Source: Emma McIntyre / Getty Some of the best TV makes a comeback when the New Year arrives. Though fall shows have been keeping many of us occupied, some fan favorites have yet to hit the small screens. With the arrival of January 2019, some great shows will make their return, giving you plenty to catch up on during these cold winter months. Hit the next pages to find out what’s on the horizon for the next couple of weeks!
Source: John Papi/@1johnpapi / John Papi Louisiana Singer Arabian Will Wow You With Her Vocals We love discovering new talent! We recently were referred to a new vocalist named Arabian who is making a name for herself with her first single “Respect”. Source: John Papi/@1johnpapi / John Papi Hailing from a small Louisiana town called Bastrop, there is nothing small about Arabian’s voice. Leaving behind a painful past, Arabian lays her heart and soul on a track letting her emotions sing through the music. With plans to deliver mind-blowing street-based stories, odes to lost loves, and punchlines for everyone that doubted her, this 20-year-old is ready to take the industry by storm. Listen to the song below and you’ll understand why we featured her. “Respect” is available now on all platforms. Continue reading →
Fans have come to love celebrity Makeup Artist Jonathan Fernandez ‘ “tell it like it s” persona, and on this week’s episode of Headline Heat , the LHHNY star gave us just that. But did he really have an orgy with Anais ? Check out the video above to find out. Continue reading →
Tragedy struck this weekend as Sarah Hyland lost her 14-year-old cousin in a car accident . Unfortunately, her sadness was compounded when a request to help her grieving relatives provoked a bitter backlash. Now, Sarah is sharing her distress and taking a break from social media. “You guys finally did it,” Sarah tweeted this week. A lot of people tweet hate in the hopes of ruining a vulnerable celebrity’s day. They must be patting themselves on the back right about now. “Your horrible negative ignorant words have broken me,” Sarah reveals. She asks: “Happy?” “Staying offline for a while,” Sarah announces. She does, possibly out of contractual obligations, have a planned exception to that step back. “I have a special announcement and video releasing on Wednesday I believe,” she writes. She is clearly dealing with a lot of strong, negative emotions. “So,” she concludes sadly. “There’s that.” Some people — perhaps some of the same haters responsible for the initial backlash — were less than sympathetic. “You only have yourself to blame for this backlash, unless there’s some massive detail we’re all missing,” snarled one reply. “Asking complete strangers to contribute to the funeral expenses of your own family member which you could easily pay for yourself is low-class and unconscionable,” the hater claimed. Others tempered their criticisms. “Not all of it is hate, some is genuine concern and condolences,” another wrote. “Some are questioning why you have to ask for help for such a tragic private family matter?” the tweet asked. “And yes, some is incredibly hateful,” they acknowledged. “Good luck with your life, live it well.” More fans rallied to support Sarah Hyland and to disparage her haters. “She shared the link that his family made to support the funeral,” pointed out a fan. “She more than likely has already helped the family out tremendously,” the tweet guesses. “Everyone commenting can stop being insensitive,” the fan continues. “And let her mourn the loss of her loved one.” The fan correctly points out: “Just because she has the money doesn’t mean they do.” “Don’t let these horrid monsters online break you,” another writes. “They aren’t worth it.” “But take some time to take care of yourself and your family,” the tweet concludes. “That’s what is important.” To simplify things, Sarah asked fans to consider donating to cover her young cousin’s funeral expenses. Some fans were outraged that a famous actress who is genuinely rich — and just got done vacationing in a private villa in the Virgin Islands — wants their money. They think that she should pay for it herself or shut the frick up, essentially. While it’s true that Sarah has an estimated net worth of about $9 million, we don’t know that much about her finances. Net worth is not the same thing as having a money bin like Scrooge McDuck. Net worth and liquid assets are not synonyms. We also don’t know the behind-the-scenes details of how she gets along with her family. Some people who acquire wealth have to set boundaries to stop their own families from milking them dry. Maybe Sarah’s had a problem like that in the past. And, as her defenders suggest, perhaps she has already contributed, or has promised to contribute to the funeral costs. Who knows? What we can say for certain is that there is an easy solution when you see someone ask for money and you don’t think that you should give them money. Just don’t give them money. But whatever you do, please do not direct hate and vitriol at someone who is mourning the death of a child in their family. View Slideshow: Modern Family Kills Off “Major Character” and Fans Are Outraged
