Tag Archives: congregation

Finally! Police Chief Confirms That Kroger Shooting Was A Hate Crime


A Kentucky police chief finally acknowledged what was obvious to most people: the killing of two Black people by a white supremacist last week in suburban Louisville was race related. See Also: White Supremacist Who Targeted And Killed 2 Black People In Cold Blood Is Arrested Peacefully Speaking to the congregation of a Black church that was also targeted by the accused killer  Gregory Bush ,  Jeffersontown Police Chief Sam Rogers  said the Wednesday shooting at a Kroger supermarket parking lot was a hate crime, Wave 3 News reported. “The sentiments that were expressed to a witness by Mr. Bush, the suspect in this crime, are not indicative of this community. They’re not indicative of the Jeffersontown police. I wanted to call it what it was, and that’s racism in action,” the police chief stated. Maurice Stallard, 69, and Vickie Jones, 67, were killed by 51-year-old Gregory A. Bush at a Kroger in Kentucky. https://t.co/HhZbOPzmt3 — NewsOne (@newsone) October 26, 2018 Meanwhile, Louisville GOP mayoral candidate Angela Leet also said on Sunday that the shooting was a hate crime, according to the Courier-Journal , making her one of the first local Republicans to acknowledge the obvious. Rogers had been slow at coming to that conclusion. Ed Harrell , a white man who witnessed the shooting and brandished his own gun for protection in the parking lot, reportedly claimed immediately after the shooting that Bush walked by him and said, “Don’t shoot me. I won’t shoot you. Whites don’t shoot whites.” Yet the chief hesitated for several days to confirm that the double homicide was race related. “I can’t speculate on motive at this time,” Harrell said Thursday. Here’s what Rogers is now saying: “I wanted to call it what it was, and that’s racism in action,” Jeffersontown Police Chief Sam Rogers said of last week's shooting at Kroger that left two people dead. https://t.co/RciS9hj7ge pic.twitter.com/V8Ybl9zF9A — WLKY (@WLKY) October 28, 2018 Bush, 51, had attempted but failed to enter the First Baptist Church of Jeffersontown on Wednesday, according to the police. He then went to a nearby Kroger where he shot and killed 69-year-old Maurice Stallard and Vickie Lee Jones , 67, apparently at random. Bush was taken into custody shortly after he fled the scene. In his remarks at the church, Rogers noted the parallels between the shooting in their community and the mass shooting Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, where the gunman made anti-Semitic statements before killing 11 people. “These two most recent examples of hate crimes were carried out by evil people that base their beliefs and actions on ideas and ideals that are contrary to the good of the American people,” he said. SEE ALSO: Watch: Drunk White Woman Who Racially Harasses Black Women Faces Consequences After Sobering Up From Trayvon Martin To Blackface: Megyn Kelly’s Most Racist Moments [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3833615″ overlay=”true”]

Finally! Police Chief Confirms That Kroger Shooting Was A Hate Crime

Shame The Devil: Pastor George Mason Keeps It Real About The Shooting Death Of Botham Jean [Video]

Image via Ron T. Ennis/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT via Getty Images Pastor George Mason Preaches About Botham Jean’s Killing Botham Jean was killed by the police in what many people (see, Black) consider to be a murder. Pastor George Mason of Wilshire Baptist Church spoke to his congregation about his senseless killing and event went so far as to overtly, and rightly, call it a crime. You can cut the tension with a knife. Right on, pastor. The

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Shame The Devil: Pastor George Mason Keeps It Real About The Shooting Death Of Botham Jean [Video]

The Great Adventure Of A Greedy Gremlin: Joel Osteen’s Church Passed Collection Plates To Hurricane Victims

Johnny Louis/WENN Joel Osteen Under Fire Once Again For Being Greedy Nice to see you getting roasted on Twitter once again, Mr. Osteen. Everybody is on Joel Osteen’s head for his most recent adventure through greedy gremlinville. A video of the service held at his megachurch on Wednesday clearly shows collection plates being passed around the congregation. A pretty regular occurance for most churches, but this crowd included a majority of victims and evacuees of Hurricane Harvey. Of course, this comes after the pastor was basically forced to let the evacuees into his church in the first place. It’s already known that Osteen charges for admission into his church, so passing around a collection plate is already extra. But in the beginning of the service, it acknowledged that “several hundred” evacuees were in the audience by Lisa Osteen, Joel’s sister and an associate pastor at the church. She also pointed out that the victims have “financial needs” and that everyone should pray for them. Not even an hour later, the collection plate was passed around in an audience that was just described to have “financial needs.” Hit the flip to see how people reacted to Osteen’s latest scamming mishap.

