Tag Archives: theories

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Starks Remember

In case you missed last week’s episode  (and avoided all forms of media for the past week), the big twist that shocked absolutely no one finally went down on Game of Thrones . Watch Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Online Yes, Jon Snow is alive and…not well exactly, but he’s doing alright for a guy who got stabbed a few dozen times and woke up to find that someone gave him a summer bob cut while he was out. The aftermath of the Lord Commander’s resurrection could’ve been a shark jump moment for the show, but creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff kept the tone sufficiently dark (What did Jon see while he was dead? “Nothing.”) while at the same time conveying the astonished joy of the moment. (It’s nice to see an emotion displayed at the Wall other than seething, bloodthirsty rage.) Hell, they even delivered a little comic relief with a well-timed dick joke. (This still Game of Thrones , after all.) All-in-all it was a deftly handled sequence following a “twist” so anti-climactic it was lampooned in an SNL sketch this week. As Jon readjusts to life among the living, Sam and Gilly are sailing the high seas in low fashion. Sam’s headed for the Citadel; Gilly (much to her surprise) is bound for his childhood home. An odd choice, considering everything we’ve heard about how terrible Sam’s upbringing was, but hey – at least his mom is nice? After that, we get to a scene that Thrones fans (or Throners, as we like to call them) have been awaiting since the R + L = J theory first started circulating around the nerdier corners of the web. View Slideshow: 8 Best Game of Thrones Season 6 Fan Theories! Unfortunately, like Bran in warg form, we get stopped short just as we’re about to learn the truth about what really happened to Ned Stark’s “kidnapped” sister Lyanna. Frustrating, yes, but at least there was a badass sword fight first. Speaking of throwback moments, remember when Daenerys noshed on that stallion’s heart in Season One? The most badass of the Dothraki widows does, but that doesn’t mean she’ll let the Khaleesi go! Instead, her storyline continues to inch forward at a glacial pace, as we cut to another casual demonstration of power from Varys, who uses his powers of persuasion to procure some information about the rebellion against Dany and her army. Meanwhile, Tyrion tells Missandei and Grey Worm, “The history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms,” but it’s also a history of power struggles that turn into badass battles, which seems to be what’s about to go down in Meereen. Back in King’s Landing, Qyburn is using Varys’ tactics (and a little help from the terrifying hulk that is the undead Ser Gregor) to gather the necessary information to justify “crushing the High Sparrow’s head like a grape.” (They’re a poetic lot, those Lannisters.) Elsewhere, King Tommen is taking a more direct approach by confronting the Sparrow – and succumbing to his weird, sanctimonious brand of intimidation. That’s followed by more of the ugly side of religion (Is there any other side in Westeros?), as Arya gets beaten into telling her life story – a scene that somewhat heavy-handedly underscores the fact that this episode is all about coming to grips with the past. We’ll let you come to your own conclusions about how doing so literally opens Arya’s eyes. After that, get more blasts from the Stark family’s past as Rickon and Osha resyrface in the most unfortunate of places. Sure, it’s Winterfell – but it’s now under control of the new acting Warden of the North, Ramsay Bolton. It’s doubtful, but hopefully he’ll show the boy more mercy than Jon showed Ollie (who totally had it coming) when he executes the lad   along with the rest of his attempted assassins. No surprise there – but we finally get a real Jon-related twist when he handed his cloak over to Dolorous Edd and resigned from the Night’s Watch. Phew. Yet another jam-packed episode with a sky-high body count. We’re still on the edge of our seats, but we can’t help but wonder how much longer can the show keep up this pace. Watch Game of Thrones online to try to make sense of everything that’s happened thus far in Season Six. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Gambling Odds: Wager on Who Will Win the Iron Throne!

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Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Starks Remember

Kim Kardashian: Star Wars Brought Me & Kanye West Together!

