Tag Archives: peace

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Reality Show: Actually Happening?!

It’s been four months since Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin got married , and for the most part, the couple has kept a pretty low profile. But if you thought they would continue living life on the down-low, we assume you just awoke from a 20-year coma and are just now figuring out life in 2019. Here’s a brief crash course to bring you up to date: The crazy guy from The Apprentice is our president; the first season of The Sopranos hasn’t aged terribly well; and — most important to our discussion today — fame is the new currency, and everyone is obsessed with amassing as much as they can. So perhaps the reports of a Justin and Hailey reality show should come as no surprise. “Justin and his wife, Hailey, are in the early stages of developing a reality TV show about their new life together,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “The format looks similar to Newlyweds , the old MTV show about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey.” Ah, yes. If there’s anything the youth of today are clamoring for it’s a rebooted relic from the Dark Ages of reality television. We know what you’re thinking — isn’t Justin way too famous to star in a reality show. And the answer, of course, is absolutely! But sometimes, A-listers have to lend a hand to their non-A-list spouses by doing time on reality TV. (We’re looking at you, Kimye!) Naturally, the stated goal of the show is to  make Hailey more famous  allow Justin’s fans to become more familiar with his new wife. “Justin is excited for his fans to get to know his beautiful wife better through the process,” says the insider, who’s beginning to sound more and more like a press agent. It’s important to note that just because there’s been talk about making the show, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to see the light of day. Obviously, Justin’s famous enough that it’ll happen if he wants it to. But there’s a good chance that he’ll come to the realization that reality stardom ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. In more serious Justin news, it seems Bieber is being treated for depression . His reps have been careful to note, however, that his mental state has nothing to do with his marriage. We’re guessing it’s just a result of living in the cesspool that is 2019. You may want to go back to sleep, hypothetical coma guy. View Slideshow: Justin Bieber Spills on Sex with Hailey Baldwin: It’s a Blessing from God!

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Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Reality Show: Actually Happening?!

Kailyn Lowry Thinks Jenelle Evans Needs to "Clean Up Her Act"

This NOT exactly just in: Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans do not get along. The Teen Mom OG stars actually were kind of close at one point, but then Jenelle went behind Kailyn's back to tell the world Lowry was pregnant with her third child… … and then Jenelle's mom threatened to murder Lowry … … and, well, the relationship has been colder than Buffalo in January ever since. Where do things stand at the moment? When was the last time Kailyn tried to speak with Evans? Lowry talked with Hollywood Life this week about the (non) relationship, bringings fans up to speed on the vicious feud and revealing a few surprising tidbits. Scroll down for an update: 1. Wait, These Two Were Actually Friends? Yes. This photo was snapped in 2013, so we need to go back many years if we’re talking about a real friendship. 2. Where Did It All Go Wrong? The feud slowly but surely escalated. Eventually, Evans told the world that Kailyn was pregnant with child number-three before Lowry was ready for the world to know — and then things really spiraled. 3. How Bad Have Things Gotten? Gosh. We don’t have time to cycle through all the incidents, but Evans and her horrible husband, David Eason, filmed themselves burning items from Kailyn’s clothing collection last year after Lowry sent them as a peace offering. 4. Wait, WHAT? “Hey Kail,” Evans said in an Instagram video from late December. “This is to your peace offering.” She then proceeded to douse the pieces of attire in gasoline and take a blowtorch to them. 5. So… the Feud is Lit? Yes, literally. This is what Evans said while she set fire to Lowry’s gift: “Kail Lowry , for years you’ve been super jealous and envious of all us girls on the show. You try to make your way into the group, then turn into a mean ass person when it came down to me. You apologize on/off, claim I need to be apologizing sometimes, then talk s–t constantly about me and my husband to the tabloids?! THEN you had the balls to send me a PEACE GATHERING GIFT?! Don’t send me gifts and then go talk s–t AGAIN!!! Wow, you’re an idiot cuz this is what I do for gifts sent from fake ass bitches like you. Stay our of my life, go worry about your own.” 6. Really. This Happened. The video is posted right above for your perusal. It’s just as crazy as it sounds. View Slideshow

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Kailyn Lowry Thinks Jenelle Evans Needs to "Clean Up Her Act"

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: Thanks for Making Me Rich!

Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans have had their ups and downs. Mostly their downs, really, especially since Jenelle told the world that Kailyn was pregnant with her third child before her fellow Teen Mom 2 star wanted to break the news. Ever since then, there's been an endless stream of back-and-forth between the MTV personalities — but the feud may have hit its nadir a few weeks ago when Evans burned a bunch of hair products Lowry sent her way as a peace offering. Yes, this really happened. But why has Lowry spoken of the dangerous act in a positive manner? Why did she actually thank her long-time rival on microphone this week? Scroll down to find out! 1. I’m Rich, Biatch! On her latest podcast episode of Coffee Convos with Lindsie Chrisley, Lowry said something very nice about Evans. But it came with a major twist/caveat. 2. What Did She Say? Lowry thanked Evans for helping to pad her bank account. How so, you are likely wondering? Come with us as we explain… 3. In Late December, Lowry Sent Jenelle Some Products from Her Pothead Hair Line As you can see in the video above, Evans set fire to these items. 4. What Was Kailyn Thinking? “I sent everyone in the cast a PR box, including Jenelle,” Lowry told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup last month, adding at the time: “I figured maybe this will be the thing that breaks the ice and we’ll be cool again.” 5. What Was Jenelle Thinking? “Hey, Kail,” Jenelle says in the footage. “This is to your peace offering.” She then lights the products on fire and runs for her life, while some loud music plays in the background. 6. Evans Also Laid Into Kailyn Via a Caption to This Video “Been debating whether to upload this, but I feel like the time is appropriate,” it began. “Kail Lowry, for years you’ve been super jealous and envious of all us girls on the show.” View Slideshow

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Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: Thanks for Making Me Rich!

Leah’s Lemonade: Omarion Speaks On Rumor Of Lil Fizz Dating His Baby Mama Apryl Jones

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On a previous Leah’s Lemonade I talked about the drama going on behind the scenes of B2K’s private lives could be seeping into the possibility of the Millennium Tour. For the last few weeks there has been speculations that Omarion’s baby mama, Apryl Jones and his fellow bandmate Lil Fizz have been in a relationship. Tension’s got high between Apryl and Moniece Slaughter, Fizz’ baby mama. Fans began to speculate that the two members of B2K’s drama would cause there to be a pause on the tour. Well Omarion said NOT ON HIS WATCH! The singer was on BET’s Raq Rants where he said his peace about Fizz and Apryl’s possible relationship. Here’s his thoughts: Regardless of what he says people are saying their prayers that the band can keep it together for their tour stop. If you want to know who inmates are calling the “Princess of Prison reform,” Listen to Leah’s Lemonade above.

Leah’s Lemonade: Omarion Speaks On Rumor Of Lil Fizz Dating His Baby Mama Apryl Jones

