Tag Archives: Stranger

Farrah Abraham SLAMMED for Sharing Inappropriate Photo of Her Daughter!

So hey, has anyone noticed that Farrah Abraham has been kind of quiet lately? Sure, there was that whole thing where she stripped and masturbated on a live stream , but you know what we mean. Usually we can’t go a day without Farrah doing something dumb — making some ridiculous statement that barely makes sense, posting something dumb on social media. She’s still doing outrageous things for any tiny little bit of attention she can scrounge up. That masturbation thing we just talked about, and also her very public vaginal rejuvenation , if you needed any examples. But other than that, we really haven’t heard all that much from her. It turns out that she’s been spending a bit of time in Italy with her daughter, Sophia! Which is nice, right? Maybe since she’s homeschooling Sophia these days , she’s teaching her some art and history over there. Stranger thing have happened, probably. But unfortunately, this strange (relatively) silent streak of hers didn’t last for too long. Because she shared this photo of herself with Sophia wandering around Italy, and it’s … well, it’s not getting a lot of positive attention, we’ll say that. Farrah looks OK, even though that red hair is still the worst. She looks happy and sort of peaceful, which is honestly something we never imagined we’d be able to say about this girl. But Sophia, bless her heart … that swimsuit looks to be a little too small for her, and the result is that her butt is hanging out of those bottoms. And according to Instagram, this is very, very bad. “U need to buy ur daughter clothes that fit her,” one of her followers suggested. “Don’t turn her into u.” “Do won’t you dress appropriately and teach your poor little girl some values?” another person asked. “So so sad … really poor parenting.” “Please please have some damn respect for once!” yet another person wrote. “If not for yourself or your daughter, for the culture and country you’re visiting at the time ffs.” Someone really went in for the kill, telling Farrah “Just cuz your parents exploited you doesn’t mean you have to do the same. You know good darn well u saw your kid’s butt in the background cuz we did and we ain’t even the mama.” And if that wasn’t savage enough, she also received the comment “I’m sure daddy Derick is just flipping in his grave. Poor kid!” Some Farrah defenders — believe it or not, she does have some actual fans — theorized that perhaps she simply didn’t notice the wardrobe malfunction. But she posted a similar photo in her Instagram story with the caption “Suns out, buns out,” so that theory’s pretty much out the window. It’s just … why is it so hard for her to be a decent person ? Why does it seem downright impossible for her to just avoid doing things like this? Unfortunately — or fortunately, depending on how you look at it — the world may never know. View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham: A Ridiculous, Sometimes X-Rated Life in GIFs

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Farrah Abraham SLAMMED for Sharing Inappropriate Photo of Her Daughter!

Bethenny Frankel SLAMMED by Millionaire Matchmaker: She Doesn’t DESERVE Love!

Bethenny Frankel is still feeling the torturous after-effects of her disaster of a marriage to Jason Hoppy , but that doesn’t mean that she won’t one day fall in love. And sometimes people, celebrities and otherwise, need a little help — like with the help of a certain Millionaire Matchmaker , Patti Stranger. Only … apparently that would never happen. In fact, Patti went off and shared  exactly what she thinks of Bethenny Frankel. Spoiler alert: Patti doesn’t paint a flattering picture. Not only did Patti Stranger say that she would never take Bethenny Frankel as a client , but she says exactly why. And it’s because she has a very low opinion of the The Real Housewives of New York City star. At a WEtv event on Wednesday, Patti explained why she wouldn’t take the Real Housewife on as a matchmaking client. “She’s not kind.” Well … yeah. It’s not that it’s impossible to be a reality TV personality without being rude. But Bethenny is known for being a little sharp and maybe not aggressively sympathetic. Which is sort of the stereotype for New Yorkers, but Bethenny takes it to another level. What Patti then has to say is where this gets more severe. “I used to date-coach her . . . When people are mean to other people, they don’t deserve love. Sorry.” WHOA. Patti’s saying that Bethenny’s general disposition and personality make her unworthy of love ? Has Patti Stranger never watched a damn Disney movie? There are reality stars out there who don’t deserve love, but we’re not talking about Josh Duggar or Kate Gosselin right now. Bethenny Frankel is a little intense and a lot catty, not some monster . So are a lot of people. She can find someone with whom she’s compatible. Maybe one day Bethenny will find a Statler to her Waldorf. And the two of them can hate things together. It’ll be beautiful. Before we try to pretend that Patti Stranger is some impartial judge, Page Six reminds us all that Patti is pretty close with Jill Zarin. And, as we’re all too aware, Jill Zarin and Bethenny Frankel do not get along. They also report that someone close to Bethenny didn’t think much, at all, of Patti’s statement. In part because they don’t believe that Bethenny is in the market for any sort of matchmaker. “[Bethenny] is doing just fine and doesn’t need anyone’s advice.” Well, Bethenny certainly doesn’t need the help of someone who thinks that she doesn’t deserve love, right? Considering that Bethenny’s ex Jason Hoppy was just arraigned for even more stalking charges , you might think that Bethenny Frankel would be looking for dating advice from anyone and everyone. Like, forget the reality show drama for a hot minute — the stuff that Jason Hoppy’s been accused of is serious. But Bethenny really seems to be the sort of person who wants to do things like this for herself. She’s been perfectly happy giving romantic advice to Luann de Lesseps (advice that she only  recently acted upon ), but not everyone who’s good at dishing out advice is good at taking it. But, yeah, Bethenny is gonna be fine without Patti’s services.

