Tag Archives: sammi giancola

Sammi Giancola Previews "Happier" Season of Jersey Shore

After some fistfights with JWoww and screaming matches with Ronnie, Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola somehow managed to mellow out in Season 4 of Jersey Shore. What can we expect from her in the coming fifth season? “We were so happy to be home,” she said . “We went straight from Italy to Seaside with no breaks, so we were extremely comfortable with each other.” “You’re gonna see a happier side of Jersey Shore .” At least for a time. There are apparently some explosive developments this season (and every season), namely Vinny Guadagnino peacing out of Seaside. Don’t expect too much drama from Sam, though. “The new season was actually really good for me and Ron,” she said. “But then things happened – and now we’re single. I’m just working on myself now.” No word if she and Ron have gotten back together in the time it took us to put together this post, but check out the Jersey Shore Season 5 trailer below: Jersey Shore Season 5 Trailer

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Sammi Giancola Previews "Happier" Season of Jersey Shore

Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro Break Up! Again!

Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro have broken up. NOTE: This is the October 2011 edition of the recurring story featuring the combative Jersey Shore couple. “We are not together,” Ron said at a Paranormal Activity 3 superfan screening in NYC. Following their epic fight on Jersey Shore’s third season, the pair reconciled during the filming of Season 4 Florence, and have actually been pretty mellow so far. Ronnie and Sammi are done. Like, they are DONE! “Being in Italy, in such a romantic atmosphere, brought us together,” Ron said . “[It was] probably the highest point in our relationship.” Apparently not for too long. Jersey Shore fans all know the two have strong feelings for each other … that often turn violent. We don’t expect their co-stars will be saddened by this report. “I love single Ronnie,” Pauly D says. “When he’s doing the relationship thing, I don’t get involved. He’s a different person with Sammi. She’s a difficult woman!” One he’ll likely be back together with by Christmas. Whose side are you on? [Photo: WENN.com]

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Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro Break Up! Again!

Baby Lisa Disappearance: Deborah Bradley Video Raises Questions

The man seen on a surveillance tape shopping with the missing Baby Lisa Irwin’s mother has been identified as the woman’s brother, according to a news report. Deborah Bradley and her brother were purchasing wine for a family event at the Festival Foods near her home in Kansas City, Mo., family members tell KCTV5. Bradley was seen in the video around 5 p.m. October 3, the same night she said she last saw her baby. Her brother was seen shopping alongside her on tape. According to the station, local police have interviewed the brother and determined that he wasn’t involved in the shocking disappearance of 10-month-old Lisa. The little girl went missing just hours after the shopping trip, triggering an investigation that has led nowhere and already taken several bizarre twists. Bradley was interviewed by authorities and fears she’ll be arrested “any moment,” a relative says, but so far no charges have been filed against anyone. Bradley and baby Lisa’s father, Jeremy Irwin, reported her missing about 4 a.m. Oct. 4. Bradley said she last checked on her daughter about 10:30 p.m. The couple says Lisa was kidnapped from her crib while she was sleeping. Meanwhile, officials are questioning the credibility of Bill Stanton, a private investigator who said someone brought him on to conduct an investigation. Area licensed private investigators say they have filed a complaint with the state licensing board since Stanton is not licensed to work in Missouri.

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Baby Lisa Disappearance: Deborah Bradley Video Raises Questions

