Tag Archives: diseases

ABC, CBS Inaccurately Report Pope’s Condom Remarks as ‘Change in Policy’

On Tuesday evening, ABC and CBS furthered the mainstream media's largely inaccurate reporting on Pope Benedict XVI's recent remarks on the morality of condom use. While the pontiff stated that condoms are ” not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection ,” World News anchor Diane Sawyer stated that ” the Pope shifts his rules on condom use .” Evening News anchor Katie Couric labeled Benedict XVI's comment a ” historic statement ,” and trumpeted how supposedly, ” Pope Benedict says, for the first time, that condoms are okay to protect against HIV and other diseases .” Sawyer included her misleading “Pope shifts his rules on condom use” phrase as she teased the lead stories at the beginning of World News. Sixteen minutes into the half hour program, the ABC anchor introduced correspondent Dan Harris's report, who began by giving a false impression of Benedict's remarks during an interview published in book form given by German journalist Peter Seewald. An on-screen graphic proclaimed, ” A Change in Policy :” read more

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ABC, CBS Inaccurately Report Pope’s Condom Remarks as ‘Change in Policy’

Green Gift Guide: The Kid (Slideshow)

Photo: TreeHugger When it comes to holiday shopping, the kids should be the most fun to buy for — but fighting other parents for the hottest toy only to see it break before breakfast on the day it’s opened is hardly the way you want to spend your season. Instead, choose from these durable, timeless toys that will bring your little ones hours of playtime — all of which are made from eco-friendly materials and non-toxic paints — so you can sit back and enjoy the season, too. Produced by Mairi Beautyman

Continued here:
Green Gift Guide: The Kid (Slideshow)

Miami Catches First Case of Dengue Fever in 50 Years

photo: Wikipedia For the first time in half a century a person in Miami-Dade County, Florida has been diagnosed (and recovered from…) a case of dengue fever that had been acquired locally ( Palm Beach Post ). This follows 24 cases of locally-caught dengue being discovered in Key West over the summer. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Miami Catches First Case of Dengue Fever in 50 Years

EU Passes New Rules That Limit Animal Testing

Photo: sheppey cottage Each year in the EU nearly 12 million animals are experimented upon in the name of scientific research – but all that is set to change as stricter legislation on testing was passed today by the European Parliament . Among the sweeping reforms was an outright ban on the testing of our closest genetic cousins, great apes, as well as stronger restrictions on experiments involving all primates…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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EU Passes New Rules That Limit Animal Testing

New Superbacteria, Immune To Most Antibiotics, Found Spreading Fast

“A new mutation that makes bacteria resistant to pretty much every antibiotic known to man has become increasingly prevalent on the Indian subcontinent and has made the leap to both the UK and the United States, according to a new report in the Lancet. Because there's nothing modern medical science can do to stop it, the NDM-1 “superbug” may spread globally. NDM-1 (or New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase) is a gene mutation that arms many common and harmful bacteria like E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae with a resistance that can even withstand carbapenems, the antibiotics used as a last resort when more common drugs have no effect. What's worse, the gene has been found on plasmids — particularly promiscuous bits of mobile DNA that can move easily between strains of bacteria. The details of the study tracking NDM-1's transcontinental jump (most plausibly via medical tourism, in case you were curious) are described in this article by Tim Walsh in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. “In many ways, this is it,” Walsh told the Guardian. “This is potentially the end. There are no antibiotics in the pipeline that have activity against NDM 1-producing Enterobacteriaceae. It is the first time it has got to this stage with these type of bacteria.”” But now that we've sufficiently participated in the fearmongering, let's put NDM-1 in some kind of perspective. There are many highly resistant bugs out there (MRSA comes to mind), and each time a new one arrives on the bacterial scene, doomsday is declared only to later be downgraded to a threatening but not critical medical situation. A different mutation ravaged NYC hospitals a decade ago, and while officials were deeply concerned about that infectious strain the city and the larger world did not suffer a public health disaster. What is troubling is that the gene is highly mobile and there aren't really any treatments in the works to combat NDM-1 or to slow its spread. In hospital environments that's very troubling, akin to being in the trenches with plenty of rifles but no ammunition. Alternatives to antibiotics like bacteriophages might be effective in putting the brakes on NDM-1-reinforced bacteria, but in standard medical practice antibiotics are the way we treat bacterial infections and even if an experimental treatment is found to be effective it will take a good deal of time to get it approved for widespread use.” http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-08/new-bacterial-mutation-makes-commo… added by: DeliaTheArtist

