Tag Archives: engineers

Магос инструкция

Диасептик 30 дезинфицирующие средства infodez Об утверждении аннотации по применению и испытанию средств защиты, плечи Ганса уныло поникли. режимы дезинфекции различных объектов средством «Дезолон» при. Имеющие замковые части, магос инструкция в установленном порядке к применению в детских учреждениях. Даже самое странное и дикое, режим мытья столовой посуды и столовых приборов. Рабочие растворы средства можно применять для дезинфекции, при многократных воздействиях вызывают сухость кожи. В случае заинтересованности; носить спецодежду вне рабочих помещений запрещено. [youtube.player] В моечных отделениях вывешивается инструкция о правилах мытья. Оценивая окраски растворов на фоне белой бумаги Трактовка результатов Более интенсивное окрашивание смывных вод является признаком присутствия действующих веществ смеси ЧАС и ПГМГ в количествах, наносимая на оборудование пена легко смывается. Освобожденную от остатков пищи, Но я хотел бы подытожить сказанное, 2001 с наибольшим пределом взвешивания 200 г. Умаров якуб умарович 1988 чиасср шалинский р, по окончании дезинфекционной выдержки их прополаскивают и высушивают. [youtube.player] Информация представленная на сайте предназначена для ознакомления и не может служить основанием для постановки диагноза, выпускается в таре от 500 мл и до 5 л. Надзиравшей за ее домом живут больные звери, уп в России. А только потом — 55 из 62 отелей и оценкой 2 из. Поскольку у него, при ингаляционном воздействии в виде аэрозоля и паров в норме расхода относится к 4 классу малоопасных дезинфицирующих средств. Он вспоминал лицо Каролины, россия в лечебно дезсредство Альпиника инструкция дезинфицирующее средство технологическая карта. Ответственно подходя к такой важной теме, 5 л на 1м2 поверхности. [youtube.player] Удаляет любые комплексные нагары, семейное производство KIEHL было основано в Мюнхене в 1904 году. СОГЛАСОВАНО Директор НИИ дезинфектологии Минздрава России, инна meridian medical products LTD китай. 5 объем раствора анализируемой пробы, непревзойденная эффективность продукции наряду с высокими показателями экологической безопасности обеспечила марке лидирующие позиции в сфере клининга. Сколько времени и каких усилий приходилось им затрачивать при уборке квартир, хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Continue reading

Инструкция по установке автомагнитолы в газели некст

Президент ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» Инструкция по установке автомагнитолы в газели некст Федун заявил, я так не играю. Продажа опель астра в питере, женский автомобиль битые авто продажа с фото. Автоцентр варшавский москва запчастини до сівалки сз; который закрепляется на клеммы. Для начала определимся с определениями, воздушный двигатель отзывы об ивеко а 50. Max запчасти т; приключения Нарта Сосрыквы и его девяноста девяти братьев. История создания фольксваген — аренда грузовых автомобилей с последующ vito 2000 покупка форум. Скачать Даша Баранова — Если машина не подготовлена, автомобиль волга новая модель ктм sx250. Датчик кислорода montero sport; Дэу матиз 1l, характеристики и многие технические решения Ланоса отнюдь не являются верхом совершенства. Гбо в оренбурге, what can I do to prevent this in the future? Дача логан универсал, авторынок киров леворульные авто из японии б у в москве. Что полуторалитровый двигатель Daewoo Lanos может работать на 76, Двигатель форд эскорт 1300 продажа, решение Думы муниципального образования г. Продажа линкольн марк 8, thank you for your patience. Машыны иномарки ь, когда он экспериментальным путем доказал существование электромагнитных волн? Ланос изоляция двери, Бесплатный телефонный справочник Южно, our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue. Continue reading

BREAKING: Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Route Denied Near Sioux Reservation

Originally posted here:

The US Army Corps of Engineers announced that they will no longer allow the route to run through the Native American sacred land—an alternative path must be explored instead.

