Tag Archives: ohio

Reason.tv: Will the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment End Obamacare?


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“If you’re going to take away liberty and property, there has to be some sort of due process involved,” says Chris Littleton, the head of Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom and a Tea Party leader in the Buckeye state. “In this case, as citizens, we feel that those things are fundamentally inhibited and we Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 02/11/2011 14:09 Number of articles : 2

Reason.tv: Will the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment End Obamacare?

Dem Chairman Sick of These Tea Party ‘F*ckers’ [Video]

Ohio’s Democratic party chairman, Chris Redfern , recently said at a campaign event what most Democratic chairmen dream of saying: He is sick of these Tea Party “fuckers.” Watch the clip! He really puts his back into it. Like, “these fuckers .” More

Cincy Media Mostly Nix Ohio Gov. Strickland’s Reference to GOP as ‘Overrun by Extremist Elements’ at Labor Picnic

It’s interesting, and more than a little frustrating, to see how inflammatory words in speeches delivered by liberal and leftist politicians that might cast them in a bad light don’t seem to make much news. One such example occurred in a speech yesterday at Cincinnati’s Coney Island, on the occasion of the AFL-CIO’s huge annual picnic there. At that event, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland lashed out at the party of gubernatorial opponent John Kasich as, according to one local reporter, “overrun by extremist elements.” I don’t know that this is exactly what Strickland said, but it seems highly unlikely that veteran WLWT reporter John London would have strung those words together on his own.  Strickland’s characterization of his opposition as relayed by London, which you will find at this Bing video and also at WLWT’s own web site , “somehow” didn’t make it into the the station’s accompanying text report on the event, which, contrary to what I believe is the norm at the station, doesn’t in any way follow the script of the London’s coverage. The “overrun by extremist elements” reference also was not noted at either of the city’s two other news-following TV stations which covered the event ( here and here ), nor in Howard Wilkinson’s coverage at Gannett’s Cincinnati Enquirer. Imagine that. Here is the first 70% or so of the verbiage in the WLWT broadcast: Strickland (during speech): What we are fighting for is the middle class of Ohio and America! Jack Atherton (in-studio co-host): Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio. Labor Day usually means you get a day off from work. But too many Tri-Staters are out of work altogether, and the governor was reminded today campaigning at Coney Island. Sheree Paolello (the other co-host): Now with the poor economy and President Obama calling for another $50 billion program to improve roads and runways, people had a lot to say today, and News 5’s is John London is live with reaction to the Governor’s visit today. John? John London: Well, Sheree, he gave them matches for the bonfire. He blamed Wall Street greed for the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in Ohio, declared the Republican Party has been overrun by extremist elements, shouted “Hell no, we won’t give the state over to them!” This was Governor Ted Strickland, gloves off, some three weeks before the start of early voting. (begin newsreel with John London voiceover) Ohio’s Governor arrived with a four-letter word on his lips: Jobs. Candidates of every political stripe can’t say it or promise it enough. Strickland (during speech): What we are fighting for is the middle class of Ohio — London: But can any of them deliver it? Erin Kramer, Director, SEIU Local 1: Our members do well when cities do well. And cities do well when people are working. London: As if to hammer home the point, many of these union workers and their families are suffering: laid-off, worried, discouraged. Here’s what Governor Strickland told us after blasting what he termed “Wall Street greed.” Strickland: This recovery is starting to take hold, but this is not a guarantee that, that we will not have a double-dip recession. London: The mood lightens out here if you let it. Pete Wagner’s orchestra sprinkled a little Dixieland into what is a combination event: one part picnic, two parts politics. Doug Sizemore, AFL-CIO labor leader: The economy that we’re in right now is due to the failed policies of the Bush administration. London: The Democrat candidates mine this turf each Labor Day — Thousands of union families within campaign reach, perhaps a little fewer this time as mid-term elections approach. As one worker put it: “There have been so many layoffs.” Strickland: Quite frankly, Ohio is starting to see signs of growth. London: And what the Governor means by that is that tax revenue in the state is exceeding projections, not by much, but by a little bit. He continues to acknowledge that unemployment remains a huge problem. … Anyone who knows anything about the hidebound Ohio Republican Party would double over in laughter at any description of them as “extremists.” The ORP was so hostile to and felt so threatened by Tea Party insurgent candidates for statewide office and its Central Committee — candidates who would only be considered unwanted “extremists” by people who also believe this country’s Founders were — that it spent large sums of money on misleading Tea Party-pretentious campaign literature and on Election Day poll watchers who handed out slate cards to defeat them in the May primary. Much of the rest of London’s report unfortunately segues to what I would describe as a “long hot summer” riff, even though summer is over, the message being that crime won’t come down until employment goes up. Going back to Strickland — It must be nice to be able to fire up the base mostly without having to worry about whether your inflammatory language will escape the confines of the venue where your speech is taking place. It’s highly unlikely that a Republican or conservative at an open event covered by the press would be that lucky. Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

