Tag Archives: from-the-early

Glenn Frey: Mourned, Remembered By Stars Everywhere

The entire entertainment world is in mourning at the moment, following the news that  Glenn Frey has died . The Eagles singer and co-founder was 67 at the time of his passing. Scroll down for a look at what a number of celebrities have said about Frey's death and join us in sending his loved ones our condolences… 1. Steve Martin MT: Shocker. My friend from the early days, and important member of Eagles, has died. We loved you, Glenn Frey. 2. Carole King R.I. P. Glenn Frey. Deepest condolences to his family and #Eagles. 3. Paul Stanley SHOCKED to report the death of GLENN FREY. Eagle & brilliant songwriter. We shared some memories at RRHOF. Shocked.. 4. Huey Lewis Glenn Frey. I’m shocked. A brilliant songwriter and a really good guy. Talented, funny, cynical and sweet. 5. Gene Simmons Glenn Fry – our condolences to friends and family. Rest In Peace. 6. Brad Paisley So saddened and shocked by the loss of Glenn Frey. Thank you for the music that paved the way for so many others. View Slideshow

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Glenn Frey: Mourned, Remembered By Stars Everywhere

Demi Lovato’s Ass in Lingerie for Shitty Music of the Day

Bull Dyke who I assume Pegs FES from That 70s show, because he had his penis abducted by Lohan’s alien pussy early on in her slut existence, before he settled down with this crazy, thick necked, mayan looking monster, who is “bi polar” and I guess “bi sexual”, and down to have a good old time when not making shitty must for idiot kids that are still fans of hers from the early 2000s….and why not do it edgy by showing the world your ass…or at least enough of you ass for a grown man like me to notice and think it was noteworthy and worth bringing to your attention, because talking about Demi Lovato is totally normal behavior..for grown men.. This girl has an insane fucking fan base, I guess it’s the latin thing, and the crazy thing, all piled together and squeezed into fetish gear, while being average at best in cute…and below average in caliber of her shit music… I guess what I am saying is that we don’t need more fat chicks in lingerie. The post Demi Lovato’s Ass in Lingerie for Shitty Music of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Demi Lovato’s Ass in Lingerie for Shitty Music of the Day

Thirsty Bitch of the Day

If you know anything about pop culture, than you will know that you are surrounded by thirsty bitches. Thirsty for fame, thirsty to get noticed, thirsty for nice things…just desperate as fuck…normally Thirsty bitches act thirsty with their half naked instagram pics and their annoying desperate tweets…and for the most part they don’t know they are thirsty…but this Thirsty bitch got right down to it…sure he’s a dude, from some other country, but he’s getting noticed for being Thirsty…literally…

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Thirsty Bitch of the Day

Sophia Bush Cameltoe of the Day

Sophia Bush is one of those looks good for 40 year old girls who in early 2000s was on some ridiculous show that people loved… I don’t really even want to bother googling it to see what show it was…I just remember some virgin loser nerd kid I used to work with…was really obsessed with her and the show she was on…I remember going to his house once, and it felt like I could have got murdered, but luckily his socially awkward ass only had light sabres and unopened box set DVDs of creepy teen dramas….along with a framed poster of Sophia Bush…it was creepy… So for anyone from the early 2000s groupies who haven’t moved on in any aspect of your life…because I can’t imagine she’s been up to much other than this Cameltoe…so here’s that camel toe…because when you’re hungry to get noticed, the message gets sent to your genitals, and if your genitals are working with you and not against you they show how hungry they are…by eating a pair of fitness pants… for the paparazzi and/or penis that has job offers…that’ll put a bitch back on the map…unless he’s already back on the map…I wouldn’t know, I’m not very good at keeping track of things…

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Sophia Bush Cameltoe of the Day

People REALLY Aint Isht: HIV Positive Mother Convicted Of Having Group Sex With Her Friend’s Children Sentenced To Only ONE Year In Prison

Now this is some trifling foolery if we’ve ever heard of it….SMH! HIV Positive Mother Convicted Of Having Sex With Friend’s Children An HIV-positive Cincinnati woman who admitted to her friends that she’d been having sex with their teenage boys while babysitting them will reportedly only serve 1 year in prison. via Cincinnati Inquirer Candance Morris had good times with other moms in her East Price Hill neighborhood, playing cards and hanging out together. But what Morris, 32, did with their sons earned her prison time Monday and has the families worried about their sons’ health. Morris pleaded guilty Monday to four counts of unlawful sexual contact with minors and was sent by Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Melba Marsh to prison for a year. But it’s unknown how long the two teens she had sex with have to worry about their health because Morris is HIV-positive. “I cared for her. I cared for her son,” said the mother of one of the 14-year-olds Morris abused. “I feel like she planned and plotted. I feel betrayed.” Morris often watched the teens when their parents went out. That’s what happened New Year’s Eve when she said she’d watch the boys. “We were going to church and she knew that and she blew my phone up (asking) to bring my baby over,” the mother said. While partying, Morris admitted she smoked many marijuana joints, drank a half-gallon of vodka as well as beer and champagne. Then she got in bed with the teens and had sex with both of them at the same time multiple ways. That stayed a secret until Morris argued with one of the mothers, got into a physical altercation with her and then shouted that she’d had sex – in a more profane way – with the woman’s son. “I apologize for the pain that I caused and I know my actions were irresponsible,” Morris told the judge, blaming “my bad habits” for the incident. “I would never have done it intentionally.” What sick and twisted slorebag this woman has to be to do something like this. Just NASTY! Photo Credit: The Enquirer/Kimball Perry