Jersey Shore Recap: One Ugly Situation After Another

Last week’s Jersey Shore ended with a cliffhanger of sorts. After the realization that Snooki’s kooka cuddled with Vinny’s junk,she spilled the beans to Jionni. In this episode, we saw the conclusion of this epic saga, which went about as you’d expect. Meanwhile, a lot of people are really not big fans of Situation. We’ve always liked Mike in spite of his significant flaws. But his failure to see that he has such flaws – and thus feel sorry for himself – is beyond baffling. As always, we break down all of the top Jersey Shore quotes and moments for you as we analyze Thursday’s gripping installment, THG +/- recap style! Jionni clearly was not happy, but he merely sounded disappointed … that low tone of voice designed to make the other party feel guilty and like a useless human being. Plus 14 for not screaming and thus making Snooki look sympathetic. He told Snook that he “can’t call her his girlfriend.” Same here man. Plus 7 . Minus 11 because clearly they’re back together, rendering this pointless. Elsewhere on the aspiring roommate hookup front, wannabe Snooki Deena really wants her kooka to cuddle up to Pauly D. Minus 5 for not taking a hint. Minus 20 more for how she says “do sex.” NO ONE SAYS THAT. Pauly, to his credit, busts out every trick in the book to resist getting it in, all without coming off like an d!ck. He was rather skillful, we must say. Plus 16 . Vinny, take note. You don’t have to pork Snook next time. Minus 3 . Plus 8 for Vinny’s hilarious confessional parody of Pauly. Oh yeah! What’s more disgusting, smushing Snook or brushing your teeth with hair clippings? Wash , because there’s probably a lot of guys who’d prefer the latter. It took awhile, but Florence passersby are apparently starting to make like the crowds of Seaside, engaging the cast and looking to start $h!t. Plus 4 , but careful who you “shame,” Italians … you don’t want to end up like this ass clown: Jersey Shore – One Shot Fight Mike, not Ron, attempts to act hard and posture back. Oye. Minus 5 . OMG you KNOW a fight’s about to go down. Ronnie and Pauly say they’re gonna tear the crowd apart until … nothing happens. Anticlimactic much? Minus 15 . After club bouncers escorted everyone out, Snooki and Deena were not about to call it a night. If you’re not blacked out, it’s not time to pack it in. Plus 9 . Team Meatball might regret that decision if they could remember it, between groups of Italian dudes harassing them and the ice thrown at them. Minus 6 . Deena talks about being good in bed a lot. If you have to say it … Minus 3 . Okay, Plus 2 , because those two deserve ice thrown at them a little bit . Plus 7 more , because breaking bottles, as we know, solves everything. JWoww and Sammi are, like, actually becoming friends, bonding over the fact they are moderately sane and Team Meatball is totally outta control! Plus 14 . That jacuzzi probably needs to be thrown out after this season. Minus 4 . Also, Sam and Ron have not fought in like a month! Plus 21 . Pauly and Vinny take their bromance to bed. LOL. Plus 9 . Oh boy. Sitch really opened up a can of worms calling out Deena for doing nothing around the house. Plus 5 , as we’re sure it’s true, but Minus 10 for going there when you cause plenty of other problems by merely existing yourself. Deena to Mike, after he calls her fat: “I can lose weight for free but you need about 10 grand to fix your f*%king face.” Boom! Plus 9 . Mike, once again, feels way too sorry for himself. Minus 30 . Next week is the season finale, but they’re already talking about rooming situations (pun not intended) in Seaside, reminding us that yes, there’s a fifth season of Jersey Shore coming our way this winter. Fist. Pump. Plus 20 . EPISODE TOTAL: +33 . SEASON TOTAL: +232 . Jersey Shore is totally …

Originally posted here:
Jersey Shore Recap: One Ugly Situation After Another

Ronnie Magro and Sammi Giancola: Actually Happy For Once?

Just when you thought you’d seen everything. Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola from Jersey Shore celebrated their final few days in Italy with a night out at 21 club last weekend. However, rather than end their trip with one last blowout, the group left after a few hours and headed home, arriving back at their pad happy as clams. With another pay raise secured for season five, RonSam and their cohorts have a lot to smile about. But still, when’s the last time you saw pics like this?! Approximately five minutes after these jovial photos were taken, death threats were exchanged and the cops were called. Just kidding … well, probably . [Photos: WENN.com]

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Ronnie Magro and Sammi Giancola: Actually Happy For Once?

Jersey Shore Recap: Sloppopatumus Unclogged!