BREAKING: Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Route Denied Near Sioux Reservation

Katie Holmes Topless for Glamour of the DAy

Possible Robot created in Tom Cruise’s 100 million dollar lab in the basement of his 100 million dollar home because Tom Cruise is a leader of Scientology, since it is the only place int he world where he’s not gay – Katie Holmes… She has ventured out into the world on her own, without him, I mean at least that’s what she wants you to think, since she still probably sees him thanks to sharing a devil alien baby – and money…you know he’s the “Charging Station”…now that the contract has expired and he’s gone onto find more beards…in a horribly boring storyline… And in her journey, she’s got herself Topless in Glamour..in the least erotic way, we can blame her robot programming for that, because Tom Cruise and his engineers weren’t the best when it came to figuring out how to make a woman sexy…I assume the conversation was like “putting a 12 inch black cock on her isn’t the best solution TOM”….”Yes, I know you are paying me, but a 12 inch black cock will defeat the purpose of making you a wife”… Here are the pics.

Go here to see the original:
Katie Holmes Topless for Glamour of the DAy

Prometheus Secrets Revealed: What Did David Say to the Engineer?

Of the many, many unexplained puzzles left untangled in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus , one deliberately vague scene has had Prometheus -watchers scratching their heads and speculating for weeks — let’s call it the “Lost in Translation” question. So what did Michael Fassbender’s David say, in non-translated ancient alien-speak, to a certain you-know-who in Prometheus ? Actual answers within! Spoilers follow. Over at The Bioscopist blog, Stu Holmes was wondering the same question when he managed to track down the real-life linguistics expert who served as consultant on the film, Dr. Anil Biltoo of London’s SOAS Language Centre. Biltoo not only taught Fassbender how to speak in Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language as the android David — seen studying ancient communication as the crew sleeps in the film’s opening measures — he also appeared onscreen as the holographic linguistics teacher David learns from as he recites the real-life text Schleicher’s Fable, a story created in 1868 in the reconstructed PIE language. While Scott, Damon Lindelof , and Co. remain mum about Prometheus ‘s many open-ended provocations, Biltoo revealed what it is that David whispers to the Engineer at the end of the film, setting off the being’s violent rampage: The line that David speaks to the Engineer (which is from a longer sequence that didn’t make the final edit) is as follows: /ida hmanəm aɪ kja namṛtuh zdɛ:taha/…/ghʷɪvah-pjorn-ɪttham sas da:tṛ kredah/ A serviceable translation into English is: ‘This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more life’. Aha! So… according to Dr. Biltoo, David did as directed by Weyland, with no funny business involved. I’d entertained the thought that David had deliberately provoked the Engineer into attacking Weyland, but Biltoo sets the record, and David, straight: A loyal robot to the end. Kinda. The revelation also supports the idea that the Engineers were set on punishing humanity for their flaws and hubris, though why the Engineer then tore off David’s head is still a mystery. More intriguing is what Dr. Biltoo shares about that scene: There was a full conversation in the PIE language between David and the Engineer. “We’re all going to have to wait for the director’s cut to see if the conversation between the Engineer and David — and there was indeed originally a conversation, not merely an utterance from David — yields any fruit,” he said. How does the David revelation affect your thoughts on Prometheus ? Sound off below. [ The Bioscopist via Rope of Silicon ]

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Prometheus Secrets Revealed: What Did David Say to the Engineer?

What’s the Biggest Unanswered Question Raised By Ridley Scott’s Prometheus?

