchman After Murder Conviction Is Overturned

Read the original here:
50 Cent Mocks Jimmy Henchman After Murder Conviction Is Overturned

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: MORE Relationship Drama?!

This season of Teen Mom OG hasn’t been too kind to Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra. Or rather, Tyler Baltierra hasn’t been too kind to Catelynn Lowell in this season of Teen Mom OG. Check out this new sneak peek for next week’s episode of the show, let it wash over you in all its horror: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Fight After Rehab It’s bad, right? Things start off tense, and it looks like Tyler’s prepared himself for this conversation. He asks her how she’s doing, she tells him she’s bored, and he starts to go off. “You know what, Cate?” he tells her. “You better figure out something to do. What do you want to do?” She says that she doesn’t know, and he says “I hope that you wouldn’t let yourself go back to the way you were.” He tells Catelynn that she’s “walking through life like a log,” and that “I can’t do this forever, there’s no way. Not like this.” Yeah, things are getting pretty rough for what used to be the greatest couple on Teen Mom . “I mean, I guess that’d be a way of losing you,” that’s a thing he actually said. Finally, Tyler tells her “Listen, if you go into this thing again, I gotta check out. ‘Cause I’ll get hardened. I’ll close everybody off. It’s safe that way.” Then Catelynn cries, says “I feel like my mental illness ruins everything,” and that’s it. Thanks for all the heartache, y’all. Honestly, Tyler comes off looking like a great big jackass in all this. When this was filmed, Catelynn had just gotten home after spending 30 days in rehab, so you’d think he’d be a little more supportive, right? Wrong. Obviously. Of course, this is the guy that also charmingly cried out ” I don’t want no heifer for a wife ,” so tact really isn’t ever going to come into play here. Oh, and who could forget how, just before this upsetting little clip was filmed, Tyler observed that Catelynn was “really indulging” while having dinner? On Mother’s Day? Look, Tyler clearly loves Catelynn , and it seems like he really is trying to help her with her mental health struggles, but how long is it going to take him to learn that this is not the way to help her? She needs support, not criticism. And she definitely doesn’t need criticism the way Tyler dishes it out. This is turning out to be a real mess, but hey, what else could we possibly expect?

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Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: MORE Relationship Drama?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: MORE Relationship Drama?!

This season of Teen Mom OG hasn’t been too kind to Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra. Or rather, Tyler Baltierra hasn’t been too kind to Catelynn Lowell in this season of Teen Mom OG. Check out this new sneak peek for next week’s episode of the show, let it wash over you in all its horror: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Fight After Rehab It’s bad, right? Things start off tense, and it looks like Tyler’s prepared himself for this conversation. He asks her how she’s doing, she tells him she’s bored, and he starts to go off. “You know what, Cate?” he tells her. “You better figure out something to do. What do you want to do?” She says that she doesn’t know, and he says “I hope that you wouldn’t let yourself go back to the way you were.” He tells Catelynn that she’s “walking through life like a log,” and that “I can’t do this forever, there’s no way. Not like this.” Yeah, things are getting pretty rough for what used to be the greatest couple on Teen Mom . “I mean, I guess that’d be a way of losing you,” that’s a thing he actually said. Finally, Tyler tells her “Listen, if you go into this thing again, I gotta check out. ‘Cause I’ll get hardened. I’ll close everybody off. It’s safe that way.” Then Catelynn cries, says “I feel like my mental illness ruins everything,” and that’s it. Thanks for all the heartache, y’all. Honestly, Tyler comes off looking like a great big jackass in all this. When this was filmed, Catelynn had just gotten home after spending 30 days in rehab, so you’d think he’d be a little more supportive, right? Wrong. Obviously. Of course, this is the guy that also charmingly cried out ” I don’t want no heifer for a wife ,” so tact really isn’t ever going to come into play here. Oh, and who could forget how, just before this upsetting little clip was filmed, Tyler observed that Catelynn was “really indulging” while having dinner? On Mother’s Day? Look, Tyler clearly loves Catelynn , and it seems like he really is trying to help her with her mental health struggles, but how long is it going to take him to learn that this is not the way to help her? She needs support, not criticism. And she definitely doesn’t need criticism the way Tyler dishes it out. This is turning out to be a real mess, but hey, what else could we possibly expect?

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Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: MORE Relationship Drama?!

Tyler Baltierra: Fat-Shaming Catelynn Lowell in New Teen Mom Preview?

Back in March, Teen Mom: OG cast member  Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for depression and anxiety. In a recent interview, Lowell stated she's “not cured” but is doing better emotionally following extensive in-patient treatment. Catelynn's relationship with husband Tyler Baltierra is generally considered to be one of the most stable in the Teen Mom franchise. As is to be expected, Baltierra publicly and privately supported and visited his wife during her stay in an Arizona facility. So it came as a shock to many TM fans when a clip for the show's upcoming season showed Baltierra giving Lowell a hard time. Specifically, about what she's eating for dinner. The clip shows the 24-year-old Lowell revealing to Baltierra, also 24, that she's thinking about joining Weight Watchers again. Tyler is encouraging at first, but the conversation quickly turns casually ugly, as he ridicules her for the size of the meal she's eating. “That’s a big ass quesadilla, it has a lot of chicken,” Tyler says. “It’s your body, you could do what you want.” “Obviously I don’t want no heifer for a wife!” Yes, he actually said that. Kind of unreal. The conversation gets so nasty so fast that one of the show's producers – if you watch Teen Mom: OG online , you know that unlike Teen Mom 2 , OG often stylistically puts the MTV staff members on camera in a strange interplay with the cast – intervenes on Catelynn's behalf. “You come off so harsh sometimes,” the producer says. Baltierra, apparently oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, “I’m being honest! Would you want to be married to some big heifer?” NOTE: Tyler, take the lifeline next time it's offered. Baltierra and Lowell married in August of 2015, and have been the subject of many a #RelationshipGoals hashtag in the year since. They both survived difficult childhoods and unusual circumstances – they met because they are step-siblings, as fans know. Especially following the trauma of giving their first child for adoption, they've served as pillars of strength and support for one another. So hopefully this was anomalous behavior for Baltierra and not something he'll be making a habit of now that the honeymoon phase is over. Teen Mom: OG returns August 22. Here's the clip:

Original post:
Tyler Baltierra: Fat-Shaming Catelynn Lowell in New Teen Mom Preview?

Catelynn Lowell Opens Up About Postpartum Depression in Candid Interview

If you watch Teen Mom  online , you know that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra may well be the most stable couple and the most competent parents in the history of the franchise. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that their lives are perfect. In a new interview with Life & Style , Catelynn discusses her battle with postpartum depression in a remarkably candid interview. The 23-year-old says she’s been struggling ever since giving birth to daughter Novalee  in January of 2015. “I didn’t really know and I still don’t know what’s going on with my postpartum,” she tells the tabloid. “For a while I felt fine, but I’ve always suffered from depression, anxiety and panic attacks.” While Lowell laments that doctors have been unable to help her, she praises her husband, Baltierra, for standing by her side and helping to keep her symptoms at bay. “Tyler is my backbone and helps me a lot,” Catelynn says. “He pushes me and will make me do things like go for a walk so [the depression] goes away.” Catelynn says she’s optimistic for the future, but is well aware that it may be quite some time before she’s able to a more stable emotional state. “It’s a daily struggle,” Lowell concludes. Fortunately, she’s Catelynn seems to have a strong support network to help her through this difficult time.

The rest is here:
Catelynn Lowell Opens Up About Postpartum Depression in Candid Interview