Tag Archives: vincent-gallo

Suki Waterhouse is Boring for GQ of the Day

Suki Waterhouse runs in the same UK relevant it girl circle as a bunch of socialite, rich kid models, including but not limited to Georgia Jagger and Cara Delevingne… She is also a rich kid, her parents are rockstars, but her dad is a Plastic Surgeon, which I guess allowed her to get into the cool parties with the cool kids, where I assume she met her model agency and her boyfriend, who fucks other girls, Brad Cooper….because he’s Brad Cooper and can…propelling her to a level of relevant…because like grandma always says – you used to model to become famous, now you need to be famous to model… None of that matters, because she’s a babe, she’s young and she’s showing nipple for GQ… The post Suki Waterhouse is Boring for GQ of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Suki Waterhouse is Boring for GQ of the Day

Terry Richardson’s “Natural Woman” of the Day

I used to have a babysitter when I was a kid, who was less of a babysitter and more of a midget troll of a woman, who was pure white trash, obsessed with cat piss, smelling of cat piss, who felt bad for me because my mother was a hooker turning tricks, so she took me under her wing and luckily not under her armpit, because that woman never shaved and everytime, especially in summer when she’d lift her arm to get something, and I’d see the matted, sweaty clumps of armpit hair…I would gag…so even when I was young, I couldn’t fuck with a girl who didn’t shave her armpits..I’m such a Misogynist… I can however, fuck with bush…and ever since the first porno I saw and every girl I fucked until the 2000s had bush, then bush was out and bald pussy was in, and I had to convince and negotiate with girls to grow out their bush….and I guess every once in a while bush happens…and now that it is a trend…I can be a happier, more fulfilled person…so save your bush, don’t shave your bush. The post Terry Richardson’s “Natural Woman” of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Terry Richardson’s “Natural Woman” of the Day

Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony of the Day

Chloe Sevigny is making a comeback…but I prefer when she makes movies where she makes dudes like Vincent Gallo come in the back of her throat… HERE This is for clothing brand and store Opening Ceremony. It is not as Racy as her bare ass V Magazine shoot where she called out Jennifer Lawrence for the scam that she is…. It is not as interesting as her being the young girl getting AIDS in Kids…not that I’ve seen Kids in the last 20 years, but I remember it being like some kind of scavanger hunt for the H.Pos raver babe who had sex one time with some half retard looking dude with a speech disorder… But this campaign still happened…and I guess she’s still an it girl, OG Hipster girl, in the NYC Fashion scene girl, who is some authentic artist or some shit…despite being 40….and I guess sometimes…that’s enough…hard face girls find Pretty and all… The post Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony of the Day

Vincent Gallo is Suing Los Angeles, Because Of Course

Of all the random shenanigans actor/filmmaker/ online purveyor of fine goods Vincent Gallo has pulled, suing the city of Los Angeles kind of makes the most sense of them all. Consider: According to TMZ , Gallo filed a lawsuit to shut down the Arts District Business Improvement District plan, which uses taxpayer money to patrol, safeguard, and improve the downtown L.A. arts district. Gallo reportedly wants the program shut down and $1.3 million returned because it’s purportedly wasteful and provides “no benefit.” In other news: The Brown Bunny star’s personal services are still available for purchase! Now that’s money well spent, I’m sure. [ TMZ ]

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Vincent Gallo is Suing Los Angeles, Because Of Course

Coleen Rooney Still Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Coleen Rooney, the WAG who I assume trapped her man when they were in high school, before he was a famous soccer player, by telling him how if he ever gets rich and famous, those girls will just want him for his fame and money, while she was in it for the long haul and loves him for him, in what was probably one of the biggest gambles in her life that worked out for her…..I mean other than putting on this bikini…she’s a dump and that’s risky…it can go any way…. That said, she reminds me of this girl who got pregnant from sitting in a hot tub, never knowing who the father was, but that may have just been a lie she told us to justify illegit black kid with no daddy she brought back in her uterus from her all inclusive trip….they have the same dumpy ass I am sure black dudes everywhere would love if that white meat ever got close enough…. Either way here are the pics…

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Coleen Rooney Still Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Julianne Moore Makes Cowboy Faces of the Day

