Tag Archives: noomi-rapace

Passion Trailer: Rachel McAdams And Noomi Rapace Get Down And Get Weird In SCTV-esque Clip

Watching the trailer for Brian De Palma’s upcoming film Passion ,  I get the feeling that he could be a fan of SCTV ‘s classic Whispers of the Wolf   Ingmar Bergman parody.  Yes, I know that De Palma’s erotic thriller is based on the late Alain Corneau’s final film Love Crime (2010 ), about two international business women locked in a power struggle —  but there’s something about Noomi Rapace’s vacant stare in the first scenes of the trailer that reminds me of the great Andrea Martin’s performance in the SCTV  comedy gem. (You can see both videos after the jump.)  And Rapace’s co-star Rachel McAdams strikes me as a more vulpine version of the also-great Catherine O’Hara. I couldn’t help but notice that both clips feature masks, by the way, although based on the contents of the sex drawer that gets opened in the Passion trailer, De Palma’s movie is going to be way kinkier than anything that ever ran on Count Floyd’s Monster Chiller Horror Theater. Here’s the trailer for  Passion , which is going to premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September and screen that same month at the Toronto Film Festival: Watch It on YouTube. Now check out Whispers of the Wolf .  Enjoy! Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter.  Follow Movieline on Twitter. 

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Passion Trailer: Rachel McAdams And Noomi Rapace Get Down And Get Weird In SCTV-esque Clip

So There’s a Videodrome Remake In The Works [PIC]

Most Hollywood re-makes are subject to ire from passionate fans of the original(s), so get ready for that weird guy in your video editing class to be really super angry as Universal announces that they are re-making Videodrome (1983), David Cronenberg’ s grotesque exploration of televisual voyeurism. And while there’s plenty of opportunity to mess this up (Guys, just PLEASE don’t make it about a website instead of a TV channel. That movie already exists– it’s called Suicide Club ), we have some reason to be optimistic. The film will be the feature debut of director Adam Berg , who has been entrusted with the film after a series of high-profile commercial gigs like this one that are, we have to say, pretty damn cool. Ugh, wait, never mind. Deadline.com says that Universal plans to ” Modernize the concept, infusing it with the possibilities of nano-technology and blow it up into a large-scale sci-fi action thriller .” So like Total Recall (2012) but with more S&M. Speaking of, who will play the seductive superfreak so memorably portrayed by Deborah Harry in the original? We think that Noomi Rapace would look pretty good putting out cigarettes on her chest…or maybe that was just a dream we had when we fell asleep watching The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo ( 2009). Long live the nude flesh! See Deborah Harry in all her kinky glory in Videodrome (1983) right here at MrSkin.com!

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So There’s a Videodrome Remake In The Works [PIC]

Top 5 Doggy Style Sex Scenes

The dog days of summer are here, and it’s the perfect time to throw yourself a bone with Mr. Skin’s Top 5 Doggy Style Sex Scenes. You’ll be begging for more as Noomi Rapace , Michelle Williams , Heather Graham , Marisa Tomei , and Halle Berry get taken to the pound in scenes of animal passion. Who says you can’t teach an old dog nude tricks?

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Top 5 Doggy Style Sex Scenes

WATCH: Moonrise Kingdom Animated Short Brings Suzy’s Children’s Books to Life

Wes Anderson ‘s nostalgic kid romance Moonrise Kingdom is on its way to wide release later this month (June 29), when even more folks will have the chance to fall in love with the tale of New England youngsters Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy (Kara Hayward). As a special treat, Focus Features has released an utterly charming supplemental short — introduced by Bob Balaban as the island of New Penzance’s narrator/cartographer and, as it turns out, local librarian — in which the six young adult fantasy books glimpsed in the film come to life via Hayward’s narration and some magical animation. In Moonrise , star-crossed tween lovers Sam and Suzy pact to run away together, sending the entire island into a tizzy. The soulmates’ plan for escape is as practical as it is impractical; they’ve packed camping gear and kitten food, but Suzy’s suitcase is filled with library books. And what books! Shelly and the Secret Universe , The Francine Odysseys , The Girl from Jupiter , Disappearance of the 6th Grade , The Light of Seven Matchsticks , The Return of Auntie Lorraine … Anderson commissioned different artists to design each novel, a small but potent detail that goes a long way in capturing that elusive sense of childhood wonderment, at least for this childhood sci-fi/fantasy book nerd.

