Tag Archives: breast-implants

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Round Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio’s breast implants are clown-like… These are tit tits that get paid millions of dollars a year to be put in a bikini..along with an average looking 35 year old face… Yet they are so clown-like… Just little round bolt ons she probably paid 5k for, making for a solid ROI, paid for themselves dozens of times over…. I’m not sure if the tits happened post baby deflated from all the milk sucking…or if she’s always had them… I’m just not impressed when fake is celebrated or hired and paid stupid money…especially when fake is THIS fake…like circles drawn onto her…in a world where there are thousands of actual great tits better suited for the contracts she’s been milking, something she can’t do with her tits, since they are plastic, all these years… Yes, I hate fake tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Alessandra Ambrosio’s Round Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alessandra Ambrosio’s Round Fake Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day

I have seen so many MEMES on the internet this week about “J.Lo at 46 / Me at 26″….in reference to J.Lo still having what it takes, being hot, giving boners, etc… I assume that J.LO, along with her ass implants and breast implants, and botox, which is now part of her, is the one who put those out there.. Because all I see, is an old lady that sure, I’d fuck her, but she’s still an old lady…no matter how tight her SPANX outfit is, or how good it makes her ass look…she’s still fucking old… But keep on pretending she looks young…you fucking idiots… Here she is for some magazine..in tight clothing…as she does…because it keeps things in place… The post Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day

Bella Hadid Nipple for S Moda of the Day

Here’s Gigi Hadid’s darker, more desperate, trying to jump on the opportunity train, because she’s equally rich and equally hungry for male attention…thanks to dad only dating models…and throwing money their way to shut them up…or turn them into models…because I guess that’s what he values and they subconsciously want to impress daddy…in what we can assume is a standard psychological issue…but maybe little naughtier in the incest ridden arab world…am I going to get bombed by white people who love arabs for that? I mean… I guess they don’t know my arab neighbors who are either brother and sister or first cousins…both named Hadid or something equally arab…doesn’t matter.. What matters is Bella Hadid’s rich girl breast implants and nipples to please her daddy, ride her sister’s coat tails, when not fucking the black guys she fucks….. I think I already posted these – but who can be too sure – her parents probably didn’t even notice these…because who cares about Bella Hadid…when Gigi’s the star… The post Bella Hadid Nipple for S Moda of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Hadid Nipple for S Moda of the Day

Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day

Shay Mitchell posted a picture of her ass in a bikini because as a Canadian who has made it in America…she’s trying to secure her place so she doesn’t get deported, which she probably won’t, because at her level green cards are easy to get, but that doesn’t matter to her, she’s more into having a career and staying on top…it’d be awful to peak at 25 on her stupid show..that everyone seems to life…so I guess bikini pics get likes, likes feel good and bring hope of a better tomorrow… In related news, Nina Dobrev was in a bikini also…or maybe she’s just another fake tit, Canadian hooker who pretends to be an actor, because she’s been cast in a TV show, despite being nothing more than an Instagram whore who has a good team behind her, and supportive parents willing to whore them out to the world at a young age…but when you take actual work and money aside, the tits on instagram are still a struggle for likes…in this “Look at me, all I care about is Likes”…world… I guess this is my Canadian Thanksgiving, even if I am not thankful for this garbage, post.. TO SEE THE WHOLE CAST OF PRETTY LITTLE LIARS – CLICK HERE The post Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day

Selena Gomez in Grazia of the Day

Chemotherapy survivor…who didn’t let Chemotherapy make her miss a beat…allowing her to attend every event…even if it bloated her and forced her to get breast implants to balance things out…unless she doesn’t have breast implants at all…but instead just hit puberty…and the breast implants are just a rumor…because you’d you’d think that kind of invasive cosmetic surgery would be bad for a weak immune system…caused by her Lupus…but tits are good for business..and some risks are worth taking…especially when your Chemo dose didn’t make you lose you hair, unless this is a wig… Either way, she did Grazia…in the studio…because she’s an artist…if you consider plastic Disney bullshit art…and I guess it’s as close to Art as america really likes…it’s a culturally thing…now where’s my quick to digest and fill my hunger McDonalds to appease my instant gratification attention span…. I guess what I am trying to say is that I can’t get enough of Selena Gomez…and here she is in another magazine on her Lupus Chemotherapy tour that would be exhausting and not advised if she was actually sick… The post Selena Gomez in Grazia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez in Grazia of the Day

Selena Gomez Does Instagram of the Day

I have no idea why I am posting a Selena Gomez instagram round-up, like I fucking care about Selena Gomez, her LUPUS or the fact that she had Justin Bieber inside her when he was underage, like some kind of sex offender… I mean, I am totally, one hundred percent confident in the fact that I don’t give a fuck about her or her probably breast implants…yet here I am….uploading pics of her like she matters to me…or really to anyone… I just hope at least one of you is capable of jerking off to these pics…but I mean if you are…you’re probably already her fan…and you probably already have seen these since you follow her on instagram…unless you only like your instagram pics set to useless banter by a drunken asshole who didn’t get a blowjob last night even though he should have…becuase that’s what is supposed to happen when you’re in cocaine fueled 3 am dance parties in random crackhouses with a girl with great tits.. All this to say….here’s her instagram bullshit…that should be a sex tape…but proven everyday of my life…you can’t always get what you want.

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Selena Gomez Does Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus Naked in Bed of the Day

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:24am PST I would rather this be the porn parody of Miley Cyrus, Miley Thigh-Rus, with spread legs, making a nude in bed selfie matter, but I’ll accept this from Miley Cyrus, better named Miley Virus, because she’s a cancer on the youth, but I guess that’s why I like her…you see – I like all evil… Here she is pinching her nipples on her birthday

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Miley Cyrus Naked in Bed of the Day

Daiana Finizio for Marco Michieletto of the Day

I don’t know who this Daiana Finizio is… I just know that she had her picture taken by Marco Michieletto I don’t know who Marco Michieletto is. I just know he took pictures of Daiana Finizio … Fascinating…

Originally posted here:
Daiana Finizio for Marco Michieletto of the Day

Shia LaBeouf’s One Hour Long Silent Interview of the Day

Shia LaBeouf is interesting. People talk about him, I don’t hate him, especially not after things like this 1 hour long silent interview, that over 200,000 people have watched, because it’s genius, hilarious, and fucking with the system, and I am all for people fucking with the system, becoming their own brand of crazy, instead of conforming and sucking the media’s dick. This is as punk rock as a spoiled rich celebrity can get, so take it in. The world is a weird place…maybe there is still hope for us….even if turning to Shia LaBeouf for hope in and of itself seems like we are doomed…thank god.

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Shia LaBeouf’s One Hour Long Silent Interview of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Big Tits for Thanksgivng of the Day

Her name is Aubrey O’Day. For a minute she fucked black dudes like Diddy. He owned her music career, it only made sense, and it allowed her to eat everything in site, to balance out her big tits, with a big ass to match…it was a marketing strategy that didn’t really stick, so she went back to white dudes, got back in shape, but thanks to breast implants, still has fake tits, and more confidence than before, now that she is fit, and even more willing to show off, even though she still showed off when she was fat… Doesn’t matter, because a fit Aubrey O’Day, is still garbage, but better than before, reminding everyone that when you are shit, lose weight, and you’ll be less offensive shit… Here’s her post thanksgiving self-shot smut…

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Aubrey O’Day Big Tits for Thanksgivng of the Day