One week ago, Kanye West was the musical act on Saturday Night Live. As is often the case these days, however, the rapper's actual music was overshadowed by his ranting and raving about Donald Trump . Fast forward seven days and West was not featured in person on SNL this past weekend. But he was still a major presence, thanks to Pete Davidson stopping by Weekend Update to put the musician into his place. Referencing his own struggle with borderline personality disorder, along with West’s history with bipolar disorder, Davidson opened as follows: “First off, a lot of people thought Che should be the one to talk about Kanye, but we discussed it. Che’s black, but I’m crazy, and we both know which side of Kanye’s at the wheel right now.” Let's just stop right there and appreciate that perfect sentiment. Most people out there agree that West has essentially abandoned his race by supporting Trump… … and by calling for slavery to sort of return to America again. “Speaking strictly for myself, what Kanye said after we went off the air last week was one of the worst, most awkward things I’ve ever seen here, and I’ve seen Chevy Chase speak to an intern,” continued Davidson, who called the famous Saturday Night Live alumnus “ a genuinely bad, racist person ” on The Howard Stern Show last month. Davidson then touched on West’s “Make America Great Again” hat, which West claimed he was told not to wear on SNL. “He wore it all week,” Davidson shot back, adding: “Nobody told him not to wear it. I wish I bullied you. I wish I would have suggested that it might upset some people, like your wife [ Kim Kardashian ] or every black person ever.” Davidson said on air that he's actively taking medication for his disorder. He's obviously sensitive to mental health problems, but… “If I ever got on a plane and the pilot said, ‘I just want you to know, this is the real me flying the plane,’ I’d jump out. Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass.” HA! We love it. Watch Davidson's full takedown of Kanye here!
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Pete Davidson Just Put an End to Kanye West