Tag Archives: Smart

Lana Del Rey to Azealia Banks: I Will F–k You Up!

She may have torpedoed her own music career and gotten kicked off Twitter for engaging in some pretty bizarre behavior, but Azealia Banks is still finding ways to make her voice heard. And the results have been just as infuriating and entertaining as ever! Banks’ source of outrage du jour is the uproar surrounding the political opinions of Kanye West . West’s love of Donald Trump has made him low-hanging fruit for many in the celebrity world these days, and Banks feels the hip-hop icon is being unfairly maligned. This week, she specifically singled out singer and ill-fated dame in a Dashiell Hammett adaptation Lana Del Rey, who recently attacked West in a vitriolic series of tweets.  “Wow okay Lana, this would be cute if you were consistent with your outrage and refused to collab with ASAP rocky who has physically assaulted women too,” Banks responded on Twitter. “To me this just looks like the typical White woman taking using a weakened target to ‘pretend’ to be an ally.”  Banks went on to argue that Del Rey “wouldn’t dare challenge a black woman on her opinion” and accused her of using Kanye as an easy trget “for your own vapid attempts to seem politically aware.” From there, Banks accused Del Rey of hypocrisy, pointing out that she’s collaborated with A$AP Rocky, who has been the subject of multiple abuse allegations. “Kanye is not your enemy or THE enemy. In fact your selective outrage Makes YOU. The enemy,” she continued. “You’re exactly the kind of thought police Kanye is fighting against… I suggest you apologize to Kanye” A solid opening salvo, to be sure. And since LDR isn’t really known for engaging in celebrity beefs (or anything other that ethereally drifting through artsy, Chris Isaak-y music videos), it was widely assumed she wouldn’t respond. Not only did she clap back, she straight up threatened to knock Azealia flat: “u know the addy. Pull up anytime. Say it to my face. But if I were you- I wouldn’t,” Del Rey tweeted. “I won’t not f–k you the f–k up. Period.” Another called out Banks directly saying, “Banks. u coulda been the greatest female rapper alive but u blew it. dont take it out on the only person who had ur back.” Unpopular opinion time: politics aside, we have to give the W to Azealia here. For one thing, responding to ideological differences with threats of violence is weak sauce, especially on social media, where there are no physical consequences to such actions. On top of that, if Del Rey and Banks were to square off, we’re pretty sure Lana would be the one getting f–ked up. Elizabeth Woolridge Grant grew up rich as hell Upstate and tried on like 8 different personas before landing on the noirish chanteuse thing she has going on now. Banks is straight outta Harlem and kills chickens for fun . We’d say the smart money is on Azealia, but this fight would be over before anyone had a chance to shake on a bet. That said, Lana has a point about Banks shooting herself in the foot career. The world needs another “212” now more than ever. View Slideshow: Azealia Banks and Her Beefs: Who’s She Shading Now?

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Lana Del Rey to Azealia Banks: I Will F–k You Up!

Roseanne Conner Returns To TV As A Trump Supporter & Fans Have Mixed Reactions

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Source: Nicky Nelson/WENN.com / WENN The Conners returned to TV yesterday in the highly anticipated Roseanne reboot, but the 2018 version of the show may be a little too controversial for Roseanne ‘s fans. After finding out that Barr’s character is a Trump supporter, there was a lot of pushback with many viewers vowing to drop the show like a bad habit. Others say Trump support is a reality that should be addressed. Pass. Not the type of representation in TV shows I'm looking for, thanks. https://t.co/4XSp8hri1T — Juan Carlos Gomez (@JuanCG1123) March 27, 2018 I'm interested in seeing it. Roseanne is a Trump supporter, but the rest of the family is not. I think that can demonstrate conversations that people need to have. If people could talk politics they would be less likely to buy into the extremist crap that gives us Trump. — Shayna Grissom (@ShaynaGrissom) March 27, 2018 I grew up in a town where the current median household income is 45k. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but #Roseanne really repped working class folks who are not perfect, who are stuck in their small town bubble, but who also are open to progress. — Lauren Modery (@Hipstercrite) March 27, 2018 I'm sincerely hoping that despite Roseanne's support of Trump, the show will continue being cutting edge in its discussion of and support of progressive themes. This NY Times review suggests it does a little bit: https://t.co/CxaM8trXFP — Lauren Modery (@Hipstercrite) March 27, 2018 It's a huge shame that Roseanne Barr is a Trump supporter, but I'm interested in seeing how she handles that with her character. — Lauren Modery (@Hipstercrite) March 27, 2018 Hit the flip to see what Roseanne had to say about Trump in an interview with The NY Times this week and let us know if you’ll be tuning in.

