An Artie Lange update. The Hoboken Police confirmed and the Associated Press reported that Howard Stern Show sidekick Artie Lange tried to commit suicide using a 13-inch Wolfgang Puck kitchen knife. Artie Lange was found by his mother unconscious but breathing last Saturday. Lange stabbed himself 9 times, six of them described as hesitation wounds and the final three complete stabs. What is so troubling about the news of Artie Lange’s suicide attempt is that he told the New York Post he had so much to live for and made statements that generally signaled he was on the upswing in life in an interview posted October 30, 2009. (The statements were broken up into paragraphs to make it easier to read that what appears in the NY Post, but this is not the entire interview, just portions for this post.) In the NYPost interview Artie Lange said: I had a heroin problem. And I’ve been clean since April. Off of everything. And I’ll tell you, I was taking Subutex to combat that, and I put more weight on me than I ever have, and I got off of that, I got off of heroin, and I lost about 50 pounds, and I tell you I’ve never felt better. I’m completely clean and sober now. But in this statement, Artie Lange gave a window into a possible episode that caused his suicide attempt; I think a lot of comedians would tell you that they suffer from depression and are addicts, and I don’t know, it’s the most surreal thing to do for a living. Because you know you’re on stage being the life of the party and trying to get laughs and then in a lot of ways, you don’t have anything to give once you give it to the people. And for the last decade I’ve been doing it on the radio for five hours a day and then on the road all over the country on stage, you know what I mean? So, you know, you have a lot of dark times. The road is a lonely place and that sounds like a cliché, you know, like what is my life? I’m like the master of ceremonies being funny and then sometimes people you’re with, girlfriends and stuff are like, ‘God I wish I had the person on stage to be with all the time.’ I have a girlfriend now who’s like a saint, or she’s very supportive of me, I see her and I smile, and that helps too but sometimes you drain a person. It’s so easy to take advantage of a person like that if they’re so giving because you can be selfish. You’re like well, there’s a lot of times where I’m like, you know what, I can’t go out and have dinner with some of our friends and have fun because I just did five hours of radio all week and then I went to Pittsburgh and flew back and stuff and you know, comedy without question, as another cliché, comes from tragedy. And so much of my material is very dark. I talk about my problems, I talk about my drug use, I talk about a lot of things, especially on the Stern show and the book is very honest. When I became a standup comic my hero, one of them, was Richard Pryor and you know, I think that comedians like, comedians talk about hacks, and what a hack is, is someone who does stuff that’s not original. For the entire interview, visit the NY Post here . Meanwhile, this is a 10-minute video recording of Howard Sterns reaction to the news in New York Post Page 6: Stay tuned.
Read more from the original source:
Artie Lange suicide attempt – Lange had "so much to live for"