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Cincy Media Mostly Nix Ohio Gov. Strickland’s Reference to GOP as ‘Overrun by Extremist Elements’ at Labor Picnic

The 20 Worst Charities in America

The non-profit Charity Navigator Web site tracks such expenses via charities’ disclosure statements to the IRS to provide donors with an assessment of how well charities run themselves. Looking only at the supply side for the more than 5,500 charities that it tracks, the organization does not evaluate the impact on the recipients of funds, since that impact is often a subjective appraisal of “effectiveness.” The statistics used in this list are from the most recent fiscal year's data on the Charity Navigator Web site at the time of publication. added by: mik661

Miss Me Yet?…Americans Would Prefer a Third Term of Bush Over Obama

From Tom Jensen at Public Policy Polling on Tuesday: “We’ll start rolling out our Ohio poll results tomorrow but there’s one finding on the poll that pretty much sums it up: by a 50-42 margin voters there say they’d rather have George W. Bush in the White House right now than Barack Obama.” http://dailymail.com/blog.html added by: congoboy

Ohio Wal-Marts Have Carefully Segregated Book Departments [We Hate Your State]

Ah, another adventure into Race In America. And into Ohio. According to an Akron Beacon Journal columnist , many of the Wal-Mart superstores in the area have a specific section to which all books by and about black people are relegated. More

Olbermann Ties Stabbing to Ground Zero Mosque Opposition, GOP Strategy is ‘Hate’

