Tag Archives: climate-change

Doomsday Clock Reset as Atomic Scientists Warn of Apocalypse

Been a rough year so far, right? You could probably go for a bit of good news amidst all the talk of border walls, Muslim bans, and Mary Tyler Moore getting cast in that big sitcom in the sky? Well, we hate to break it you (although you really should’ve figured it out from the headline), but you’ve come to the wrong place! Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight In case you’re not familiar with the Doomsday Clock, rest assured that it’s every bit as terrifying as it sounds. Started in 1947 by  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board (If that’s too much to remember, just think, “really smart people.”), the clock is meant to serve as a indicator of how close we are to the end of the world. Today, it inched forward 30 seconds, bringing it to 11:57:30, the closest it’s been to midnight since 1953, when both the U.S. and Soviet Union tested hydrogen bombs. (In case symbolism isn’t your strong suit, midnight on the Doomsday Clock equals ka-blooey.) Today’s move has been described as “unprecedented,” and not surprisingly, it has more than a little to do with the election of Donald Trump . “Make no mistake, this has been a difficult year,” Rachel Bronson, executive director and publisher of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists In its official statement about how colossally f–ked we all are, the board had this to say: ” Over the course of 2016, the global security landscape darkened as the international community failed to come effectively to grips with humanity’s most pressing existential threats, nuclear weapons and climate change … “This already-threatening world situation was the backdrop for a rise in strident nationalism worldwide in 2016, including in a U.S. presidential campaign during which the eventual victor, Donald Trump, made disturbing comments about the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons and expressed disbelief in the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change .” So there you have it folks.  We’re a little bit closer to the end of the world, and darn it, if those pesky Russians aren’t involved again. It’s been all down with them since Yakov Smirnoff blew up, but electing their brutal dictator’s BFF as our president probably didn’t help matters. But hey, at least those of you live along our southern border will have a big, dumb $14 billion monument to racism to look as it as your face melts off! View Slideshow: 12 Donald Trump Tweets That Outline His Plans as President

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Doomsday Clock Reset as Atomic Scientists Warn of Apocalypse

Game of Thrones Season 7: ENTIRE PLOT Leaks Online!

Sigh. This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet. While the rest of the world was worried about Russian hackers and Hillary’s email, something far more unsettling than all of the Anthony Weiner dick pics combined happened on Reddit. A Redditor who has since deleted his account claims to have all the details of the plot of Game of Thrones Season 7 , and of course, he “leaked” them online in great detail. We know what you’re thinking: Wow, there’s a guy on the Internet who claims to have inside information about Game of Thrones ?! What’s next, you’re gonna hit me with the bombshell that Donald Trump is occasionally disrespectful toward women?!?!?! To that we say, you have a real attitude problem, hypothetical reader. Also, you make a good point, but there’s a reason to believe that this particular guy – who went by the Reddit handle awayforthelads – actually knows what he’s talking about. The most compelling evidence is that his information seems to match up with other  Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers that have already emerged from the set. Here’s a rundown of what awayforthelads says will happen in the show’s final 13 episodes. In case it wasn’t perfectly clear, the remainder of this article is dark and full of spoilers: According to awayforthelads, Jon Snow and Daenerys spend much of the season together at Dragonstone. They eventually have sex as the Wall crumbles. Kind of weird considering they’re related, but we already seen that GoT is willing to “go there” in terms of incest. Elsewhere in Westeros, Arya and Sansa are reunited, and the former is basically a PTSD-addled killing machine at this point. She eventually executes Littlefinger under orders from Sansa. Meanwhile, a pregnant Cersei (no word on who the father is) forms an alliance with Euron Greyjoy to fight against Jon and Dany, and that goes about as well as you would expect. Sam, Gilly and Bran piece together that Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but this part is sparse on details, and it’s unclear if he does eventually become king. In fact, the only ones who are assured to live through the final episode (according to awayforthelads, of course) are Sansa and Arya. At some point, Jon goes north of the Wall to capture a wight and bring it back as proof that the Westerosi equivalent of climate change is a real and imminent threat. The Night’s King (remember him?) possesses Dany’s dragon Viserion and turns him into an ice dragon (ed. note: ?!?!?!?!) that destroys the Wall. There. Now we’re all in the same boat of having that thing we enjoy ruined. A Redditor who claims to be close to one of the show’s “major actors/actresses in the show” says the revelations are all BS, but thus far, the reports and photos that have emerged from filming bear out the major plot points outlined by awayforthelads. We don’t know what’s worse, that all of this information is out there, or that we’re doomed to spend the next eight months thinking Cersei bringing another child into the world. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Season 7: How Many Episodes Are Left? What’s Jon Snow’s Real Name? And Other Questions Things tend to not work out great for her kids. Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to hold yourself over until the now-thoroughly-spoiled seventh season premieres.

