Tag Archives: patented

Julianne Hough’s Booty Shot Needs A Little Work

Now that Julianne Hough has expanded her wardrobe to include outfits other than skintight leggings, her booty posing could use some work. See, she hasn’t properly adjusted for all that added fabric. Because here she is attempting to model at the gas pump like all the other young hotties, but it’s not quite working. Luckily, the Tuna is here to help. First thing Julianne needs to do is get better jeans, and by better, I mean tighter. Then she needs to arch her back more. And finally, get that phone out of her back pocket. It’s my patented three-step method for perfect booty shots, and it works every time. Now it’s just up to Julianne to put these lessons to good use. Photos: Fameflynet

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Julianne Hough’s Booty Shot Needs A Little Work

Julianne Hough’s Booty Shot Needs A Little Work

Now that Julianne Hough has expanded her wardrobe to include outfits other than skintight leggings, her booty posing could use some work. See, she hasn’t properly adjusted for all that added fabric. Because here she is attempting to model at the gas pump like all the other young hotties, but it’s not quite working. Luckily, the Tuna is here to help. First thing Julianne needs to do is get better jeans, and by better, I mean tighter. Then she needs to arch her back more. And finally, get that phone out of her back pocket. It’s my patented three-step method for perfect booty shots, and it works every time. Now it’s just up to Julianne to put these lessons to good use. Photos: Fameflynet

Here is the original post:
Julianne Hough’s Booty Shot Needs A Little Work

Jessica Alba Bikini Madness

I know it’s only April, but with all the awesome bikini pictures Jessica Alba ‘s been dropping the last couple days, she’s officially taken the early lead for the 2013 MILF of the Year. These new ones aren’t as good as the ones of Jessica doing her patented Bikini Ass Pose from over the weekend , but they’re still enough to put every other MILF out there on notice: it’s time to step up your game, ladies. » view all 19 photos Jessica Alba Shows Off Her Tramp Stamp And Ass Cleavage Jessica Alba’s Tight Little Body In A Hot Dress Jessica Alba Bikini Pictures Prove That She Is The Hottest MILF Ever! Jessica Alba Hotness Tease Photos: PacificCoastNews , Fameflynet

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Jessica Alba Bikini Madness

Even More Claudia Galanti Bikini Pictures

I can’t get enough of Paraguayan model Claudia Galanti these days. What can I say? I’m a sucker for hot chicks in bikinis, and Claudia always seems to be rocking one on a beach somewhere. Tough life. Anyway, here she is nailing the patented Jessica Alba bikini ass pose . Many have attempted it over the years, but few have come close to the original. Well done, Claudia. Sure, there are still a couple minor tweaks to be made, but it’s nothing a little hands-on training from a certified instructor like myself can’t fix. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews , Fameflynet

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Even More Claudia Galanti Bikini Pictures

Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘Army’ Inspires Taiwanese Animation [Video]


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Mayor Bloomberg’s animated Taiwanese doppelganger commands his troops. (Photo: YouTube) Mayor Bloomberg has a starring role in a new clip from Taiwanese meme factory Next Media Animation inspired by our post about a speech where he referred to the NYPD as “my own army.” The artistic geniuses at NMA created a 30 second clip that features a cartoon version of Mayor Bloomberg wearing a military helmet… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Capitol confidential Discovery Date : 01/12/2011 10:26 Number of articles : 2

Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘Army’ Inspires Taiwanese Animation [Video]

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck


Originally posted here:

As I mentioned previously, our overlord, Dustin, has sprouted some wings and is now writing for Warming Glow. Please visit him over there, he loves your patented brand of snarchasm. His introductory post is about that canker sore Piers Morgan…. Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Pajiba Discovery Date : 01/12/2011 19:00 Number of articles : 2

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck


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As I mentioned previously, our overlord, Dustin, has sprouted some wings and is now writing for Warming Glow. Please visit him over there, he loves your patented brand of snarchasm. His introductory post is about that canker sore Piers Morgan…. Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Pajiba Discovery Date : 01/12/2011 19:00 Number of articles : 2

Please Let It Be For A Role, Please Let It Be For A Role: The Unexpected Sad Keanu-ing Of Ben Affleck

Watch a 60-Second Montage of James Franco Whispering Overdramatically

Whether he is playing a cultural icon, a pajama bottomed-stoner or a soap opera performance artist “whose canvas is murder,” James Franco oftentimes relies on a gravely stage whisper to deliver his lines. From anyone else’s mouth, it would sound creepy, but coming from Franco, it is acceptable and even worthy of Academy Award recognition.* In celebration of his patented delivery, New York Magazine has assembled sixty seconds worth of the actor’s most inspired dramatic whisper work over the past decade. Click through for take-off.

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Watch a 60-Second Montage of James Franco Whispering Overdramatically

Movieline’s Week in Review: The Royalest of Royal Weddings

What a fine, fresh and fierce week April closed out with: the Royal Wedding , Donald Trump’s idiotic face , more Transformers promotional materials than you could shake a stick at, and Fast Five helping kick-off the summer in earnest. Tune back here over the weekend for the latest movie news, and click ahead for our patented week in review.

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Movieline’s Week in Review: The Royalest of Royal Weddings

Late Night Highlights: David Letterman Explains the Lindsay Lohan Fiasco

Last night on Late Show , David Letterman addressed the whole Lindsay Lohan scheduling disaster , and offered the flaky starlet one of the most sarcastic apologies in history. Elsewhere, Andy Richter destroyed Watson the Computer, Bill Hader explained the birth of his Saturday Night Live character Stefon, and Javier Bardem gave Jimmy Kimmel an update on his Glee character.

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Late Night Highlights: David Letterman Explains the Lindsay Lohan Fiasco