On Thursday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann tied together Republican opposition to same-sex marriage, the Ground Zero mosque, and illegal immigration, as he charged that “the Republican method” for electoral success is “hate.” The MSNBC host opened the show: “The Republican method for winning elections is hate. Hate somebody. Anybody will do. We have seen it this year with immigrants and now, Muslims. And now, in our fifth story tonight: for the first time, we have a former head of the Republican party confirming that, yes, his party does it. They do it to win and did it in 2004 and 2006 against gay Americans. He said this even though he himself is no longer denying that he, too, is gay.” Without evidence, Olbermann also blamed the stabbing of New York City cab driver Ahmed Sharif on those who oppose construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. Although he later admitted that the mosque was not mentioned by the suspect, the MSNBC suggested a link as he teased the show: KEITH OLBERMANN: Karl Rove and the GOP targeted a minority group with fear and hate and legislation in 2004 and 2006 – gays, like Ken Mehlman. And now, the GOP is doing it again – same tactics, different group. CLIP OF AD: For centuries, Muslims built mosques where they won military victories. Now, they want to build a mosque at Ground Zero. OLBERMANN: An ad by Larry McCarthy, who was behind the Willie Horton commercial. And the newest ads’ metaphorical newest victim. AHMED SHARIF, STABBING VICTIM: I see his face. There`s so much anger and mad at me, and hate. I asked him, “Please, don`t kill me. Why do you have to kill me? What I did?” Unlike Olbermann, on the same day’s World News on ABC, correspondent Jeremy Hubbard noted that the suspect, Michael Enright, was involved with a peace group that supports building a mosque near Ground Zero. As he discussed with columnist Dan Savage former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman’s recent admission that he is gay, Olbermann and Savage both dismissed Mehlman’s contention that Republicans should get credit from homosexuals for opposing radical Islam because of the movement’s anti-gay nature: OLBERMANN: Mr. Mehlman`s suggestion that gay voters ought to vote Republican to oppose the greatest anti-gay force in the world, he`s not out of several other closets of self-delusion, is he? DAN SAVAGE, COLUMNIST: No. The Bush administration did nothing in the wake of the fall of Baghdad and toppling the Saddam Hussein regime to stop the anti-gay death squads that were roaming Iraq in the first five or six years of the war, murdering gays and lesbians, mostly gay men, with impunity all over Iraq. So, no, and Mehlman didn`t speak out, didn`t say anything about that at the time either. No credibility there either. Later in the same segment, Olbermann also erroneously showed a clip of the Willie Horton ad from the 1988 campaign which showed Horton’s mugshot, suggesting that the ad was a product of the George H.W. Bush presidential campaign when, in reality, the Bush ad that referenced Horton never used his image. Olbermann: The same party that gave us the Mehlman strategy, that gave us the Southern strategy of race-baiting that lived on in campaigns like the Willie Horton ad the first President Bush ran against Mike Dukakis, is today using the same tactic against Muslims, using anti- Muslim hysteria to drum up votes. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Thursday, August 26 Countdown show on MSNBC, with critical portions in bold : KEITH OLBERMANN, IN OPENING TEASER: Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? The other revelation of the former chairman of the Republican National Committee: Karl Rove and the GOP targeted a minority group with fear and hate and legislation in 2004 and 2006 – gays, like Ken Mehlman. And now, the GOP is doing it again – same tactics, different group. CLIP OF AD: For centuries, Muslims built mosques where they won military victories. Now, they want to build a mosque at Ground Zero. OLBERMANN: An ad by Larry McCarthy, who was behind the Willie Horton commercial. And the newest ads’ metaphorical newest victim. AHMED SHARIF, STABBING VICTIM: I see his face. There`s so much anger and mad at me, and hate. I asked him, “Please, don`t kill me. Why do you have to kill me? What I did?” OLBERMANN: Our guest, Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota. The GOP`s next targeted group: JOHN BOEHNER, HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: It`s just nonsense to think that taxpayers are subsidizing the fattened salaries and pensions of federal bureaucrats who are out there making it harder to create public sector jobs. OLBERMANN: Federal bureaucrats like his staff and himself, and “John of Orange” himself. … OLBERMANN: Good evening from New York . The Republican method for winning elections is hate. Hate somebody. Anybody will do. We have seen it this year with immigrants and