‘LHHNYS9’ Recap: Safaree Gets Dragged Into Drama With Jaquae

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Source: Mike Pont / Getty Love and Hip-Hop New York picks up at Maino’s house. Issa cookout! This scene just gets us more familiar with his living situation. He and his girl Maggie have been together for two years. They live together and there’s a lot going on. Maggie has PTSD from the Irving Plaza shooting, where she almost died, and they take care of Maggie’s big brother, who also lives with them. Big bro is a diabetic, in a wheelchair and he’s kinda sorta blind. Again, there’s a lot going on. Meanwhile, Safaree is having a BBQ at the park elsewhere and this sets the stage for Jaquae to admit that he wants Kiyanne back. Kiyanne comes through, of course, and she wants no parts of his attempts to be charming. In fact, she calls him a clout chaser, a cheater (he allegedly cheated on her on her birthday) and they basically end up arguing back and forth. Then Kiyanne says she just wants Safaree to see who Jaquae for who he really is. In other words, he’s two-faced. Kiyanne claims he has been talking smack behind Safaree’s back and that he took credit for that hurricane relief song they did last season. Safaree wants no parts of the drama so Kiyanne gets escorted out, but you already know that Safaree will be dragged into this eventually. Later on, Kiyanne tells Safaree that Jaquae told her that he thinks Safaree faked being robbed for insurance money. The problem with that is, people are actually in jail for that. This is all it takes for Safaree to feel some type of way about Jaquae so that confrontation is coming. Let’s fast forward to that moment. The scene an event that Jacque is having. In other words, another inappropriate place. Anyway, Safaree asks him about his alleged robbery insurance scam comments in front of Kiyanne and Nya Lee. Jaquae claims that he’s so irritated by this type of negativity is brought to his event that he’s not even going to entertain it with a response. Welp, there’s that. But this isn’t over. We know this because now Safaree feels some type of way and says he can’t really get past it. In other news, Yandy has a girls beach day with Maggie, Anais and Juju. The latter two squash their issues, but not before Anais tells Juju that Jonathan has been talking more smack about her than she thought. This doesn’t sit well Juju and now she wants to discuss this with Jonathan. Juju finally gets her chance to have a sit down with Jonathan to settle their score. They try to get past their drama, but they don’t. Jonathan just feels dismissed by Juju when he brings up the podcast betrayal again and Juju doesn’t feel like it was that serious and they just can’t get right. This discussion ends with Juju storming out on him. Finally, the dry episode wraps with Maino trying to get Maggie to overcome her PTSD…without a therapist. Basically, he lied to her and told her he wanted her to go with him to a boxing match at the Barclay’s Center, but he actually takes her back to Irving Plaza, where she was shot. Maino is sweet with her and seems patient, but this isn’t how you get someone over trauma. To Maggie’s credit, she was a trooper. Hopefully, we’ll get to see her talk to a licensed therapist. We’ll do this again next week, hopefully with a more exciting episode. RELATED POSTS ‘LHHNYS9’ Recap: Remy Ma Moderates Yandy And Juju’s Peace Talk ‘LHHNYS9’ Recap: Kimbella Continues Her Fight For Relevancy Through Beef

‘LHHNYS9’ Recap: Safaree Gets Dragged Into Drama With Jaquae

Meghan Markle’s Weed-Dealing Nephew: Samantha Markle Sucks!

The battling Markles are at it again. Fortunately, this time they’re focusing their negativity on one another instead of dragging Meghan into yet another messy situation. You may have heard about Meghan’s awful family , led by her horrendous half-siblings, Samantha Markle and Thomas Markle Jr. But do you recall — the most chillaxed Markle of all? Okay, so technically Tyler Dooley isn’t a Markle, but he is the son of Thomas Markle Jr., who shall henceforth be referred to as TMJ, because we wish his jaw would lock shut. Tyler is a “cannabis farmer” who currently stars on a British reality show, which is basically Big Brother , except all of the contestants have sort of tie to the Royal Family. As a result, Tyler has been receiving a lot of attention from the British press, despite the fact that he seems to have no real ties to Meghan. “It was never like we had a super tight-knit family before to be honest,” Tyler said in a recent interview with The Sun . “But the fact that now the whole world gets to see how my father or Aunt Samantha behaves, it is like an open wound for everyone to see.” Yes, Tyler claimed he’s always known that his dad and his aunt were scumbags, but he’s pained by the fact that they’ve decided to flaunt their scumbaggery to the world: “That’s the hardest part, the fact that there is no privacy. It is hard to deal with. It is embarrassing and sad all at the same time,” Dooley said. “My father and Aunt Samantha have sold my grandfather out, sold my family out, sold Meghan out. It has been hard to deal with.” “The only family I have left now are my mom, brother and grandfather.” Tyler went on to reveal that he finds out about Samantha Markle’s latest attempts to ruin Meghan’s life the same way as the rest of us: “We are still close and fine but for the rest of my family, their lives are lived out in the tabloids and that is the hardest thing. “I have to read what’s going on in my family in the news because I don’t even speak to them.” Though he says he’s still tight with his grandfather — Meghan’s dad, Thomas Markle — Tyler is admittedly a bit of an outsider in the Markle clan. Still, his shenanigans provide a welcome distraction from the recent Meghan news, which keeps growing increasingly dark. In addition to the reports about the ongoing feud between Meghan and Kate Middleton, there are new reports about who’s leaking all this royal gossip to the press. The latest to be accused is Prince Andrew, and conspiracy theorists think he’s keeping the press informed on Kate and Meghan’s feud so as to distract from the pedophilia scandal involving his longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein. Like we said, things are getting weird across the pond. Season 37 of The Crown should be pretty wild. Since Meghan apparently doesn’t age, she should be able to play herself. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle’s Weed-Dealing Nephew: Samantha Markle Sucks!