Teeth Across the Border

A look into the savings and fun while getting your dental work done across the Mexican border. A small documentary. added by: tsayegh

ILLUMINATI Card Game Shows Latest " Flesh-Eating Bacteria NDM-1 Superbug " Disaster Is Planned

Things are getting nasty every passing day, according to the latest study done by UK infection control research team led by Prof Timothy Walsh, published in the science journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, warned that a gene – named New Delhi-Metallo -1 /NDM 2010 Superbug had been found in bacterial infections, which made them resistant to almost all antibiotics, with “an alarming potential to spread”. added by: current_spider

Gingrich: Dems Teach The Unemployed To Prefer Government-Funded Poverty Over Honest Work | Political Correction

In an email to supporters yesterday, Newt Gingrich blamed Democrats for high unemployment and argued that “the extension of unemployment benefits has given people a perverse incentive to stay on unemployment rather than accept a job.” Gingrich cynically warns that Democrats are making jobless Americans “get so used to being unproductive that they are willing to accept welfare indefinitely instead of taking a job.” Gingrich is just the latest in a long line of Republicans to attack the unemployed for political gain. In reality, unemployment checks average about $300 per week, and cherry-picked anecdotes about “indefinite welfare” ignore the real source of high unemployment: a severe economic crisis brought about by Republican mismanagement. Gingrich: Companies Aren't Finding Qualified Hires And It's The Democrats' Fault Gingrich Cited Wall Street Journal Article In Arguing American Workers Prefer Unemployment Checks Over Wages. In an email to Human Events subscribers, Gingrich wrote: An article in the Wall Street Journal Monday painted a frustrating picture of the joblessness situation, showing that, despite our high unemployment, many firms are having trouble filling job openings. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, if job openings were getting filled at a normal rate, the unemployment rate would be 6.8% instead of 9.5%. So there are actually many jobs out there that need to be filled. Yet, in the worst recession since the Great Depression, many employers can't make hires. The article cites several reasons for this phenomenon, a few of which are long term trends such as our education system not producing enough qualified engineers. But others factors fall squarely on the backs of this administration and Congress. For instance, the extension of unemployment benefits has given people a perverse incentive to stay on unemployment rather than accept a job. The part-owner of a machine parts company, Mechanical Devices, is looking for as many as 40 new engineers, but is quoted in the article as saying many applicants at job fairs were “just going through the motions so they could collect their unemployment checks.” The article also quotes an engineer who admits he turned down more than a dozen offers because the salary would have been less than he made on welfare. This story encapsulates the problem of the long-term unemployed. The depth and length of this recession is at risk of creating a permanent pool of unemployed Americans, who get so used to being unproductive that they are willing to accept welfare indefinitely instead of taking a job. [Gingrich Email, 8/11/10, emphasis added] Republican Lawmakers Agree With Gingrich: Unemployed Americans Are Lazy And Stubborn Below are just a few of the many examples of Republicans blaming unemployment on laziness brought on by government checks. For a more complete list, see our full fact check HERE( http://politicalcorrection.org/factcheck/201007200002 ) and read more about the GOP's rhetoric on unemployment HERE( http://politicalcorrection.org/blog/201007270004 ). Reality Check: There Are About Five Unemployed Workers For Every Job Opening… Depart Of Labor Statistics Show There Are At Least Five Job Seekers For Every Opening. According to the New York Times: In June, there were fewer than five unemployed workers for each job opening, according to new Labor Department data. That is a less discouraging ratio than earlier this year, but the improvement may mainly be a result of workers who have given up looking for a job. The chart below shows the jobless worker/job opening ratio going back to 2000, the earliest year that the Labor Department keeps data on job openings. New York Times: Ratio Of Jobs To Job Seekers Is Probably Higher Because Many Jobless Are Not Counted In The Labor Dept. Statistics. According to the New York Times: “As of June, there were 4.98 workers per opening, compared with 5.09 the previous month. Both the number of job openings and the number of unemployed workers fell from May to June. The number of unemployed workers fell not because more people got jobs, but because hundreds of thousands of people dropped out of the labor force. In fact the labor force participation rate – that is, the portion of working-age people who choose to work or actively search for work – is currently at its lowest rate since 1984.” [New York Times, 8/11/10, emphasis added] …And Economists Agree: Unemployment Benefits Have A Tiny Effect On Unemployment Duration Key Researcher On Unemployment Benefits Says His Old Findings On Unemployment Benefits Are Outdated. According to the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee: “While earlier research suggested that the unemployment insurance program in the 1970s and 1980s had important disincentive effects, the current consensus is that these dated studies overstated the effects of unemployment insurance benefits on job search behavior. The older studies noted a jump in the fraction of workers who found a job just before they exhausted their benefits. In contrast, in testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, the author of one of the seminal papers in this earlier wave of research, Dr. Lawrence Katz, said that 'the most compelling research shows only modest impacts of UI extensions on the search effort and duration of unemployment of unemployment insurance recipients.' Katz pointed out that these studies overstate the overall impact of unemployment insurance benefits on the length of unemployment spells 'by ignoring the spillover effects of shorter unemployment spells for the other unemployed workers not receiving UI benefits.'” [“Does Unemployment Insurance Inhibit Job Search?” Joint Economic Committee, July 2010, emphasis added] added by: toyotabedzrock

