Tag Archives: from-the-truth

Obama campaign spokesman bears false witness


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Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt was caught in a deviation from the truth when asked whether anyone from the White House or the 2012 [Obama] campaign had reached out to Mayor Booker, to make him reel his words. LaBolt answered, “We did not.” When the incredulous reporter immediately gave LaBolt another chance, he doubled down on his prevarication Shortly thereafter, Mayor Booker threw Labolt under… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 23/05/2012 00:51 Number of articles : 2

Obama campaign spokesman bears false witness

Obama campaign spokesman bears false witness


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Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt was caught in a deviation from the truth when asked whether anyone from the White House or the 2012 [Obama] campaign had reached out to Mayor Booker, to make him reel his words. LaBolt answered, “We did not.” When the incredulous reporter immediately gave LaBolt another chance, he doubled down on his prevarication Shortly thereafter, Mayor Booker threw Labolt under… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 23/05/2012 00:51 Number of articles : 2

Obama campaign spokesman bears false witness

For The Ladies: The Questions He Hopes You Never Ask

Women are naturally better communicators than men and therefore tend to ask more emotional questions. But, have you ever realized how angry a man can get after playing 21 questions? When it comes to relationships, most women want to know everything that a man is thinking and his secrets are considered little enemies capable of ruining their relationship. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, it’s absolutely necessary for each partner to have his or her own personal world, thoughts, feelings and boundaries that belong to him or her and no one else. So what are you supposed to do to still be involved in your man’s life, but not pry and end up scaring him away? The first step would be to avoid, or be cautious asking him these 7 questions… Continue reading at MadameNoire.com

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For The Ladies: The Questions He Hopes You Never Ask

Justin Timberlake Discusses Mind-Bending, Otherworldly In Time Role

Justin Timberlake makes his first turn as an action star In Time , out Friday. Now a bona fide A-list actor, the 30-year-old plans a futuristic James Bond of sorts. “I got to live out a lot of boyhood fantasies in this movie shooting guns and getting to learn how to stunt drive,” Timberlake told our partner site, Movie Fanatic. In Time follows Timberlake’s character in a world where money has been replaced by time. What would he personally do if he only had 24 hours to live? Moreover, what age would he not want to revisit, and what causes does he help advance when he’s not singing, acting and being the coolest guy alive? His answers are both fun and enlightening. Check out the In Time trailer below and follow the link for Movie Fanatic’s interview with Justin Timberlake … In Time Trailer

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Justin Timberlake Discusses Mind-Bending, Otherworldly In Time Role

Dina Manzo Defends Teresa Giudice, Tells The Truth!

On part two of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion special , Caroline Manzo went off on Teresa Giudice for a number of reasons. Among them: Caroline blames her castmate for the disintegrated relationship she has with her sister, Dina. How does Dina feel about this publicized mess? In a new blog entry titled blog post labeled “The Truth!,” this former Real Housewife writes that she wants to “put all this to rest,” and starts by addressing critics: “Just so you know I’ve been offered a SERIOUS amount of money to sell this to many outlets BUT I chose to do it for free here. So all of you who have something to say can shove it.” Alright then. Glad that’s cleared up. But what about Dina’s take on Teresa’s recent behavior, which includes a diss of Caroline in her latest cookbook? “Was it necessary for her to write that stuff in her book? Probably not, but I don’t think it was written with malice either,” Dina said. “So there you have it, Teresa had nothing to do with me staying away from everyone, I even stayed away from her too.” So why did Dina stay away from cast members? “I really wanted to walk away from all of the toxic behavior,” she writes. “I was not into ganging up on anyone… I guess some of the Housewives may have taken that as I think I’m better than them… that couldn’t be further from the truth.” Finally, in relation to her feud with Caroline, Dina is vague: “Feelings did get hurt. I won’t get into them because I have no desire to rehash the past that can only hurt my parents whom I adore… There is no side here, this is a private matter…” Then, of course, Dina closed by plugging Dina’s Party on HGTV.

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Dina Manzo Defends Teresa Giudice, Tells The Truth!

Bedtime Rituals That Build Memories

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Putting children down for bed allows you to build bedtime rituals that will last a lifetime. Last year I was blessed enough to roll out a ritual that allowed my god-daughter to settle down into bed pleasantly. Of course there, is a school of though that says that when the child is tired he or she will go to bed. That is far from the truth. You can’t depend on kids, then, to let you know when they’re tired. Instead, it’s up to parents to know how much sleep their kids need. 3 Stress-Less Tips For Working Moms Here are some averages, which include daytime and nighttime sleep: 0-1 year: 13-16 hours 2-4 years: 11-13.5 hours 5-9 years: 10-11 hours 10-14 years: 9-10 hours 15-18 years: 8-9 hours Studies have shown that with consistent sleep and wake times, the body will eventually start to feel sleepy at the same time every night. This is good news for parents. Build a consistent bedtime into your schedule, and ease kids into it with a regular routine that might include some or all of the following: Lowering the lights and turning off all electronics 30-60 minutes before bed. A light snack that includes both protein and carbs. A warm bath, if it’s required. Potty, jammies, and teeth brushing. Cuddle time, especially with your favorite books. Soft music. Of course, older kids and teens are going to be far more independent, but most sleep experts recommend that you stick to the no electronics rule at bedtime. Besides, evening is a great time of day to hang out as a family. 7 Tips To Get Along With Your Mother-In-Law

Bedtime Rituals That Build Memories

Lisa Wu-Hartwell and Ed Hartwell break up

“Sadly. We are separated but would NEVER be over money. That is so far from the truth. Wish people could respect people#39;s privacy during times like these.” It#39;s all over for Lisa Wu-Hartwell and her husband of six years, Ed Hartwell. The former Real Housewife of Atlanta announced – via Twitter, of course – over the weekend that the couple was taking a break from each other, but she wanted to make one thing very clear: it ain#39;t about the Benjamins. Typically, we#39;d make fun of a re

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Lisa Wu-Hartwell and Ed Hartwell break up

Swedish House Mafia Tease Batch Of New Singles

Steve Angello tells MTV News that the famed Swedish trio just want to take a creative approach to dropping new material. By Akshay Bhansali Steve Angello Photo: Getty Images After impressive remixes of Swedish House Mafia ‘s last single, “Save the World,” by dance music acts like AN21 and Max Vangeli, Alesso, and Zedd, whose fiery mix MTV News premiered exclusively last month, the house music production trio of Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell and Steve Angello have so far teased only two new originals this summer. And really, only one of these new gems has been well-documented, starting with Axwell spinning the dark track at Club Papaya in Croatia in July. Sure, the in-demand collective has been busy touring, but save for Sebastian Ingrosso and Alesso debuting their new single “Calling” on Friday (August 12) on the BBC’s “Essential Mix” with Pete Tong, it would seem the three Swedes have devoted their summer to performing rather than hitting the studio. When MTV News caught up with Steve Angello recently, though, he told us nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Angello revealed, SHM have more than 15 songs ready to go, but the group is toying with how to release their new material. “This is the thing … we have a lot of records,” Angello confessed. “We have singles; we have all the material to make an album. But it’s like, do we want to stick with the traditional album ways or do we want to do something different? And I think, as Swedish House Mafia works, I think we do something different.” As for the aforementioned “dark” single Axwell played earlier at a live show, Angello couldn’t confirm whether it would be the trio’s next release. “It’s one of them. … It’s another record,” Angello said. “It’s pretty f—ed up, but it’s good energy!” In addition to working on their own material, fans of the three Swedes will be tickled to hear that they’ve also been producing records for two major pop stars. But, of course, they aren’t ready to reveal just who yet. “A lot of people came through this year,” Angello said. “After the success of, ‘One,’ and ‘Miami 2 Ibiza,’ we got hundreds of requests to work with people. We chose very few to work with. We’ve done some work with a very, very big artist. We’re producing [some of] another artist’s album. It’s been an amazing trip for us. I can’t tell anybody’s name yet.” While we couldn’t get names, MTV News did get another major piece of SHM scoop: Angello is also well into work on a solo album being put out through Interscope via his Size Records label. “I do have an album,” Angello revealed. “The last bit is the hard part because you have to decide what you want to do and choose what direction you want to take. I’ve finished 70 percent. I got a couple singles. I just haven’t picked ‘the one.’ ” Related Artists Swedish House Mafia Steve Angello

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Swedish House Mafia Tease Batch Of New Singles

Katy Perry Tour Was ‘An Easy Decision,’ Robyn Says

Swedish pop star downplays reports of friction between her and tourmate Perry, backstage at Bonnaroo. By James Montgomery Robyn Photo: MTV News Earlier this year, after Katy Perry announced Robyn as an opening act on her California Dreams Tour , the Swedish pop sensation was asked in several interviews (including our own ) about her thoughts on Perry’s music … and, as it turns out, she didn’t have any. Of course, that non -answer began to make the rounds, and before long, folks began to interpret Robyn’s silence on the subject to mean she didn’t like Perry’s music, which would’ve made opening for her slightly awkward, to say the very least. But as Robyn told MTV News at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival over the weekend, nothing could be further from the truth. Except for the part where she said she didn’t have an opinion on Perry’s music. Because, at the time, she didn’t. “I think that girls are always expected to have opinions about each other, and maybe I don’t have an opinion about some things, you know? That doesn’t mean I have a bad opinion or a good opinion, it’s just that, at that point, I never met her,” Robyn said. “I didn’t know much about her album that was out, and it was hard for me to have an opinion, and that’s all. There’s some songs that she’s made that I think [are] amazing: the pre-chorus in ‘Teenage Dream,’ I wish I had wrote that. So, it’s all good.” And Robyn was quick to point out that, while folks were practically falling over themselves to ask her for her take on Katy Perry, rarely, if ever, has she been asked for her opinions on artists of the opposite sex. While she stopped short of connecting the dots, you can pretty much infer any and all social ramifications that fact may contain. “I think it goes especially for girls. We’re always expected to have thoughts about what the other person is doing, and I think that’s silly,” she said. “You very rarely get asked about another guy as a male artist.” And so, having put the supposed drama to bed, Robyn is ready to admit that she’s having an absolute blast on the California Dreams Tour … and she couldn’t be happier to be sharing the stage with Perry. “For me, bigger’s not always better, I want to do things where I feel like my integrity of what I do onstage is not compromised, and I knew she was a fan and she wanted me to go on and just do my thing, and that’s why I did it,” she said. “It was an easy decision. If I get to do my thing, there’s no place I won’t do it. It’s great to be on that stage and her audience is amazing.” Do Robyn and Katy make good tourmates? Tell us in the comments! Related Artists Robyn Katy Perry

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Katy Perry Tour Was ‘An Easy Decision,’ Robyn Says

Minute Meditation: Prayer for Safety

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In light of all the craziness that is happening in our world with natural diasters and war, let us place all our worries and cares before the One we know cares.Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He is well able to protect you, your family and all who take a stand on His Word. The following is a prayer based on Scripture. We always seem to rush about thinking that we must handle everything in our lives ourselves by ourselves. That is far from the truth. We should never feel ashamed to lay before our stronger Power our concerns for safety and protection.  You can pray this over your children as they leave your homes for the day. It will give you a chance to have a few scared minutes with them. The light of God surrounds you, The love of God enfolds you, The power of God protects you, And the presence of God watches over you; Wherever you are, God is. Put yourself and God in remembrance of His Word and know that the only “safe” place there will ever be is under His protection. There is nothing that you can’t bare if you lay it there. Related Stories: What Does It Takes For Moms To Make A Living From Home? Work It Out Wednesday: 8 Ways To Find Joy Minute Meditation: Prayer for Parents

Minute Meditation: Prayer for Safety