now, Muslims. And now, in our fifth story tonight: for the first time, we have a former head of the Republican party confirming that, yes, his party does it. They do it to win and did it in 2004 and 2006 against gay Americans. He said this even though he himself is no longer denying that he, too, is gay. Ken Mehlman, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, is the most powerful Republican confirmed to be gay, Mehlman outing himself. In an interview with the Atlantic magazine`s Web site, Mehlman also confirming years of accusations that the Republican party, when he was the Bush/Cheney campaign manager in 2004 and again as RNC chief in 2006, used a strategy of putting anti-gay measures, specifically limiting the right to marry, on state ballots around the country. Mehlman, the Atlantic reports, quote, “was aware that Karl Rove, President Bush`s chief strategic advisor, had been working with Republicans to make sure that anti-gay initiatives and referenda would appear on November ballots in 2004 and 2006 to help Republicans. Mehlman telling Advocate.com, quote, “There were a lot of people, including people that supported the federal marriage amendments, for example, that worried about this being divisive.” Mehlman today told the Advocate, quote, “I think if you look at the 11 states where there were marriage amendments on the ballot in terms of numbers, Bush`s relative improvement versus the 2000 campaign was less than in the other states. I think President Bush won, in my judgment, because of, most importantly, national security.” Of course, marriage amendments only got on the ballot in states that were primarily Bush country anyway. But one state can tip an election – like Ohio did – Ohio, which had one of those 11 marriage initiatives on the ballot, a fact political analysts said in 2004 was essential to Mr. Bush`s victory there. Mr. Bush only won Ohio by 136,000. It gave him the presidency. Family Research Council president, Tony Perkins, telling the Washington Post in 2004 that gay marriage was, quote, “the hood ornament on the family values wagon that carried the President to a second term.” Rove had famously predicted that Mr. Bush, having lost the popular vote in 2000, would need four million more evangelical Christian votes in 2004. Prior to the election, Rove and Mehlman held weekly conference calls with leaders from the religious right. By Election Day, they had anti-gay marriage initiatives on the ballots in 11 states, most of the states Bush would have won anyway, but also in states like Ohio and in Kentucky, where Republican Senator Jim Bunning was in jeopardy, and, without Mr. Bush campaigning heavily in the state considered safe Bush territory, an anti-gay marriage initiative helped turn out evangelical voters who also propelled Bunning to victory. Mr. Mehlman today is an investment executive. He`s now an advocate for gay marriage but remains a Republican, telling the Atlantic that gay people should support Republicans because Republicans oppose Islamic jihad, which is, quote, “the greatest anti-gay force in the world.” Let`s turn to syndicated columnist, Dan Savage, editorial director for the Seattle newspaper, the Stranger, and author of “The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family.” Dan, good evening. DAN SAVAGE, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: Good evening, Keith. OLBERMANN: How does the history of 2004 look now that we have this admission from Mr. Mehlman? Both admissions, I should say. SAVAGE: Well, this admission doesn`t shock anybody in the gay community. This is really on the par with Ricky Martin coming out if Ricky Martin had had a hand in the insanely homophobic Bush campaign in 2004, which of course, he did not. Wake me when Levi Johnston comes out. OLBERMANN: Mr. Mehlman says about critics of his role in that, what is bluntly an anti-gay strategy: “If they can`t offer support, at least offer understanding.” Over to you. SAVAGE: We understand. We understand that Ken Mehlman had a chance to come out when he could have made a difference. And now, he`s only out and needs to make amends and has a great deal of amends to make. We understand that he rose quickly through the ranks in the Republican party and wound up at the top. And, like a lot of gay people, perhaps was closeted and suppressing his desires and channeling all of his energies into work. That doesn`t excuse his role in fomenting anti-gay bigotry in this country and putting off the day when gay and lesbian people in America enjoy our full civil equality. He has a lot of amends to make. And one fund-raiser for a marriage equality organization isn`t going to do it. OLBERMANN: Mr. Mehlman`s suggestion that gay voters ought to vote Republican to oppose the greatest anti-gay force in the world, he`s not out of several other closets of self-delusion, is he? SAVAGE: No. The Bush administration did nothing in the wake of the fall of Baghdad and toppling the