In the aftermath of Sammi’s exit from Jersey Shore last week, Ronnie was down in the dumps. The rest of the gang seemed focused more on absurd pranks. Despite the title, “The Great Depression” was lighter fare than more recent episodes, with fewer epic meltdowns and more bathroom humor – quite literally. As always, THG has broken down some of the top Jersey Shore quotes and scenes from the episode in our trademark +/- recap below. Let’s get to it: THAT’S JUST WRONG: Pauly’s discover was dirty even by JS standards. Right off the bat for using the show to pitch Britney Spears’ new music video . Videos, on MTV? What a concept! Plus 5 in hopes that this pattern continues. Despite being enraged every second she’s around, Ronnie mopes now that Sammi’s gone, whining non-stop in an all-out effort to grow a vagina. Minus 19 . Seriously, Jenni could take Ronnie. You can see the disgust on her face. Plus 4 . Sammi breaks down at home. Minus 10 for not making this a Sammi-free week, ’cause she’ll be back wearing her one white skirt/black top outfit in no time. The Situation attempts to give Ron-Ron a pep talk. On relationships. Minus only 2 , because it was nice of him to reach out, but talk about useless advice. Deena slams cake in Vinny’s face, then hides under a bed, only to struggle to get her ass, emblazoned with the words GO HARD on it, underneath. Plus 8. The prank war gets a nasty when droppings from the dog end up in Deena’s and Pauly’s beds. Practical jokes are awesome, but … fecal waste. Minus 10 . Vinny hijacks Snooki’s favorite stuffed animal, Crocodilly, dangling it from the deck in a stressful hostage situation. That’s how to mess with a girl! Plus 7 . Is it just us or is Snooki resembling Snarf from Thundercats? Minus 6 , because at least you never had to worry about Snarf getting naked every week. JERSEY SHORE UNCLOGGED : Vinny attempts to navigate the brown river. Ron totally is a girl. He’s eating himself silly amid all this grief, when he’s not crying of course. How else can one clog so many toilets? Minus 3 , or one point per. Which backed-up plumbing event was more unpleasant? The toilet, as pictured above, or what was going on inside Deena’s body? Forget it, let’s move on. Wash . Minus 4 because I spit out my coffee as Snooki prescribed it to Deena, saying it will so help her issue by causing a rainstorm for the butthole. My mind is blown. Pauly finds some ladies’ underwear in the can. “How are you supposed to get fresh in the bathroom with these dirty-ass drawers?” he muses. Seriously. Plus 9 . Plus 5 more for this line by Vinny, absolving himself of any possible tie to said dirty-ass drawers: “The girls I bring home wear no underwear.” Like a true PSA. Ronnie: “I’m glad I’ve got a penis.” Dude … no. Minus 3 . WHAT UP, GUYS! The gang raids the Smush Room to Snooki’s chagrin. Snook bags a “Mario Brother” named Jionni LaValle ! Plus 8 . But … Having been c*ck-blocked by none other than Jionni a few weeks back, Vinny sees an opportunity for revenge, excavating Snooki from the Smush Room. Plus 11 . Later, The Situation interrupts Vinny’s late-night activities by feeding him a burger. You know one of these days, someone’s going to try to pull The Rodeo . Plus 8 . Deena feels drunk and homesick after a night out at Karma. The Situation refers to her as a Sloppopatumus, which was funny but poorly-timed, so Plus only 4 . Ronnie somehow talks Deena down, and it’s actually sweet. Plus 7 . Minus 2 for me just getting emotional over this utter nonsense. TOTAL: +17. SEASON TOTAL: +194.

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Jersey Shore Recap: Sloppopatumus Unclogged!

Jersey Shore Poll: Team Sammi or Team Ronnie?

It was the breakup to end all breakups. In this corner, the horror of Hazlet, N.J., one of the most b!tchy, grating, stuck up, painfully annoying and unpleasant girls ever, Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola! In the other corner, hailing from the Bronx, the worst boyfriend in human history, an idiotic, abusive, alcoholic meathead with rage issues, Ronnie Magro! These two fight every waking hour, but on Thursday night (see our Jersey Shore recap for the full rundown), things finally reached the point of no return. No woman deserves to be treated like Sam did, ever. Yet she remains a bratty button-pusher who’s very hard to sympathize with for a litany of reasons. What did you think? Did Ron go too far? Did she PUSH him too far and does she share some of the blame? Are they both just gluttons for punishment? Vote below and tell us: Whose side are you on here? Follow the jump for one clip from the episode-long melee: Ronnie-Sammi Fight on Jersey Shore

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Jersey Shore Poll: Team Sammi or Team Ronnie?