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WATCH: Moonrise Kingdom Animated Short Brings Suzy’s Children’s Books to Life

Damon Lindelof on Prometheus’s Ending and a Handy, Spoilery Alien Infographic

The Prometheus post-mortem continues (really, the fact that it’s still provoking discourse says something… right?) with screenwriter Damon Lindelof talking end-of-movie spoilers with TIME Magazine. Namely, what does it mean that you-know-who does you-know-what with the whatsit at the end? Kidding! Dive in to hear the LOST veteran address the certain future of our heroes, plus: An infographic that breaks down Prometheus ‘s DNA in one handy chart. Spoilers throughout! First up, TIME talks with Lindelof about the smoke monster. I mean the android, David (Michael Fassbender), who pulls some seriously heinous moves in Prometheus at the behest of one master, only to seemingly switch allegiances at the end. Can Shaw (Noomi Rapace) trust David’s head to direct her where she wants to go, i.e. the space beyond space, from whence the Engineers of doom hail? Lindelof says yes, because David has a robot crush on her . I think they’re going where she wants to go. His fundamental programming has been scrapped. Weyland [the man who built and programmed him] is dead and so now his programming is coming from God knows where. Is he being programmed by Elizabeth, or is it his own internal curiosity now that Weyland isn’t telling him what to do any more? He’s always been interested in Elizabeth, remember that: He’s watching her dreams when she’s sleeping in much the same way that he watches Lawrence of Arabia . He’s a strange robot that has a curious crush on a human being , and when Weyland is eliminated, I think he is genuinely interested in what she’s interested in. He reaches out partly for survival, but partly out of curiosity, and I think he’s sincere that he’ll take her wherever she wants to go. Right. Well, interspecies relations have taken stranger routes in the Alien universe. Speaking of which, artist Carlos Poon whipped up a handy infographic (via the folks at Dangerous Minds ) to help your brain keep track of the origins of species in Prometheus . Alright gang, mysteries solved! Right? RIIIIGHT?? [ TIME , Dangerous Minds ]

Damon Lindelof on Prometheus’s Ending and a Handy, Spoilery Alien Infographic

Ridley Scott Teases Prometheus Deleted Scenes, 20-Minute Longer Extended Cut

Whether you loved Prometheus or were left frustrated by it, everyone who’s seen Ridley Scott ‘s sci-fi pic can agree it leaves you with a plethora of unanswered questions . So maybe it’s good news that Scott has revealed the eventual DVD/Blu-ray release will feature deleted scenes and a 20 minute-longer extended cut of the film — even if Scott is perfectly happy stymieing audiences with his theatrical cut. Scott’s chat with Collider sheds light not only on what the Prometheus home video release might contain, but on Scott’s attitude toward bonus materials and post-theatrical cuts and the film nerds who love to pore over every second of supplemental materials. “[The theatrical cut] is fundamentally the director’s cut. But there will be half an hour of stuff on the menu because people are so into films — how they’re made, how they’re set up, and the rejections in it. That’s why it’s fascinating. So this will all go on to the menu.” Riiight . So Fox wants to issue a bonus-packed Prometheus extended cut DVD/Blu-ray package. Who’s Scott to get in the way? He’s a business, man! (Ka-ching!) It sounds like Prometheus ‘s theatrical cut is Scott’s ideal director’s cut, but he promises a half hour of bonus material for fans who want to go deep into detail: “I’m so happy with this engine, the way it is right now. I think it’s fine. I think it works. It can go in a section where, if you really want to tap in, look at the [DVD] menu. To see how things are long, and it’s too long.” And my favorite part of the chat (emphasis mine): ” Dramatically, I’m about putting bums on seats. For me to separate my idea of commerce from art — I’d be a fool. You can’t do that. I wouldn’t be allowed to do the films I do. So I’m very user friendly as far as the studios are concerned. To a certain extent, I’m a businessman. I’m aware that’s what I have to do. It’s my job. To say, ‘Screw the audience.’ You can’t do that. ‘Am I communicating?’ is the question. Am I communicating? Because if I’m not, I need to address it.” Along the lines of those scenes that viewers might agree are “too long,” Scott describes a scene that wound up on the cutting room floor, seemingly for good reason: [ SPOILERS ] [In the deleted scene described by Scott, Noomi Rapace’s Shaw fights with the remaining Engineer in a hand-to-hand fight.] “The problem about it is, while she gives as good as she gets with an axe… he’s so big, for him to be clouted with a conventional weapon somehow diminished him. It’s subtle. It’s drama. I didn’t want to diminish him by having this person who has a weapon to be able to back him off. It minimized him.” [ END SPOILERS ] Hmm, let’s see now. “Am I communicating?” Scott claims he asks himself. Well… that’s debatable. (See Movieline’s discussion of the still-unanswered questions and dumb script moves in Prometheus .) As for future Prometheus alternate/extended versions, I guarantee folks on both side of the Prometheus fence will clamor for a gander. The question is, will we get any real answers? [via Collider ] Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