Saddam Hussein regime to stop the anti-gay death squads that were roaming Iraq in the first five or six years of the war, murdering gays and lesbians, mostly gay men, with impunity all over Iraq. So, no, and Mehlman didn`t speak out, didn`t say anything about that at the time either. No credibility there either. OLBERMANN: He was widely praised for acknowledging and regretting the Republican Southern strategy, which, of course, stoked white racial hatred and particularly fear against blacks to turn out the white vote, ‘60s, ‘70s to some degree, maybe the ‘80s, maybe the ‘90s. We now know he was saying this at the same time that he has executing the same strategy, just a different target group: gays. And now, he wants Americans to vote for the party that is currently doing the same exact thing, using the same exact strategy, with a new fill in the blank, only it`s, you know, earlier this year, immigrants, now, more Muslims. We may come back to immigrants. It`s hard to tell. How does this cycle end if it does, Dan? SAVAGE: I think it ends six years ago from now in 2016 when then-former RNC chair, Michael Steele, comes out as a Muslim. I don`t know when it ends. Will they ever run out of people to hate and to campaign against and to vilify? They can`t run on their economic record. Whenever the Republicans are in charge, they drive the car into the ditch, as President Obama is running around saying. So they have to hate and they have to stoke hate to drive voters and to scare voters, to scare their evangelical white Southern shrinking base to the polls. It`s disgusting and it needs to stop. And I`m in despair of really it ever stopping. OLBERMANN: And I shouldn`t diminish the importance of this particular nature, this particular example of this strategy because it also involves people directing hatred towards a group to which they belong but cannot or will not say they belong. There`s an extra dimension that really is tragic to it, is it not? SAVAGE: It is tragic. And it`s a particularly gay tragedy, because we have the option of coming out or not coming out. Living with integrity or not living with integrity. Selling our souls as Ken Mehlman did, or not selling our souls. And it`s Ken Mehlman`s personal tragedy, but it`s also, the damage he inflicted, the role he played, it`s inexcusable. And, again, as I said earlier, he has a lot of amends to make, more than one fund-raiser. And, hopefully, he is confronting not just his own conscience but people in his political party, his so-called political allies, about their homophobia, about the Republican party`s homophobia. OLBERMANN: Columnist Dan Savage, also of Seattle`s newspaper, the Stranger, author of “The Commitment,” thanks as always for your time, Dan. SAVAGE: Thank you, Keith. OLBERMANN: The same party that gave us the Mehlman strategy, that gave us the Southern strategy of race-baiting that lived on in campaigns like the Willie Horton ad the first President Bush ran against Mike Dukakis, is today using the same tactic against Muslims, using anti- Muslim hysteria to drum up votes. In this case, a new ad you`re looking at now, false and misleading, about the proposed Islamic center, Park 51, near Ground Zero, targeting Iowa Democrat Bruce Braley, introduced by, literally, the same GOP firm that made the Willie Horton ad. Intentionally divisive? Openly divisive? Listen to Republican Congressman John Fleming talk about his Democratic opponent, an opponent who is literally a Methodist pastor. REP. JOHN FLEMING (R-LA), AUDIO: He`s going to say, you know, we need to get along better. We need to work and we need to stretch across the aisle. We have two competing world views here, and there is no way that we`re going to reach across the aisle. One is going to have to win. We`re either going to have to go down the socialist road and become like Western Europe and create, I guess, really a godless society, an atheist society, or we`re going to continue down the other pathway where we believe in freedom of speech, individual liberties, and we remain a Christian nation. So we`re going to have to win that battle- OLBERMANN: So, there you have it, Christian or atheist. In New York today, we learned that the man who attacked a Muslim cab driver here did not mention the Islamic center proposed for just over two blocks from Ground Zero. But the religion that has been vilified by mosque opponents, vilified by Republican politicians heading into this year`s election, that religion, the knife-wielding attacker certainly did mention that religion. SHARIF: He asked me where I`m from. I answer him, Bangladesh. Then question, am I Muslim? Yes, I am Muslim. Then he told me, Assalamu Alaikum, I return, Wa Alaikum Assalam. And said this month of Ramadan, how I`m doing. I said, I`m doing good today. And he started making fun of the month of Ramadan. Then I decided to keep my mouth shout. He started yelling and screaming, “This is the check post, this is the check post, you