Tag Archives: sales

Kylie Jenner: Ripping Off Lip Kit Customers?!

With all the attention that’s been paid to her trout pout over the past year, it was only a matter of time before the  Kylie Jenner lip kit became a thing. Kylie is a master of marketing herself, and naturally, the $29 gloss and liner sets sold out within minutes. Unfortunately, fans who were hoping to give themselves the gift of Kylie-like lips in time for the holidays may be disappointed. TMZ is reporting that irate customers are flooding social media with complaints that they never received their lip kits . Some of them say they pre-ordered weeks ago and their tracking numbers indicate that the product should have been delivered already. The problem has gotten so bad that lip kit buyers have threatened to contact the Better Business Bureau.  Facebook and Twitter pages for C&S Sales – the maker and distributor of the lip kit – are being bombarded with complaints. One woman recently commented, “At what point do we report this as fraud?” and her gripe has received dozens of likes. Neither Kylie nor C&S has commented, but we’re guessing this one business venture Kylie regrets. Looks like she’ll be ending her year with more lip kit drama than she bargained for. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner and Her Lips: A Timeline of Untruths

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Kylie Jenner: Ripping Off Lip Kit Customers?!

The Ultimate Black-Owned Online Business Holiday Gift Guide

We wish we could take credit for this, but all glory goes to Bryanda L of Quirky Brown Love who put together the absolute most comprehensive shopping guide to Black-owned businesses on the Internet… Bryanda meticulously laid out more than 200 black-owned businesses in various product categories to help you find the perfect gift for your Fashion-Forward Boyfriend, Husband or Brother in College, The Cousin That Stay Woke and The Earthy, Hippie Girlfriend, and everything in between. Basically she has your mamas, sisters, aunties, nephews, nieces, and coworkers covered, and all we can say is thank you and spread the word… Check out The Ultimate Black-Owned Online Business Holiday Gift Guide (U.S. Online Shops) and let us know what you get! [ MadameNoire ] Black Friday Shopper Has To Lay Hands After Woman Snatched Box From Her Child … This pair of Black Friday shoppers [were] caught on someone’s camera phone at a Walmart store reportedly in Atlanta. After a stream of shoppers toppled over a display of merchandise in the middle of an aisle, a woman with absolutely no chill or good sense snatched a box from a little child whose mother stood behind him with two boxes of her own. The woman even attempted to snatch a box from the mom too and, as you can imagine, that didn’t go over well at all. In the video below, the mother appears to be attempting to put the shopper in a headlock while simultaneously reaching to take back the boxes the crazy lady tried to snatch. Sadly, we don’t know how the tussle ended but we hope both of them took their behinds home afterward. [ MadameNoire ] NY Post Puts Bankrupt 50 Cent’s Instagram Shenanigans On Blast 50 Cent claimed he was bankrupt when Rick Ross’ baby mama won a $7M judgement against him. However, he’s still been flossing wads of cash on Instagram, and a New York City newspaper is feeling a ways. Reports the New York Post: Rapper 50 Cent says he’s penniless — yet keeps a dozen bundles of $100 bills in his refrigerator. The cold, hard cash shares shelf space with a bottle of vodka and two packages of Kraft American cheese, according to a photo that Fitty, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, bizarrely posted on Instagram that will no doubt intrigue his fans — not to mention his bankruptcy judge. “Gotta keep a cool little $tash and some Effen Vodka Happy Holidays,” Fitty wrote. He’s the spokesman for the Dutch vodka brand and gets a cut of its profits. [ HipHopWired ] Shots Fired: Lupe Fiasco Says Things Will Get “Motherf***ing Ugly” When He Sees Kid Cudi [ Vibe ] Jimmy Jam: Adele’s Got Sales, But Janet Jackson’s Still Got Her On THIS… [ TMZ ] This Teen’s Poem Highlights The Sad Reality Of Being A Black Boy [ HuffingtonPost ] Sheree Whitfield Addresses Marriage To Bob: Did She Marry For Money? [ StarPulse ]

