Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are the latest Teen Mom cast members to be hit with cheating rumors, thanks to a recent blind item. Is the “OG” pair on the verge of an infidelity-related split? A blind item on the site Crazy Days and Nights revealed: “The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline.” While infidelity might make for some incredible ratings and drama elsewhere, for MTV it was not a good fit “for this season for the couple.” Eventually, the couple was revealed as “Tyler/Catelynn.” We knew these two had been going through some tough times, especially lately, but wow. Who would have expected anything like this? The amazing part of this story is still to come, too … Lowell responded to the rumor by apparently confirming it: “Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me. He’s busted.” Tyler added: “Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him … idk it was dark and I was drunk.” If that sounds like a joke … it is. They’re not serious. The mom of Novalee, 2, later posted a selfie with the caption, “Much love and a big #F**koff to the haters, but sooo much love for my lovers.” While the cheating rumor may be overblown or false – it’s not clear how the blind item got planted in the first place – their struggle is real. Lowell has entered rehab to battle her depression and anxiety, and her husband has come across as less than understanding at times. “You know what Cate? You better figure something out,” he said. “Listen, if you go into this thing again I got to check out. I’ll get hardened.” “I’ll close everyone off. It’s safe that way.” Lowell then cried, “I feel like my mental illness ruins everything!” Tyler’s response to that: “I can’t do this forever, there is no way, not like this.” Incredibly, the cheating blind item comes on the heels of a separate report this weekend suggesting Catelynn Lowell is pregnant again. She posted a meme using a classic TV ad featuring old people falling over, with the text “When people ask me when I’m having another baby.” In her caption, she added “For real tho.” Lowell has talked about having another, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch … though she also used the hashtags “someday” and “not yet.” Catelynn turns 25 next month, too, so she and Tyler have plenty of fertile years remaining if they really want to have a bigger family. They’ve talked about trying for at least one more in hopes of having a boy, and calling it quits after that … or trying again if that fails. We just hope they’re on steady ground at this point. Tyler has made no secret that he’s desperate to have a son (after two daughters), but the guy should worry most of all about his marriage. We hate to say it, but it’s probably a good thing she’s not pregnant right now, given her recent and terrible fight with postpartum depression. View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide! PPD is no joke. Even after rehab, the impact remains. She obviously still has issues with mental health, Tyler has problems coping with it, and little Nova requires every ounce of their strength. That’s a concern, and they’re not out of the woods. Given everything they’ve been through, dating back to their teen years, it’s amazing Cate and Ty are doing as well as they have been. Perhaps taking a step back to work on themselves, together and individually, would ensure that we’re still talking about them in 10 years. We’re pulling for these two. Every day. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Dads, Husbands & Boyfriends Ranked: Who’s #1?!
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Tyler Baltierra: Caught Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!