Grimault’s Asthmatic Cigarettes

ANTI-ASTHMA CIGARETTES: Because of our present day disgust for the tobacco industry, one is tempted to dismiss the idea of a medical (life saving) cigarette altogether. But that would be a mistake: Cannabis, in its smokable form, has been known to quickly stop full-scale asthma attacks. A medical fact that, while only scientifically proven in the late 20th Century, did not go unnoticed by 19th Century medical practitioners. To quote a major medical journal of its day: CIGARETTES OF CANNABIS INDICA. Medical Times and Gazette. Medical News; Oct 1870; 28, 334; “The cigarettes of Cannabis Indica, made by Gremault, of Paris, have been found most efficient in the treatment of affections of the organs of respiration and circulation, no less than in affections of the central and peripheral nervous system. The unpleasant effects which so often follow the internal and subcutaneous use of opium and of Cannabis Indica are not produced by the cigarette. There use is recommended (1) in spinal neuroses, and epilepsy; (2) in neurosis of the sensory nerves, neuralgia of the teeth, branches of the fifth pair, the sciatic nerves; (3) neuroses of the motor nerves, spasm of the throat air passages; (4) affections of the sympathetic nerves, hysteria, and other diseases not attended with plethora, and congestion of the head, heart, or lungs. They are especially useful in asthma, peruses, spasm of the stomach and intestinal canal, nervous palpitation of the heart, and exert a quieting influence over the whole nervous system.” INDIAN CIGARETTES by Grimault & Co.: This particular brand “Indian Cigarettes” [1] manufactured by the Grimault Corporation, is of special interest to us. This is due mainly to the fact that it seems to have been the ONLY established brand name of Cannabis Cigarettes offered for sale in this country. Also, remembering that medical marihuana cigarettes were quite legal back then, it is one of the most highly documented brand names available. According to the United Nations [Bulletin on Narcotics 1951],[2] Under the subtitle: “Preparations exempted from the control measures of the Narcotics Conventions: The following formula is given: Preparation # 5: Indian Cigarettes of Grimault (Dr. Ph. Chapelle) Government: Siam Notification: C.L.302.1930.III. Annex I Formula: # Belladonna leaves – 0.962 gm # Cannabis indica extract – 0.0005 gm. # Nitrate of potash – 0.033 gm Which brings up an interesting subject; Again, according to the United Nations [Bulletin on Narcotics 1962],[3] the following is stated: “Preparations made from extract or tincture of cannabis were not mentioned in the 1925 Convention, but in 1935 were brought within the control of the Convention by a decision of the Health Committee of the League of Nations under article 10 of the Convention. Such preparations are in some respects under a stricter control than the extract and tinctures themselves. Preparations made from the extract and tincture which are capable only of external use, and a medicinal cigarette called “Indian Cigarettes of Grimault” (Dr. P. H. Chapelle) are exempted from control.[ League of Nations document C.136.M.87. 1939. III ] Which brings up a good trivia question; Are these cigarettes, “Under InterNational Treaty Law,” still legal today? Hmmm! An interesting question, but one beyond the subject and interests of antique collectors. [1] With reference to Indians from India. [2] UnitedNationsBulletinOnNarcotics1951Issue4-001.htm Subsection: Preparations exempted from the control measures of the Narcotics Conventions [3] Bulletin on Narcotics – 1962 Issue 4 http://www.undcp.org/bulletin/bulletin_1962-01-01_4_page005.html http://antiquecannabisbook.com/chap7/CGrimault.htm added by: JackHerer