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People REALLY Aint Isht: HIV Positive Mother Convicted Of Having Group Sex With Her Friend’s Children Sentenced To Only ONE Year In Prison

Galleries: Willow Smith, K. Michelle And Ciara Show Off Their Unique Steezles

Somebody better call Will! Cuz Willow Smith out here tryna get chose. The actress/singer was spotted kicking it in Woodland Hills with a very grown lookin’ friend. Both girls wore extremely short shorts. Is this a good look for Willow? Hit the flip for more photos and shots of Ciara and K.Michelle out here grindin’.

Galleries: Willow Smith, K. Michelle And Ciara Show Off Their Unique Steezles

Olga Maliouk for Blush Lingerie of the Day

I have never heard of Blush Lingerie, but in my defense I don’t really give a fuck about lingerie brand names, I am just more into staring at the girls wearing it, and even if that lingerie is some rash and yeast infection forming quality, I am still eager to stare at the girl in it, so brands don’t matter…the only thing good about them is that they all do the same thing to get the same exposure and that’s hot photoshoots with babes….which are awesome.. This shoot was done by Max Abadian, who is a montreal based photographer, leading me to think that Olga Maliouk, despite her mail order bride name, may be a montreal based model, making me wonder why I am sitting on my soiled couch and not walking the streets screaming her name…hoping to find her or at least where she lives so that I can go through her garbage or steal her dirty laundry to feel close to her….

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Olga Maliouk for Blush Lingerie of the Day

Joanna Krupa for Esquire’s Me in my Place of the Day

Joanna Krupa is some hot bodied gutter bullshit from the early 2000s who has been trying so hard to make it since the early 2000s because I guess she knew she was some hot bodied bullshit then…and watching her struggle was entertaining…she did every low budget photoshoot in fucking town…just hoping to get a fan base with those implants she spent 3 summers washing cars to get….before becoming internationally famous on Dancing with the Stars when she wasn’t even a star, which led to Real Housewives of Miami….you know just sucking from the bottom….and it finally paid off, even most people would find her career a joke, she feels like she’s finally made it…and at a good time cuz she must be 40 by now…. So here she is being an hooker/stripper/pornstar who never was for Esquire…what a waste….but at least she looks good….

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Joanna Krupa for Esquire’s Me in my Place of the Day

Britney Spears Breakup: Actually a Month Ago!

Looks like the Britney split rumors were true all along. The pop megastar’s breakup with Jason Trawick was a long time coming – and it actually went down quietly and privately weeks before their public statement. Britney once foresaw in a fairy-tale ending for herself and Trawick, who popped the question in December 2011. But by late 2012, she was no longer wearing her ring. “Britney spent Christmas with [sons] Preston and Jayden. Jason was around for parts of it, but it was very obvious that they were not together anymore,” a source says. “They were not affectionate and instead just seemed to keep appearances going for the boys’ sake. Britney looked a bit gloomy and tense throughout the holidays.” Jason Trawick, 41, moved out after Christmas. The couple announced their split last Friday. As recently as last summer, Britney talked frequently about their wedding, “but lately she acted like she knew it would not happen … she hadn’t talked about [plans] in months.” That was quite a change from the early months of their engagement, when Spears “would spend hours online looking at wedding dresses and dreaming,” says the source. They never set a date, however. “Britney wanted to rush in, but there were things that needed to improve before they got to that place,” the source says. “They love each other, but like any relationship, and especially this one, there were some major challenges and hurdles.” “There was constant work that needed to be done. At the end of the day, it just wasn’t working, and things were’t going to change, so it was time to let go.”

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Britney Spears Breakup: Actually a Month Ago!

Haley Joel Osment’s Transgendered Titties at the Prism Awards of the Day

Rememeber that kid from the early 2000s who was the default kid used in all the big movies….famous for “seeing Dead people”….before hitting puberty, turning ugly and unmarketable, giving him a complex, forcing him to get a sex change, cuz everyone likes jailait teen girls and no one like pimply awakward boys….it was the logical choice….and here he is showing off his post op hormone therapy titties…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Haley Joel Osment’s Transgendered Titties at the Prism Awards of the Day