Ridley Scott Teases Prometheus Deleted Scenes, 20-Minute Longer Extended Cut

Movie Nudity Report: Bel Ami, The Loved Ones [PICS]

Everybody’s lining up to see Prometheus this weekend (and we’ve got stars Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace nude here at MrSkin.com), but if sci-fi space adventures aren’t your thing, how about some out-of-this world nudity on the big screen? We’ve got two nude movies in limited release this weekend- Bel Ami and The Loved Ones – and you can get the details after the jump!

Movie Nudity Report: Bel Ami, The Loved Ones [PICS]

New Prometheus Clips: Get a Head Start on June 8

I’m not watching these four new clips (and a bonus featurette) from Prometheus , which I can watch in its entirety when it opens in nine days. You are on your own. But while I presume we can probably piece together roughly 64 percent of the film from these and other previously released clips , commercials , teasers and trailers , can anyone really blame Fox for emulating Marvel’s Avengers strategy of keeping the glimpses coming all the way to opening day — especially as positive but not gushing reviews trickle out for their R-rated tentpole ? If the buzz fits, wear it. Except for that whole Coors Light thing . That was just… no . [via ENTV ]

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New Prometheus Clips: Get a Head Start on June 8

Prometheus Promo: Up Close with Logan Marshall-Green’s Hot Scientist, Holloway

Of the stellar actors assembled for Ridley Scott ‘s Prometheus , Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, and Fassy alone are worth the price of admission. But the lesser known cast member that I’m most looking forward to watching navigate Prometheus ‘s space terrors is one Logan Marshall-Green , whom I previously declared the American Tom Hardy on account of his doppelganger status, and whom you may also recall from such prior milestones as being the hot (but totes bad news) Trey on The O.C. Well, finally Marshall-Green (who also starred on TNT’s Dark Blue and popped up in Brooklyn’s Finest and Devil ) gets his own close-up in the ongoing spoiler-tease that is the Prometheus PR campaign trail. He plays the plum role of Holloway, the scientist lover to Rapace’s Elizabeth. And, judging from this not terribly-spoilery behind the scenes video, he sees whatever it is the crew is doing out there as some form of extreme sports. And juuuuust because I can’t help myself, let’s take a trip down memory lane to the Trey-centric climax of The O.C. , Season 2 (AKA the scene that inspired an SNL -Shia LaBeouf classic): [via ShockTilYouDrop ]

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Prometheus Promo: Up Close with Logan Marshall-Green’s Hot Scientist, Holloway

Prometheus Spoilers: The Latest TV Spot Has Them, And How

Technically the plot of Prometheus is still fairly unknown from the trailers and clips Fox has unleashed, at least insofar as what it is that befalls the intrepid space crew that ventures into unknown horrors in Ridley Scott’s June sci-fi action thriller. But the latest TV spot seems to reveal an awful lot of said horrors — flashes of frights and things and scenes that seem to give good reason for that R rating — so watch at your own risk, because these 30 seconds are at once both awesome and a tad too revealing. Spoilers ahead! Behold, the squirmy delights ahead of us all in the June 8 release. All those times Ridley Scott waved away Alien connections as relatively loose associations seem moot after seeing space snakes crawl up into someone’s head and glimpsing whatever it is that’s going on in Noomi Rapace ‘s belly. “Get it out of me!” is the new “Cut it out!” of Prometheus promo catchphrases. And can we just talk about that hulking space man for a second? I have no idea what is actually going on here, but I’m getting flashes of Sunshine , if you know what I mean. Taking all speculations in the comments below. [via i09 ]

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Prometheus Spoilers: The Latest TV Spot Has Them, And How