Tag Archives: spoilers

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Another Houseguest Quitting?

We think it’s fair to say Big Brother 19 has had the most shocking first week on the live feeds than any full season of the CBS ratings juggernaut.  We’ve had one houseguest quitting after a surprising bust-up with one of her fellow allies, and some shocking twists thanks to the Den of Temptation.  But what happened over the long weekend that’s got everyone talking? Okay. Let’s get to it. As we previously reported, Cody tried his hardest to try and find common ground with Alex. In short, he felt like she was a strong player and deserved to be there.  However, Alex told him to his face that she would be targeting him and the rest of the couples if she got into power. That meant Cody had no choice and had to nominate her.  Unsurprisingly, Alex emerged victoriously in the veto competition, securing her safety for the week. The other side of the house immediately questioned what they should do because Cody was going to have to name his fifth nominee.  Initially, Cody thought it would be a good idea to backdoor Jason and send the cowboy out of the game early on. However, his alliance members were against this idea.  This presented Cody with a dilemma. He was friendly with Paul and Christmas but felt like they were going to take him out as soon as they got the opportunity.  At the veto meeting, Cody nominated Paul as the replacement nominee. However, Paul had the Pendant of Protection and practically shoved it in Cody’s face.  So, Cody then put Christmas on the block. As expected, it caused a lot of drama on the feeds and Christmas felt betrayed because she thought she had a good thing going with Cody’s side of the house.  While Christmas fumed, Cody told Paul that he was the target because he did not give him one of the friendship bracelets. Paul respected the decision but was still unimpressed that Cody used underhand tactics to get revenge.  The plot thickened Monday morning when Christmas decided to jump on Jason’s back and fell flat on her face. In the process, she damaged her foot.  Presumably knowing she would likely be leaving, she asked producers to have a return next season. Christmas then left the house, and everyone thought she was gone.  Cody then had to think about naming a replacement nominee… again. He did not know what to do because he’s put so many people on the block in the first week.  Surprisingly, Christmas reappeared with crutches. Her foot was not broken, but she had damaged ligaments and was told she would get an MRI scan at some point this week.  With Christmas on the block next to Jillian, will the house choose to keep her safe or send her out before her foot heals? It’s difficult because Christmas is seen as a competition beast.  Something tells us she may be getting an early exit from the Big Brother house.  What do you think of this?  Sound off below! View Slideshow: Big Brother Winners: RANKED!

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Big Brother Spoilers: Is Another Houseguest Quitting?

Who's Ready For More 'Game of Thrones' Dragons And Nudity?

No Spoilers, Just Lots Of Ideas… read more

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Who's Ready For More 'Game of Thrones' Dragons And Nudity?

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto & Final Nominations

Big Brother is at the stage of the game that everything is getting ridiculously predictable.  The Final Four  alliance continued to make their presence felt in the house and it has caused multiple arguments.  Natalie and James are pretty annoyed that Nicole and Corey ditched them to form an alliance with Paul and Victor.  With that in mind, James has stabbed pretty much everyone he’s been in an alliance with this summer, so there’s that.  James may be great at making people think their in the wrong, but really, he is the one in the wrong.  It was great that Victor saw through all the lies on Sunday’s episode.  James and Natalie have pretty much been bickering non stop over the last few days in the house.  This won’t help their case to make a deal with someone else before one of them is evicted.  Really, the only way to survive is to literally offer to settle for second place, but would either of them do that? Michelle probably would have.  Secretly, Natalie resents James for making her trust Corey and Nicole.  To an extent, I agree with her, but she kind of deserves what she’s getting for putting her game in James’ hands.  How can she expect to go much further when all of her decisions have been made by James? Granted, she did win a HOH competition, but she ultimately took what James said to heart and followed through on his plan.  Basically, James won HOH that week.  A lot was riding on the Veto competition for the couple. They could have one of them taken off the block.  Sadly, regardless how it played out, there was no chance Victor would allow any of his alliance to go home.  The Final Four is pretty solid for now, but that will change somewhat after next week.  View Slideshow: 12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved… Or Loved to Hate All of the houseguests competed in the veto competition, but James and Natalie were left disappointed when Corey managed to eke out a victory.  This led to much bickering over who should be sent packing this week. Victor was very much against James.  Thanks to Nicorey, they’re saying James would be best to stay because he would be rattled by Natalie’s departure.  For now, it appears that Natalie is heading to the jury house on Thursday night, but things can change.  James has been campaigning for Natalie to stay, but it’s all for nothing right now.  Elsewhere, Paul and Victor had a chat about who they would take to final three with them and it’s sounding like Nicole might be their ticket to the end.  Nicole has not played much of a game, but she has a better chance of winning than Corey.  It would be silly to take her to the end over Corey. Though she hasn’t played a game, she has managed to float on through, while getting her targets out of the game.  That’s got to count for something with the jurors.  What do you think of the latest spoilers? Who do you want to be evicted? Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 13 Most Toxic Relationships in Reality TV History

