Tag Archives: strength

Khloe Kardashian: Lamar Odom’s Overdose Gave Me Strength!

Khloe Kardashian has been through a lot in the 32 years she’s been on this planet. She’s gone through many very public struggles with Lamar Odom , she’s struggled with body image and self confidence, she’s related to both Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. Horrors upon horrors, right? But another thing about Khloe is that she’s always been an open book, ready and willing to share her feelings and her experiences, no matter how personal or how dumb they may be. And that’s admirable. So admirable that we’re kind of loving her after reading this new interview she did with Health magazine. Khloe kicks off the interview by talking about her denim line, Good American, and how important it was for her to offer a wide range of sizes without referring to any of them as “plus size.” She says that she did that because when she was bigger — she was a size 12 at one point, “god forbid!” — people would “shun” her when she was trying to shop for clothes. She then inexplicably added that her denim line offers jeans with contoured waistbands for women with smaller waists and bigger hips, because “We have booties and hips, and that’s what being a woman is all about.” Sure, girl, whatever you say. But then things get a little more personal. Khloe reveals that she started going to the gym in the first place because “I was going through my divorce, and I just really needed an outlet.” “I would go there and put my headphones on and get on the elliptical or the stairs,” she says, “and no one would bother me or ask me questions — because even at Starbucks, I would get ‘I’m sorry …'” She says that she “escaped” to the gym while she was having issues with Lamar Odom, and “as a by-product, I started losing weight.” Poor Khloe got some hate from people who told her “It took you so long to lose weight,” and she also got it from people who told her “I liked you better when you were fat.” Hilariously and/or depressingly, she adds that “I get body-shamed now that I work out!” It turns out that running is Khloe’s least favorite activity, even though, as she says “I don’t even have big boobs!” She explains that “Losing weight, I’ve lost my little chichis. But that’s OK.” But then the interview took a different turn when Khloe was asked about a different kind of strength — the strength she showed when Lamar overdosed and nearly died last year. On that subject, she says “This is kind of dark, but after that, my whole family changed all of their wills so that I would be their medical adviser, because you don’t know how someone reacts until you’re put in that situation — God forbid.” “No one should be put in those situations, but with that, I found strength from within. I was super calm, and I was more like, ‘It’s greater than you,’ and you just get strength.” “I pray a lot,” she adds. “And I talk to my dad a lot.” That’s not the only time during the interview that she got personal though — she also talked about her boyfriend, NBA player Tristan Thompson. “My boyfriend’s a cutie, so I do like big men,” she explains. “I’m five-ten, and he’s six-nine. I love athletes.” “Someone who has the same interests as me, who likes to work out, like that’s their hobby or their job, that’s fine. Tristan is who I’m into. He’s a little cutie.” So that’s sweet, right? It sounds like, after all she’s been through, she’s feeling peaceful and happy these days. Let’s just hope it lasts.

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Khloe Kardashian: Lamar Odom’s Overdose Gave Me Strength!

Katharine McPhee VS the Paparazzi of the Day

I find it amazing, despite her level of busty, that Katharine McPhee is anyone…or anything…that the paparazzi would follow around…I blame her tits…YAY tits… I know she was an American Idol winner, or runner up, who went the acting route, rather than the musical Clay Aiken route…but she’s still famous enough to act burdened by the paparazzi, like she’a actually fucking famous..up on superstar… I blame Simon Cowell for creating this monster, who we can all agree, that with tits ike this, would be better working at the local deli as the girl who was once on American idol like Ruben Studdard…you know eating her failure everyday – that someone being a cunt to the paparzzi… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here’s another set of pics of her tits in some Latex Looking outfit…that the cum just drips off TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Katharine McPhee VS the Paparazzi of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katharine McPhee VS the Paparazzi of the Day

Joanna Halpin by Emanuelle Ferrari of the Day

There was a time when Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, but from my experience, the number of instagram followers a model had, didn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she made modelling, because girls who are working models, would theoretically not bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers…..but now everyone is a self promoting hooker, because they can only get work as self promoting hookers… But times have changed…and this one’s got 280,000 followers, in a way she’s gone “viral”…and she shoots with other people who have gone viral like this Emanuelle Ferrari, who I remember having no followers but who now has 350,000 followers, because that’s the world we live in…. So instagram photographer and instagram model…doing big things beyond instagram…thanks to instagram…fascinating how this bullshit works… This hoot is badminton on tennis courts, and I have a racket sport fetish, and can never get enough girls with rackets, even if the image is semi played the fuck out… VIA CLICK HERE The post Joanna Halpin by Emanuelle Ferrari of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Joanna Halpin by Emanuelle Ferrari of the Day

Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day

Hilary Duff is thick and strong, and not some dainty little thing, she looks like she’d be great at helping you move, or even at riding your dick thanks to all the strength in those thighs… She’s got the crossfit body, broad shoulders, big ass, and normally I’d be repulsed by the manliness of the whole thing, but for some reason, I like it on her, I like her power, her mom body, it’s erotic to me…and it confuses me…because I didn’t like her when she was all young and not a power lifter… I saw this picture of her and her bunnytail in leggings and I though “that is perfect”…maybe it was perfect phone, perfect dichotomy of sweet and fluffy and big and terrifying, but perfect nonetheless… She also whores herself for Candy Companies and doesn’t let the fans know that she’s being paid to promote the candy in something the FCC is supposed to be cracking down on…give the people a disclaimer – trick… Here are some more pictures of her leaving Catch in LA CLICK HERE Here’s a massive Collection of all things Hilary Duff Looking Hot CLICK HERE The post Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff Bunny Tail of the Day

Mom Writes Heart-Wrenching Post on DUI Crash That Killed Her Baby, Husband

A Missouri mom’s heartbreaking post reliving the tale of how an DUI-related car accident killed her husband and infant son has gone viral. In fact, “gone viral” probably isn’t doing it justice. It’s taken the web by storm as she hopes to reduce alcohol-related tragedies like hers. Destiny Mantia of Winfield, Missouri, told ABC News this week. “I never expected it to go viral, but it’s nice to know that you’re making a difference so maybe nobody else has to experience this.” “Imagine if we had one person to stop someone from getting into that car,” she adds. “Just think if someone did that at every party.” “The amount of drunk driving accidents would be cut immensely.” Mantia, 22, met her husband, Corey, when the two were in 10th grade. Just a few years years later, the young couple married. Destiny gave birth to a baby boy, Parker Lee, June 23, 2013. Then, on September 20, 2014, Corey and Parker were driving her across town for an appointment when a motorist hit their minivan. The Missouri State Highway Patrol noted that alcohol was a contributing factor in the fatal accident, on the part of the other driver. Baby Parker died at the scene, whereas his father Corey, after fighting for his life for almost 24 hours, died less than a day later. The woman who hit them also died. Only Mantia survived. “I grieved for Corey, I needed him,” Mantia said . “I needed him to tell me ‘Everything is going to be OK.’ After I realized there was nothing I could do to bring them back is when I grieved Parker.” “It’s almost unimaginable at times.” Mantia said the driver’s family never reached out, something that upsets her. “I wish they would apologize,” Mantia said of herfamily. “She was at a wedding reception; I feel like there must have been at least 100 people that could’ve stopped her from driving that night.” Last Sunday, exactly one year after the accident, Mantia posted a devastating recap of what happened on the day she lost her family: On our way to this wrap appointment my amazing husband whom was driving, my precious baby whom I still nursed and kept rear facing watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and I were struck nearly head on at an excessive speed by a drunk driver. This is a date and time that will forever be embedded in my head. The action of this one selfish person who thought they were “ok” to drive instantly took the life of my sweet innocent 15 month old son in the back seat. She would cause my husband and I to be air lifted from the scene where my husband would loose his fight 24 hours later. She would cause a family to be devastated and emergency personnel to need counseling. That day the Destiny that was a mom and wife died as well. I’ve sense had to find myself. I never knew the strength I could pull out that I never knew I had. I think I was able to find this strength through the prayers and support of many friends and family and also an amazing widows group who kept me knowing I was normal for feeling how I felt. Mantia concluded the post by pleading with others not to drink and drive: This hurt, pain and our future could of all been prevented if someone would have stepped up and stopped this selfish woman from drinking and driving. You can save someone’s life too! Don’t allow your friends and family drink and drive. Don’t share DUI checkpoints. Be an advocate! Stand up with me! Let’s stop this. One is too many. DONT DRINK AND DRIVE! Amen. View Slideshow: She Almost Lost One of Her Newborn Twins. Until This Happened.

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Mom Writes Heart-Wrenching Post on DUI Crash That Killed Her Baby, Husband

Muslim Woman Prevails Against Abercrombie & Fitch For Discrimination

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The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the company cannot say a hijab violates company dress policy.

Muslim Woman Prevails Against Abercrombie & Fitch For Discrimination

Midday Motivation | Let Your Struggles Strengthen You

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Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. ~Henry Ford Every struggle is designed to strengthen you. Don’t waste time dwelling on your shortcomings.…

Midday Motivation | Let Your Struggles Strengthen You

Every Struggle Is Designed To Strengthen You [Midday Motivation]

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Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald Remember, every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity. Every struggle is designed…

Every Struggle Is Designed To Strengthen You [Midday Motivation]

Midday Motivation | With Great Pain Comes Great Change

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  “With great pain comes great change.” – Author Unknown If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of where your strength comes from. A higher power…

Midday Motivation | With Great Pain Comes Great Change

Tina Campbell Says ‘Don’t NOTHIN’ Hurt Like This!’ Over Cheating Hubby On ‘Mary Mary’ [Video]

“All my strength is gone.”

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Tina Campbell Says ‘Don’t NOTHIN’ Hurt Like This!’ Over Cheating Hubby On ‘Mary Mary’ [Video]