Britney Spears has got to be in her late 30s by now (she’s 35, I just double-checked), and she’s got two kids. And she used to look like this not that long ago. But then she started doing her Vegas show and now Britney looks like this . I’m guessing she has to spend half her day in the gym to stay looking this good, but whatever, I’d definitely hit it one more time. And then as many times as she’d let me after that. Yow! Keep up the good work.
This video of Britney Spears doing some titty art with her titties busting out of her shirt is exciting to me – because it reminds me of some lobotomized, overly medicated, mental health patient in the institution trying out Art Therapy to deal with their childhood trauma…or like some crazed homeless person who is not within the system of mental health therapy or treatment…but is all about doing fecal art on his bus shelter…because girl is crazy, or at least painted crazy by her parents who wanted the judge to lock her into contract with the family they all keep earning and protect their investment…in a sad story… The post Britney Spears Titty Artist of the Day appeared first on .
I’ve gotta say, I’ve really been enjoying Britney Spears ‘ transition from Cheeto-dust-covered soccer mom to super-hot MILF. Not only does it give me a serious pants fire, it also gives me hope that maybe someday, I could get super fit too. If I put down the Cheetos and hit the gym 24/7. Actually, on second thought, screw that. That sounds like way too much hard work. I’ll stick with the snacks and Britney GIFs and pants fires instead, thanks.
Kendrick Lamar, who leads the 2017 VMA nominations with eight nods (including for Video of the Year), will perform at the August 27 show in Inglewood, California.
I know it’s probably hard to remember, especially if you’ve got as short of an attention span as I do, but it was only a year or two ago that Britney Spears was just another washed-up, Cheeto-dust-covered, Walmart-shopping soccer mom . Now though? She’s got her own Vegas show, and she’s back to being the old Hot Britney we all knew and loved. And here’s a few shots of her showing just how she got back into such good shape. Now, what were we talking about again? Sorry, I got a little distracted …
Britney Spears, thanks to her handler parents, didn’t kill herself off and was smart enough or medicated enough or abused enough to stick to what she was doing to bring the cash in, because all the other girls like her, from her era, the bootlegs who were never Britney Spears even though they tried, are off doing other things…like Jessica Simpson’s billion dollar clothing line and Christina Aguilera’s whatever the fuck she does, but none have been as committed to the cause as Britney…probably because they didn’t need to be committed to the cause..their pile of money grew in ways beyond being a dancing monkey, or maybe they didn’t have trashy parents forcing them to continue whatever they were doing…with their song and dance like a circus bear at the traveling carnival they eventually take out back and shoot when he starts to not sell out the circus tent…he’s too expensive to feed… Well, at least she knows her role, but more importantly, at least she’s got some rockin’ tits in her summer dress heading to lunch… I am a fan of all going on here…old lady Spears looking like Young Pam Anderson in this 90s wet dream the later years…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here she is better..when she’s making lunch…. Here’s her IG pic… The post Britney Spears Does Lunch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Britney Spears was not at the Met Ball, because who gives a fuck about the Met Ball, the fashion industry is a fucking scam filled with liars and groupies…selling overpriced bullshit that isn’t any better quality or concept than anything else, they just found a way to cash in and trick idiots to buy into their shit.. Kind of like Britney Spears’ parents, who have been milking their scam for a long fucking time, but luckily their baby girl, the earner, maintains her fitness to continue earning, and in the process posts slutty gym selfies because she knows she looks good and so do you. Britney Spears for life…motherfucker. The post Britney Spears Fitness Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Justin Bieber is at it again. He’s taking his shirt off again on Instagram? He’s sticking it to Kourtney Kardashian (where it counts!) again in bed? He’s attacking members of the paparazzi for snapping photo? Okay, good point. We need to be more specific here. In this case, Justin Bieber is once again treating his fans like crap, making fun of them and mocking them simply because they are excited to be in his presence. Heck, those descriptions may be too kind to Bieber. He’s really trashing them in the clip below. Filmed by a fan in Australia, where Bieber is currently on tour, the following footage features Justin addressing a loud group of supporters who surrounded him while he tried to eat a meal in peace in between concerts. “The more you guys scream and act like animals, the less we can have a conversation,” Bieber condescends to his followers. “the more you guys scream and act like animals, the less we can have a conversation” TELL THEM @justinbieber — mandy (@imadgizzle) March 17, 2017 Just days prior to this incident, Bieber told a girl who asked for his autograph that she made him “sick.” This has become a very strange, disturbing and unfortunate pattern for Justin Bieber. In October, the artist blasted his own concert goes for dating to yell in support and excitement. “Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?” Bieber asked at the time , going on to put his fans in their place as follows: “I get it, I get it, but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious… “I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating. When I’m speaking, can you guys not scream at the top of your lungs?” A couple days later, Bieber dressed down another crowd , telling them he was “just trying to engage,” but if they kept being so loud, he’d stop talking and “just play the music.” And then a couple days after this incident, a frustrated Bieber stormed off stage due to the enthusiasm of his audience: Justin Bieber Storms Off Stage Finally, after continually showing such little respect for the people who have made him rich and famous, Bieber posted a lengthy message on Twitter toward the end of last October. “I simply feel like, if I didn’t use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn’t use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what’s in my heart, then I’m doing myself injustice, and I’m not doing anybody in this audience any justice,” the singer rambled . He continued: “There’s going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I’m human. But I don’t pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don’t say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I’d be a robot, and I’m just, I’m not a robot. “There’s times when I get upset … times when I get angry, there’s times when I’m going to be myself on this stage… “All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people … certain cities aren’t going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it’s my job to just say, ‘hey, I’m not going to try to force anything.’ “I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing.” Look, JB. We get it: it must be very annoying to feel like you are a piece of meat at times; to be gawked at and yelled at and maybe not really listened to as a human being. But one way to solve this problem would be to post fewer shirtless photos of yourself . Another way to solve this problem would be to gain some perspective. All celebrities must trade some privacy for a lot of wealth. You get to live your dream of working as a very successful recording artist and, in exchange, you must eat lunch while sort of being treated like a museum display. Case in point: So either do not go out to eat so often, or embrace your celebrity. You can’t have it both ways. You’re only rich and famous because of these same people that you now see as “animals.” If you need a break from the spotlight, go ahead and take it. Otherwise, shut up, apologize to your fans and realize that you have it pretty darn awesome overall. View Slideshow: Justin Bieber Hairstyles: From Cute to Creepy…
We've said it before and now we can say it again: Pope Francise for ALL the wins! The beloved gay rights supporter stepped out to meet fans St. Peter's Square in Rome on Wednesday, stopping at one point to say hello to a man and a young girl. The little girl was named Estella Westrick, she was three years old, she was in attendance with her godfather… and she stole The Pope's hat upon meeting him! She gave it back quickly, we should note, but not before the surrounding crowd let out a loud and awkward laugh. Would The Pope be angry? Would the man get in trouble? Would the toddler get kicked out of the area? HA! Of course not! This is Pope Francis! He took the incident in awesome stride! “Right before she went up she was a little nervous. Then she stole his hat. It was hilarious. Everyone was laughing, including the Pope,” Mountain Butorac told CNN, adding: “It's her first full day in Rome. Who knows what she will get up to tomorrow?” Hopefully something equally hilarious and viral! Watch the hilarious clip now!