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Big Brother Spoilers: Veto & Final Nominations

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto & Final Nominations

Big Brother is at the stage of the game that everything is getting ridiculously predictable.  The Final Four  alliance continued to make their presence felt in the house and it has caused multiple arguments.  Natalie and James are pretty annoyed that Nicole and Corey ditched them to form an alliance with Paul and Victor.  With that in mind, James has stabbed pretty much everyone he’s been in an alliance with this summer, so there’s that.  James may be great at making people think their in the wrong, but really, he is the one in the wrong.  It was great that Victor saw through all the lies on Sunday’s episode.  James and Natalie have pretty much been bickering non stop over the last few days in the house.  This won’t help their case to make a deal with someone else before one of them is evicted.  Really, the only way to survive is to literally offer to settle for second place, but would either of them do that? Michelle probably would have.  Secretly, Natalie resents James for making her trust Corey and Nicole.  To an extent, I agree with her, but she kind of deserves what she’s getting for putting her game in James’ hands.  How can she expect to go much further when all of her decisions have been made by James? Granted, she did win a HOH competition, but she ultimately took what James said to heart and followed through on his plan.  Basically, James won HOH that week.  A lot was riding on the Veto competition for the couple. They could have one of them taken off the block.  Sadly, regardless how it played out, there was no chance Victor would allow any of his alliance to go home.  The Final Four is pretty solid for now, but that will change somewhat after next week.  View Slideshow: 12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved… Or Loved to Hate All of the houseguests competed in the veto competition, but James and Natalie were left disappointed when Corey managed to eke out a victory.  This led to much bickering over who should be sent packing this week. Victor was very much against James.  Thanks to Nicorey, they’re saying James would be best to stay because he would be rattled by Natalie’s departure.  For now, it appears that Natalie is heading to the jury house on Thursday night, but things can change.  James has been campaigning for Natalie to stay, but it’s all for nothing right now.  Elsewhere, Paul and Victor had a chat about who they would take to final three with them and it’s sounding like Nicole might be their ticket to the end.  Nicole has not played much of a game, but she has a better chance of winning than Corey.  It would be silly to take her to the end over Corey. Though she hasn’t played a game, she has managed to float on through, while getting her targets out of the game.  That’s got to count for something with the jurors.  What do you think of the latest spoilers? Who do you want to be evicted? Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 13 Most Toxic Relationships in Reality TV History

See the original post here:
Big Brother Spoilers: Veto & Final Nominations

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Will Be Evicted?

It looks like Paulie’s game will officially come to an end on Big Brother.  The house seems like they are done with Paulie after the way he’s acted recently.  He pled with Victor to use the veto on Corey so that he didn’t need to campaign against his ally. It was a nice touch, but Paulie is still ruffling feathers around the house.  He’s threatening to quit the jury house if there’s no opportunity for him to return to the game.  He’s the worst type of player. Deep down, he knows America is annoyed with him for his actions and doesn’t want to own up to them.  There’s still one more chance for someone to return to the game through the round trip twist, but there’s also a special episode airing this week.  Might there be a juror allowed to return to the game in the event Paulie does not have the return trip ticket? View Slideshow: 12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved… Or Loved to Hate If Paulie does somehow return, he has a plan in place to get rid of Victor and Paul.  However, America’s next Care Package twist involves another houseguest being voted as co-hoh.  Paul’s side of the house still holds the votes, so expect Corey or Nicole to go up and out the door.  The events of the last week will no doubt push Nicole and Corey to try win the HOH hard than they have been.  Their backs have never been this far against the wall, so it’s time for them to actually play the game before being sent home.  The chances of Corey being voted co-hoh are pretty much non existent. He could get a pity vote because of his association with Nicole. Paulie won’t be winning any viewer voted perks. He’s emerging as the villain in all of this. Who do you want to leave the game? Hit the comments with your take on the recent events for the houseguests. View Slideshow: 13 Reality Show Villains You Really Love to Hate

See the rest here:
Big Brother Spoilers: Who Will Be Evicted?

