Tag Archives: more-depressing

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Legit of the Day

Women have an expiration date, so there is no real shock that Jennifer Love Hewitt has expired, especially after close to 15 years of being fat, struggling with her fat, which has probably been more depressing for her fans, that never saw this coming, than it is for her, who probably never saw it coming as she ate her feelings from being in this high pressure world… BUT I ALWAYS KNEW… I always know that her skinny frame didn’t make sense for massive tits….but her massive tits made it clear she could gain fat…just in the right places at 18-22….but the second that metabolism kicks in…and Menopause starts approaching…month after month one less egg in her ovary to drop…the rest of your body catches up to your tits… So here’s some Expired Jennifer Love…with that ass…that’s pretty fucking legit, and not in a good way, more in a so big, it’s real…fucking real…in a world where I prefer fantasy… Take it in….because it’s not that bad, in a world of fat legs and fat asses some of you, this thickness is hot…and really…it’s not as bad as it could be….but she probably hates herself for it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Legit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Legit of the Day

Cara Delevingne for Some Bullshit Because She’s Relevant of the Day

Cara Delevingne is very fucking relevant…so I figured I would take the same approach as the lazy creative director behind this campaign who was like “let’s just hire Cara Delevingne to be in this shoot, she’s relevant”…to which the clients who I am sure paid him a lot of money said “that’s a great concept, but what’s the story, what will she be doing”…to which the creative director said “let’s just take pics of Cara Delevingne, she’s relevant”…to which the client said “genius”… The fashion industry is an inflated scam, selling overpriced rags, using overpriced models to sell those rags, for people who are obviously insecure, empty, or who have too much money to buy into…because what else are they supposed to obsess with, or spend money on…right? These pictures are so fucking uneventful, but Cara Delevingne is in it, and she’s relevant…and that’s all that matters in this selfie generation bullshit world… The post Cara Delevingne for Some Bullshit Because She’s Relevant of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cara Delevingne for Some Bullshit Because She’s Relevant of the Day

Katharine McPhee in a Wet T-Shirt for Scorpion of the Day

Katharine McPhee is on some show called Scorpion…I’ve never heard of it because I don’t watch TV, but I assume the episode of her in her wet t-shirt came out recently…because the pics are circulating….and people are excited to see her in a wet t-shirt…wet t-shirts are a fetish…even when the girl in the wet t-shirt is wearing a padded bra…in an era of no bras… I think the most exciting thing that came out of doing this post was this creepy fan video of Katharine McPhee and her costar on the show I’ve never heard of ….named Elyes Gabel who she’s apparently dating…that reminds me that the majority of the TV audience are half retarded idiots who want to believe what they are watching…and don’t take the time to realize that caring about this shit, or believe this shit…is more depressing than their already depressing existence… Here she is in the wet t-shirt…because American Idol dreams come true… The post Katharine McPhee in a Wet T-Shirt for Scorpion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katharine McPhee in a Wet T-Shirt for Scorpion of the Day

Amanda Seyfried Harper’s Bazaar Korea of the Day

Amanda Seyfried is consistently boring as fuck in all she does, yet behind all the boring is a chick with a great little body, some rocking’ tits, who isn’t scared to show them off in movies or on TV, whether playing a lesbian killer in Toronto Canada in Chloe, or a broken down pornstar in Lovelace, making me wonder why she doesn’t ever channel any of that exhibitionist slut into her everyday life when she’s not getting paid for it, making me realize that if you wanna see the Amanda Seyfried slut, you gotta pay her, which is a bummer, cuz that makes her a whore, and whores are always more depressing than girls out there doing it for free, especially when you’re working on a budget…and can’t afford them…especially when the whore in question is all fucking Hollywood like this Amanda Seyfried character.