Roseanne Conner Returns To TV As A Trump Supporter & Fans Have Mixed Reactions

6 WTF Cartoon Conspiracy Theories That Prove Your Childhood Was A Lie

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Source: Getty Images / Getty We all love a good conspiracy theory, until it completely changes the way you view everything you ever loved in life. Especially things so sacred as childhood cartoons. Casper the Ghost is a cautionary tale about how Richie Rich's parents killed him for the insurance money. pic.twitter.com/xD9vwoW0Jv — Charles, the Changing Man (@CharlesPulliam) March 27, 2018 Oftentimes, the most bizarre theories have some truth to them if you really think about it. We’re not saying believe these theories but — stay woke. Spongebob Each SpongeBob SquarePants character represents one of the seven deadly sins . Patrick is sloth; Squidward is wrath; Mr. Krabs is greed; Plankton is envy (hence the green); Gary is gluttony; Sandy is pride(her love for Texas); and SpongeBob is lust.   Rugrats Some say that Angelica imagined all of the  babies because she was lonely and had a neglectful, workaholic mother. Tommy was stillborn; Chuckie died in a car cash; and the DeVilles had an abortion. Allegedly.   Magic School Bus The Magic School Bus kids grew up to become the characters on Captain Planet. Magic school Bus = Captain Planet pic.twitter.com/vqB39fqsr8 — Pierre (@YoungJPTM) March 28, 2018   Hey Arnold Hey Arnold is actually about Helga . We know way more about her life than we do Arnold’s. Plus the name of the show is a direct quote from her — “Hey, Arnold!” She’s also the only character on the show with scenes delivering lengthy speeches.   Pinky And The Brain Pinky was actually the smart one, not Brain. Each episode pretty much features Brain coming up with a plan to take over the world, and when Pinky tries to give legitimate input, Brain just brushes him off. Then everything goes wrong because Brain didn’t listen to Pinky. In one episode, Brain goes on a game show and loses on a question that Pinky had the answer to. Later on in the show, we see that Pinky can read, and Brain can barely write his name. Mind blown yet?

6 WTF Cartoon Conspiracy Theories That Prove Your Childhood Was A Lie

#HarleyBarber: Clotted Cream Co-Ed Apologizes After She’s Expelled For Her Racist Rant

This is Harley Barber. Harley Barber is AΦ and thinks that she can throw around the N word and not be held accountable for her actions. @UofAlabama let’s prove her wrong. Racism and Bigotry will not and can not be tolerated. Period. pic.twitter.com/oKp8KlNMfo — Brittney K (@_thebrittneyk) January 16, 2018 Harley Barber Expelled Don’t be sorry now, stupid. That’s the message that’s being sent to Harley Barber, a University of Alabama student whose racist rant went viral. As previously reported the audacious Alpha Phi sorority member posted several videos calling black people “n***rs” and adding that she can drop the N-word freely because she’s in the south. “We do not waste water,” said Barber in a video of herself turning off a water faucet. “We don’t waste water because of people in Syria. I love how I act like I love black people because I f–king hate n—–s. So, that’s really interesting — I f—king hate n—–s, but I just saved the f–king n—–s by shutting that water off.” She later added this in another video after receiving backlash; ““I’ve wanted to be in Alpha Phi since f–king high school and nobody f—king understands how much I love Alpha Phi,” Barber says, staring directly at the camera. “And now someone wants to save my finsta because I said n—-r? You know what? N—-r, n—-r, n—-r. I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day.” Watch ya clotted cream mouth beyotch. The New Jersey native has now been expelled from Alabama and she’s apologizing for being a rancid racist in an interview with The New York Post. “I did something really, really bad,” Barber told The Post. “I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible. I’m wrong and there’s just no excuse for what I did.” Asked if she considered the advice from one of her friends who suggested that Barber not post the videos, Barber replied: “No, I’m an idiot. There’s no excuse. I did something really bad.” See what happens when you’re a wasted dollop of dumpster mayo??? Harley Barber is an example of how your right to free speech does not protect you from the repercussions of said speech. — Monique Judge (@thejournalista) January 17, 2018 What do YOU think about Harley Barber getting expelled???