Divorce Court: Dog Blocks Man From Having Sex With His Woman! [Video]

Four is a crowd in this couple’s bed when their two pets sleep in between them.

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Divorce Court: Dog Blocks Man From Having Sex With His Woman! [Video]

The 11 Most Insanely Outrageous Moments From

R. Kelly was the subject of a GQ feature and the results were absolutely batisht crazy. There are details about Aaliyah, his allegations, Bill Cosby and even his mother’s death. This is the craziest feature ever. For those of you who want the spoilers, here are the most insane things R. Kelly said.

The 11 Most Insanely Outrageous Moments From

David Letterman Blasts Donald Trump with Surprise Top 10 List

It didn’t take long for David Letterman to come out of retirement. Rocking a full-on beard, the former Late Show host made a cameo Friday night on Martin Short and Steve Martin's A Very Stupid Conversation event   in San Antonio. “I am so happy to be out of the house!” Letterman joked, before setting his sights on a certain President candidate: “I retired and I had no regrets, none. I was happy. I was complacent. I was satisfied. I was content. And then a couple of days ago, Donald Trump said he was running for president. I have made the biggest mistake of my life, ladies and gentlemen.” And, with that, Letterman pulled out a Top 10 List of interesting facts about the man who thinks most Mexicans are rapists . After referencing what Trump says during sex and making fun of Trump’s comb-over , Letterman mocked himself with number-six:  “Trump walked away from a moderately successful television show for some delusional bulls–t…oh wait, that's me.” HA! We miss Letterman on television every night. Watch his full appearance above.

See the article here:
David Letterman Blasts Donald Trump with Surprise Top 10 List

The Vampire Diaries: 7 Season 7 Spoilers from Comic-Con

Fans must wait all the way until October 8 for the premiere of  The Vampire Diaries Season 7 on The CW. Fortunately, the show's key cast members and producers gathered at Comic-Con in San Diego over the weekend to provide scoop on the following upcoming storylines: Damon without Elena in his life. Caroline trying to stave off the formation of Staroline. Enzo's big decision. New villains in town. The demise of Mystic Falls as we've known it. Scroll through the following slides to gather up scoop on what will go down this fall on The Vampire Diaries Season 7… 1. A Dark Damon Both Ian Somerhalder and Julie Plec teased that Damon will return to the “sexy, volatile, fun” Damon from Season 1 and 2. Said the producer: “For him, it’s ‘Who am I without this girl right by my side?’ We’re going to see a lot of naughty Damon trying not to be naughty.” 2. Staroline… Not Forever? Plec promises “many unexpected twists and turns” when it comes to Caroline and Stefan’s relationship, as the former will be doing all she can to stave off the formation of Staroline. But it won’t be easy for her. 3. Who’s Going Shirtless? It doesn’t matter much to us, they’re all pretty easy on the eyes, but Plec also teased “shirtless stuff every episode.” 4. Choosing a Side Enzo will have quite a dilemma on his hands when Season 7 opens. “It’s about choosing his allegiance,” Michael Malarkey says. “Does he go with Lily and the Heretics or does he side with Damon? It’s a struggle for him.” Look for a major decision to be made by the end of the premiere. 5. Big and Very Bad Producer Caroline Dries acknowledged how awesome Kai was as a villain on Season 6, but she’s confident the Heretics can maybe surpass him on Season 7: “By bringing in Lily’s family, it’s these six villains who can do magic — and they’re vampires. It’s going to be exciting and gruesome and violence.” 6. RIP, Mystic Falls? Partly through the use of flashbacks and time jumps, we’ll learn how Mystic Falls became the abandoned, polluted town we saw at the end of the Season 6 finale. View Slideshow

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The Vampire Diaries: 7 Season 7 Spoilers from Comic-Con

Game of Thrones Season Premiere Title, Synopsis: Released!