As you may have have heard, Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters this week, and it’s expected to do bring in a buck or two for Disney, J.J. Abrams and company. Never one to let a trend go un-exploited Kim Kardashian thought it would be a good time to remind the world of how the Force brought her and her husband together: Long before Kim and Kanye West got married and brought two oddly-names little tykes into the world they were a couple of up-and-comers who ran in the same social circle. In 2008, when Kanye still had a sense of humor, he and rapper Rhymefest pitched a sketch comedy show called Alligator Boots to MTV. The series was never picked up, but the pilot gave us the glory of Kim in a Princess Leia costume and Kanye dressed as a stormtrooper. “In honor of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ being released today, I wanted to share these old pics of Kanye and me from years ago!” Kim wrote on her website today. “We worked together on a pilot for a show called ‘Alligator Boots’ back in 2008 and I played Princess Leia. “We had met before this project (back in 2003), but I would say this is when we first really connected. These pics are SO funny!” We don’t know about SO funny, but they’re pretty amusing. Khloe as Chewbacca and Kris as Darth Vader definitely would’ve taken things to the next level. View Slideshow: Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 9 Crazy Fan Theories!

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Kim Kardashian: Star Wars Brought Me & Kanye West Together!

Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 18 Recap: Who’s That Girl?

Our heroines were thrown a curveball on Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 18 , as a new girl arrived in Rosewood, claiming she knew Mona. Could Lesley be trusted? She said she was in town to support her mother as Alison’s trial neared, but Hanna saw a red flag due to her contrasting memories of Mona. Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 18 Online Via a flashback to a sleepover between Mona and Hanna, the former’s disdain of Ali was more apparent than ever. Their connection then became all the more troublesome when lab results revealed the blood found in the storage unit matched Ali’s… not Mona’s. Detective Holbrook was back in town, but suspended from the force for “inappropriate behavior.” As you might expect, he was far from pleased with the Liars. As you’ll see when you watch Pretty Little Liars online, Hanna found a tape in Mona’s room that appeared to be a recording of Bethany dissing Ali in a therapy session at Radley. She proceeded to come face-to-face with Holbrook on a dark road (of course), who insisted he had no nefarious motives in dealing with Ali. Until she turned on him. When he got overly aggressive, Hanna slammed him with a metal bar. Elsewhere, Mike has been visiting Ali in jail?!? Aria was shocked to discover this. After seeing Hanna and Lesley had the aforementioned tape, Mike had an emotional confrontation with the duo. Later, Aria followed him to a lake where she witnessed her brother leaving candy. She asked him about seeing Ali, but he blew her off. Could Mike be Ali’s connection to the outside world?  As for Spencer’s mother, she was pressuring her child to choose a college, but Spencer responded by hanging out more with Jonny, who was building an art installation for The Brew. Why does he possess an old “missing” flyer? about Ali? Why does he seem so interested in her? Spencer had these questions on her mind as she continued to be impressed by his creativity. Toby and Spencer, meanwhile, continued to struggle and she continued to feel guilty about placing him in an awkward position. Finally, Emily kept being confused by Talia and her mixed signals. When they tried out Jonny’s “whispering” machine, things grew especially tense. Talia revealed herself to be rather vulnerable and Em went in for a smooch. We concluded the hour with a hooded figure angrily discovering the tape was missing from Mona’s room. Was it Mike?!? Sound off now with your theories and prepare for more craziness on  Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 19 .

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Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 18 Recap: Who’s That Girl?

Poor Thang: Solange Jumped The Jigga Man Cuz He Wouldn’t Heat Up Her Ice Cold Career