The Great Adventure Of A Greedy Gremlin: Joel Osteen’s Church Passed Collection Plates To Hurricane Victims

Before & After: Bishop Eddie Long Shows Off His Dramatic Weight Loss After Ditching THIS Diet…

Father stretch your hands… Bishop Eddie Long Shows Off His Dramatic Weight Loss Bishop Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church is showing off a new look. The megachurch leader who battled sexual misconduct allegations and admitted to at one point being suicidal , has dropped a massive amount of weight after he ditched what he calls the “slave menu” and went vegan. The AJC reports: Bishop Eddie Long posted a video discussing his new lean look after his more slender physique apparently caused some of his congregants to worry about his health. “People are asking, ‘Bishop, what happened to all of you?’” he says in the video, posted to his public Facebook page. “Well, all of me has meelllllted away.” He said he told his congregation that he planned to live past 100 by dispensing with a “slave menu.” “I wasn’t going to get (to age 100) by stopping by Popeye’s. That was my weakness,” he says. “The biscuits with honey and chicken wings, spicy.” He chided people eating from what he called a “slave menu,” saying eating raw vegetables instead has given him more energy and lowered his blood pressure. He has lost weight and no longer has to take blood pressure medication. For reference this was Bishop Eddie Long before… and after; Wow! What do YOU think about Eddie Long switching from the “slave menu” to a healthy vegan lifestyle???

Before & After: Bishop Eddie Long Shows Off His Dramatic Weight Loss After Ditching THIS Diet…

Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6 Recap: A New Doctor is In

A Penny for your thoughts on  Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6 , fans? Get it? A Penny? In honor of Derek’s quasi killer? Nothing? Crickets? Okay, moving on to a recap… Watch Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6 Online Meredith (and Amelia) opened the hour by being less than pleased that Penny was about to start working at Grey Sloan. And it didn’t help matter when (wouldn’t you know it?!?) Bailty assigned the transfer student to the service of the General Surgery Chief. As Julia Roberts might have someday side: Big mistake. HUGE. Despite the comedic material present in a case that centered on a pastor who fell down the stairs after mistakenly sending his sex tape to his congregation, Meredith didn’t even crack a smile when Penny made a joke. She told Amelia that she was trying to “rise above,” but she wasn’t exactly succeeding. It didn’t help when Penny later messed up a bit and when Richard admitted he knew her connection to Derek; she was just the best hire. After Penny placed the pastor’s life in danger through a mistake, Meredith finally snapped: “You froze in the OR, you screwed up his post-op care… Is there any part of this job that you can handle?!?” View Slideshow: 18 SHOCKING Shondaland Moments Later on, however, Callie gave Meredith a talking-to about being a “bully,” prompting Meredith to enter a chapel and talk to Derek. (With Alex showing up to offer support.) At the end of the episode, Meredith acknowledged that Derek likely would have been a fan of Penny; Callie swapped spit with her girlfriend; and Meredith paged to say she wants Penny on her service for the duration of the week. Elsewhere, Martin Henderson made his debut as Nathan Riggs, a cardiothoracic surgeon who met April overseas. He got in the middle of a fight between April and Jackson over a patient (“This isn’t about you two!”), only for viewers to later learn that he and Owen share some kind of unfriendly past. How do we know? Because Owen ordered the new doctor to get the Hell out of the hospital as quickly as possible. Based on the following preview for Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7 , it sure looks like this rivalry will continue to play a key role next Thursday night: Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7 Trailer Check out the above teaser and ask yourself: How is there only one episode remaining until the winter finale?!?!?!?!?

Continued here:
Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 6 Recap: A New Doctor is In

Gone Too Soon: Beloved Celebs Who Passed Away In 2014 [Photos]

Another year is almost in the books. As we reflect back, we can’t help but reminisce about the many cherished celebrities who passed away in 2014. Continue

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Gone Too Soon: Beloved Celebs Who Passed Away In 2014 [Photos]

The Rickey Smiley Show: Pastor Goes In Preaching TV Style! [VIDEO]


“The Rickey Smiley Show” is back! Watch the video to see this sneak peek of Rickey Smiley preaching to the congregation TV style! Plus, be…

The Rickey Smiley Show: Pastor Goes In Preaching TV Style! [VIDEO]