The Ultimate Black-Owned Online Business Holiday Gift Guide

Congrats! Jamie Foxx’s Daughter Corinne Named Miss Golden Globe 2016

Corinne Foxx Named Miss Golden Globe Jamie Foxx’s daughter, Corinne Foxx has just been named Miss Golden Globe. The honor, given to the daughters of Hollywood heavy hitters, essentially consists of guiding guests off the stage once they have received their award honors. HFPA President Lorenzo Soria made the announcement at the first Golden Globe party for the 2016 season. “We are delighted to have Corinne Foxx continue the tradition and have her as our 2016 Miss Golden Globe,” he said. “Like her father, she leads a fine example of following her dreams and we can’t wait to see what she does next.” And Corinne was excited to accept the honor. “Throughout the years I’ve grown up watching my dad establish himself as a well-respected actor,” said Foxx. “I’m honored that HFPA has given me the opportunity to now share the same stage where he’s been recognized for some of his greatest accomplishments.” Good for her! We’re sure her Dad is proud right now… SplashNews

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Congrats! Jamie Foxx’s Daughter Corinne Named Miss Golden Globe 2016

Samuel Krost: Who is Selena Gomez’s New Boy Toy?

Samuel Krost is no Justin Bieber. But that doesn't mean Samuel Krost doesn't now possess what Justin Bieber once had. In mid-November of 2015,  Krost was spotted out and about in New York City with Selena Gomez, holding hands with the singer and stirring up quite the online chatter. A New York University graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Business, we can confirm that Krost graduated Cum Laude and that he works for a swimwear company as an Sales and Merchandising Executive, according to LinkedIn. We can also confirm, thanks to Instagram, that these are photos of Samuel Krost. What do you think, ladies? 1. Samuel Krost Picture Samuel Krost is allegedly dating Selena Gomez. They got together in the fall of 2015. He’s not terrible looking, we guess. 2. Samuel Krost in a Tux Samuel Krost cleans up pretty well, huh? This young man made national news in the fall of 2015 for cozying up to Selena Gomez. 3. Samuel Krost Photo Samuel Krost is a New York University graduate. He must be doing something right because he started to date Selena Gomez in November of 2015. 4. Samuel Krost in Paris Samuel Krost is a sales and merchandising executive who has at least held hands with Selena Gomez. Here he is in Paris. 5. Samuel Krost Pic Samuel Krost is not better looking than Justin Bieber. But he still started to date Selena Gomez toward the end of 2015. 6. Samuel Krost at the Beach Samuel Krost hangs out here with a few lady friends. He wrote as a caption to this photo that “last night was lit,” making him sort of a loser. View Slideshow

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Samuel Krost: Who is Selena Gomez’s New Boy Toy?

Gigi Hadid and Rachel Hilbert Show Off Their Played Out Victoria’s Secret Asses of the Day

Gigi Hadid posted this picture of her and Rachel Hilbert, who is some other young up and coming, probably rich kid model, that I guess plays one of her BFFs, because that’s how they market this shit… But we all know how girls work, and that if Gigi is posting this picture, it isn’t because she thinks it’s a cute pic that the world needs to see, she is posting it because she thinks her ass looks better than Hilberts, because everyone is out for their fucking self, and the only way the most famous “model” of the new generation is going to be plugging another bitch, it’s because she’s either gotta play the top dog, you know asserting herself as the girl who other girls have their period’s sync to..or she’s just doing a “hey I’m the one on the left, I look better than that haggard monster on the right”…kissy face… Do you want to see Gigi Hadid rich girl side tit? Here it is… 21 August 2015. Gigi Hadid seen arriving for the Taylor Swift concert in Los Angeles. Credit: BG/GoffPhotos.com Ref: KGC-300/150821KJ1 **UK, Spain, Italy, China, South Africa Sales Only** TO SEE GIGI HADID IN A TIGHT SHIRT OF THE DAY CLICK HERE The post Gigi Hadid and Rachel Hilbert Show Off Their Played Out Victoria’s Secret Asses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Gigi Hadid and Rachel Hilbert Show Off Their Played Out Victoria’s Secret Asses of the Day

Lady Gaga: Topless and Bald on Instagram!

