Tag Archives: consumerism

Artist Drenches Models in Fake Oil to Protest Gulf Oil Spill (Slideshow)

Image credit: Jane Fulton Alt When news broke on April 20, 2010 that an explosion had occurred on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform , artist Jane Fulton Alt was in the hospital, meeting her new grandson for the first time. He had been born the previous day. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Artist Drenches Models in Fake Oil to Protest Gulf Oil Spill (Slideshow)

How to Turn a Toothbrush Into Gold

Image via Ellie Marie When I first started Terracycle, I spent a lot of my time explaining what upcycling was . It was this foreign concept whose name wasn’t on a lot of people’s radar. Now, a handful of years later, more than 10 million people are collecting the brand specific waste that we’ve used to make a range of products; it has become increasingly common and may some day be as conventional as recycling. Currently, several startups are building their busi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How to Turn a Toothbrush Into Gold

The Bikeloc Project: A Potluck Bike Tour

Image credit: GOOD GOOD has teamed up with Pepsi to help bring positive change to communities. The Pepsi Refresh project gives away millions of dollars in grants for some really amazing ideas. One of which is helping to fund the Bikleloc project…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Bikeloc Project: A Potluck Bike Tour

Local Food, Motherfu$k*r: 10 Awesome Ad Campaigns Addressing Food’s Carbon Footprint (Slideshow)

Photo via Thomas Cheng A picture is worth a thousand words. How can we grab people’s attention, and get them to eat more local food? Yes, local food — because it is healthier, slashes food’s carbon footprint, and makes you savour the seasons again. Advertising agencies around the world have launched some truly smart marketing campaigns to educate people on local food and culinary traditions. But don’t take our word for it: See the Australians dress up crocodiles, the Italians… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Local Food, Motherfu$k*r: 10 Awesome Ad Campaigns Addressing Food’s Carbon Footprint (Slideshow)

Is Overpopulation a Green Myth?

Image via Greenpacks We hear it all the time, and have heard it since Malthus : That overpopulation is the primary cause of the world’s environmental ills. It makes sense in simple logical terms: The more people there are consuming natural resources, the greater a threat humanity poses to exhausting them. Hard to argue with that. But the issue is of course more complex — and there’s an interesting back-and-forth over at Grist on the subject to prove it. O… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Is Overpopulation a Green Myth?

Growing Consumer Consumption a Bigger Problem Than Growing Population: Fred Pearce

photo: Greg Scales via flickr We’ve covered this one on a number of occasions but with World Population Day just passed, it’s worth bring up again: In a new op-ed published at Grist and elsewhere, Fred Pearce argues that all the focus on population growth rates in the developing world and its impact on the environment is misplaced. Whe… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Growing Consumer Consumption a Bigger Problem Than Growing Population: Fred Pearce

Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

Photo by botheredByBees Electronics manufacturers have been giving a lot of lip service the past few years to the greener side of their gadgets. By reducing energy consumption of devices, beginning a phase out of toxic chemicals, reducing packaging waste and amping up recycling programs, they’re hoping to at least appear like they’re cleaning up an very environmentally damaging industry. However, consumers are still slow to buy the greener gadget options when faced with choices in the store. Whose fault is it — the consumers or … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

The Weight of 74 Golden Gate Bridges Wasted in Food. Each Year. In USA Alone.

Not a grocery shop — inside a supermarket dumpster. Photo: Warren McLaren / inov8 We mentioned the other day that the WorldWatch Institute was putting their wonderful WorldWatch magazine out to pasture. But doesn’t mean they won’t continue to deliver a searing look at our planet’s problems and solutions. At the start of this year they released their State of the World 2010 book, which was subtitled Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to Sustainability. It… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Weight of 74 Golden Gate Bridges Wasted in Food. Each Year. In USA Alone.

Fossilized Gadgets Leave Evidence of Our Consumerism to Future Generations

Images via Gajitz When it comes to gadgets, what legacy are we leaving to Earth’s inhabitants countless generations into the future? Artist Christopher Locke has imagined that perhaps the things that have become attached to us as if they were part of our bodies may become fossilized relics that future civilizations will uncover with curiosity. Even if the device itself isn’t capable of doing so (though plastic and metal are pretty much eternal), he is ensuring that they’ll live on by creating them in concrete. From floppy disks to game controllers… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fossilized Gadgets Leave Evidence of Our Consumerism to Future Generations

What If We Abolished Income Taxes & Replaced Them With ‘Stuff Taxes’?

photo: Alan Cleaver via flickr Over at Green Biz there’s an interesting article that proposes a way to address the environmental impact of the goods we buy, as well as realign our tax code to stop penalizing the very thing we want to encourage. What if we abolished income tax for just about every single person and made up the revenue with… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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What If We Abolished Income Taxes & Replaced Them With ‘Stuff Taxes’?