Welp… Guess Hov finally got to experience Solange’s greatest hits . Solange Fought Jay Z Because He Wouldn’t Help Her Career, Yelled At Rachel Roy There’s been tons of speculation over what caused Solange to flip her lid at an after party for the Met Gala last week but we don’t know about this one. According to Mail Online reports : Beyoncé’s sister Solange lashed out at Jay Z because her multi-millionaire brother-in-law has reneged on repeated promises to help boost her music career, according to sources. The 27-year-old singer – who is about to release her third album – was seen launching into an astonishing attack on music mogul Jay-Z at an after-party for the Met Gala. And a family friend today revealed the simmering tensions that has led to the family feud, telling MailOnline: ‘Solange is so angry because Jay-Z promised to give her more help with her career and when she brought it up again the night of the gala, he told her he just didn’t have the time to work with her in the studio. ‘He hasn’t kept his promise to help her. Jay keeps telling her to give him some time and he will sit down and write with her and then get her into the studio but he hasn’t done it yet.’ The source added: ‘Solange’s album is coming out soon but there is no buzz about it, which is a bad sign within the industry. ‘Solange wants a major career like her sister and she’s tired of living in her shadow. She’s jealous. ‘Jay-Z promised he would help take her to the next level but he never found the time to keep his word.’ Speaking about the incident in an elevator at The Standard hotel in Manhattan, the source claimed: ‘Enough was enough for Solange! She flipped out and screamed at Jay-Z that if he didn’t want to help just say so and pulling her chain!” We’re not sure if we’re buying what Daily Mail is selling. Sure Solange wants to have a hotter career but she doesn’t seem like she’d even want her brother-in-law’s help. Besides — we thought Hov doesn’t write music anyway! He just goes into the booth and goes off. Still, there’s got to be some explanation. Hit the flip for some details on another altercation Solange had the same night. X17Online

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Poor Thang: Solange Jumped The Jigga Man Cuz He Wouldn’t Heat Up Her Ice Cold Career

Poor Thang: Solange Jumped The Jigga Man Cuz He Wouldn’t Heat Up Her Ice Cold Career

Welp… Guess Hov finally got to experience Solange’s greatest hits . Solange Fought Jay Z Because He Wouldn’t Help Her Career, Yelled At Rachel Roy There’s been tons of speculation over what caused Solange to flip her lid at an after party for the Met Gala last week but we don’t know about this one. According to Mail Online reports : Beyoncé’s sister Solange lashed out at Jay Z because her multi-millionaire brother-in-law has reneged on repeated promises to help boost her music career, according to sources. The 27-year-old singer – who is about to release her third album – was seen launching into an astonishing attack on music mogul Jay-Z at an after-party for the Met Gala. And a family friend today revealed the simmering tensions that has led to the family feud, telling MailOnline: ‘Solange is so angry because Jay-Z promised to give her more help with her career and when she brought it up again the night of the gala, he told her he just didn’t have the time to work with her in the studio. ‘He hasn’t kept his promise to help her. Jay keeps telling her to give him some time and he will sit down and write with her and then get her into the studio but he hasn’t done it yet.’ The source added: ‘Solange’s album is coming out soon but there is no buzz about it, which is a bad sign within the industry. ‘Solange wants a major career like her sister and she’s tired of living in her shadow. She’s jealous. ‘Jay-Z promised he would help take her to the next level but he never found the time to keep his word.’ Speaking about the incident in an elevator at The Standard hotel in Manhattan, the source claimed: ‘Enough was enough for Solange! She flipped out and screamed at Jay-Z that if he didn’t want to help just say so and pulling her chain!” We’re not sure if we’re buying what Daily Mail is selling. Sure Solange wants to have a hotter career but she doesn’t seem like she’d even want her brother-in-law’s help. Besides — we thought Hov doesn’t write music anyway! He just goes into the booth and goes off. Still, there’s got to be some explanation. Hit the flip for some details on another altercation Solange had the same night. X17Online

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Poor Thang: Solange Jumped The Jigga Man Cuz He Wouldn’t Heat Up Her Ice Cold Career

Watch The Walking Dead Online: Season 4 Episode 16

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 16 concluded the show’s fourth season in dramatic fashion, as a tour guide took the survivors (and us) inside Terminus. The long awaited reunion of the survivors at the end of the train tracks posed as many new questions as it answered, however, and set the stage for Season 5. Flashbacks of Rick and Carl as farmers at the prison contrasted ominously with the dark episode that was unfolding, as Rick broke bad like never before. Seriously. What he did to those two … wow. Just wow. Even for this show. Titled simply “A,” The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 16 was jarring at times and suspenseful throughout, from the onset to the closing moments. Why were they ushered into the train car? And who will make it out alive? Take your first look inside Terminus, tell us whether it’s really a cannibal community and share your theories after you watch The Walking Dead online : Watch The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 16 Online

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Watch The Walking Dead Online: Season 4 Episode 16

The Bachelor Preview: Who Should Win the Final Rose (and What is the Letter)?

