Tag Archives: mormon

David Archuleta Puts Off Music Career For Two Years To Serve His Mormon Mission


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American Idol runner-up David Archuleta is banking on the fact that he’ll have a music career waiting for him in two years, after he completes his Mormon mission. More » Post from: Crushable Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Crushable Discovery Date : 20/12/2011 06:57 Number of articles : 3

David Archuleta Puts Off Music Career For Two Years To Serve His Mormon Mission

TRAILER: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton Fight Something in The Thing

While the poster for the prequel/reboot of The Thing was pleasingly old school, the new trailer is old school in the worst way possible. Packed with jump scares, corny monster noises, and enough parkas to fill out a section at Eastern Mountain Sports, the new trailer seems like something Dimension might have cut together for Phantoms 2 . Alas! Scott Pilgrim muse Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Animal Kingdom star Joel Edgerton, you deserve better.

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TRAILER: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton Fight Something in The Thing

Early Box Office Results Show Harry Potter Taking Over the World

Based on the worldwide box office returns for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 so far, it looks like Warner Bros. might want to invest in another vault at Gringotts. The highly anticipated Harry Potter finale earned $43.6 million on its opening day overseas, setting records in France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Finland and Australia. Per the Los Angeles Times , the opening day sales are 82 percent higher than what The Deathly Hallows Part 1 earned in the same territories last year. Goodness. It’s as if Potter tickets have been hexed with a Gemino curse. [ LAT /Company Town ]

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Early Box Office Results Show Harry Potter Taking Over the World

REVIEW: Errol Morris’ Tabloid Tells the Sordid Tale of a Love-Crazed Nutter

Errol Morris’s Tabloid isn’t quite as juicy as its title might lead you to believe, but it does tell a suitably twisted, outlandish tale: In 1977 Joyce McKinney, a North Carolina-born beauty queen who’d been ditched by her Mormon boyfriend — he “disappeared” because he’d been called on his mission — trekked to England to snatch him from the clutches of his church.

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REVIEW: Errol Morris’ Tabloid Tells the Sordid Tale of a Love-Crazed Nutter

Dustin Lance Black on What’s Wrong With Virginia, Mormon Underwear and Polarizing Toronto

Despite the most spirited endorsement of yours truly, Dustin Lance Black’s directorial debut What’s Wrong With Virginia hasn’t found the warmest reaction this week at the Toronto Film Festival. This has been a bit confounding to Black, whose follow-up to his Oscar-winning screenplay for Milk tells the wild tale of mentally ill Virginia (Jennifer Connelly), her teenage son (Harrison Gilbertson), her Mormon sheriff/Senate candidate paramour Dick Tipton (Ed Harris), and the small-town cauldron of love, sex, longing, desperation and hypocrisy from which each attempts to climb on the way to a bigger, better life. Whatever that is — each has a different conception, as does Black himself, who today spoke with Movieline about the Canadian cold front and what isn’t as wrong with Virginia as some might think.

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Dustin Lance Black on What’s Wrong With Virginia, Mormon Underwear and Polarizing Toronto

An Apology to the Followers of Glenn Beck – Credit where credit is due

Where I apologize for thinking that the political right is religiously intolerant – They embrace Glenn Beck as a religious leader despite the fact that he is a Mormon, and therefore a “fringe” christian. I am sore amazed! added by: jmarkred

How to Make Mormon Porn

How to Make Mormon Porn added by: poojam

Mormon Bishop shot Sanner

Police say Clay Sannar was shot at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Visalia, southeast of Fresno. A lay bishop at a Mormon church in Central California was shot dead in his office during a break between scheduled Sunday services, authorities said. The suspected gunman in the fatal shooting of a Mormon church official in Central California was mentally ill and believed the church had wronged him when he was a member in the 1980s, family members said Monday. Kenneth James Ward

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Mormon Bishop shot Sanner

Glenn Beck’s final swan dive off the deep end: President Obama reminds him of Lucifer !

Believe it or not this Mormon has totally lost it! added by: kennymotown

Homophobia may have claimed another life | A tragedy close to home » USU SHAFT

Utah leads the nation in male youth suicides, and there was a tragic reminder of that fact yesterday. On July 19th, Todd Ransom, a young gay man from Salt Lake City, committed suicide. It is unclear why exactly Todd took his life, but his friends report that he faced disapproval from his family and struggled to reconcile his sexual orientation with his Mormon upbringing. I never knew Todd, despite sharing several mutual friends with him. But his death has greatly saddened me and countless others. There will be candle-light vigil held in memory of Todd tonight at 9:00 PM outside the state capitol building. In response to this and other recent gay Mormon suicides, my friend Isaac shared his own personal struggle as a gay Mormon on Facebook. With his permission, I’m posting the full note here. When I was a little boy, my beautiful mother would take me in her arms and together we would sing the words of the LDS primary song: I am a Child of God And he has sent me here Has given me an earthly home With parents kind and dear. There was no qualifier of “unless I grow up to be gay.” And yet nearly twenty years later things seemed to come full circle as I sat sobbing on the bathroom floor of a dirty missionary apartment where, after taking a knife from my hands and calling for help, my mission companion took me in his arms and began singing in a soft trembling voice “I am a Child of God”. I had struggled since childhood to combat what I felt was my true nature in favor of what my church taught was the plan of God. Weary, beaten, and worn I couldn’t fight anymore. I was lucky. I failed. But sadly there are those we love who do not fail. Tearfully we learn of and mourn those who we cannot judge for being weary of the fight and succumbing to the constant barrage of lashes coming from Utah’s predominant religion and dominant political party; their invariable actions declaring that we are not worthy of the same treatment as everyone else—that we are less than. When will we learn that this is not a game? The harsh rhetoric is not something to be used to score political points or to climb the rungs on the ladder of piety. When the stripping of legal status and protections from gay relationships is celebrated like a Super Bowl victory, what does the gay person feel? When a state senator tells gay adolescents they shouldn’t come together to talk about their struggles in accepting their sexuality, what message does that send? When a bishop stands at the pulpit and preaches that loving committed gay relationships will destroy their family and asks for time and money to ‘defeat’ them, what unimaginable fear shakes the soul of the gay child in the pews? We MUST normalize gay relationships. Every day that passes where being gay is viewed as undesirable and gay relations viewed as abnormal, is one more day that pushes our loved ones one step closer to the edge—to the point of no return. I’ve said it before and I reaffirm it now: This is a fight for life! As an LDS missionary I was taught that my purpose was to “Invite others to come unto Christ.” The LDS Church has admittedly done much good and provided legitimate hope and peace to many, but my dear Latter-Day Saints, your actions as members and the actions of your church organization when it comes to your LGBT children, brothers, sisters, and friends has done anything but invite me to come unto Christ. Gandhi put it beautifully: “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Your message on LGBT related issues is a message of intolerance, of hatred (both external and internal self loathing), torment, and of death. And regrettably, too many children of God are hearing that message loud and clear. added by: toyotabedzrock