Continued here:
Game of Thrones Season 7: ENTIRE PLOT Leaks Online!

Presidential Debate Fact-Check: Who Lied More, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

The first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign has (finally) come to a close. And it was every bit as ugly as we thought it would be. In fact, it was basically one roundhouse to the temple away from a UFC match. Trump went after Hillary for her email scandal. Hillary went after Trump for his tax returns. And naturally, they both fudged the facts a bit. Okay, more than a bit in some cases. Sadly, Gennifer Flowers was not in attendance to witness it all firsthand. We’ve cross-referenced some of the more hotly-contested claims made by both candidates with the Pulitzer Prize-winning non-partisan website Politifact. So if you disagree with these findings, your beef is with them. Please don’t tear us apart in the comments. Our egos are fragile. Anyway, on to the facts: Clinton claimed that Trump once dismissed climate change as a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. Politifact says she was absolutely right. Here’s the tweet she was referring to: Trump claimed that Clinton flip-flopped on the TPP trade deal. The Donald spoke the truth on that one. It seems to be one of the ways that Bernie Sanders’ campaign “pushed” Clinton to the left. Clinton’s claim that she voted against the controversial CAFTA deal during her time in the Senate was determined to be truthful. Asked about his persistent refusal to release his tax returns, Trump claimed that financial disclosures are just as revealing.  Politifact determined that’s factually inaccurate.  Not surprisingly, Trump was more than a little out of his element on issues related to poverty and systemic racism in America. Not only did he repeat the phrase “law & order” more than your grandfather when you switch the channel from TNT. Many pointed out that there was a bit of a disconnect between Trump’s support of stop and frisk and the birther movement and his “braggodocious” claims about his connections to the African-American community. According to Politifact, Clinton was correct in her claim that Trump was charged with housing discrimination and violations of the Civil Rights Act. Clinton was correct in her claims that black Americans are more likely to get arrested and more likely to face longer sentences for the same crimes. Clinton has a big lead amongst minorities, but that doesn’t mean she’s flawless on racial issues. Trump was correct in his claim that Clinton once used the term “superpredators” when referring to gang members. At more than one point, Trump claimed that both Clinton and debate moderator Lester Holt were lying in their claims that he supported the invasion of Iraq. Politifact determined that Trump did indeed support the invasion. One of the more surprising moments of the debate came toward the end of the evening when Clinton cited misogynistic, racist comments that Trump made about a Venezuelan-born actress and former beauty pageant contestant named Alicia Machado. Shockingly, those claims have been verified by several media outlets . View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President As for the moment when Trump said his temperament is his strongest asset “maybe by far.” Well, we didn’t bother to check Politifact on that one.

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Presidential Debate Fact-Check: Who Lied More, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Stacey Dash Attacks Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar Acceptance Speech

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Stacey Dash clearly hasn’t finished riding the wave of her first (and last) Academy Awards appearance, because she just can’t seem to stop bringing up the awkward night that happened weeks ago.