The Bachelor season finale Monday night promises to be one for the ages. But who will win Sean Lowe’s final rose? And what is in that letter? After the emotional hometown dates, overnight dates and Women Tell All Special, it all comes down to Catherine Giudici and Lindsay Yenter. The Bachelor Finale Preview: Sean’s Final 2 Women The Bachelor spoilers have called the same winner from the start (follow the link if you want to know), but fan opinion remains fairly evenly split. Chris Harrison recently said that Sean is still very happy with his decision, and that by the time it came down to the final two, the choice was clear. Who do you think it is? And will he make the right call? Based on Sean’s connection with both women – as well as fan favorites AshLee Frazier and Desiree Hartsock – it’s been hard to say all along. Catherine Giudici, a fun-loving 26-year-old Amazon graphic designer, has had the chemistry with Sean all season long. Will that carry her through? Lindsay Yenter, a 24-year-old teacher and Army brat, made quite an impression with that wedding dress on night one. Will she get to wear it again?! The Bachelor Season 17 Finale Preview Both Lindsay Yenter and Catherine Giudici attend the final rose ceremony. Photos from ABC confirm there is no big twist at the end in that regard. One is proposed to, one is not. Standard Bachelor operating procedure. The burning question on most fans’ mind is what the deal is with the letter. The promos have hyped this big time. Is it from one of the final two? AshLee? Desiree? Sean’s mom? We welcome all of your theories and predictions. Most importantly, though, who do you think Sean SHOULD propose to on Monday night? Share your comments with us below and vote in our survey:   Lindsay Yenter Catherine Giudici View Poll »

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The Bachelor Preview: Who Should Win the Final Rose (and What is the Letter)?

Facebook Removes Elbows Mistaken For Breasts, Apologizes For Error

In randomly amusing social media news, Facebook recently took down a photo of a woman flashing her elbows in the tub, believing they were breasts at first glance. The image in question: How did this happen? In the wake of recent breastfeeding photo controversies , the blog Theories of the Deep Understanding of Things decided to test Facebook. Terms of Service state that users will not post content that is “hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.” The amateurish-looking photo features a blond woman in a bathtub flashing a SEXY pink elbow … which sort of does look like a breast if you only look briefly. FB must have done just that, because moderators removed the pic less than 24 hours after it was posted WITH THE CAPTION “Once again, testing Facebook alertness.” A second elbow (or knee?) kind of looks like a breast as well, although her chest would be awfully lopsided if it were. Whatever. In any case, #facebookadminfail. The offending blog mused after its female muse’s elbow-boobs were yanked: “FB moderators can’t tell an elbow from a dangerous, filthy, uncanny and violent female breast. No questions were asked the and the post is down. Imagine our surprise!” According to the Daily Mail (UK), workers in Morocco and other countries are paid $1 an hour to moderate Facebook pages and any content that might violate its policies. When Facebook realized it censored an elbow, it promptly reinstated it and apologized: “This photo does not violate our content standards and we have already restored the photo. We made a mistake removing the picture and apologized to the page admin.” Well played, Theories of the Deep Understanding of Things. Well played.

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Facebook Removes Elbows Mistaken For Breasts, Apologizes For Error

Florida Crazies: Angry Slizzard Chick Popped For Attacking Her Man Because He Climaxed Before Her!!