Shannon Beador Exposed Having a Secret Boyfriend!

At the reunion special for The Real Housewives of Orange County , Tamra Judge claimed to have caught Shannon Beador in a lie . Tamra claimed that Shannon had been seeing a boyfriend while filming the season, but kept him secret so she could “play the victim card.” She lays out her claims in the shocking video that we have attached. At the reunion, Tamra Judge lobbed a bombshell accusation at Shannon. The former friends feuded on camera as Tamra claimed that Shannon had kept her secret boyfriend hidden. She accused Shannon of hypocrisy, saying that she'd acted distraught over David dating so soon after their divorce but that she was, too. In Tamra's eyes, it looked like Shannon was trying to milk people were sympathy during her tumultuous divorce. Also, as Gina pointed out, it looked like Shannon was hiding part of her personal life from the viewers and from Bravo. Is this really the case? Did Shannon have a secret boyfriend? They can't be talking about Scot Matteson. Scot, whom Shannon began dating this summer, was still spotted everywhere with Shannon as recently as October. There are photos of him with Shannon and with Andy Cohen, possibly as the filming of the reunion special. Scot is a real estate developer and is known for being a family man. At no point did it appear that Shannon was keeping him secret, with other Housewives speaking about him publicly over the summer. So we'll have to look a bit further back than this. What about Alex? Shannon went on some dates with him during the Spring of 2018. The two attended music events but, ultimately, things did not work out. Some speculated that, since Scot may have been in the audience for Tamra's accusations, that Shannon's secret ex was Alex. While it's possible that Tamra was referring to him, Shannon didn't really keep him secret. She made it clear that she was keeping him off of the show, but she did share photos of the two of them together on Instagram. It looks like Shannon's mystery man was probably not someone whom she's shown on social media. This is a guy whom she characterizes as having “treated her like crap,” even though she had fancied him at the time. (It sounds like poor Shannon has a type ) Shannon objected to Tamra's characterization of this dude as a “boyfriend.” As some women learn to their chagrin, going on a couple of dates with a guy is not the same thing as being boyfriend and girlfriend. Shannon's relationship, such as it was, fizzled out before it went anywhere. Tamra was being kind of ridiculous. The whole reason that this came up was because of the discussion of David Beador's new girlfriend, Lesley Cook. Lesley is reportedly pregnant (and David and Lesley may be engaged ), which obviously came up at the reunion. Shannon being upset at David finding a new love by New Years isn't somehow hypocritical if she went on some dates earlier in the year. There are different tiers of dating. Putting a baby in someone on purpose and taking international vacations, which David has been doing, is not the same as going to a concert. Tamra should know that. Gina Kirschenheiter, a newcomer to the franchise and a fan favorite, felt that Shannon was probably obligated to share her life with the show. That's true for some things — as Real Housewife of Atlanta Kenya Moore learned last year when she had a secret wedding. But, as Vicki was quick to point out to Gina, you don't have to share everything from your life. A few dates with a guy is not the same as having a boyfriend, it's not something that you have to put on camera. Gina may have felt like she wasted her time with a matchmaker, and her feelings are valid, but Shannon wasn't trying to trick her. It's said that Shannon and Tamra will make nice in the next installment of the reunion. But we already know that this peace doesn't last.

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Shannon Beador Exposed Having a Secret Boyfriend!

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Would Like You to Know They Boned Last Night

