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Source: Jeff Swensen / Getty Today is the day, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is the day to exercise your right as an American and cast your vote which could potentially change the current state of the country. Midterm elections don’t usually get as much attention as they are this year — but that’s because there are some massive changes to be made in this nation , and it starts locally. When it comes to people of color, women and other minorities, this elections is our chance to shift the way America has been running itself for hundreds of years. A total of 34 Senate seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be up for grabs when we head to the polls today, which means it’s time to shake sh** up regarding Congress and Legislators. Folks are even calling this year the most important election in modern day U.S. History. Twitter User Brian Klass wrote : America’s character & trajectory will be decided today.Today is a referendum on Trumpism. In 2016, many people thought they’d roll the dice with someone who promised to “shake things up.” But now there are no excuses. We know who he is and what he represents. Now we either accelerate Trumpism or stop its forward progress. We’ve watched Cheetoh — er. Trump — disrespect and ostracize many people over the last two years, including African American women . That’s why it’s imperative that women as a whole, but specifically Black women, hit the polls today to change the narrative that has been placed on sistas. The NAACP tweeted, “This election is too important for any eligible voter of color to sit it out. Our lives are on the line, and it’s going to take all of us showing up to the voting booth to put America on the path of respecting our communities and our interests.” “You are not just the future, you are the present. Vote for what you believe in.” – @chadwickboseman . Young people, rise up! Vote November 6th. Our lives depend on it. #NAACP #Turnout18 #IWillVote — NAACP (@NAACP) November 3, 2018 Let’s face it, voting can be tedious and boring. But like most boring things, it has to be done. So we’ve put together a playlist of songs that can help you through the process. OH and just in case you’re considering not casting a vote this year, think about what happened the last time you didn’t vote.
Voter Playlist: 10 Songs That’ll Get You In The Mood To Vote This Election