We all know how frustrating this situation can be but that doesn’t mean you try to claw your man’s eyes out for that isht!! According to Gawker , this was Raquel Gonzalez’s tipping point: Deputies in Manatee County, Florida, were called to a private residence in Bradenton yesterday to intervene in a domestic dispute resulting from a case of premature climaxing. According to a report filed by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, 30-year-old Esric Davis and his live-in girlfriend, 24-year-old Raquel Gonzalez, were engaged in intercourse when “[Davis] climaxed and Raquel did not.” The imbalance reportedly set Gonzales off, and she “began hitting and scratching [Davis], causing scratches near his eye and nose.” Deputies say Gonzalez admitted she “lost it,” but was otherwise “belligerent and uncooperative.” She was arrested and booked into Manatee County lockup on a charge of domestic battery. Davis noted that this behavior was not out of the ordinary for Gonzales who frequently “goes off” on him. Alcohol was listed in the report as a possible contributing factor. Cotdayum…he must fail a lot! Or is she just cray?? Images via tumblr

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Florida Crazies: Angry Slizzard Chick Popped For Attacking Her Man Because He Climaxed Before Her!!

Lawsuits: Four Gay Men Are Suing Ex-Therapists Who Promised To Help ‘Turn Them Straight’!!

It was worth a shot , wasn’t it?!?! A group of men are taking therapists to court for deceiving them after the promise to help them ‘overcome unwanted attractions’ failed…SMH. According to The New York Times , In New Jersey on Tuesday, four gay men who tried the therapy filed a civil suit against a prominent counseling group, charging it with deceptive practices under the state’s Consumer Fraud Act. The former clients said they were emotionally scarred by false promises of inner transformation and humiliating techniques that included stripping naked in front of the counselor and beating effigies of their mothers. They paid thousands of dollars in fees over time, they said, only to be told that the lack of change in their feelings was their own fault. Since the 1970s, when mainstream mental health associations stopped branding homosexuality as a disorder, a small network of renegade therapists, conservative religious leaders, and self-identified “life coaches” have continued to argue that it is not inborn, but an aberration rooted in childhood trauma. Homosexuality is caused, these therapists say, by a stifling of normal masculine development, often by distant fathers and overbearing mothers, or by early physical abuse. But leading scientific and medical groups say that the theories of homosexuality are unfounded and that there is no evidence that core inner-urges can be changed. They also warn that the therapy can, in the words of the American Psychiatric Association, cause “depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior” and “reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient.” One former patient in the suit, Michael Ferguson, 30, who is now a doctoral candidate in neuroscience at the University of Utah, sought help from Jonah in 2008. He tried to battle his homosexuality, he said, when he was a practicing Mormon who believed that only those in a heterosexual marriage could achieve eternal bliss. “It becomes fraudulent, even cruel,” he said in an interview. “To say that if you really want to change you could — that’s an awful thing to tell somebody.” “I was encouraged to develop anger and rage toward my parents,” he added. “The notion that your parents caused this is a horrible lie. They ask you to blame your mother for being loving and wonderful.” Another former patient in the suit, Chaim Levin, 23, grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn where, he said, being gay seemed unthinkable. Referred to Jonah by a rabbi when he was 18, Mr. Levin began attending weekend retreats at $650 each. For a year and a half, he had weekly private sessions with Mr. Downing as well as weekly group sessions. He quit, he said, after Mr. Downing had him remove his clothes and touch himself, saying it would help him reconnect with his masculinity. Mr. Levin said that he was abused by a relative between the ages of 6 and 10 and that Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Downing blamed the abuse for his homosexual attractions. “Saying the abuse made you gay is terrible,” Mr. Levin said. “Once I accepted that I was gay, I was able to focus on the more serious problem of a history of abuse.” Do you think it’s worth the ‘effort’ for men to try therapy in order to change their feelings for other men? Images via shutterstock

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Lawsuits: Four Gay Men Are Suing Ex-Therapists Who Promised To Help ‘Turn Them Straight’!!