Isabella Swan, I promise to love you, every moment… forever. Yesterday, we gave Twilight Saga fans a glimpse at the first-ever trailer for Eclipse . Today, we do them approximately one minute better: Summit Entertainment has released the full length preview for the third film in this franchise. Seen in the exciting video below: Taylor Lautner as Jacob, shirtless in one scene and pleading with Bella to choose him over Edward in another. Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria. Bella and Edward in bed, wrestling with the most difficult choice they’ll ever have to make. Sit back, watch, enjoy and start counting down the days until June 30… Eclipse Movie Trailer
See the rest here:
Eclipse: The Full Movie Trailer
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged dallas, down-the-days, eclipse-movie, edward, exciting, Franchise, Gossip, isabella-swan, length-preview, movie-trailers, start-counting, the-exciting, the-first-ever, twilight-saga, Videos