Hide Ya Kids! Especially if you live in Texas… According to a study out of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston: 1. Almost one in 10 Texas 6th graders have had sex. 2. The percentage of Texas7th and 8th graders who have had sex is 22 and 29 percent respectively. 3. Of high school-aged kids, 32 percent of 9th graders, 41 percent of 10th graders, 53 percent of 11th graders and 62 percent of 12th graders have had sex. 4. Just over one third of the entire public middle and high school population are sexually experienced. 5. Texas students are more likely to report having had sex with four or more partners and are less likely to have used birth control or condoms. 6. Texas students are also significantly less likely to receive education about HIV or AIDS in school. 7. Males are significantly more likely than their counterparts to report having sex for the first time before age 13, having more than four partners and using drugs or alcohol before having sex. The results come from an analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the CDC’s Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the University of Texas Prevention Research Center’s All About Youth study. Guess that explains why Rick Perry wanted all the kids to get the HPV vaccine before 6th grade… But seriously, where are these kids’ parents? Source
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Hide Ya Kids! Study Shows 1 In 10 Texas 11-Year-Olds Have Given Up Their Goodies