Jersey Shore Recap: If I Were Sober, I’d Be Bored

Last night on Jersey Shore, Snooki got sprung from the can but soon reverted to her old ways, while Ronnie’s doppelganger was discovered at the club and JWoww’s relationship problems with Tom Lippolis reached a tipping point. A relatively tame episode after Snooki’s epic bender , but a good one. As always, THG breaks down all the best Jersey Shore quotes and scenes from last night’s installment of the MTV show in its trademark +/- recap below: WHAT A QUACK: Snooki’s dad relays his disappointment. He’s disappointed, but Snooki’s dad takes the whole thing pretty well. Guess when your daughter once sold alcohol at a party at your house, and a trashed guest crashed his car and died on the way home, you’ve seen worse. Minus 12 . When her father goes off on her with the tried and true “I’m not mad, just disappointed” bit, she says “It’s not like I killed someone.” This time . Plus 8 . His lecture was a real deterrent for at least 12 hours. Minus 4 . Wait, was JWoww wearing a “Free Snooki” tank top? Plus 7 . JWoww and Tom argue via the duck. It’s only going to get worse. Minus 4 . Ronnie and Sammi are sound asleep and therefore silent. Niiiiice! Plus 5 . They’ll wake up at some point between now and the end of time. Minus 5 . Deena tags along with the guys and fits in well, complimenting a girl’s chest, letting a girl do a shot off her stomach, allowing a girl to grind on her ass and so on. They may want to rename their crew MVPD. Plus 10 . FUN WITH FLIP VIDEOS : What else is that thing good for? JWOWW, Pauly D and Vinny shoot flip-cam videos. See above. Plus 9 . Snooki gem #1: “Every time I get really excited, like if we go to a club, I have to poop my pants. If we go to a party, I have to poop my pants, if I go on a date, I have to poop my pants.” So Snooki and fecal waste are inseparable. Minus 7 . Snooki gem #2: “This is the things I think I’m addicted to: Bronzer, boys and alcohol. I’m f@#ked up.” Yes, this is pretty much the things, Snook. Plus 6 . Fake Ronnie is just as much of a sleaze as Real Ronnie. Minus 4 . Plus 8 for Vinny’s line in which he says getting to “hang out with Ron while he’s with Sam” is the best of both worlds, though. Funny and likely true. (DUCK) CALLING IT OFF: JWoww and Tom break up. Deena and Dean get in the tub and molest each other. The next day, Sammi says, “Men are pigs.” Deena: “He [indecipherable] last night, so.” Huh? Eh, Plus 5 . Real Ron on JWoww hypocrisy: “She sees her ex-boyfriend, then calls her boyfriend, but I’m the dirtbag? She’s just a shady bitch.” He’s way worse. Minus 6 . JWoww ends it with Tom Lippolis , saying he basically drove her into the arms of Roger Williams. Plus 8 , since unlike Sam, she clearly means the word “done.” Dude stole JWoww nude pictures ! Dirtbag. Minus 7 . Plus 13 for Snooki and JWoww’s friendship. They may be trashy at times (or all the time), but there is a genuineness that we really relate to and appreciate. On Jersey Shore After Dark , JWoww says Tom was an abusive control freak who “threw her down the stairs” because he found clothes in her luggage that weren’t “acceptable.” Does she wear anything that is acceptable? It’s JWoww! Minus 10 . Bonus Plus 7 for an episode generally free of Sammi opening her mouth, and for a little breather from The Situation’s antics, much as we love the guy. TOTAL: +27. SEASON TOTAL: +104.

See the rest here:
Jersey Shore Recap: If I Were Sober, I’d Be Bored

Jersey Shore Smackdown: Sammi vs. JWoww, Round 2

In addition to its usual Thursday night fiasco, Jersey Shore airs a special, all-new episode tonight on MTV. Will Sammi take a pounding like last week? We wouldn’t be surprised. No one likes her anymore. Not even Ronnie . Tonight’s episode purports to show the incident that got Snooki arrested this past summer. Girl got so plastered she face-planted in the sand … in the middle of the freaking day. But Round 3 between Sammi and JWoww is always a possibility too. Here’s Round 2 from last Thursday – in slo-mo! Brace yourself … Jersey Shore Fight in Slow Motion

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Jersey Shore Smackdown: Sammi vs. JWoww, Round 2

JWoww on Jersey Shore Season 3: Crazy Drama!

JWoww promises plenty of drama when Jersey Shore returns for Season 3 next week. We’re inclined to believe the fake-breasted, hot-headed star. Frequent sparring partner Angelina Pivarnick may be gone, but according JWoww (Jenni Farley), tears and tirades are still to come on the MTV hit. “There’s a whole lot of drama!” JWoww said, admitting that she is at the center of much of the action herself, thanks to her split with Tom Lippolis . BUSTIN’ OUT : JWoww is so ready to this season. “You will see that I go through a bad breakup, and I find new love,” Jenni says . “Everyone finally gets to see my side. I come out of my shell.” JWoww’s pissed off ex publicly accused her of cheating – and cheating her out of royalties – last summer, but the starlet is hardly heartbroken. Instead, she’s turning her misadventures in love into the third season of her hit show, along with a dating advice book to be released next year. At least she has Sammi Giancola to take out her frustrations on. Watch JWoww get into it with her roomie in the Jersey Shore Season 3 trailer !

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JWoww on Jersey Shore Season 3: Crazy Drama!