While the rest of the country was busy getting angry at their TV screens last night, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott were making far more productive use of their time. Or perhaps we should say reproductive use of their time … Yes, Kylie and Travis engaged in some serious sexy time last night. And the cosmetics mogul made sure her 47 bajillion Instagram followers knew exactly what was going down. Kylie posted the video below to her page last night, and it’s basically the prequel to a sex tape. Kylie Receives Roses As you can see, Travis surprised Kylie with every rose in the greater Los Angeles area. He also played his 2013 song “Hell Of a Night” in case there was still somehow any doubt about exactly what he had in mind for the remainder of the evening. “Hell of a way to end the night,” Kylie captioned the video. Apparently, Travis is quite the romantic, as this is not the first time that he’s surprised his billionaire girlfriend with a truly ridiculous amount of foliage. After Kylie gave birth to daughter Stormi , Travis surprised her with 443 roses, a reference to the fact that Stormi entered the world at 4:43 pm. If you’re wondering about the point at which romantic gestures cross the line into obsessive-compulsive territory, that might be it. Of course, in addition to being the mother of his child, Kylie is a near-billionaire and one of the most famous people on the planet, so it’s not hard to see why Travis might be inclined toward extravagant gestures. Obviously, Scott is accomplished in his own right, but these days it’s hard to match any of the Kardashian women in terms of fame, wealth, and influence. Kanye is the Kard clan spouse to even come close, and in order to get there, he had to become so famous that it drove him insane. Anyway, congrats to Kylie and Travis on the smash session. We just hope they used some sort of protection. After all, raising kids is expensive, and we’d hate to see them be forced to get second jobs and whatnot. View Slideshow: Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner Make FIRST EVER Red Carpet Appearance

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Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Would Like You to Know They Boned Last Night

Sinead O’Connor: I Don’t Want to Spend Time with White People Ever Again!

Sinead O’Connor has been a controversial figure for a few decades, now. She has recently converted to Islam and goes by Shuhada’ Davitt, but that is not the source of his latest controversy The issue is a tweet in which she says that she never wants to “spend time with white people” ever again. “I’m terribly sorry,” Sinead’s tweet begins. She continues: “What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it.” “But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again,” she writes. That is such a head-scratcher, but she does offer a strange definition of “white people.” In parentheses, she writes: “(if that’s what non-muslims are called).” We don’t claim to be experts in theology, but that word would probably be kafir , not “white people.” “Not for one moment, for any reason,” Sinead makes clear. “They are disgusting.” Regardless of her religious adherence, Sinead O’Connor is very, very white. Converting does not change that, and she’s hardly the only white Muslim — which makes her statement so much stranger. Unfortunately, that was only one tweet of many. Sinead followed up her controversial tweet: “Interesting to see if Twitter bans this when it allows people like Trump and Milbank spew the satanic filth upon even my country,” she wrote. Twitter has not, as of Wednesday afternoon, done anything of the sort to her tweet. On top of that, the 51-year-old folk singer seemed eager to get into heated religious discourse. “How come so called christian and jewish theologians,” her question begins. She interrupts herself to claim: “(the christian theologians being atheists and satanists actually in practice, though they know it not).” Sinead continues: “never talk about the smashing of their enemies babies heads on rocks which in all over their psalms?” What she means to ask is why don’t members of other Abrahamic faiths who claim that Islam is violent because of the Qur’an when their own holy books have similar content. She then promptly answers her own question.  “BTW if one IS an intelligent theologian and has taken the journey,” she tweets. “One would know there is no more talk of ancient violence in the Q’ran as the Tanukh, the Bible, or The sodding Mahabarata,” she writes. The Tanakh (which stands for Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim) is the holy book of the Jewish people, known as the Old Testament in Christianity. The Mahabharata is one of the oldest Sanskrit texts of India, and describes the Bharata dynasty. “And,” she concludes. “Its ALL EQUALLY IRELLEVANT TO OUR TIMES.” Which makes one wonder why she brought up old-timey scriptural violence in the first place. So, there are a few obvious things to unpackage. Her tweet isn’t racist , exactly, it’s just hostile, prejudiced, argumentative, and deeply confused. She is a white woman, in terms of what that term actually means. If she’d said that she didn’t want to hang out with non-Muslims ever again, that would be prejudiced and obnoxious. But remember that she has been making impulsive and sometimes offensive statements for decades. Just one year ago, Sinead O’Connor recorded a disturbing video in which she shared that she was suicidal. She probably converted in the hopes that it will bring her peace, but lashed out online because she cannot help herself. Sinead O’Connor has been an outspoken critic of organized religion for a very long time. Unfortunately, her confrontational approach is sometimes off-putting, even to those who share her views. At the end of her Twitter rant, she did at least acknowledge how bizarre her social media messages have been. “Final word,” she wrote. “If its ‘Crazy’ to care. Then by all means, spank my ass and call me Fruity loops : )” We hope that she is getting whatever help and support she needs in this time. Perhaps her newly found religious community can help. View Slideshow: 27 Celebrities Who Suffer From Mental Illness

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Sinead O’Connor: I Don’t Want to Spend Time with White People Ever Again!