I don’t know about you…but I’ve jerked off to Julianne Moore at least once….I don’t think it was her red pubic haired pussy in a Robert Altman movie a long time ago..or if it was her tits in every movie she’s been in since…or if it was just that lesbian mom love affair with AMANDA SEYFRIED FUCKING HARD IN CHLOE ….but I do know that these pics of her doing some cowboy face are her at her fucking hottest….I just hope this is the face she makes when she cums….or gets cummed on….that’s what I’ll be thinking about while touching myself to these later…

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Julianne Moore Makes Cowboy Faces of the Day

Chloe Sevigny Slutty yet Ugly for Interview Magazine of the Day

Remember Chloe Sevigny? She was an actor once…but that was ruined when she started sucking Vincent Gallo dick and taking his load in his movie Brown Bunny…something I assume was her last role…but I’m too lazy to find out… I never really got her appeal, people thought she was this fashion icon, I just found her unattractive. She pulled the whole New York hipster shit, hanging with artists and the whole thing was way too annoying….and full of shit for me… But here she is – decades after being the AIDS bitch in kids…looking like she may have AIDS, or at least a sex change, and for some reason I’m posting it….maybe I’m into AIDSed up Trannies…

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Chloe Sevigny Slutty yet Ugly for Interview Magazine of the Day

Trailer: Twilight’s Peter Facinelli is a Pickpocket with Panache in Loosies

Peter Facinelli , the elder Twilight statesman at age 37, wrote, produced, and stars in the new movie Loosies , the story of a tricky pickpocket who discovers that his ex-girlfriend ( Jaimie Alexander ) is pregnant just as he finds himself on the lam. It costars Michael Madsen and Vincent Gallo , which should make you jolt an eyebrow. Let’s see if Facinelli can make thievery look cool in the movie’s new trailer .

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Trailer: Twilight’s Peter Facinelli is a Pickpocket with Panache in Loosies

Chloe Sevigny Makes Nice with T&A in Mr. Nice

Arthouse-icon-turned-mainstream-actress Chlo

More Chloe Sevigny Bikini Pictures of the Day

I don’t write movies. Sure, it was my childhood dream as an immigrant who was amazed by the concept. But dreams are for faggots and unrealistic idiots who don’t like to settle for the hell they are living in the now. While, I’m okay with settling, it’s boring, depressing and conveniently gives me reason to drink….and I don’t know how to write….coupled with laziness, leaves me here with no readers, no fame, no fortune, no glitz glam or model pussy sucking my dick for her big break, unless you consider my wife a model, since she is the poster girl for what overreating can do to you in some infomercial years ago, but that doesn’t count… What counts is that I always hated movie sex scenes, but I always loved sex and figured if these actors were really serious about their craft, they wouldn’t play make-belief fucking, like some shitty highschool play, and expect us to believe they were “Really In Character”, they need to delve into the depths of their genitals and actually fuck. But America likes gore better than sex, and movies like to blow people up and show the power of war, and not what really matters in life, like interpersonal relationships that get my dick wet…. So as a pervert who had dreams of Film School, I’d keep track of every mainstream movie with actual fucking, most out of Europe, all pretty erotic and amazing knowing these are just actors and not actual pornstars, and that kid from 6 feet under fucked on Camera, and all these Larry Clark movies that got banned had people fuck on camera, and some Parisian movie called Baise Moi about rape had fucking on Camera, and then Brown Bunny hit, some bullshit Vincent Gallo garbage that I couldn’t watch, featured Chloe Sevigny using her hipster throat by sucking dick for her acting career, for people to take her more seriously, to show us how much of an artist she is while making me never want to get my dick sucked by her… All this to say I that I hoped that was a sign of progress of what was to come, but for some reason everything got more conservative. Even old TV shows have better sex jokes than the what’s on TV today. We live in some corporate run hell, and thanks to posting nipple on my site, I can’t get a fucking advertiser. I’m broke, miserable, while all the other people doing what I do make millions a year….and it is all Chloe Sevigny’s fault. If she fucked properly on Camera and people noticed, maybe there’d be real sex in every movie…. We need to start a petition or something. America needs more sex or at least accept it enough to display it everywhere. That said, here is Chloe Sevigny’s “hipster artist” bullshit ass trying to make a comeback and get on the map in a bikini….I can smell her hipster bush from here and despite hating her, I kinda love it.

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More Chloe Sevigny Bikini Pictures of the Day