Tag Archives: centers

Hide Ya Kids! Study Shows 1 In 10 Texas 11-Year-Olds Have Given Up Their Goodies

Hide Ya Kids! Especially if you live in Texas… According to a study out of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston: 1. Almost one in 10 Texas 6th graders have had sex. 2. The percentage of Texas7th and 8th graders who have had sex is 22 and 29 percent respectively. 3. Of high school-aged kids, 32 percent of 9th graders, 41 percent of 10th graders, 53 percent of 11th graders and 62 percent of 12th graders have had sex. 4. Just over one third of the entire public middle and high school population are sexually experienced. 5. Texas students are more likely to report having had sex with four or more partners and are less likely to have used birth control or condoms. 6. Texas students are also significantly less likely to receive education about HIV or AIDS in school. 7. Males are significantly more likely than their counterparts to report having sex for the first time before age 13, having more than four partners and using drugs or alcohol before having sex. The results come from an analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the CDC’s Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the University of Texas Prevention Research Center’s All About Youth study. Guess that explains why Rick Perry wanted all the kids to get the HPV vaccine before 6th grade… But seriously, where are these kids’ parents? Source

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Hide Ya Kids! Study Shows 1 In 10 Texas 11-Year-Olds Have Given Up Their Goodies

Gratitude – with Deepak Chopra

www.MyDivineLife.com Deepak Chopra guided meditation. How can biofeedback help me achieve a longer, healthier, happier life? http The word meditation comes from the Latin meditatio, which originally indicated every type of physical or intellectual exercise, then later evolved into the more specific meaning “contemplation.” Eastern spiritual teachings, including meditation, have been adapted and increasingly practiced in Western culture. www.MyDivineLife.com – Stress is medically proven to have negative effects on the body and takes its toll on our physical and mental well-being on a cellular level. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 80 percent of the doctor visits in the USA are triggered by a stress-related illness. Healing Rhythms unique biofeedback program is designed to help you uncover your body’s own natural ability to counter the wear and tear that everyday stress has on your health. http healing – Healing Rhythms uses biofeedback to access your innate healing abilities to restore your physical, mental and spiritual health.” You hold in your hands your healthy life balance neurofeedback biofeedback spirituality stress relief headache mental power mind power energy flow aura www.MentalDimension.com – a resource of greatest mind body soul spirutal brain and mental power tools explanations psychology mentaphysics quantum physics hypnosis nlp resource recommendation on best spiritual books mind books self-help programs to open your mind … http://www.youtube.com/v/TIXIwdhOmSM?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See the rest here: Gratitude – with Deepak Chopra


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Gratitude – with Deepak Chopra

A Guide to Celebrity Rehab Centers [Guides]

We always hear about celebrities checking into rehab for their various addictions, expletive-laden tirades, or episodes of “exhaustion.” Lindsay Lohan just checked in yesterday for the eighth time . Where do they disappear to while trying to get clean? Let’s look. More

Poultry, Beef More Likely to Make You Sick, CDC Says

Credit: VirtualErn via Flickr. If you want to reduce your chances of foodborne illness, go veggie. That’s one take away from a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report linking types of food to illness outbreaks in the U.S. Of course, you can’t blame the poultry or beef. And even vegetables can make you sick if they’re not properly handled or prepared. Maybe another take away is the need for stricter enforcement of health codes. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Poultry, Beef More Likely to Make You Sick, CDC Says

Medical Marijuana for Children with ADHD

Dr. David Sack, CEO of Promises Rehab Centers, talks about the dangers of giving medical marijuana to kids and teens with ADHD. added by: PromisesRehab

CDC finds about 1 percent of kids have autism

The latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control indicate that as many as 1 in 110 children have some sort of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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CDC finds about 1 percent of kids have autism

Only 1 in 3 who want H1N1 shot can find it

Only about a third of adults who have tried to get a swine flu vaccine have been able to get it, according to a new national poll released Friday. That's true even for people who are at extra risk for severe complications and should be at the front of the line

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Only 1 in 3 who want H1N1 shot can find it

Space tourism headed our way?

It has been five years since SpaceShipOne, the first privately financed manned spacecraft, captured the Ansari X Prize on Oct. 4, 2004, by demonstrating that a reusable rocket capable of carrying passengers could fly more than 62 miles high twice within two weeks — showing reliability and commercial viability. Enthusiasm over SpaceShipOne's feats was so high that year that even before the prize-winning flight, British mogul Richard Branson announced an agreement to use the technology in a second-generation design, SpaceShipTwo, to fly commercial passengers into space under the Virgin Galactic banner by 2007

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Space tourism headed our way?

For the First Time, a Census of Autistic Adults

Among the many great mysteries of autism is this: Where are all the adults with the disorder? In California, for instance, about 80% of people identified as having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are 18 or under. Studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) indicate that about 1 in 150 children in the U.S.

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For the First Time, a Census of Autistic Adults

Sprint, Verizon to Include Wi-Fi in all Future Phones

Telecom carriers Sprint and Verizon have said they will ensure all key cellphones from the two companies in the future will have Wi-Fi capability, a feature that has been missing in many of its recent devices. Sprint will “embrace” Wi-Fi in all its “major devices”, Jeff Clemow, director of business product marketing for Sprint told Fierce Wireless. The feature is a requirement for all of Sprint’s equipment suppliers now, says Clemow.

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Sprint, Verizon to Include Wi-Fi in all Future Phones