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Bethenny Frankel SLAMMED by Millionaire Matchmaker: She Doesn’t DESERVE Love!

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Respond to Backlash Over Fake Pregnancy Joke: Get a Sense of Humor, People!

Earlier today, we reported on one of the stranger Teen Mom social media controversies in recent memory. It all began when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra began discussing their desire to have a third child on Twitter. It’s anyone’s guess as to why a married couple would need to have such a conversation on social media rather than, ya know, face-to-face, but while the parental figures of the Teen Mom franchise love ’em some free publicity, we doubt the Baltierras expected this : Things started out innocently enough, with Catelynn tweeting: “Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra.” Tyler (or T-Balz, as we like to call him) wrote back, “Me too babe.” That’s when Catelynn made the (arguably unfortunate) decision to tweet the following photo: She captioned the image: “Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv.” Clearly it was a joke, but if you’ve looked at a calendar recently, you know that it’s 2017, and 2017 is the year in which everyone gets pissed off about everything. A number of fans didn’t think the joke was funny for a number of reasons. Some thought Lowell was really pregnant and … felt let down, we guess? Others thought the joke was insensitive to those who struggled with infertility. Still others blamed Tyler and Catelynn for that Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial . Okay, we’re joking about that last part, but in all seriousness, a good number of fans were legitimately outraged, and Tyler responded by basically informing them that he’d run out of f–ks to give long, long ago: “Apparently the world can’t take jokes anymore…don’t worry #TeenMomOG will be back on the air soon so we can disappoint you some more,” Tyler tweeted. “I actually love all of those critics. The fake profile pics & repetitive insults based on the lack of creativity…they just crack me up.” Asked if he could see how some might have thought the joke was insensitive, Tyler responded: “Yes, I’m the lowest piece of s–t, insensitive, entitled, asshole & a sorry excuse of a human being & I shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.” Man, when that guy does sarcasm, he does sarcasm . For her part, Catelynn responded in a very different and much, much more confusing way: “Why don’t u just go back to ur real family?” she tweeted. “Not like we have mattered anyways.. to u it’s just the thought that mattered” Uh … we really have no idea as to what that might mean. We’re thinking Catelynn meant to subtweet someone, but instead she just tossed that bad boy out there with no context. Of course, we think it’s safe to say she wasn’t in a great mood when she wrote it, so you can be sure it will lead to more rumors about Catelynn and Tyler getting divorced . This has been Teen Mom Twitter Theater. Tune in the next time something pops off, which should be in 20 minutes or so.

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Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Respond to Backlash Over Fake Pregnancy Joke: Get a Sense of Humor, People!

Wait, What? NYPD Captain Ain’t Trippin’ Off 62% Rape Spike Because Most Weren’t “True Stranger Rapes”

NYPD Captain Downplays Rape Increase Because They Weren’t “True Stranger Rapes” Uh… According to a report in DNAInfo , one NYPD Captain isn’t really worried about the 62% increase in rapes in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York. In 2015 there were 5 reported rapes in the area, in 2016, that number jumped to 13, but it’s not that big a deal if you let Captain Peter Rose, head of the 94th Precinct, tell it: “Some of them were Tinder, some of them were hookup sites, some of theme were actually coworkers. It’s not a trend that we’re too worried about because out of 13 [sex attacks], only two were true stranger rapes. Wait, say what now? “They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets,” Rose later said at a Community Council meeting Wednesday night. “If there’s a true stranger rape, a random guy picks up a stranger off the street, those are the troubling ones. That person has, like, no moral standards. The National Organization of Women’s Jane Manning is NOT here for it: “The idea that ‘this isn’t some guy who’s dangerous to women,’ that in itself is a major window into the mentality that we are up against,” she said. “If you have the commander of a precinct making comments like that, he’s setting a tone for all the officers of a unit about how seriously to take acquaintance rape cases. “When I hear the phrase we didn’t have a cooperating victim, my antenna always goes up. If you hear ‘I can’t get the victim to cooperate’ in case after case, you should be asking yourself what are they failing to do?” But “most cops are just trying to do the best job they can to protect citizens” though, right? SMMFH. Image via Shutterstock