Winter is coming, HBO viewers. Again. After weeks of hype and months of anticipation, Game of Thrones finally returns with new episodes on Sunday, April 12 at 9 p.m. What can fans expect from this epic drama? Where will we find characters who were on the run when we last left them, such as Tyrion and Arya? What will life be like for the children of Tywin now that the most powerful man in King’s Landing is dead? 13 Great Game Of Thrones Insults! 1. Tyrion on Jaime – Season 1 View Photo “We have our differences, Jaime and I. He is braver; I am better looking.” 2. Tyrion vs. Cersei – Season 2 View Photo Cersei: “You know that you’re not half as clever as you think.” Tyrion: “That still makes me twice as clever as you.” 3. The Hound – Season 2 View Photo “F–k the Kingsguard; f–k the city; f–k the King!” Well put! 4. Bronn – Season 2 View Photo “There’s no cure for being a c–t.” Bronn speaks the truth. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Renly – Season 2 View Attachment (On Stannis) “Born amidst salt and smoke…Is he a ham?” 6. Jaime – Season 2 View Photo (To Brienne) “Has anyone ever told you you’re as boring as you are ugly?” 7. Ser Rodrik – Season 2 View Attachment “You have less honor than a back alley whore.” 8. Tyrion – Season 2 View Photo “I’m not questioning your honor…I’m denying its existence.” Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Brynden Tully – Season 3 View Attachment “I’ve seen wet s–ts I liked better than Walder Frey.” Grossest burn ever! 10. Tyrion vs. Cersei – Season 3 View Attachment “Grand Maester Pycelle made the same joke. You must be proud to be as funny as a man whose balls brush his knees.” 11. Tywin – Season 3 View Photo “Any man who must say, ‘I am the king,’ is no true king.” 12. The Hound vs. Arya – Season 4 View Photo Arya: “Lots of people name their swords” The Hound: “Lots of c–ts.” Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Ygritte – Multiple Seasons View Photo “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” Sometimes the simplest burns are the best. The End. Up Next: ” 13 Great Game Of Thrones Insults! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… HBO has released the titles and official descriptions of the first three Season 5 episodes. So consider yourself SPOILER WARNED and scroll down for a look at what’s to come… Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1 : The Wars to Come (Sunday, April 12) Cersei and Jaime adjust to a world without Tywin. Varys reveals a conspiracy to Tyrion. Daenerys faces a new threat to her rule. Jon (Kit Harington) is caught between two kings. Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 2 : The House of Black and White (Sunday, April 19) Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne run into trouble on the road. Cersei fears for her daughter’s safety in Dorne as Ellaria Sand seeks revenge for Oberyn’s death. Stannis tempts Jon. An advisor tempts Daenerys. Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 3: High Sparrow (Sunday, April 26) In King’s Landing, Queen Margaery enjoys her new husband. Tyrion and Varys walk the Long Bridge of Volantis. According to author George R.R. Martin, even book lovers will surprised by some of the big deaths ahead this spring. We can’t wat. 13 Hottest Women on Game of Thrones 13. Shae View Attachment It’s not hard to see what Tyrion sees in Shae. She’s a lover in a world full of fighters…and she’s good at what she does. 12. Osha View Attachment A little rough around the edges but we’re sure she cleans up well. Plus wildling sex is probablylike nothing you’ve ever imagined. 11. Sansa Stark View Attachment Sansa’s so hot we’re willing to forget that she once had a thing for Joffrey. in that sense, she’s basically the Selena Gomez of Westeros. 10. Ygritte View Photo If you’re into the badass chicks, Ygritte’s the one for you. Just know that if you skip out on her, it’ll probably be the last thing you do. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Gilly View Attachment Gilly’s got a lot on her plate, but even so…Sam could’ve done a lot worse in terms of traveling companions. 8. Melisandre View Attachment The night is dark and full of terrors…but it’s also full of impure thoughts about the Red Priestess. 7. Talisa Stark View Attachment Talisa was briefly married to Robb Stark. Fun fact: she’s played by Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter! Not so fun fact: she died the most horrible death imaginable! 6. Margaery Tyrell View Attachment How do all the hottest women end up with King Douche, Joffrey? Actually, we guess it works that way in real life too. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Ros View Attachment Ros was the most beautiful prostitute in the North. Unfortunately, like Ned Stark, her decision to relocate to King’s Landing had tragic results. 4. Ellaria Sand View Attachment Ellaria Sand is one exotic Dornish beauty. We hear she’s newly single. 3. Cersei Lannister View Photo As hot as she is evil. Okay, she might be slightly more evil, but she’s still super hot. 2. Missandei View Attachment Missandei is so hot even eunuchs can’t look away. Now THAT’s an achievement. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 1. Daenerys Targaryen View Photo C’mon! You knew the Khaleesi was gonna come in at number one! That Daario Naharis is a lucky dude! The End. Up Next: ” 13 Hottest Women on Game of Thrones .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

Game of Thrones Season Premiere Title, Synopsis: Released!