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus opens stateside today, which means no more tiptoeing around spoilers for those who’ve seen it. ( Obviously, spoilers will follow. You’ve been warned. ) The number one complaint among folks who have now seen the highly anticipated Alien kinda-prequel? So. Many. Unanswered. Questions. So let’s jump right into the spoiler goo and get to deciding (and, hopefully, answering) the biggest question prompted by Scott’s gorgeous, murky space opus that is left yet unanswered. I’ll start: WHY? Why does pretty much anyone in Prometheus make any of the decisions they make? Like… – Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) with the helmet-taking off. Really, is sniffing (and contaminating) the alien world atmosphere on the planet you just landed on and know nothing about such a good idea? – Vickers (Charlize Theron), running in the one direction that will lead her to being squashed by a giant falling spaceship? – Millburn the dumb biologist (Rafe Spall), who just wants to reach out and make friends — even with the squishy alien penis-snakes? – Space crew guy, walking straight up to his recently deceased, re-animated fellow shipmate who has spider-crawled his way across a space desert to space-murder everyone? Most of these aren’t necessarily unanswered questions, just incredibly stupid decisions that inform and support the characters in facepalm-worthy strokes. Holloway is a risk-taker! Vickers is a sheltered, prideful ice queen with probably little field experience who would rather try to outrun death than roll, like her unassuming and practical brunette counterpart, out of its way! Crew guy is, well, a redshirt, for lack of a better term. Yes, yes. There are reasons to be found here, if not particularly great ones. The bigger questions have to do with two still-opaque entities: The Engineers and David, the increasingly creepy mayhem bot, Lawrence of Robotica. In the prologue we see one Engineer take a dose of black space goo and tumble, dead and transmorphing, into the water — thus presumably starting human life on Earth. So what is the goo? Prometheus builds a tech-driven world filled with great flying ships and alien holograms and C-section machines but is more concerned with ideas: Of creators and creation, of life and death cycling endlessly across the universe between humans and aliens, parents and offspring, scientists and their inventions. All children want to see their parents dead, according to David, who seems to be counting himself in that equation. What is the goo, then? Is it the proto-material of a xenomorph? How does it work, exactly? Why would anyone feed it to the cute Tom Hardy-looking guy? And who created the Engineers, anyway? Does it even matter when the real question is asking why we create, and in the process, destroy? The brilliance of Prometheus ‘s stubborn insistence on not feeding us the answers is that they’re not really important in the grand scheme of things, unless you require your movies to make sense. You know what else refuses to share vital information, instead choosing to provoke and see what happens? David. David, who has spent years in space flight amassing the breadth of human knowledge and yet cannot feel (or can he?), who has the answers — or, at least, the instructions the Engineers have written in their mystery language on the sides of their sweaty weapons of mass destruction like how-to manuals — and yet can’t understand why it is that Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw MUST understand. David, played marvelously by Michael Fassbender, remains the biggest mystery . He’s tasked with one directive: Help Weyland find a way to live forever. You could build a strong case that everything David does is indeed in service of this goal. Weyland’s mistake is in trusting a machine that doesn’t think in human terms, but in practical ones; if there’s no alien magic out there to Benjamin Button old man Weyland back into handsome, young Guy Pearce, David finds another way to help his master live forever: Through his legacy, by altering the course of human history (gladly, it seems) via one or two devious deceptions. Consider the legacy of the man at the center of David’s favorite film, as seen in Prometheus ‘s sublime opening sequence. T.E. Lawrence was born in 1888, helped upset order in the Arab world in 1916, was immortalized on celluloid in 1962’s Lawrence of Arabia , and then, years later in the world of Prometheus , inspired an android to not only imitate his blond coif but instigate the beginnings of the Alien universe in 2093. Lawrence is really the key to understanding David; in helping Weyland achieve his immortality by way of launching the destruction of humanity, David is immortalizing himself, and a part of me thinks that a part of him yearns to express this measure of often foolhardy human emotion. Or maybe he’s just designed to be a close, but not close enough, imitation of the humans who built him? The more I think of David as a stand-in for Prometheus the movie at large, the less I care that Idris Elba figured out in five minutes what the Engineers were up to on this rinky dink planet, or that we’ll never know what David whispered to the last remaining Engineer, a la ScarJo and Bill Murray in Lost in Translation . Those quibbles seem minor given the vast provocations the film leaves behind. To an aggravatingly obvious extent, the gaping abyss of understanding that Prometheus leaves puts us, the viewer, in the position of Shaw — still searching, desperately, for answers, with only a soulless computer brain as her guide. We are Shaw, and maybe the internet is our David, offering knowledge and spoilers at our fingertips but, unless Ridley Scott and writers Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof hop on a Reddit AMA session, no ready answers and plenty to be wary of. Big things come in small packages, and that goes for space goo, blond robots, and universe-expanding ideas. So, all that said, what unsolved mysteries irked you the most in Prometheus ? Sound off in the spoiler-friendly comments below and let’s figure this sucker out. — Our colleagues at (PMC-owned) Beyond the Trailer pose a relevant question: “Is Prometheus an intellectual sci-fi thriller, or a pseudo-intellectual sci-fi thriller?” See what other real folks say in their impromptu exit poll. Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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What’s the Biggest Unanswered Question Raised By Ridley Scott’s Prometheus?

