Tag Archives: richard-dawkins

Richard Dawkins at the Jaipur Literature Festival – Abbas Raza – 3 Quarks Daily


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Thanks to Miranda for the link D4 FL 07 from Dreamcast on Vimeo . There are also some other videos from Jaipur on their website Link to the 3 Quarks Daily post Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : RichardDawkins.net Discovery Date : 26/01/2012 11:07 Number of articles : 2

Richard Dawkins at the Jaipur Literature Festival – Abbas Raza – 3 Quarks Daily

Deepak Chopra and Bill O’Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in ‘Believers vs. Non-Believers’ Discussion

November 2, 2011 on Fox News – via www.AtheistMedia.com http://www.youtube.com/v/wDvgbj3apAU?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: Deepak Chopra and Bill O’Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in ‘Believers vs. Non-Believers’ Discussion


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Deepak Chopra and Bill O’Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in ‘Believers vs. Non-Believers’ Discussion

Hymn to evolution sung by an innocent child



Evolution Made Us All from Ben Hillman on Vimeo. Boing Boing fave Richard Dawkins points us to Ben Hillman’s lovely hymn about evolution that should be taught in all schools. Sung by the angelic Beatrice Athene. Video link… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Boing Boing Discovery Date : 06/02/2011 01:07 Number of articles : 2

Hymn to evolution sung by an innocent child

Non-Believers Giving Aid – Support Haiti, Pakistan and Humanity!

Richard Dawkins organization to support people in need… no matter what country they reside in. The situation in Pakistan is grave. The UN estimates that 20 million people have been affected by the worst monsoon-related floods in living memory, with tens of thousands of villages entirely under water. 8 million people are in need of immediate assistance, including food and medical aid, and 4.6m of these have been left without shelter. With 700,000 hectares of crops destroyed or under water, severe food shortages are inevitable and this, together with concerns about outbreaks of cholera and other potentially fatal diseases, is leading aid agencies to warn that the death toll is likely to rise dramatically. You can find out more about the crisis from the Special Report on the BBC News website. Non-Believers Giving Aid and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science are once more partnering with M

Cenk Uygur’s Pitchfork Populism: Raising Taxes Will Solve Income Disparity

Want to see a textbook example of how the left has tried to frame the debate against extending the Bush tax cuts? Take a look at Cenk Uygur, of “The Young Turks” fame, playing the class warfare/populism card. On MSNBC’s Aug. 17 broadcast of “The Dylan Ratigan Show,” Uygur was up in arms over the argument that taxes shouldn’t be raised by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. He alluded to Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, who made the case in 2007 that the wealthy should give more to society. “Look at what Warren Buffett said,” Uygur said. “He’s talking to 400 wealthy donors and he says, ‘Look, the 400 of us pay a lower part of our income in taxes than the receptionists do, than our cleaning ladies do. For that matter, if you’re in the luckiest 1 percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.'” And Buffett has been a long-time advocate of higher tax rates – something easy to be for when you’re one of the richest men in the world. However, Uygur says it’s not good enough for Buffett to be charitable. According to Uygur, this “giving” must come in the form of “mandatory” higher taxes. “I would disagree with Warren Buffett a little bit,” Uygur said. “I love that he’s encouraging them to do voluntary giving away of the money, as he did, as Bill Gates is doing. But I would make it mandatory. I’m not going to wait for [Blackstone CEO] Stephen Schwarzman to do the right thing. I’m going to say your tax rate at 15 percent is mental. I’m going to change that to a reasonable tax rate – like 35 percent or what Clinton had at point, near 40 percent.” Later in the segment – Uygur tried to say higher taxes were necessary because of the disparity in income growth, which he insinuated would bridge this gap income, even though there’s no evidence higher taxes will mean income growth for the bottom 80 percent of income earners. “Here’s what the results are – so the top 1 percent from 1979 to 2007, they had their incomes go up from $347,000 to $1.3 million. It worked for the rich. But did it work for the rest of us, Dylan?” And self-proclaimed advocate of economic justice went on to point out that since the rich got wealthier and the lower 80 percent haven’t, the idea of lower taxes is even more so flawed. “The top 1 percent nation’s income, doubled in that time period – doubled,” Uygur said. “How about us? Bottom 80 percent share of the nation’s income fell by 10 percent. It didn’t work for the rest of us.” However, what Uygur and his ilk always neglect to mention when they play this populist card by suggesting “the rich aren’t paying their fair share” and correlate income disparity to tax rates is that the wealthy pay more than their share if you look at federal revenues overall. According to Jeremy Weltmer, writing for Americans for Tax Reform , the tax system in the United States is already “steeply progressive.” “As of 2006, the tax burden of the top 1 percent of taxpayers exceeds the tax burden of the bottom 95 percent combined,” Weltmer wrote. “Moreover, according to the National Taxpayers Union, households in the top 5% by income have been paying about 60% of the federal income tax bill for years.”