Angus T. Jones: I Was a "Paid Hypocrite" on Two and a Half Men

Angus T. Jones has spoken out once again about Two and a Half Men. The young actor, who trashed the sitcom as filth in November 2012, gave a radio interview on March 15 in which he opened up about his decision to leave a $300,000-per-episode paycheck. Angus T. Jones Labels Self “Paid Hypocrite” “It was difficult for me to be on the show and be part of something that was making light of topics in our world where there are really problems for a lot of people,” Jones told KHOU. “I was a paid hypocrite because I wasn’t OK with it and I was still doing it.” The 19-year old portrayed Jake Harper on the series for about 10 years before choosing to exit for personal and religious reasons. Jones apologized for his previous slamming of the sitcom, saying he is grateful for having had the opportunity, but says in his latest Q&A that he has no regrets, except when it comes to creator Chuck Lorre. “That’s his, like, his baby, and I just totally insulted his baby and to that degree I am apologetic,” Jones explained. “But otherwise I don’t regret saying what I said. What is next on his professional docket? Perhaps acting, it the right gig comes along. “I really want to come into the light because I know that is where the healing is and I’ve seen God do amazing things,” Angus said. “There’s a few different productions that like do kind of Bible-based stories. Stuff like that.” Angus visits ministries around the nation to share his story of how and why he made the transition he did and a local Houston pastor says he’s a welcome member of the congregation. Here’s a look at his previous inflammatory comments: Angus T. Jones: Two and a Half Men Sucks!

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Angus T. Jones: I Was a "Paid Hypocrite" on Two and a Half Men

WTF? Pastor Solicits Congregation for Helicpoter Repair Donations [VIDEO]

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A Houston pastor is being forced to apologize to his congregation after sparking outrage for asking for donations to fix his helicopter. Yes, his HELICOPTER!…

WTF? Pastor Solicits Congregation for Helicpoter Repair Donations [VIDEO]

‘Mea Maxima Culpa’ Director Alex Gibney Praises Pope Benedict’s Resignation

When I learned of the news that Pope Benedict XVI was going to become the first pope in six centuries to resign from office,  I immediately thought, I wonder what Alex Gibney makes of this?   His documentary, Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God   details the integral role that Benedict, when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, played in investigating the sex-abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church, and, given the ample space that the New York Times devoted to that subject in its report on the resignation, I was left with impression that, behind the scenes, the continuing controversy may have played a part in the Pope’s decision to step down. “I can’t help but think that the sex abuse crisis must have been on his mind,” Gibney emailed back when I asked for his take on the news. “There was no going forward on that issue while he was in office.”  The filmmaker added:  “I give him credit for resigning.  That brought a bit of modernity to the Papacy.” In announcing that he would resign on Feb. 28, the Pope, who’s 85,  indicated that “I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise” of his responsibilities as the head of the Catholic Church. Dealing — or not dealing, as Benedict’s critics have claimed — with the sex-abuse scandals must have been a taxing part of that job. And though the Times did not draw any direct correlation between the controversy and Benedict’s decision to step down, the paper of record did note that, in 2010, outraged critics of the church’s handling of these clerical abuses had called on Benedict to resign. Here’s how the Times carefully put it: In 2010, as outrage built over clerical abuses, some secular and liberal Catholic voices called for his resignation, their demands fueled by reports that laid part of the blame at his doorstep, citing his response both as a bishop long ago in Germany and as a cardinal heading the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles such cases. In one disclosure, news emerged that in 1985, when Benedict was Cardinal Ratzinger, he signed a letter putting off efforts to defrock a convicted child-molesting priest. He cited the priest’s relative youth but also the good of the church. Vatican officials and experts who follow the papacy dismissed the idea of his stepping down at the time. “There is no objective motive to think in terms of resignation, absolutely no motive,” said Father Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman. “It’s a completely unfounded idea.” For his supporters, it was a painful paradox that the long-gathering abuse scandal finally hit the Vatican with a vengeance under Benedict. As the leader of the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he had been ahead of many of his peers in recognizing how deeply the church had been damaged by revelations that priests around the world had sexually abused youths for decades. As early as 2005, he obliquely referred to priestly abuse as a “filth in the church.” He went on to apologize for the abuse and met with victims, a first for the papacy. But he could not escape the reality that the church had shielded priests accused of molesting, minimized behavior it would have otherwise deemed immoral and hid the misdeeds from the civil authorities, forestalling criminal prosecution. Benedict’s resignation could have some interesting ramifications when it comes to the cloud of scandal that still hangs over the church. If he’s no longer protected by the Vatican, he could find himself quite popular with lawyers who are suing the Catholic Church on behalf of alleged victims of sex abuse. On a more positive note, Benedict’s departure could pave the way for his successor to finally address and make reparations for the many sins of the Catholic Church’s clerics. To paraphrase Gibney, that would bring even more modernity to the Papacy. [ The New York Times ] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

‘Mea Maxima Culpa’ Director Alex Gibney Praises Pope Benedict’s Resignation