Tag Archives: arthur-miller

Marilyn Monroe: Secret Pregnancy Revealed?

In July of 1960, Marilyn Monroe reported to Fox Studios in Manhattan to begin principle photography for The Misfits . The film, written by her husband, Arthur Miller, would prove to be Monroe’s final completed project before a barbiturate overdose claimed her life at the age of 36. For decades, the actress’ final years have been a subject of profound fascination for Hollywood historians and conspiracy theorists alike, and now, newly uncovered photos are certain to set off yet another wave of scrutiny and speculation. While on set at Fox, Monroe posed for a number of photographs taken by her friend Frieda Hull. The photos were auctioned off in Hollywood last year and purchased by a friend and neighbor of Hull’s named Tony Michaels for the surprisingly paltry sum of $2,240. Michaels says the reason he took such an interest in the images, while others saw nothing noteworthy about them, is that he was in on a secret few others were aware of: According to Michaels, Marilyn was pregnant when she posed for Hull. Michaels says Monroe went to great lengths to conceal the pregnancy, as she was expecting a child not by Miller, but the French actor Yves Montand, with whom she had starred in a film (perhaps rather aptly) titled Let’s Make Love . In August of 1960, legendary director John Huston shut down production on The Misfits to send Monroe to a Nevada hospital for detox treatment. Between the timing of her hospitalization and her appearance in the Hull photos, many are now convinced that Monroe was hiding a pregnancy that was either lost or terminated some time in the summer of that year. Hull says the so-called ” pregnancy slides ” (some of which were published today by UK tabloid The Daily Mirror ) offer conclusive evidence that Marilyn was, at one point, several months along in a pregnancy she successfully hid from her husband and adoring public. New mementos or documents that purport to shed some light on the screen icon’s dark final days seem to surface every year or two. In 2013, auctioneers claimed to have gotten ahold of  Monroe’s plastic surgery records . In 2014, a former Hollywood bodyguard put what he described as a sex tape featuring Monroe and John F. Kennedy on the market. (Not surprisingly, his claims were later debunked.) The demand for such items is a testament to the enduring fascination with Monroe’s life and untimely death. In all likelihood, they’ll continue to surface and promise “evidence” about her life that will become more and more dubious as the years pass by. It seems improbable that the remaining mysteries surrounding Monroe’s life, health, emotional state, and death will ever be solved. But it also seems certain that her fans will never stop looking for the answers.

Originally posted here:
Marilyn Monroe: Secret Pregnancy Revealed?

INTERVIEW: Zac Efron & Dennis Quaid Stick With Independent Film ‘At Any Price’

The studios want him, but, these, days Zac Efron only has eyes for indie film.  After making a splash at the New York Film Festival with  The Paperboy last fall , Efron is back in the Big Apple, at the Tribeca Film Festival, with  At Any Price .  What’s the deal? “Y’know, Dennis [Quaid] says that the only rule he sort of had for himself in his career is to do as many different types of movies as possible, and never stop stretching and trying something new,” Efron told when I talked to him about the project. I also talked to Quaid who said that he and At Any Price  director Ramin Bahrani drew inspiration from Arthur Miller’s classic play:  Death of a Salesman . “We talked about Death of a Salesman and the Willy Loman character a lot…[my character] is a man who’s really trying to do the best for his family but he’s corrupted himself in the process,” the actor told me. The buzz on At Any Price is that Efron will get you into the theater, but you’ll leave it talking about Quaid. Check out my full in-depth interview below: Follow Grace Randolph on  Twitter . Follow Movieline on  Twitter . 

INTERVIEW: Zac Efron & Dennis Quaid Stick With Independent Film ‘At Any Price’

Charlize Theron Shaves Her Head!

Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women in the world – and she’s testing the boundaries of that beauty with a new look. The Oscar winner was photographed in Los Angeles yesterday (holding adorable son Jackson), donning a hat that could not fully cover up the obvious: she has gone all Willow Smith on us! Sources confirm that Theron, who is ruling the box office these days with Snow White and the Huntsman and Prometheus , shaved her head for a role in Mad Max: Fury Road . It starts shooting next month in Africa. Compare her new look with her old one now and vote on your favorite:

Originally posted here:
Charlize Theron Shaves Her Head!

Angelina Jolie Raises World Refugee Day Awareness

Angelina Jolie will almost certainly not direct Fifty Shades of Grey , but she will star in a new PSA for a project much more important to her. The 37-year-old actress always makes time for those near and dear to her heart. In this case, that means the refugees of the planet Earth. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees special envoy is helping raise awareness for World Refugee Day, coming up June 20. In a new PSA, Jolie points out that there are over 43 million refugees around the world. That’s 43 million human beings displaced from their homeland. Of those in need, UNHCR provides life-saving assistance to nearly 34 million. The organization’s goal is to share the poignant stories of refugees so that people across America will extend their generosity, concern and support. Jolie has served as a UN Goodwill Ambassador for more than a decade, and has visited refugees around the world. For that, our hat is off to her. [Photo: WENN.com]

Angelina Jolie Raises World Refugee Day Awareness

Who Might Philip Seymour Hoffman Play in Catching Fire?

Who will portray Finnick Odair in Catching Fire ? Let’s table that debate for a moment and focus on another key role from The Hunger Games sequel. Multiple sources confirm that Oscar winner and 2012 Tony Award nominee Philip Seymour Hoffman has been offered the character of Plutarch Heavensbee, the Gamemaker at the Capitol who takes over for Seneca Crane and who is far savvier than his predecessor. He plays a pivotal part in the world of Katniss, Peeta and company over the course of the next book/film chapter. Hoffman, one of the most respected actors alive, would be a major coup for new director Francis Lawrence. He just finished a run as Willy Loman in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman on Broadway . No word yet from the star or the studio, but come on. This has to happen, right? [Photo: WENN.com]

Original post:
Who Might Philip Seymour Hoffman Play in Catching Fire?

Who Should Play Andrew Garfield’s Brother Happy in Broadway’s Death of a Salesman Reboot?

One of the grimmest plays of the 20th century, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman , is returning to Broadway with Mike Nichols as director and a star-studded cast next spring: Oscar-winner Philip Seymour Hoffman is slated to play the tragic protagonist Willy Loman, Linda Emond will play his wife, and Social Network Perkins doppelganger Andrew Garfield will play Willy’s son Biff, which makes perfect sense because Garfield has the Malkovichian hair flip . That leaves Willy’s other son Happy up for casting. Who should it be?

Read the original:
Who Should Play Andrew Garfield’s Brother Happy in Broadway’s Death of a Salesman Reboot?

Scarlett Johansson Is Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

This bullsh%t has got to stop! Scarlett Johansson is a hot piece of ass and should show it off in sexy outfits.

Excerpt from:
Scarlett Johansson Is Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Taylor Swift Goes Scary…Not Sexy

Growing up, Taylor Swift says “a ll the girls in [her] school kind of used Halloween as an excuse to take all their clothes off and parade around.” “They would tan weeks in advance, so that they could bare it all on Halloween.” The19-year-old country star admits that’s just not her thing:  “I’m like: ‘That’s not the point’. You’re supposed to be scary.” So what’s Taylor’s idea of a great costume?   “I think my most memorable Halloween costume was last year’s Halloween costume. My best friend Abigail and I have always been sort of anti-teeny-tiny, little costumes…and so last year, Abigail and I dressed up as twin Chewbaccas…” But not everyone got what she was going for:  “People were like: ‘You’re an abominable snowman’

See the rest here:
Taylor Swift Goes Scary…Not Sexy

Scarlett Johansson To Play A 17-Year-Old

We know Scarlett Johansson has range…but what do you think about her taking on the role of a 17-year-old girl?