Farrah Abraham didn't simply get taken from behind on camera as part of her recent porn venture . She has also now made a forward-looking career move, somehow managing to maintain her relationship with MTV even after getting fired from Teen Mom OG . The cable network has announced that Abraham will return for Season 2 of Ex on the Beach, confirming as much in a press release that reads as follows: The U.S. format of MTV’s global phenomenon “Ex On The Beach” returns for season two on Thursday, December 20th at 8PM ET/PT. Hosted by multi-platinum rapper and actor Romeo Miller, the provocative dating series follows celebrity couples in Malibu Beach as they search for new love while being confronted by their past romances. Abraham's ex, of course, is Simon Saran . He's returning as well. Scroll down for a look at Abraham's promotional photos on behalf of Season 2 — and also for a look at which other cast members (from which past programs, if any) will be a part of this global phenomenon… 1. I’m Coming Back! She’s coming back, folks! Farrah Abraham looks pretty happy to have landed another role on another MTV program, huh? She’s returning for Ex on the Beach. 2. Look at This Bod! You know you wanna hit it, guys. 3. Simon Saran Oh, yes, more fireworks between Simon and Farrah are on the way! 4. Tor’I Brooks— Harlem Globetrotters, “Ex On The Beach” 5. Sha Carrell— Wilhelmina Model 6. Nurys Mateo — “Are You The One?” View Slideshow
A bride-to-be is begging the internet for advice. After spending what she thought was a nice day buying her wedding dress, she learned that her future mother-in-law is spreading lies about her. Her mother-in-law called the day a “s–t show” and, having been caught, won’t even speak to to the bride. Yikes. Most of Reddit is a cesspool, but sometimes, people looking for advice share some amazing stories. One that really caught on and made the rounds this week concerns a bride-to-be who discovered that her future mother-in-law is a two-faced liar. In a Reddit post that has since been locked (thanks to a salty moderator who didn’t like the story going viral). But we know what the northern California Reddit user who goes by the handle “Bamboo2u” said about her monster-in-law . She reveals that a few relatives, including her mother and her soon-to-be mother-in-law, traveled up from southern California. They accompanied her while she picked out her wedding dress. “Overall we had a great day and I got the most amazing dress,” she writes. “My mom cried and my fiance’s mom cried … it was special” Before she reveals the backstabbing, she shares some specifics from that day’s conversations. “At lunch my mom told everyone she suggested I keep my maiden name for work only,” she writes. “And take my fiance’s name for personal life.” She shares that this is a specific necessity for her line of owrk. “I have a problem with clients asking to be friends on Facebook and Instagram,” she says. “Which I cannot do because it’s against my work’s rules.” She explains: “I want to keep my personal life private from my work life.” “My fiance’s mom agreed with my mom,” she says. “Because that is what she does for work too.” She was filled with joy and excited for her wedding. Those happy feelings faded when she received a scathing text from her mother-in-law. (Her mother-in-law has been symbolically pictured here as a plant that is sometimes called mother-in-law’s tongue ) You know how you can accidentally message the wrong person, and it just makes you want to curl up into a ball and disappear? Well, it turns out that it’s almost as bad to receive a wrong text “The text said the whole day was a s–t show,” she writes. “And,” she continues, her future mother-in-law wrote “that my mom advised me to not take my fiance’s name for career reasons.” “I’m so hurt that she would go around spreading lies about my mom,” she says. “She knows that’s not what my mom said.” Obviously, that’s horrifying. What she thought had been a pleasant day turned into a nightmare. She told her fiance and he even confronted his mother. When he asked his mom to apologize, she writes, the woman who will soon be her mother-in-law refused. “Honestly, I’m more worried she is now going around to his family and saying mean things about my mom,” the woman writes. It makes sense to feel more offended on her mother’s behalf. “I’m not sure what to do at this point,” the woman confesses. This is why she went onto Reddit to ask for advice. “I saw my future mother in law the other day and she refused to look at me or even talk to me,” she reveals. All jokes from people who despise their mothers-in-law aside, you don’t really want to not be on speaking terms with your spouse’s mom. “But I’m the kind of person who likes to kill you with kindness,” the woman concludes. “Which seems to drive her crazy.” Some suggest that she go on as she’s doing, but to be on guard that this could happen again. Others think that continuing to be polite will let this woman sweep this matter under the rug — and that she should go to war over it. But good luck for this woman’s wedding. View Slideshow: Bridezilla’s Bizarre Demands Go Viral: Don’t Talk to Me and Don’t You DARE Wear Makeup!