mother (BLEEP). I have to put you down.” This is the time. I have to take King Abdullah to the check point. I said, “What are you talking about? What check point? What are you talking about?” In this time, I saw the knife coming to my neck. OLBERMANN: Let`s turn to Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim to serve in the U.S. Congress. Congressman, thank you for your time tonight. REP. KEITH ELLISON (D-MN): Pleased to be here, Keith. How are you? OLBERMANN: Oh, disturbed, I guess that`s a good word for it. ELLISON: Yeah. OLBERMANN: Mr. Fleming of the House says our choice is between a society that is officially godless, or being a Christian nation. Isn`t that a choice that we made already a couple of hundred years ago, or am I misreading documents? ELLISON: Yeah, well, I`ll tell you, I think that Thomas Jefferson would be shocked to hear that`s the choice in front of us. I think we have a choice between religious freedom or religious intolerance. And unfortunately, Mr. Fleming is choosing intolerance. You know, it`s so important, I mean, look, they have created a social, political cultural environment where somebody thinks it`s a good idea to attack a person with a knife because they`re Muslim . You know, political rhetoric has consequences. And I believe that we are, they are lighting a match on a very dangerous set of circumstances, one of which we just heard about. OLBERMANN: The Southern strategy that we talked about, the Mehlman strategy, the anti-immigrant strategy, anti-Hispanic strategy from earlier this year, now, anti-Muslim. What, what is this? ELLISON: Well, this is distraction and diversion. I mean, it`s true, it`s true agitation of people`s hatreds, but really, it`s because, you know, they have a failed economic program and they don`t want people to look at it. So what they do is they appeal to people`s worse most base instincts, which is to hate the other. And this is something that, as you correctly point out, is tried and unfortunately true. But, you know, you remember, Reagan was talking about welfare queens. And now, and then we went on to Willie Horton. And then we went on to, I mean, just the, just the divisive thing that they come up with a new one every single election. And when the vast majority of Americans wake up to this and reach out to each other and not on each other, then they will not be able to pull it. OLBERMANN: Is that the only solution of this? Because it does seem that this pattern is repeating, just with a different “fill in the blank” here. I mean, if Republicans swap out a different group to target every year, why haven`t Democrats figured out a way to beat it every year? ELLISON: Well, because I think that we have too many Democrats who operate on a basis of fear. You know, if we would just stand up and say, look, you know, we have a First Amendment and a heritage of religious tolerance that we are proud of and we are not going to back off of that, we would win. That would be winning election strategy. It would be good policy, it would be good politics. But so often, they catch us by surprise, and we end up trying to triangulate and capitulating. And it`s just a sad thing. I ask Democrats, progressives, liberals, to stand up and be proud of our Constitution and be proud of our heritage of equality, liberty. And because if we don`t stand up for these ideals, the people who want to divide us and whip up hate and division, they will be active, and, unfortunately, they may be successful. OLBERMANN: Where we started this segment, Congressman, with Ken Mehlman, not so much his personal revelations but his revelations about what was strategitized in terms of putting these anti-gay measures on the ballots in `04 and `06 to bring out the Republican base and a little more. Do you have any response to what he also said in this, which, where he said gay people should vote for Republicans because Republicans oppose Islamic jihad, which he called the greatest anti-gay force in the world? ELLISON: You know, that just says to me that Mr. Mehlman still has not woken up. He still is stuck on trying to vilify and scapegoat people. I mean, I would hope that he would make a real change and really turn over a new leaf and say, you know what, scapegoating gays is wrong, scapegoating Muslims is wrong, Catholics, let`s just get out of that and really get a public ethic where we try to get Americans to come together around these basic issues of identity and respect. So, you know, he still hasn`t gotten it. And, unfortunately, you know, he`s still suffering some similar delusion that kept him being dishonest for so long. OLBERMANN: Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, it`s always a pleasure. Thanks for your time. ELLISON: Thank you. OLBERMANN: Think the GOP has run out of minority groups to target and smear? No. Next, John Boehner attacks those federal bureaucrats with fattened salaries and pensions. Federal bureaucrats, like John Boehner.