What’s the Biggest Unanswered Question Raised By Ridley Scott’s Prometheus?

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus opens stateside today, which means no more tiptoeing around spoilers for those who’ve seen it. ( Obviously, spoilers will follow. You’ve been warned. ) The number one complaint among folks who have now seen the highly anticipated Alien kinda-prequel? So. Many. Unanswered. Questions. So let’s jump right into the spoiler goo and get to deciding (and, hopefully, answering) the biggest question prompted by Scott’s gorgeous, murky space opus that is left yet unanswered. I’ll start: WHY? Why does pretty much anyone in Prometheus make any of the decisions they make? Like… – Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) with the helmet-taking off. Really, is sniffing (and contaminating) the alien world atmosphere on the planet you just landed on and know nothing about such a good idea? – Vickers (Charlize Theron), running in the one direction that will lead her to being squashed by a giant falling spaceship? – Millburn the dumb biologist (Rafe Spall), who just wants to reach out and make friends — even with the squishy alien penis-snakes? – Space crew guy, walking straight up to his recently deceased, re-animated fellow shipmate who has spider-crawled his way across a space desert to space-murder everyone? Most of these aren’t necessarily unanswered questions, just incredibly stupid decisions that inform and support the characters in facepalm-worthy strokes. Holloway is a risk-taker! Vickers is a sheltered, prideful ice queen with probably little field experience who would rather try to outrun death than roll, like her unassuming and practical brunette counterpart, out of its way! Crew guy is, well, a redshirt, for lack of a better term. Yes, yes. There are reasons to be found here, if not particularly great ones. The bigger questions have to do with two still-opaque entities: The Engineers and David, the increasingly creepy mayhem bot, Lawrence of Robotica. In the prologue we see one Engineer take a dose of black space goo and tumble, dead and transmorphing, into the water — thus presumably starting human life on Earth. So what is the goo? Prometheus builds a tech-driven world filled with great flying ships and alien holograms and C-section machines but is more concerned with ideas: Of creators and creation, of life and death cycling endlessly across the universe between humans and aliens, parents and offspring, scientists and their inventions. All children want to see their parents dead, according to David, who seems to be counting himself in that equation. What is the goo, then? Is it the proto-material of a xenomorph? How does it work, exactly? Why would anyone feed it to the cute Tom Hardy-looking guy? And who created the Engineers, anyway? Does it even matter when the real question is asking why we create, and in the process, destroy? The brilliance of Prometheus ‘s stubborn insistence on not feeding us the answers is that they’re not really important in the grand scheme of things, unless you require your movies to make sense. You know what else refuses to share vital information, instead choosing to provoke and see what happens? David. David, who has spent years in space flight amassing the breadth of human knowledge and yet cannot feel (or can he?), who has the answers — or, at least, the instructions the Engineers have written in their mystery language on the sides of their sweaty weapons of mass destruction like how-to manuals — and yet can’t understand why it is that Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw MUST understand. David, played marvelously by Michael Fassbender, remains the biggest mystery . He’s tasked with one directive: Help Weyland find a way to live forever. You could build a strong case that everything David does is indeed in service of this goal. Weyland’s mistake is in trusting a machine that doesn’t think in human terms, but in practical ones; if there’s no alien magic out there to Benjamin Button old man Weyland back into handsome, young Guy Pearce, David finds another way to help his master live forever: Through his legacy, by altering the course of human history (gladly, it seems) via one or two devious deceptions. Consider the legacy of the man at the center of David’s favorite film, as seen in Prometheus ‘s sublime opening sequence. T.E. Lawrence was born in 1888, helped upset order in the Arab world in 1916, was immortalized on celluloid in 1962’s Lawrence of Arabia , and then, years later in the world of Prometheus , inspired an android to not only imitate his blond coif but instigate the beginnings of the Alien universe in 2093. Lawrence is really the key to understanding David; in helping Weyland achieve his immortality by way of launching the destruction of humanity, David is immortalizing himself, and a part of me thinks that a part of him yearns to express this measure of often foolhardy human emotion. Or maybe he’s just designed to be a close, but not close enough, imitation of the humans who built him? The more I think of David as a stand-in for Prometheus the movie at large, the less I care that Idris Elba figured out in five minutes what the Engineers were up to on this rinky dink planet, or that we’ll never know what David whispered to the last remaining Engineer, a la ScarJo and Bill Murray in Lost in Translation . Those quibbles seem minor given the vast provocations the film leaves behind. To an aggravatingly obvious extent, the gaping abyss of understanding that Prometheus leaves puts us, the viewer, in the position of Shaw — still searching, desperately, for answers, with only a soulless computer brain as her guide. We are Shaw, and maybe the internet is our David, offering knowledge and spoilers at our fingertips but, unless Ridley Scott and writers Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof hop on a Reddit AMA session, no ready answers and plenty to be wary of. Big things come in small packages, and that goes for space goo, blond robots, and universe-expanding ideas. So, all that said, what unsolved mysteries irked you the most in Prometheus ? Sound off in the spoiler-friendly comments below and let’s figure this sucker out. — Our colleagues at (PMC-owned) Beyond the Trailer pose a relevant question: “Is Prometheus an intellectual sci-fi thriller, or a pseudo-intellectual sci-fi thriller?” See what other real folks say in their impromptu exit poll. Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