Bella Thorne is only 21, but at times, it seems that her career, such as it is, may have already peaked. Nominally, Bella is an actress, model, singer, etc., but like so many of her peers, Thorne’s most lucrative revenue stream is social media, particularly Instagram, where she’s amassed an astonishing 18.4 million followers. And like Kylie Jenner before her, Bella knows what makes the internet tick. We’re talking, of course, about nudity. It’s up there with funny cat videos and political outrage on the list of things people just can’t help but click. Unfortunately, it’s also a game of diminishing returns. The internet quickly loses interest in naked bodies it’s seen before and moves on to new nudity. Some young stars realize this and change tactics (hence Miley Cyrus’ rebranding as a sober, fully-clothed hippie), while others double-down and offer up more flesh than ever, which seems to be Bella’s strategy. Bella Thorne Is Naked We’ve seen Bella Thorne naked before, but never this much in one day. Both the pic and the video above appeared on Bella’s Instagram page on Wednesday, and the captions have left fans confused, to say the least. “So excited for the big release behind this shoot btw I’m wearing underneath nude bra and bathing suit bottoms for comfortability and it helps the whipped cream stay attached ;)” Bella wrote We appreciate the old-school emoticon, and we’re sure the Instagram admins appreciate the clarification that she’s not actually naked. But what does it all mean? “Thorne by Bella,” Thorne later added. “Gonna be a big release w this shoot I’m stoked”. Adding to the confusion is the fact that she’s posing in front of a neon sign that reads, “electric p-ssy.” Is she launching her own line of vibrators? Is she actually a sex robot from the future? Only time will tell. But hey, we can’t really hate, since it’s marketing tactics like these that helped make Kylie Jenner a near-billionaire . We suppose that’s another thing Bella has in common with Kylie — a preference for inappropriately old dudes. Bella is currently dating 31-year-old Mod Sun, just as Kylie hooked up with a Z-list rapper who was nearly a decade her senior back when she was in her teens. Look, everything’s legal here, and a 10-year age difference isn’t that weird in most circumstances, but if you’re 31 and you have a whole lot in common with people who are barely old enough to buy alcohol, it might be time to reexamine your choices. And it’s not like Bella is known for being crazy mature for her age, ya know? View Slideshow: 33 Hottest Bella Thorne Photos EVER!
Mackenzie Standifer offered a couple of treats for her social media followers on Halloween. First, the long-time reality star provided fans with their very first glimpse of Jagger, the baby to whom she gave birth in October . It was a fleeting glimpse, mind you. Some might even take issue with this being labeled a glimpse at all. But… hey, there is a baby in the photo below, alright?!? Standifer simply included a black heart emoji as a caption to this image of Jagger and his 10-year old brother, Bentley, both of whom were out and about on Halloween night. Mackenzie has often used this same unusual graphic across her Instagram, prompting some to believe it’s meant as jab at Edwards, who continues to get into trouble with the law. But Standifer insists the emoji has nothing to do with her often-jailed husband. “So here’s the deal about my use of [the black heart],” she wrote two weeks ago online. “There’s nothing behind it except for the fact that it’s different from your everyday [red heart]. Sorry to disappoint. Lol. There’s no hidden or cryptic messages behind it… “It’s just a heart shaped emoji that happens to be black instead of red.” Oh. Okay then. Standifer made a return to Teen Mom OG this past Monday evening in order to discuss Bentley possibly going to private school with his grandparents. She and Ryan had previously quit the MTV franchise , with Mackenzie claiming the network didn’t want to be associated with a recovering drug addict such as Edwards. Mackenzie, never one to mince words, then shared a photo of Teen Mom cameras being set up around her home, writing in the caption that the scene being shot was “Faaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeee” and strongly implying that everything one sees on the show is fake. Sorry, “Faaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeee.” But Ryan’s run-ins with the law have been very real. Because he was arrested (AGAIN) for drug possession earlier this year, Edwards actually missed Jagger’s birth. According to various sources, he has never met his second son. There’s been talk (below) of Standifer leaving Edwards at last and taking their son with her, but she seemed to shoot down such chatter in an Instagram response last night. “Where is Ryan? As a fellow addict I wish him the best. Is he in treatment still?” a follower asked Standifer in reply to her Halloween picture, to which she directly responded: He is doing SO good. Proud of him. We think this is the first time Mackenzie has even acknowledged that Edwards is in treatment. Perhaps that’s progress, considering Standifer spent the better part of the last year insisting that Edwards was clean and sober following his 2017 weeks-long rehab stint. Despite the many times Edwards has faced drug charges , Mackenzie has continued to deny that her husband has a substance abuse problem. But he does. No one can say any differently now. For the sake of his very precious two children, let’s just hope he takes the proper steps to kick it once and for all. View Slideshow: Mackenzie Standifer: Leaving Ryan Edwards and Taking the Baby?! [UPDATED]
