Michelle Obama is one of the few people who can relate to everything Meghan Markle is going through right now. Except for the part about being involved in a bitter, nasty, petty, vicious rivalry with her sister-in-law , we guess. Both Obama and Markle were thrust into the spotlight due to their relationships with high profile men, however. The former married a State Senator who became President of the United States… while the latter married a handsome party animal who has a mostly meaningless title, yet is very rich, popular and respected. In the new issue of Good Housekeeping, the ex-First Lady offers up a few words of wisdom for the Duchess of Sussex, saying in the pages of this magazine: “Like me, Meghan probably never dreamt that she’d have a life like this, and the pressure you feel – from yourself and from others – can sometimes feel like a lot.” We’re sure this is factual. So, what does Obama suggest? “My biggest piece of advice would be to take some time and don’t be in a hurry to do anything,” she says to/of Markle. It seems sort of like Meghan has already ignored this advice, though, right? She and Prince Harry will welcome a child less than a year after getting married, meaning they made said child together after just three months or so as husband and wife. No judgment of any kind here. We’re just saying: they definitely procreated in a hurry. Markle is similar to Obama in one way, however. Michelle is famous for saying “when they go low, we go high,” making it clear that she won’t ever engage with critics on their cruel levels. Meghan, meanwhile, simply won’t engaged with critics… at all, really. Which is basically the same thing. She has been under attack by her awful half-sister for many months now, yet has never uttered a negative word in public about Samantha Markle . Of late, attention has turned to an alleged feud with Kate Middleton , but Markle has remained mum in regard to this chatter as well. She’s mostly just gone around smiling and keeping herself cool, totally a Michelle Obama kind of move. Obama, of course, raised two daughters directly in the public eye. And Markle will be doing the same with her child once he or she is born. “I spent the first few months in the White House mainly worrying about my daughters, making sure they were off to a good start at school and making new friends before I launched into any more ambitious work,” Obama told Good Housekeeping “I think it’s okay – it’s good, even – to do that.” Kids come first, in other words. At almost all times. Obama also talked about the Duchess of Sussex’s power to make a difference, something Markle does know well, considering her many humanitarian initiatives over the years. Concludes Obama: “What I’d say is that there’s so much opportunity to do good with a platform like that. “And I think Meghan can [maximize] her impact for others, as well her own happiness, if she’s doing something that resonates with her personally.” In September of this year, Meghan helped release a cookbook that features recipes from women affected by the fatal Grenfell Tower fire. Then, in October, she delivered a speech about the importance of women’s rights in New Zealand. She’s on the right track in this department, that much seems certain. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!
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Michelle Obama Offers Advice to Meghan Markle