Haiti’s Earthquake-Injured Animals Are That Country’s Lowest Priority | 8 Deeply Touching Photos… Accompanied by Some Hope

Haiti's injured animals lowest priority More than six months since Haiti's earthquake, family dogs and pigs search for food in the rubble. “Animal welfare is a new concept in Haiti,” said Max Millien, director of animal health at the Haiti Ministry of Agriculture. _____ First aid groups treat Haiti's injured animals By Daphne Sashin, for CNN August 9, 2010 10:44 p.m. EDT STORY HIGHLIGHTS * Groups say animals are lowest priority in aftermath of Haiti's earthquake * For the first time, the nation has non-profit animal welfare organizations * They have treated tens of thousands of animals since the January disaster * One group plans to build an animal care and veterinary training center (CNN) — More than six months since the earthquake in Haiti, family dogs and pigs paw through garbage and rubble in search of food, putting them at risk of infections, abscesses and parasites, according to animal welfare groups. Owners want to help their pets and livestock, but they have little to give. With 1.5 million people still living in tents and the nation in the middle of hurricane season, animals are the lowest priority, animal rescue groups say. Despite this, tens of thousands of animals have been treated while a public service campaign features a Creole-speaking dog telling families to include their animals in evacuation plans. “The animal situation is only a reflection of the people's situation,” Gerardo Huertas, of the UK-based World Society for the Protection of Animals, told CNN from Costa Rica. “They live together. Until the whole shelter situation resolves, all you can do is help them with little veterinary support that we can provide,” added Huertas, the society's Director of Disaster Management for the Americas. But animal welfare groups are hopeful that in time they can actually give the nation and its people something it didn't have before the earthquake — equipment, training and an awareness that animal welfare is critical to their own survival. “Often in disasters we try and only deal with the problems caused by the disaster and not the underlying problems … but Haiti was a special case,” said Ian Robinson, Emergency Relief Program Director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, based in Massachusetts. The animal situation is only a reflection of the people's situation –Gerardo Huertas, World Society for the Protection of Animals “To put it back like it was before the earthquake wasn't good enough.” There wasn't a single animal welfare organization in Haiti before the earthquake. The government was focused on preventing the spread of animal-to-human diseases like anthrax, rabies and classical swine fever. “Animal welfare is a new concept in Haiti,” said Max Millien, Director of Animal Health at the Haiti Ministry of Agriculture. “The children have to start to understand … if you treat the animals well, that's a way to protect yourself.” Robinson and Millien recently presented their observations at the annual American Veterinary Medical Association conference, in Atlanta, Georgia. The earthquake damaged the buildings that held vaccines for rabies, heartworm and other diseases. Vets lacked supplies. International volunteers struggled to get around the country. As for the animals themselves, hundreds were injured. Some of them had wounds caused by the quake or from having to find food in dumps. Others had infections and needed immediate treatment. Days after the earthquake, the two non-profits created The Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH), with a dozen other animal rescue groups to provide more than $1.1 million in aid to the Haitian government over the next year, including: • A team of Haitian vets to reach the hardest hit areas with antibiotics, vaccinations and other treatments for animals that in many cases had never been seen by a doctor. Since January, the ARCH mobile clinic has treated 30,000 pigs, goats, dogs, cats and other animals. • Solar-powered freezers and refrigerators to store temperature-sensitive vaccines in rural areas without electricity, along with coolers that will fit on the back of motorcycles, horses or bicycles for mobile veterinarians. • Haiti's first census of dogs and cats to determine the level of care they are receiving, people's attitudes toward companion animals and the risk of rabies and other diseases to humans. • A public awareness campaign to educate families about disaster planning. Last month, public-service announcements began airing a speaking dog telling families to take them along if they have to evacuate. “Any emergency plan is better than no plan,” Huertas said. “We're just asking them to include their pets.” Separately, The Christian Veterinary Mission has promised laptops and projectors for mobile veterinarians to give presentations on animal care. In addition, Humane Society International has spent $400,000 in Haiti and pledged more than $1 million over the next five years. It has begun planning an animal care and veterinary training center in Croix-des-Bouquets and is also working to establish spay-neuter and vaccine clinics. “I do consider the earthquake as an opportunity,” Millien said. “We have a lot of promises … I hope the situation will be better than before.” Click here to see photos of our voiceless friends… http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/08/06/haiti.animals/index.html?hpt=C1 added by: EthicalVegan