There’s nothing all that exciting about topless Lady Gaga photos . The Mother Monster has been appearing in public in various stages of undress for about as long as she’s been famous. In fact, thanks to those giant sunglasses she used to rock, we’re pretty sure we saw her boobs before we ever saw her face in its entirety. Still, there’s a new and interesting aspect to her latest Instagram photo, as Gaga apparently decided to give “topless” a whole different meaning: That’s Gaga without the giant hairpieces she’s been rocking lately. It’s impossible to tell if her head is shaved or her hair is just pulled back in a really tight bun, but either way, we feel like we shouldn’t be seeing this. Catching the singer without one of her trademark fright wigs is like seeing Stephen Colbert break character.  But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, as Gaga has been reaching Madonna-like levels of late-career desperation recently. Gaga’s latest album did alright on the charts, but she’s is nothing like the pop cultural force that was Lady Gaga just a few short years ago. That’s why we’ve had Gaga flashing her naked butt on Instagram . That’s why we’ve been receiving subtle social media hints that Gaga married Taylor Kinney . It’s all part of an effort to keep her personal life interesting, as her music continues to grow stale. The Mother Monster, of course, has so many rabidly devoted fans that her sales will remain steady for a while, but we imagine it’s only a matter of time before they move on to a new act that its as exciting and unpredictable as Gaga once was. 41 WTF? Lady Gaga Photos 1. Lady Gaga: Tattoo, No Top! Lady Gaga gets a huge tattoo, and no pants or top are being worn in the process of her getting it. Pretty great.

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Lady Gaga: Topless and Bald on Instagram!

SPONSORED POST: A Natural Viagra Alternative without the Side Effects

We all know every man craves the satisfaction of pleasing a woman with unbelievably hot sex and multiple orgasms in a single session, but I’d say this is a rare occasion. And that’s because if you’re reading this, chances are you’re not 17 anymore and have probably tried the “blue pill” to fix your limp cock. I mean think about the rock-solid boners you were able to get in your younger years. You were unstoppable! But reality is, the older you get, the weaker your erections become, and in some cases, they can disappear all together. Not even Sasha Grey could help you get it up. But if you’re like most men, and this includes the big-dick dudes who are having some of the most exciting bang fests on camera, you probably need a little extra help to keep your lovemaking skills up to par with the beautiful woman you meet. I mean, you didn’t think male porn stars actually use a fluffer to keep them hard, did you? As a matter of fact, 99 percent of the guys in the porn biz are using TestoMAX200, a high quality, and all-natural alternative to other male enhancement drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. There has been a great deal of controversy in regards to the pill’s powerful potency, and pharmaceutical companies are trying to ban the product from being available without a prescription. Created by Natural Breakthroughs Research Founder, Rick Cannon, TestoMAX200 was formulated because the “other” pills stopped working for him. Click Here To Learn More About TestoMAX200 “I’d say 99 percent of pills out there are completely bogus,” says Cannon. “I’ve heard so many horror stories from men who’ve tried the pharmaceutical stuff, and all the terrible side effects associated. I think when there is a natural alternative that works, it’s always better. And a lot of men seem to agree.” The majority of guys in the industry are choosing TestoMAX200 because it uses only powdered versions of ingredients instead of extracts, which is the only way to provide enough of the active elements to work. In addition, the product is free of binders or fillers, and each premium component is 100 percent natural. So why do pharmaceutical companies want TestoMAX200 off the market? The sad truth is probably because it’s cutting into their sales. Reality is most producers of male enhancement supplements are only in it for the cash, and don’t know a thing about quality or even safety. Despite the fame, using PDE5 inhibitors can cause serious issues for men including loss of penile function, headache, indigestion, dependency and can even put you at risk for heart attack. So why are these dick pills so sought after? Cause the average Joe will do just about anything to enhance their sexual performance. TestoMAX200 however, is designed to do exactly what other pharmaceutical do, minus the harmful aftermath, and that’s why it’s become the most effective pick-me-up for men in the industry. It only uses natural herbs, roots, and various medicinal components known to boost male virility. Some of these ingredients include Epimedium and Tongkat Ali, both which help open up blood vessels and increase blood flow directly where it’s needed. AKA your cock. You can find out more about TestoMAX200 from this video we found: Click Here to Watch Video “In all, there are 5 natural ingredients, which combine beautifully to get you up, and keep you up,” says Cannon. It’s designed to help you reach maximum hardness, and give you that extra libido boost when it might be flagging a bit.” TestoMAX200 sounds like a great choice right? No risky side effects, easy access, potent ingredients, and ridiculously fast results, but it might be too good to be true if pharmaceutical companies get their way. The supplement is so powerful that is was on the hush-hush for quite sometime, and male stars refused to make it public. “I hadn’t thought about releasing it to the general public because I wasn’t sure if there was a huge demand for it outside of the adult industry,” says Cannon. “It’s the formula that really turned my life around and something I hold very near and dear. I wanted to make sure it was done properly.” After a good friend changed his mind, Cannon finally agreed to make the supplement available to any willing man looking to dramatically improve his sex life. And it’s been a huge success. Demand is high, and men all around the world are dying to get their hands on TestoMAX200, but it may not be long before you’ll need a doctor’s note. Watch the video explaining TestoMAX200 here , and decide for yourself if it should require a prescription. Or, get some before its too late!

