Tag Archives: more-at-link

Humans might have faced extinction 1 million years ago

“New genetic findings suggest that early humans living about one million years ago were extremely close to extinction.

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Humans might have faced extinction 1 million years ago

Strong Leonid meteor shower peaks early Tuesday morning

One of the best annual meteor showers will peak in the pre-dawn hours Tuesday, and for some skywatchers the show could be quite impressive. The best seats are in Asia, but North American observers should be treated to an above average performance of the Leonid meteor shower, weather permitting.

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Strong Leonid meteor shower peaks early Tuesday morning

Can scientists make a space elevator?

http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/11/05/space.elevator/ “The question Artsutanov asked himself had the childlike brilliance of true genius. A merely clever man could never have thought of it — or would have dismissed it instantly as absurd

See the original post here:
Can scientists make a space elevator?

Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

http://www.viewzone.com/adamscalendar.html They have always been there. People noticed them before

See more here:
Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

Greenspan: ‘If they’re too big to fail, they’re too big’

U.S. regulators should consider breaking up large financial institutions considered “too big to fail,” former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said

Original post:
Greenspan: ‘If they’re too big to fail, they’re too big’

Sen. Graham: ‘We need to use the coal that God has given us’

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has announced that he is willing to support some form of climate change legislation, but only if the current Kerry-Boxer bill is overhauled to look a lot more like a traditional Republican program of energy independence. “There will be no climate change bill with my vote unless you have offshore oil drilling,” Graham told Fox News on Thursday. “I won't vote for any climate change bill that doesn't allow a dramatic increase in nuclear power.

See the original post:
Sen. Graham: ‘We need to use the coal that God has given us’

How charities harness social media for a social impact

“Mr. Harrison is the founder of Charity: Water, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing clean water to impoverished villages in Africa

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How charities harness social media for a social impact

Sewage breeds bigger, faster mosquitoes

“A new study, presented at the meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Albuquerque, found far more mosquitoes in sewage-contaminated streams than in clean ones. Sewage-bred mosquitoes were also bigger and faster than those in purer waters. Mosquitoes carry West Nile virus and other dangerous diseases.

See the article here:
Sewage breeds bigger, faster mosquitoes

Florida town fires manager due to being married to porn star

Marry a porn actress, get fired. Get elected to a public office and cheat on your wife, keep your job! Maybe if this guy can get into a Republican Senatorial or Governor position, he can cheat on the porn star with a good Christian woman. Then, we have true leadership material.

Go here to see the original:
Florida town fires manager due to being married to porn star

Chinese experts grow live mice from skin cells

While most inventors are trying to invent the new mousetrap, the Chinese have come up with a way to clone mice from mere skin cells! So, now we can attain immortality if we save our cells and pass them to our ascendants for their consideration of reanimating papa. here's the story: Chinese researchers have managed to create powerful stem cells from mouse skin and used these to generate fertile live mouse pups

Chinese experts grow live mice from skin cells