Khloe Kardashian: I Will NEVER Forget What Tristan Thompson Did!

So hey, how about last night’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, huh? Or, if you didn’t catch it, how about Tristan Thompson and his gross, inconsiderate ways? Yep, last night was the big night. Keeping Up with the Kardashians finally got to the part where everyone discovered that Tristan had cheated on Khloe . It was honestly kind of intense, even though everything happened several months ago and we know how it all turned out. Kourtney called Tristan’s actions “disgusting,” and Kendall said that he was an “idiot.” Keeping Up with the Kardashians Clip: The (Tristan) Truth Comes Out! Meanwhile, Khloe herself took the news pretty well, especially considering that she was just days away from giving birth. As she explained it, she didn’t want to really think about it all or make a big decision about whether or not she’d stay with him. “I just want to go and give birth and try to enjoy this,” she said. She also said that she still wanted him to be in the delivery room with her, and that she didn’t want any of her family members to “make him uncomfortable and make me uncomfortable.” But even though that was her stance, and even though she’s still with him , that doesn’t mean things are fine. She made that perfectly clear in a series of tweets she shared last night. To kick things off, she wrote that “Tonight’s episode is an uncomfortable and super emotional one for me.” “But when we signed up for this show over a decade ago, we signed up for a reality show, which meant showing you guys inside our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly.” Poor Khloe then admitted that “to relive these moments all over again is incredibly difficult,” but that “I also hope that with every trial, tribulation and curve ball life throws at us, that we ALL get to learn from our journeys.” “Amidst the tough times,” she added, “I have been blessed with the ultimate gift, my sweet baby True who has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.” And for a bit of advice, she told her followers to “remember that you are never alone in your pain, and that everything is temporary.” “Pain, joy, elation, panic, anxiety, it is all temporary. Be grateful for the experiences that continue to build character, and make you who you are.” So it’s clear that the whole mess with Tristan affected her very deeply , right? After all of that, a follower told her that no one would be mad if she just skipped the episode altogether. “I will see how much I can handle,” she replied. “This goes for tonight AND next week.” So there’s more heartbreak next week … ugh. Later, Khloe tweeted about how much she loves doing the show and how she’s “proud that we are all strong and brave enough to be vulnerable.” “BUT we have to start airing shows closer to real time,” she complained. “This episode is about 7 months old and it’s a lot to relive all over again. But maybe I need to.” She discussed some other things from the episode too, but of course she could never get too far from all the drama. At one point, she wrote “Oh my God my heart is racing! So crazy how emotions never die! You may forgive but forgetting is not possible.” You hear that, Tristan? Then, to wrap up her discussion on the episode, she took some time to explain exactly why she didn’t react too strongly to the news of Tristan’s unfaithfulness. Spoiler: it was all for True. “I wanted to have a beautiful birthing experience for myself and for the memories of what I choose to share with True when she’s older,” she said. “I want her to have videos and pictures of her daddy there, holding her etc. I want her to know she is LOVE and my happiness!” “Babies feel energy!” she continued. “I know this! I chose to put my feelings aside for the birth and to try and have as much positive energy that I could.” “My only thought was about the birth of my daughter. I wasn’t going to let ANYONE disrupt anything less than what she deserved. Joyous love.” She wrote that she chose to be strong for her baby, especially since “I waited for this day for so many years!” Looking back on everything now, Khloe realized that she was “in shock because I couldn’t believe that this would ever happen to me.” However, she’s still proud of herself for being so strong and doing what she felt was best for her daughter. “True gave me the peace and strength I needed,” she concluded. It’s so sweet that she felt so strongly about having a positive birth for True, isn’t it? It’s also so sad that she had to make that decision because Tristan couldn’t keep himself from stepping out on his pregnant girlfriend. But let’s try to focus on the very few positive points of this awful story. The very, very few positive points. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian & Family: 19 Conspiracy Theories That May Actually Be True (Okay, Some of Them) Next week’s episode sure is going to be rough.

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Khloe Kardashian: I Will NEVER Forget What Tristan Thompson Did!