Original post:
SPONSORED POST: A Natural Viagra Alternative without the Side Effects

Iggy Azalea: "Fancy" Reaches Number 1 on Billboard Hot 100; Rapper Ties Record Set By The Beatles!

The jury is still out as to whether or not Iggy Azalea is a racist , but one thing is for sure – the Aussie rapper’s offensive tweets have definitely not hampered the sales of her smash single, “Fancy.” Iggy Azalea: “Fancy” According to Billboard magazine, not only does Iggy have the number one song of the week, her cameo on Ariana Grande’s “Problem” makes her the first artist since The Beatles to hold down the number one and number two spots at the same time.  Not bad for a 23-year-old from Down Under. As a white, female, non-American rapper, Iggy has been faced with a fair share of haters. In one ugly incident earlier this month, Odd Future rapper Tyler the Creator said Iggy “stinks” while appearing on the popular BET series 106 & Park. We think achieving a feat that no one had accomplished since The Beatles did it over 50 years ago gives Iggy the right to declare herself the winner of that feud.  By way of commenting on her monumental achievement, Iggy simply posted a tweet that read, “Number one.” When you’re really killin’ it, sometimes you don’t need to brag. Frankly, we think the popularity of Iggy’s hit single was helped along by one of our favorite viral videos in recent weeks. Check out the awesome dad, daughter lip dub of “Fancy” below: Dad, Daughter Lip Dub “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea

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Iggy Azalea: "Fancy" Reaches Number 1 on Billboard Hot 100; Rapper Ties Record Set By The Beatles!

Ball Out! Leaked Code Gives Everyone 65% Off Ralph Lauren Clothing And It BREAKS Twitter

Leaked Sale Ralph Lauren Sales Code So the honorable Dallas Penn became a Twitter legend last night when he unleashed a leaked employee code that gave anyone who used it 65% off their entire order. The code spread around the internet and Twitter went crazy copping the most insane gear and basically breaking the bank. The reactions were incredible. Did you get anything?

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Ball Out! Leaked Code Gives Everyone 65% Off Ralph Lauren Clothing And It BREAKS Twitter

2 Year-Old Test Positive For Dank In Colorado And State Brings In Over A Million Dollars From First Day Sales! [Video]

Longmont 2-Year-Old Tests Positive For Marijuana. Turn it for the report on the sales…

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2 Year-Old Test Positive For Dank In Colorado And State Brings In Over A Million Dollars From First Day Sales! [Video]