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Amanda Seyfried Harper’s Bazaar Korea of the Day

Taylor Swift: Scared of Ending Up Alone, In a Bathtub

Taylor Swift has once again opened up to a national magazine. Just a couple of days after telling Vanity Fair that she’s sick of her portrayal in the media , Swift has admitted to InStyle UK : She’s scared of ending up all alone. “I don’t wanna end up being awful and intolerable,” Swift says, growing even more depressing: “Alone. Laying in a marble bathtub by myself, sad, with a glass of wine just complaining that my life ended up alone because I pushed everyone away because I thought I was too good to hang out with anybody.” Taylor said she wants to avoid the “Hollywood sad cliché of the poor lonely starlet with no one because she put up all these walls and didn’t trust anyone.” Perhaps that explains why she dates around so often: Swift simply wants to love, she wants to trust. It’s a noble thought, but the singer is 23 years old. She has plenty of time to worry about ending up alone. Among other topics touched on in the interview: Abandoning her plan : “I’ve thought that I did have a dream scenario before, but it turns out that I change my mind and that essentially in your 20s all the puzzle pieces of your life are thrown up in the air and they just fall into whatever place and I think that’s healthy.” On choosing girl friends over guy friends : “I’m a girls’ girl. I have guy friends but the problem with having guy friends is, like, I always get linked to them and they’ll end up in a slideshow of people I’ve apparently dated on the Internet.”

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Taylor Swift: Scared of Ending Up Alone, In a Bathtub

Rihanna is a Vision of Beauty of the Day

OMG – I just got a glimpse of the worlds sexiest woman of 2011… I like to call these pictures proof that Rihanna isn’t the sexiest woman of anything, except maybe the Karaoke party she is rumored to have been hooking at back in Barbados at 14 when she was first found before extorting her way into success…. I don’t know if Esquire has invested money in her album or tour, if they are getting paid, if it is part of a bigger scale ad deal, but there’s definitely some upside we’re not seeing…because there’s no way she’s deserving of that title…but some of us are believing it, cuz we don’t have time in our busy lives to pay attention to who is hot out there in the media…cuz we’re just trying to raise our kids, keep our wives happy, plan a vacation, and pay our mortgages……..speak for yourself loser…this shit is my life and that’s more depressing that your life I just laid out for you…proving life is hell but at least we’re living it. Here are the rest of her nude for Esquire’s fake Title pics….

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Rihanna is a Vision of Beauty of the Day

Conan, Jay, Dave, Jimmy and Jimmy: The Top 10 Late Night Highlights of the Year

There were plenty of milestones that filled 2010’s year in late night: Conan O’B rien retired his Tonight Show and premiered his TBS series; Jay Leno returned to NBC’ s late night perch; President Barack Obama visited The Daily Show ; Joan Rivers returned to P.M. programming after being exiled for two decades by Johnny Carson; and Jimmy Kimmel filmed an entire show on a MacBook Pro. But this article is not just for the historically significant moments in late night. It is for the most original, entertaining — and in some cases — heart-wrenching after hours segments of the year.

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Conan, Jay, Dave, Jimmy and Jimmy: The Top 10 Late Night Highlights of the Year

Sofia Coppola, Stephen Dorff, and Elle Fanning Play ‘My Favorite Scene’

When I asked Somewhere director Sofia Coppola and her two stars Stephen Dorff and Elle Fanning to pick their favorite film scenes of all-time, each responded with a clip he/she first watched during early adolescence. Of course, right? Coppola chose an ’80s classic, Fanning selected a cinematic hallmark starring her screen idol, and Dorff recalled a scene that intrigued and baffled him when he first saw it on television. Join us as we revisit their favorites (with clips!).

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Sofia Coppola, Stephen Dorff, and Elle Fanning Play ‘My Favorite Scene’

Source Code World Premiere to Kick-Off SXSW

Just over the transom at Movieline HQ comes word that Duncan Jones’ Source Code will have its world premiere at the opening night of South by Southwest on March. The twisty, science-fiction hybrid stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a soldier who keeps reliving the same train bombing with the hopes of finding the cul — BOOM. Just over the transom at Movieline HQ comes word that Duncan Jones’ Source Code will have its world premiere at the opening night of South by Southwest in March. The twisty, science-fiction hybrid stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a soldier who keeps reliving the same train bombing with the hopes of finding the cul — BOOM. Just over the transom at Movieline HQ comes word that Duncan Jones’ Source Code will have its world premiere at the opening night of South by Southwest in March. The twisty, science-fiction hybrid stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a soldier who keeps reliving the same train bombing with the hopes of finding the cul — BOOM. Joke, killed. (Bows.)

Source Code World Premiere to Kick-Off SXSW

Video Evidence of Hollywood Unoriginality: ‘We’re Not in Kansas Anymore’ Gets a Montage