Tag Archives: iron man 2

James Cameron, Goat Milker

The 9 Best Robert Downey Jr. Quotes from the Iron Man 2 Press Conference

Attending the Iron Man 2 press conference today, I couldn’t help but notice how much it played like the kind of press conference Tony Stark would throw in the film. Holding court was Robert Downey Jr, who cracked one-liners every time someone tried to ask him a serious question, and on either side of him were Gwyneth Paltrow and director Jon Favreau (who also plays body man Happy Hogan in the film) reprising their movie roles and doing their best to rein him in. With that in mind, then, here are the 9 best quotes the press was able to get out of Downey Jr:

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The 9 Best Robert Downey Jr. Quotes from the Iron Man 2 Press Conference

Iron Man Poses Nude for Leonardo DiCaprio, and Other Video Mashups

I saw Iron Man 2 last night, and while my reaction to the film is still embargoed, I can at least say that I’m bummed that the cutest scene from the first trailer (the one where Gwyneth Paltrow kisses the Iron Man helmet) is nowhere to be found in the finished product. YouTube user “reubenpac” has provided some sort of restitution for me today, going so far as to insert Iron Man into classic movie scenes he was never supposed to appear in anyway.

Go here to see the original:
Iron Man Poses Nude for Leonardo DiCaprio, and Other Video Mashups

Blond on Blond: Which Golden-Hued Nicolas Cage Coiffure Do You Prefer?

By now everybody’s seen Nicolas’s Cage’s blond ‘do, which he debuted a few weeks ago. “You know, I’m always changing the hair color, and right now I’m doing a movie called Drive Angry and I’m trying to tap into my Celtic roots, so I dyed it blond,” the actor told media gathered at WonderCon. But a new hue took over at this week’s Kick-Ass premiere, and it’s… interesting .

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Blond on Blond: Which Golden-Hued Nicolas Cage Coiffure Do You Prefer?

Report: Box-Office Betting is a Go

Wall Street’s proposal to launch a futures exchange based on box-office receipts may have haters in Hollywood , but regulators in Washington are said to support the idea and may even green-light it in time for gamblers investors to wager on Iron Man 2 . Buried in Wednesday’s report is this winning quote from Lionsgate boss (and Hollywood Stock Exchange co-founder) Michael Burns: “If the studios have a chance to have an equity position in the actual exchange, if Cantor offers that, I think that’s a giant win-win. I think it will ultimately become a terrific hedging vehicle for the studios. You can buy corn futures, orange juice futures, it makes no sense you can’t buy movie futures.” In other words: Flop insurance, here we come ! [ Bloomberg ]

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Report: Box-Office Betting is a Go

Iron Man 2: A Rocky III Rip-Off?

Nothing is more fascinating than a vast rip-off conspiracy, which is definitely the way to classify the marvelous parallels drawn today between Iron Man 2 and Rocky III . Successful, wealthy men gone complacent? Check. Formidable, blind-siding enemies? Check? Good-vs.-evil preparation montages? Check, right down to the villain’s solitude. And so on. If it weren’t for the key difference that Talia Shire did all her own stunts , someone might have a lawsuit on their hands. [ Moviefone ]

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Iron Man 2: A Rocky III Rip-Off?

Scarlett Johansson Iron Man 2 Poster: [No Comment Needed]

As if our interns weren’t already asking for May 7 off so they could pregame all day. Nerds. But to be honest, we can sort of see where they’re coming from now … While fans have eagerly awaited the sequel to Iron Man ever since the first Robert Downey Jr. vehicle debuted in all its ass-kicking glory, this has upped the ante. A new poster for Iron Man 2 showing a red-maned Scarlett Johansson in a form-fitting Black Widow bodysuit? Gulp . Anyone camping out for tickets yet? 35 days! Scarlett Johansson’s new poster for Iron Man 2 defies comprehension .

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Scarlett Johansson Iron Man 2 Poster: [No Comment Needed]

Scarlett Johansson in the Iron Man 2 Poster of the Day

I am just posting this Iron Man 2 poster for the virgin losers who think Scarlett Johansson still has it going on, or who already thing they’re engaged to her just based on the amount of times they’ve jerked off to her pictures between Role Playing videogames and the quality of the full body digital print they’ve managed to get on their bedsheets so that they feel like she’s in bed with them everynight, cuz that’s just how committed virgin loser comic book geeks are…. I figure at least one of you can jerk off to this movie poster, despite how fake she looks, because you’ve been getting off to cartoons for decades, so it’s not that much of a stretch…enjoy….

Originally posted here:
Scarlett Johansson in the Iron Man 2 Poster of the Day

Spoiler Filled Stills From Iron Man 2: What’s Happening To Tony?

Last night the first ever trailer for Iron Man 2 was released, and it is jam-packed with spoilery goodies. Here’s a shot-by-shot break down of what we noticed. Uh oh, Pepper looks pissed.

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Spoiler Filled Stills From Iron Man 2: What’s Happening To Tony?

Scarlett Johansson Gives Back

Scarlett Johansson will be auctioning off a meet-and-greet and two tickets to the premiere of Iron Man 2 on eBay.