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Wait, What? NYPD Captain Ain’t Trippin’ Off 62% Rape Spike Because Most Weren’t “True Stranger Rapes”

Getting Squeaky Clean With John Mayer

Erica Futterman attends a launch party for very fancy soap, courtesy of John Mayer.

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Getting Squeaky Clean With John Mayer

Is Stranger Things Looking To Cast A Small Supernatural Army Of Elevens Next Season?

If you were to name the first face that comes to mind when you think of Stranger Things, chances are it’s Millie Bobby Brown, as her searing eyes and buzz cut have made Eleven one of the show’s most recognizable characters. Now that the Netflix hit is gearing up for its second season, a casting… Read more »

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Is Stranger Things Looking To Cast A Small Supernatural Army Of Elevens Next Season?

John Marshal’s “Netflix and Chill” – Stranger Things

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A new ORIGINAL series has landed on Netflix and I binge-watched the entire thing in 3 days straight (I have a full-time job, I can’t do it in 1 day…) with food and some light libations. It’s called Stranger Things and I actually caught the commercial/trailer for it while watching random YouTube videos. I don’t […]

John Marshal’s “Netflix and Chill” – Stranger Things

Emilia Clarke Left Boob Cleavage of the Day

Emilia Clarke brought out her left tit cleavage to celebrate some event that would get her in the media because she’s the hot one in Game of Thrones, a show that is premiering on Sunday and that people everywhere have been waiting for…and that don’t stop talking about it… I don’t watch the show, so Emilia Clarke is some average at best looking chubby girl…I will not be watching the show because dragons and midgets and all that other fantasy shit doesn’t work for me, but clearly it works for Game of Thrones, their cast, and everyone making all kinds of money from you idiot fans.. All this to say…left tit… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Emilia Clarke Left Boob Cleavage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emilia Clarke Left Boob Cleavage of the Day

Masturbating Girl on the Train Gazes into a Stranger’s Eye of the Day

This video is doing the rounds, I don’t know the source, where it came from, I just know that it’s apparently a drunk, yet normal looking college aged girl who has probably seen so much porn her pussy is always in a state of arousal, deciding the train is the place to get off…as she gazes into the eyes of the guy sitting next to her… Now this would be very easy to fake…. But more importantly, if it wasn’t fake, why didn’t dude get in on that action, it’s not everyday that life delivers these kinds of gifts, normally the public masturbating girls looking for romance are fat, toothless, mental disorder cases on really weird street drugs…where as this looks better than most of your girlfriends..what a respectful non-rapist dude…he probably knew he was being filmed and being “that guy who fingered the girl fingering on the train”…is only a titled I’d like… Watch the video. The post Masturbating Girl on the Train Gazes into a Stranger’s Eye of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Masturbating Girl on the Train Gazes into a Stranger’s Eye of the Day

Stacey Dash: Most Awkward Oscars Moment EVER?

Chris Rock killed it in his opening monologue at the 2016 Academy Awards . He left the room in tears from laughter. But the host then followed up this segment by leaving the room in total and utter confusion, as he returned from commercial break to introduce the “new director of our minority outreach program.” Enter… Stacey Dash?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? The former Clueless star and controversial Fox News contributor then walked on to the stage; cackled; and said: “I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month.” And then that was it. She exited the stage and some members of the audience clapped out of habit, while most were left befuddled. Dash, of course, made news a few weeks ago when she questioned the existence of Black History Month . She said on air that it contributed to a segregationist mindset and that, along with BET, it ought to be eliminated. So now Rock decided to give her a platform to… what… make fun of herself? Even though she made the point with the utmost seriousness and never backed off of it? And even though she didn't say anything here that was really self-deprecating in any manner? This was one of the stranger, more random and most awkward segments in awards show history. Heck, in television history. Take a look at Dash's cameo below and try to decide what the heck was going on here:

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Stacey Dash: Most Awkward Oscars Moment EVER?