The rest is here:
Cenk Uygur’s Pitchfork Populism: Raising Taxes Will Solve Income Disparity

Jon Stewart’s Latest Ground Zero Mosque Defense Lapses Into Anti-Catholic Jokes

Daily Show host Jon Stewart has again come to the defense of the Ground Zero mosque-builders, complete with a graphic suggesting the opponents are conducting a “Mosque-erade.” Stewart brought in “senior religion correspondent” John Oliver, and predictably, they launched back into Catholic pedophile humor, as if it were fresh and original and so, well, 2002: STEWART: Why should religious groups have to bend to people’s worst suspicions about them? JOHN OLIVER: Because, Jon,  there’s a difference between what you can do and what you should do. For instance, you can build a Catholic church next to a playground. Should you? Should you do that, Jon? Should you do that? [Whoops, laughter and applause.] STEWART (under the noise): I don’t see a problem with it. OLIVER: Well, I’m just posing the question. Or am I alone in thinking it’s a little too soon for that? They clearly loved that joke. It was repeated on their own Internet video clips to invite you to watch. (Is it any wonder atheists like Richard Dawkins revel in how “Jon Stewart’s Crusade Against The Catholic Church Rolls On” ?) From there, Oliver joked that Jews shouldn’t wear their yarmulkes on Good Friday. There should be just one day they don’t wear their “murder caps.” Stewart then responded by saying Oliver’s British accent was inappropriate so soon after the Boston Massacre, which led Oliver to launch a pile of taunts of “Go f— yourself!”

See the original post:
Jon Stewart’s Latest Ground Zero Mosque Defense Lapses Into Anti-Catholic Jokes

An interesting but ostentatious article that bashes "New Atheism", and promotes Agnosticism.

Let's get one thing straight: Agnosticism is not some kind of weak-tea atheism. Agnosticism is not atheism or theism. It is radical skepticism, doubt in the possibility of certainty, opposition to the unwarranted certainties that atheism and theism offer. Agnostics have mostly been depicted as doubters of religious belief, but recently, with the rise of the “New Atheism”—the high-profile denunciations of religion in best-sellers from scientists such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, and polemicists, such as my colleague Christopher Hitchens—I believe it's important to define a distinct identity for agnosticism, to hold it apart from the certitudes of both theism and atheism. http://www.slate.com/id/2258484/ added by: atomiclegion

Atheist billboard on Billy Graham Parkway: One Nation Indivisible (not under God)

The billboard features an American flag background and quotes the original phrase from the Pledge of Allegiance, before “under God” was inserted after “one nation,” in 1954. That was at the height of the Cold War and the addition was meant to distinguish the United States from the Soviet Union, which officially embraced atheism. Set to be up for four weeks, the billboards – costing a total of $15,000 – are a July 4 project of the N.C. Secular Association, a coalition of groups such as Charlotte Atheists & Agnostics, the Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle and Western North Carolina Atheists. Their message: non-religious North Carolinians are patriots, too. “We’re doing this to raise the consciousness of the people of North Carolina,” said Warren, 29, an electronic technician who served in the Marines from 1999-2004. “We want to let them know that not everybody here is religious. There are atheists in North Carolina and we expect to be recognized and treated like everybody else.” The Pledge of Allegiance was penned in 1892 by a Baptist minister who left out any mention of religion. For generations, the Pledge has been recited by schoolchildren as they gazed at the American flag with their right hands over their hearts. President Eisenhower signed the “under God” addition into law on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. Over the years, the courts have been asked to rule on the constitutionality of the Pledge. Jehovah’s Witnesses, who swear loyalty to no other power but God, challenged the requirement that kids deliver the oath. And atheists have said that adding “under God” amounted to a violation of the constitutional ban on government endorsement of a particular religion. “When the words ‘under God’ were inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance between ‘one nation’ and ‘indivisible,’ they made a lie out of both those ideals,” Joseph McDaniel Stewart, vice president of FreeThoughtAction and one of the N.C. coalition founders, said in an e-mail. “You can’t have an indivisible nation if you draw a line between the godly and godless. We all belong here.” The billboard project is the latest sign that atheists – nationally and in North Carolina – are trying to boost their visibility and challenge conservative Christians in public forums. A recent series of assertive books by atheist authors such as Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and British biologist Richard Dawkins have climbed national bestseller lists. And when Dawkins came to Charlotte this year to speak at Queens University, local atheists sponsored a fundraiser for the Richard Dawkins Foundation. Warren said more than 600 people have signed up on his group’s Web site ( www.charlotteatheists.com ). And its monthly gatherings usually attract about 50 people. The Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelistic Association declined to comment. The Rev. Mark Harris, senior pastor at First Baptist Church in uptown Charlotte, said he was grateful that the local atheists’ financial resources “are so limited” that they could afford only one billboard here. He called the decision to place that one on Billy Graham Parkway “at best, in poor taste and, at worst, a disgrace.” Harris, who’s a leader in the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, also quoted Psalm 33 – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” “Anybody who looks at the United States or looks at countries like Great Britain, which have been governed by a succession of godly (officials), will see why I personally believe that that’s why these nations have been so blessed,” Harris added. “And any decline of Great Britain and America will be in step with a growing independence from God.” http://www.thestate.com/2010/06/24/1348246/charlotte-atheist-groups-billboard.ht… added by: Stoneyroad

Kyrgyzstan’s new leader tackles challenging job

The nice thing about people new to power is they haven't yet learned the pretensions of state. link : http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/04/11/kyrgyzstan.otunbayeva/index.html added by: suzane

Species of Invasive Fish Walk on Land, Climb Trees

Australia has long battled with all sorts of harmful, invasive species–and wildlife authorities are concerned that they may soon be facing a new threat from what may be one of meanest-looking of unwelcome guests. Link: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/04/species-of-invasive-fish-walk-on-land-cl… added by: Healthylivinggal