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#HarleyBarber: Clotted Cream Co-Ed Apologizes After She’s Expelled For Her Racist Rant

How Black Hollywood Is Failing The Black Press

Image via Danielle James/iONEDigital How Black Hollywood Is Failing The Black Press This article was written by staff writer and producer Keyaira Kelly and was originally published by our iONE sister site Hello Beautiful . I was a budding journalist nervously going over my iPhone notes for my first red carpet interview when I noticed it. I was proudly standing on the HelloBeautiful place marker waiting for the behind-the-scenes chaos to begin, when I spotted around my feet the strategic placements of almost every other Black outlet in the space. It doesn’t take a veteran to realize the Black press cluster at the end of red carpet lineups makes Black reporters susceptible to the brush-by of celebs and publicists who politely quip, “sorry, ran out of time” as they scurry out of view. Black media often receives rushed statements, or no comment at all, even though that same Black celebrity stopped for E! Online just moments ago. The strategic cafeteria table-esque segregation of Black press on red carpets is one of many micro-aggressions we face as Black journalists. And while being placed at the tail-end of a carpet is more indicative of the predominately White media system and its value assessment of Black press, these oversights are even more hurtful when they come from your own people. The fact is, too many of our Black celebrities are simply not supporting us. Most, if not all, Black celeb power seeds in our communities. The dominant corporations and media powers-that-be mine our talent and resources for the “next big thing.” And Black media celebrates when our people are plucked out of our silos and make it. We cheer as they float up into mainstream heaven with the hopes that, as they ascend, that they will still feel our loose grips on their balloon strings and tug back. But all too often, that mutual support just isn’t felt. In many cases, once a celebrity passes a certain status, they completely forget about those same Black media outlets who were among the first to cover them and their talents. We live in an age where social capital immediately translates into monetary capital. Re-tweets and shares translate into clicks, which drive traffic and advertising dollars and revenue. That’s the reality of our business model. So when small teams of Black journalists take the time and effort to profile a Black celebrity with a large reach and that content isn’t shared with the influencer’s audiences, the impact reverberates through us all. Just a simple scan of some of your favorite Black celebs Twitter and IG feeds and you would discover links to and RTs of interviews they did with White outlet after White outlet, while Black-owned, Black-run press is often omitted from the conversation. I don’t write this with the intent to say the erasure is entirely malicious or even conscious. The lure of White validation is something we’ve all been conditioned to seek. In 2016, Very Smart Brothas writer Damon Young, unpacked how he, and many other Black people, subconsciously value “the attention of the mainstream platforms more than the Black ones”–even if they don’t show us the same love back. We still throw up our hands in outrage when we lose Oscars and Grammys and Golden Globes to mediocre White talent, when in reality those systems were never created to celebrate us in the first place. After Beyoncés “Lemonade” album of the year Grammy snub in 2016, Solange echoed this sentiment urging black folks to “Create your own committees, build your own institutions, give your friends awards, award yourself, and be the gold you wanna hold my g’s.” Black press was born from that same place of urgency. Early 19th-century Black newspapers like the Freedom’s Journal, the North Star and the Frederick Douglas Papers sought to inform Black people from Black perspectives during a time when literacy rates were dismal among our people. After thriving for a century, many Black newspapers folded, unable to attract advertising dollars in the midst of economic crisis. Fortunately, the spirit of those early Black media outlets were reincarnated digitally, with outlets like The Root, Ebony, The Grio, Blavity, Black Voices, Madame Noire, Essence, and HelloBeautiful’s own parent company iOne Digital now carrying the torch and commitment to telling our stories our way. In a time where the press and freedom of speech are under attack more than ever before in modern history, the support from our communities and our celebrities is indispensable. When we say Black Lives Matter, we have to talk about this statement beyond the clutches of police brutality: behind every one of our bylines is a Black life. Black jobs matter. Black families matter. Black POVs matters. Black ownership matters. #BlackPressMatters. And when you have a company, like iOne Digital, which is one of the few remaining Black-owned media companies in the country, snubbed or not acknowledged for our coverage and support of Black interests, it eats away at the foundation of success that keeps our communities alive. So Black celebs, my brothers and sisters, I urge you to pay attention to the Black journalist at the end of the carpet nervously holding her recorder waiting to snag a quote from you. Tell your publicist that you want to give equal time to People Mag and MadameNoire. Google your name and make a note to retweet or share the latest article from the small Black women’s website that can’t get enough of your style choices. When breaking news happens, make it a point to share coverage from the black perspective as well as the big headline from CNN. After you complete an interview, post that photo inside our small studios and don’t forget to tag our brands. We’re all in this together. And nobody wins when the family forgets. Editor’s note: We truly hope this message sinks in with all of our beloved Black celebrities