Stacey Dash Attacks Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar Acceptance Speech

New Study Links Air Pollution With Increased Instances Of Violent Crime In Chicago

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The result of this cross-section of crime and meteorological data equated to an “estimated 2.2 percent higher prevalence of violent crime when a neighborhood is on ‘the downwind side'” of major roads and/or expressways.

New Study Links Air Pollution With Increased Instances Of Violent Crime In Chicago

Common Fights For Climate Change Awareness On ‘Trouble In The Water’

Common fights for climate change awareness on new song, ‘Trouble in the Water.’

Go here to read the rest:
Common Fights For Climate Change Awareness On ‘Trouble In The Water’

26 Amazing Photos From The People’s Climate Marches Around The World

Activists and concerned citizens alike gathered in droves in New York City and across the globe on Sunday for worldwide marches against climate change. Dubbed The People’s Climate March, thousands of people, celebrities, and political leaders made their position known leading up to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s climate change summit.

Continued here:
26 Amazing Photos From The People’s Climate Marches Around The World

Climate Change In Communities of Color

Original post:

Climate change is not just for our caucasian brothers and sisters. The results of climate change have had a major impact on the African American…

Climate Change In Communities of Color

Pat Sajak on Global Warming Rant: Just Kidding!

Pat Sajak would like to buy an apology.  Sort of. Under fire for blasting global warming advocates as unpatriotic racists via Twitter this week, the Wheel of Fortune hopped online today and offered up a clarification. “Of course I was joking,” Sajak wrote, explaining: “Just mocking the name-calling that is directed at global warming skeptics within and without the scientific community.” That name-calling may go overboard at times, it’s true. But that’s typically because these “skeptics” are ignoring the findings of one scientific study after another. One does sound rather foolish when one tries to argue against… facts. Pat Sajak Blasts Global Warming Advocates While some reacted to Sajak’s initial Twitter rant against climate change (in which he wrote “there’s a difference between climate & weather, moron!”) in anger, comedian Neal Brennan found a lighter side. “Call me crazy, but I get all of my science from Pat Sajak and Jenny McCarthy ,” he Tweeted. “Seriously, call me crazy. I’m f****** crazy.” HA! We love it.

Pat Sajak on Global Warming Rant: Just Kidding!

Dump Trump: Macy’s Customers Petition to Fire The Donald

Donald Trump is usually at home in the middle of controversy, but probably wishes he could extricate himself from this mess; over 470,000 people have signed a petition for Macy’s to fire him. While residents of 20 states petition to secede from the U.S., many more Macy’s customers are urging the retailer to cut ties with the real estate tycoon immediately. Hosted by SignOn (dot) org, the petition says Macy’s should axe Trump because he is sexist, racist, a denier of climate change science and not “socially responsible.” “The list goes on, but the point remains, Macy’s should dump Trump ,” it reads. Although the petition’s intro doesn’t mention it, The New York Times reported that the effort was sparked by Macy’s recently shooting a commercial with Trump. In the ad, Trump doesn’t believe Santa is real and tugs his beard to make sure – a knock at Trump’s obsession with President Barack Obama’s birth certificate . Trump attempted to insert himself into the 2012 election more than a few times, most recently with a lame PR stunt urging Obama to be more transparent. That, and general obnoxiousness, have caused his image to take a bit of a hit. By Tuesday morning, the Macy’s petition had gained upwards of 471,000 signatures, with the great hashtag #DumpTrump gaining popularity on Twitter. Hundreds of people were passing around the link to the petition in hopes of getting the department store to change its mind about its relationship with Trump. Macy’s had reportedly planned on expanding its line of Trump-related products (shirts and ties) and its partnership with his organization in general. How will the company handle this? It’s unclear, but as the Dump Trump campaign continues to go viral, they probably have to respond somehow.

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Dump Trump: Macy’s Customers Petition to Fire The Donald