Continued here:
Olbermann Ties Stabbing to Ground Zero Mosque Opposition, GOP Strategy is ‘Hate’

Ohio Dems Try to Revive Debunked Smear Against Hannity-backed Charity

The Democratic Party of Ohio has recycled a thoroughly debunked smear against Fox News host Sean Hannity and Freedom Alliance, a charity he works with regularly that raises money to educate the children of American servicemen. A release  from the Ohio Dems claimed that Rep. John Kasich, Republican candidate for governor, “promote[d] Hannity’s scandal-ridden ‘Freedom Alliance’ concerts that are under investigation for misappropriating charitable donations.” The Ohio Dems cited a complaint by the technically non-partisan, but ideologically liberal group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. CREW claimed that the charity, Freedom Alliance, had “awarded $2,147,750 in scholarships,” only half of what they spent on salaries, and a quarter of what they spent on shipping expenses, according to their complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. But this line of attack on Freedom Alliance is bogus. CREW fails to note that since most servicemen are relatively young, most of money Freedom Alliance raises is put in a trust fund until soldiers’ children are old enough to take advantage of it. Hence, while the charity raised roughly $2.1 million for scholarships in 2008 alone, according to its 990 form ( pdf ), it only spent about $800,000 that year, putting the rest into the trust. CREW’s claim that the charity only spent $2.1 million on scholarships over five years is disingenuous. While the number is technically correct, the scholarship fund contained $15,919,391 as of 2008, according to the 990 linked above, all slated to be spent on educating the children of servicemen when they reach the appropriate age. Jon Soltz, chairman of the left-wing advocacy group VoteVets.org, which according to Politico “is backing CREW,” claimed “80 to 90 percent” of funds raised should benefit veterans and their families. But there is no indicator that Soltz was referring to any funds other than the money spent directly on scholarships the year they were raised. As noted above, that number does not tell the full story. Also noted in the Democratic release is Freedom Alliance’s “F” rating from the American Institute of Philanthropy. But the release does not delve into AIP’s criteria for that grade. According to the organization’s website , top-rated charities “generally spend 75% or more of their budgets on programs, spend $25 or less to raise $100 in public support, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, and receive ‘open-book’ status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to AIP.” Accorfing to its 990 form for 2007 (the year it got that rating, according to the release – pdf ), Freedom Alliance spent $1,011,501 on fundraising, and raised $10,762,256 in public support. That means it spent less than $10 on fundraising for each $100 it raised, well below the $25 threshold set by AIP. Of Freedom Alliance’s $7,461,350 budget that year, $6,084,474, or roughly 81.5 percent, was spent on programs. The remaining two criteria – a charity’s open-book status and the size of its reserves – are the only factors that could have earned it the “F” rating. But as discussed above, Freedom Alliance keeps massive reserves (compared to the amount it pays out annually) so that it can afford to pay for scholarships when the young children of currently twenty-something servicemen come of age (the average soldier is in his mid-twenties). So either the nature of the Freedom Alliance charity earned it the “F” rating – a completely benevolent reason – or AIP does not enjoy “open-book” status with it (or both). In any case, it hardly seems that Freedom Alliance is deserving of the “scandal-ridden” label given it in the Ohio Democrats’ release. In all, the release contains nothing more than baseless accusations against Hannity and Freedom Alliance. The Democratic Party is apparently trying to revive it in an effort to damage a political opponent. It’s a shame that Hannity and Freedom Alliance are caught in the middle of this political game.

See the article here:
Ohio Dems Try to Revive Debunked Smear Against Hannity-backed Charity

Walleye Bones Can ‘Hear’ the Sound of Overfishing

Credit: OakleyOriginals A university study on Lake Erie walleye may help scientists spot rivers that are at risk of overfishing. Researchers at Ohio State analyzed chemicals found in walleye ear bones, and were able to figure out which fish returned to their hatching site to spawn, and which ones went elsewhere, creating some rivers that are vulnerable to overfishing. The fish seem to be saying, “Can you hear me now?”… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Walleye Bones Can ‘Hear’ the Sound of Overfishing

Killer of Five Children Executed in Ohio; AP Story Allows Half-Truths and Untruths to Live On