It’s been almost a year since Farrah Abraham got fired from Teen Mom OG , and say what you will about the gal, she certainly didn’t waste any time moping around after getting the ax. Sure Farrah is suing MTV for wrongful termination, but she’s also been keeping her nose to the grindstone to ensure that the income keeps coming in as she awaits the outcome of her hail mary lawsuit. Farrah is nothing if not a hustler, having cashed in on everything from sex toys to Christian-themed novels over the years. But believe it or not, her latest project might be her most bonkers business venture to date. Farrah is a celebrity boxer now, having secured a match against former Flavor of Love star Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander. Normally, fights between washed-up D-listers have very little in common with actual professional boxing matches. But Farrah is training for this thing like there’s a world title at stake. Abraham has lost weight, gained muscle, and — according to some of her followers — she’s unrecognizable in her most recent pics. Obviously, Farrah has switched her look up before (see the photo below in which she appears to have transformed into Kim Kardashian ), but this is something new. Despite the rumors that Farrah has received ab implants , her latest transformation appears to be entirely natural. No one has ever accused Farrah of being the sharpest crayon in the box, but we’re guessing even she realizes that ab implants can’t help her and would very likely hurt her in a boxing match. And if we know anything about Farrah, it’s that the girl is as competitive as they come. Abraham loves Donald Trump , and she seems to approach her life in a similar fashion — viewing everyone who doesn’t constantly sing her praises as an enemy who must be vanquished. There’s no word on how Hoopz is progressing in her own training, but we hope she’s taking this thing seriously. After all, Farrah obviously is, and we’d love nothing more than to see Sophia’s mom taken down a peg by getting knocked out in the first round. View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom OG: LOL! Such a F–king Joke Without ME!
Pumpkin season at Roloff Farms is winding down to a close. Little People, Big World star Amy Roloff was sure to get a photoshoot with her boyfriend, Chris Marek , before all of the gourds were gone. The two of them flaunted their pumpkin patch PDA, and fans are eating it up. Take a look: Amy Roloff shared four tender photos taken on Roloff Farms. “I was so happy when I asked Chris, several days ago, to do a ‘photo shoot’ together and he agreed!,” Amy’s caption begins. Amy goes on to reveal that she’s posting “just a glimpse of a few photos I wanted to share here.” She herself hasn’t seen them all, she notes, saying: “and I can’t wait to see the rest of them.” “Thank you so much @moniqueserraphotography for capturing us in a real and special way,” she writes to the photographer. “You were fabulous,” she praises the photographer. “And made it such a fun time!” Taking photos, even with those whom you love, can be awkward and exhausting. Clearly that was not the case here. Amy then pivots to singing the praises of her boyfriend, Chris, and their relationship. “I love how our story began,” she gushes. “How we continue to learn more about each other and love every day.” “And,” Amy brags. “We’re just as good and wonderful two years later. Woohoo!” Amy concluded her post, after speaking to the photographer and her boyfriend, with a message to her followers. “Happy Fall,” she writes. “One more weekend left of pumpkin season at Roloff Farms,” she says. Amy concludes her captionw ith an invitation: “And I hope to see you. #storyofamyandchris” Fans were very excited by the images, and it looks like several of them were all thinking the same thing. “My first thought was engagement!” writes one. “What fabulous photos, they capture your souls” “Marriage next?” asks another. “You’re a lovely couple.” Amy made another post to celebrate the bittersweet end of Pumpkin Season. “Last weekend of Pumpkin Season at Roloff Farms,” Amy begins. “So so thankful and appreciative of all of YOU coming on out to the farm this season,” she continues. Of course, not all fans can make it out to Oregon, as much as they might like to. “I had a great time meeting all of you,” Amy continues. “And hope you had a good time!” Amy writes: “It’s always kind of sad to see the season end and humble by all of you visiting.” “It was a wild weekend,” Amy says. “Rain sunshine heard thunder and saw a beautiful rain!” “What a spectacular way to end the weekend,” she raves. “My costumes were a 50s/60s look, pirate, and ’70s,” she shares. Lots of guests over multiple days means more opportunities for different costumes. “Thank you again everyone!” she writes. “You’re the best.” “Hope to see you next year!” she concludes. “Peace out.” The pumpkin patch PDA photos really do look like they could be part of an engagement photoshoot. After seeing this couple pack on the affection for two years, we can understand why some of her fans would jump to that conclusion. But we should always be careful when commenting on a real person’s social media. There is a fine line between enthusiasm for someone’s life milestones and pressuring them to marry. Getting hyped as cool. Being pushy is not. View Slideshow: Chris Marek: Who is Amy Roloff’s Boyfriend?!?