Originally posted here:
How Black Hollywood Is Failing The Black Press

Britney Spears Performing in Lingerie of the DAy

I think the most magical thing about 2018 is that Britney Spears is still being exploited by her parents like some kind of dancing monkey that earns them a shit ton of money – because she’s medicated and legally under their control – despite pushing 40… Her body is looking fit as fuck, thanks to discipline, hard training by the people who don’t allow her to do whatever the fuck it is she wants to do with her own money in her own life, because that would mean she wouldn’t be paying back into the family business they’ve set up for her. The whole thing, is a very creepy and sad story, but I like that her panties under her fishnets are getting smaller and smaller…makes for a public abduction, some Amy Smart shit, Basement dad with the daughter in the basement rasing their inbred kid, shit…that no one seems to protest, contest or try to save the girl… Here is a video The post Britney Spears Performing in Lingerie of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Britney Spears Performing in Lingerie of the DAy

Rickey Smiley’s Story About Funeral Directors Placing Bets Behind The Scenes [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

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Your browser does not support iframes. Rickey Smiley tells a story he heard once while out at a restaurant in Detroit with some friends. His friend had previously worked at a Funeral Home, and he revealed that the funeral directors used to make bets on whose closing announcement was the best. They would judge it based off of how the family reacted. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit That anonymous friend was in the studio and gave an example of one of those intense closing announcements, which had Rickey Smiley and everybody else cracking up.  Check out this exclusive video to for more of this hilarious story on “ The Rickey Smiley Morning Show .” Listen to “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” LIVE every weekday from 6/5am C. RELATED:  Rickey Smiley’s Tips For Safe & Smart Holiday Shopping [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] RELATED:  Brandon Smiley Tries To Keep It Together During Rickey Smiley’s Ghetto Christmas Poem [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] RELATED:  Rickey Smiley Issues Special Holiday Wishes & Reminders [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] The Latest : What do Grown Folks Really Want For The Holidays! #ReecQOTD Barack Obama As Santa Will Bring You All The Feels For Our Former POTUS Bitter Reporter Gives Snow Removal Tutorial For The Not So Bright More Life: Have You Seen The UFO Video That Has Everyone Freaking Out? [ione_media_gallery src=”https://rickeysmileymorningshow.com” id=”1847747″ overlay=”true”]

Rickey Smiley’s Story About Funeral Directors Placing Bets Behind The Scenes [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

Listen To Tee Grizzley & Lil Durk’s Collab Tape, ‘Bloodas’


Source: Gil Jones / Radio One Lil Durk & Tee Grizzley are the latest rappers to collab on a joint project. ‘Bloodas’ features 12 records with production from Chopsquad DJ of Metro Boomin’s, Boominati, Fuse, ATL Jacob and more. Stream below: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bloodas/1321574477 Lalaa Shepard @lalaashep  

Listen To Tee Grizzley & Lil Durk’s Collab Tape, ‘Bloodas’

These Are The Top 20 iPhone Apps Of 2017

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Source: Carl Court / Getty Bitmoji topped Apple’s list of iOS apps for 2017. The app’s explosive growth is thanks in large part to its integration in Snapchat, who fell from number one to two on the list. Here’s the full list of the top 20 most downloaded apps, according to Apple. Bitmoji Snapchat YouTube Messenger Instagram Facebook Google Maps Netflix Spotify Uber Gmail Pandora Music Amazon WhatsApp Wish Twitter SoundCloud Google Chrome Waze Lyft  

These Are The Top 20 iPhone Apps Of 2017

Skin Links 11.17.17

Top Ten Hottest Celebs that Are Smart Fleshbot Montana Brown flash of panties on a night out  Taxi Driver Movie Mel B double see through shirts while shopping  The Nip Slip Daphne Groeneveld is amazing of the day  Drunken Stepfather Gal Gadot GQ Woman of the Year (header image)  Egotastic Lindsey Pelas superhero-esque giant breasts  Egotastic All Stars Busty amateur Mika as an incredible pair of boobs  Boobie Blog Amber Heard no longer bisexual  WWTDD … read more

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Skin Links 11.17.17