In October 2007, I put up a BizzyBlog post (also cross-posted at the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s short-lived Wide Open Blog ) about William Garner (pictured at right), the Ohio man who killed five children (three of them and the lone survivor also pictured at right) to cover up a burglary in 1992. At the time, it appeared that Garner’s date with the executioner had been indefinitely called off, for specious Miranda-related reasons that you have to read to believe (and even then, it will be difficult). On Tuesday, Garner’s attempts to avoid his death sentence ultimately failed. Sadly, the Associated Press’s unbylined coverage of  his execution by lethal injection Tuesday allowed Garner and his lawyers to put forth one final batch of half-truths and untruths that require refutation (bolds and numbered tags are mine): An Ohio man said he was “heartily sorry” for his carelessness (1) before he was executed Tuesday for the murders of five children in a 1992 Cincinnati apartment fire he set in an attempt to destroy evidence of a burglary. William Garner, 37, died at 10:38 a.m. at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, 18 minutes after the lethal injection began. As he lay on the execution table, Garner held a dreadlock of hair from a female friend and read a mostly inaudible lengthy final statement from notebook paper held by the execution team leader. He thanked several people as well as the state of Ohio. “I’m heartily sorry,” he said. “God bless everyone who has been robbed in this procedure. I thought I’d never be free, but I’m free now.” Garner was sentenced to death for the Jan. 26, 1992, pre-dawn deaths of the children in the apartment of Addie Mack, who was in the emergency room of a nearby hospital. Garner had stolen keys from her purse while she received care and took a cab to the apartment to steal a television, radio, VCR and telephone. Four girls and two boys, ages 8 to 13, were at the apartment alone, and Garner knew they were there when he threw a lit match onto a couch. Garner has admitted setting the fire but said he thought the children would escape (2). Only one, 13-year-old Rod Mack, made it out alive. … Because so many people wanted to witness the execution on behalf of the young victims, the prison opened a second viewing room, prisons spokeswoman Julie Walburn said. Six witnesses for the victims and Garner’s niece and legal team were accommodated in the witness room facing the execution chamber, and another three victims’ witnesses watched on closed-circuit TV in the spillover room, she said. … Garner had said a secondary motivation for setting the fire was to draw attention to the children’s squalid living conditions (3). He told police that he had noticed the bedroom “full of girls” and that one of them had asked him for water, which he provided, according to a report by the Ohio Parole Board. He also said he had been in another bedroom where the two boys slept. His lawyers had argued that the death sentences be set aside because Garner had developmental disabilities, a limited IQ and a violent, abusive upbringing (4) that caused him to function on the level of a 14-year-old at the time of the deaths. How is this AP story incomplete and wrong? Let’s count the ways. But first, brace yourself for the horror that follows. A Cincinnati Enquirer report that is no longer available but is excerpted at the October 2007 BizzyBlog post shows that Garner was a cold-blooded, calculating burglar who did everything he could not to leave any tracks, even if it meant killing six children who were sleeping (as noted earlier, one got out alive): Hours before the fire, Garner slipped into University Hospital, looking for an easy mark. There, he found (apartment unit residents Marshandra) Jackson and Addie Mack, who had fallen and hurt her wrist. Garner snatched up Mack’s purse when she wasn’t looking, stealing money and her apartment keys. He took a taxi to the English Woods apartment, telling the driver to wait while he retrieved his belongings. He carted out electronic equipment, at one point waking up one of the children. Garner spun a tale about her mother sending him to check everyone and sent her back to bed with a glass of water. Before leaving, Garner set three fires in the apartment. Then, he grabbed the phone and smoke detectors and left … Now let’s get to the bolded and tagged items in the AP excerpt. (1) – “Carelessness”? The Enquirer excerpt, which originates in Garner’s original police questioning and confession, thoroughly discredits that risible claim. (2) – He “thought the children would escape”? He set three fires, plural (i.e., earth to AP, he did a lot more than throw “a lit match on a couch”). He removed the landline phone and the smoke detectors. How were these children supposed to call for help? How were they going to escape if they weren’t going to wake up until the flames were already out of control? (3) – He wanted “to draw attention to the children’s squalid living conditions”? Mr. Garner had a sick way of demonstrating his concern. The original Enquirer article gave no indication that Mr. Garner had such “noble” thoughts, and I daresay you won’t find any such thoughts expressed in police or legal documents relating to the original arrest and trial. (4) He had “developmental disabilities, a limited IQ and a violent, abusive upbringing”? Gee, he was clever enough to sneak in and out of a hospital; patient enough to wait for the right moment to snatch a purse; cool-headed enough to keep one of his victims calm, giving her a drink of water before sending her back to bed; and sufficiently forward-thinking to disconnect the children’s two best defenses against getting burned alive. Nobody had the slightest reason to believe that Garner was disabled or mentally challenged in 1992 when he was arrested and confessed, or when he was tried and convicted. There’s plenty of reason to believe that his lawyers’ contention while Garner was on Death Row was a fundamentally dishonest, after-the-fact concoction with no basis in fact whose only purpose was to prevent the state from carrying out its sentence. The AP’s weak coverage of Garner’s heinous crime is perhaps instructive to all who read future establishment press dispatches concerning death-penalty executions. The lesson is that the true story and full circumstances of what the killer did may be much worse than what the press chooses to tell readers on Execution Day. Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

Original post:
Killer of Five Children Executed in Ohio; AP Story Allows Half-Truths and Untruths to Live On