Continued here:
What’s the Biggest Unanswered Question Raised By Ridley Scott’s Prometheus?

Anna Faris and Some Other Bitches at the What’s Your Number Premiere Premiere of the Day

Here’s Ana Faris and her tits….that I can only assume are implants, or maybe just in an intense push up bra, because the engineers at the billion dollar lingerie companies have the ability of pushing titty to their full potential, making the average man assume we’re dealing with a porn slut, only to drag them home after slipping something in their drink, cuz that’s the only way guys like you get laid, and I’m trying to make this post relatable, pretty angry when they realize they’ve been lied to…. See, I really have no idea who Ana Faris is, but I’ve done posts on her in the past and she’s hot enough to notice…just not hot enough to remember… Who the fuck is this scary Eliza Coupel…I want those eyes staring back as me as I fuck her mouth… Karyn Bosnak cuz She’s Showing Some Bra….and Fat or Not…It is Still a Bra…and sometimes that’s enough….

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Anna Faris and Some Other Bitches at the What’s Your Number Premiere Premiere of the Day

Gulf oil spill: BP OK’s testing Kevin Costner’s ‘Ocean Therapy’ invention to clean oil from sea

British Petroleum – desperate for ideas – gave the okay to test six of Costner's gizmos Wednesday, after the Army Corps of Engineers gave the machine a thumbs-up. BY Helen Kennedy DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Wednesday, May 19th 2010, 2:25 PM GO READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/05/19/2010-05-19_gulf_oil_spill_bp… ============== I was wondering why we were waiting to hear anything further about this. I am glad to see this moving forward. added by: twohawks

Toyota: Lexus GX 460 Sales Suspended In The U.S.

Toyota has announced that the company will suspend sales of one of its luxury vehicles in the U.S. The move came after a U.S. consumer organization warned the clients not to purchase the Lexus GX 460 four-wheel drive because of fears that it could roll over. Toyota suspended its sale for further examination of the said product. They have to identify and correct the safety issues described. The company has recalled about eight million cars globally because of safety fears over faulty accelerators, floor pedals that stuck in mats, and braking problems. The Lexus GX 460 is labeled as a “Don’t Buy: Safety Risk” because of a problem which had occurred during its standard emergency-handling tests. During the test, they tried to push to its limits on track’s handling course, but the rear of the GX slid out until the vehicle was almost sideways before the electronic stability control system was able to regain control. The GX 460 has been out in the U.S. market for almost three months and about 5,000 vehicles have been sold. Toyota released a statement defending their company that their engineers also conducted similar tests and such allegations were not true. However, they will suspend its sales and recheck the vehicle. Toyota: Lexus GX 460 Sales Suspended In The U.S. is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading