Last month, a new Michael Jackson documentary entitled Leaving Neverland premiered at Sundance. The film captivated festival attendees, but it’s no lighthearted celebration of the King of Pop’s musical achievements. Instead, Neverland focuses on the many sexual assault allegations against Jackson. The film is set to air for a much larger audience on HBO in March, but those who have seen it already say it’s an appalling piece that brings to light new allegations, offers compelling evidence with regard to older claims, and leaves little doubt as to Jackson’s guilt. And while Jackson has yet to be re-tried in the court of public opinion, it seems the fallout has already begun for the disgraced music legend. It was announced today that a stage musical focusing on Jackson’s life and music has been postponed indefinitely. The show was scheduled to begin a run in Chicago next month before heading to Broadway. According to Radar Online, producers have told cast members and investors that they’re currently “waiting to see what happens” with regard to Jackson’s public image. However, insiders are already prepared for the possibility that the “entire thing could be scrapped.” Interestingly, Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough was initially set to compete with a different Jackson musical, scheduled to make its Broadway debut in 2020. That show was intended to have a much darker tone, addressing some of the many controversies that plagued Jackson’s life, up to and including the drug dependency that resulted in his death at age 50. However, Jackson’s family intervened and threatened to sue if those elements were not removed from the production. “The sexual abuse allegations, the plastic surgery story and even Michael’s addiction to drugs have all been cut out of the stage show,” a source tells Radar. The family attempted a similar strongarm approach to the makers of Leaving Neverland , but were rebuffed. The Jacksons have likened the film to a ” public lynching ,” but their attempts at halting its release have thus far been in vain. Sources say Michael’s mother and siblings are currently fighting to prevent the HBO release, but the odds are against him. It looks as though the horrific allegations against Jackson will soon once again be a matter of widespread public consternation and heated debate. View Slideshow: Michael Jackson Accused of Grotesque Child Abuse in New Documentary
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Michael Jackson Musical CANCELED Amidst New Molestation Allegations!