Tag Archives: revolving door

Erika D Tries To Expose Yandy Again–& Mendeecees Shuts Her Down With THIS

Here we go again… Erika D Blasts Yandy & Mendeecees Sends Her A Message Remember when we told you that Mendeecees’ baby mamas are continuing to go in on his “wife” Yandy ? Well even after Mendeecees snapped at them from behind bars for their “disgusting behavior” , they’re STILL blasting the mother of two of his kids. On Monday Erika D took to Instagram to expose Yandy’s super messy home and accused her of acting out for the cameras. “This is what happens when a miserable, desperate, pathological liar who lives in a dirty Bronx apartment with a revolving door for every man in the tristate to c*m in and out of gets jealous because her “husband” moves his clothes & belongings out of her apartment and back into his because cameras are turning off. […] You do it for the cameras.” Mind you this is after Yandy was seen on LHHNY changing the locks to Erika’s apartment that’s in Mendeecees’ name. LORD. All the while Erika was blasting Yandy, Mendeecees was sullying her name from behind bars and denying ever dating her. Hit the flip.

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Erika D Tries To Expose Yandy Again–& Mendeecees Shuts Her Down With THIS

Could Evelyn Lozada Be Making Her Return To ‘Basketball Wives?’

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Reality TV is arguably a revolving door for cast members and few reality stars can say that they have been with a show since the very first episode. One of the most successful reality show franchises is VH1’s hit series Basketball Wives, which premiered in 2010 and has run for five seasons while also producing […]

Could Evelyn Lozada Be Making Her Return To ‘Basketball Wives?’

NeNe Leakes: Not Leaving Real Housewives of Atlanta???

The Real Housewives franchise has a revolving door of ladies.  They come and go just like their husbands’ mistresses. Ahem. But when The Real Housewives of Atlanta’s NeNe Leakes announced she is quitting the show, sh*t got real. NeNe is the main star of RHOA—and the pillar of the show’s drama.  Without her, there is no show. Bravo is scrambling to get NeNe back.  And their efforts might be working!! Reports are coming in that NeNe might not be leaving RHOA after all. Producers have asked Queen Bee NeNe to come back to the show in a reduced role.  And according to TMZ, she might agree!! Sources say that NeNe is acting like she is off the show for good.  But Bravo producers are still working to have her make cameo appearances throughout the upcoming season. Initially, NeNe and Bravo couldn’t come to terms over her salary.  So NeNe pulled the plug. RHOA made NeNe famous, but she has other gigs going on.  Currently, she is committed to a primetime network sitcom. NeNe is rich b*tch, and she wants to stay that way.  She said the only way she would juggle her new sitcom and RHOA is if Bravo upped the ante. Reports claimed that NeNe got a HUGE raise  in an effort to keep her on the show.  Apparently, it wasn’t enough to please the reality star. But she is willing to be a part-time housewife if the money is right. TMZ claims negotiations will begin soon. View Slideshow: 15 Fabulous NeNe Leakes Quotes

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NeNe Leakes: Not Leaving Real Housewives of Atlanta???

CyanogenMod 7 Alpha Reaches the HP TouchPad


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For those seeing the marriage of the TouchPad and Android as a match made in heaven, the moment has arrived…sort of. The CyanogenMod team has released an alpha build of their Android ROM for the HP slate. That’s the good news. The bad news? The CM7 build will have little use to any but the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 13/10/2011 07:27 Number of articles : 2

CyanogenMod 7 Alpha Reaches the HP TouchPad

Joe Scarborough: GOP Frontrunners ‘Have About As Much Longevity As The Number Three In Al-Qaeda’


Continued here:

Have you noticed that there seems to be a revolving door at the top of the GOP presidential polls? First it was Michele Bachmann , replaced shortly by Rick Perry , only to be supplanted by Herman Cain and/or Mitt Romney (depending on the poll you are reading.) You know who else has noticed this? Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough who repeated his “flavor of the month” mantra in an entertaining exhibition… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mediaite Discovery Date : 13/10/2011 14:46 Number of articles : 2

Joe Scarborough: GOP Frontrunners ‘Have About As Much Longevity As The Number Three In Al-Qaeda’

Only CBS Reports on Salary Gap Between Public and Private Employees

While ABC and NBC ignored a Monday USA Today report that found a significant gap in compensation between public and private sector employees, on Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Sharyl Attkisson provided a full story: “While many Americans have suffered pay cuts or job losses, one group is bucking the trend – federal workers.” Attkisson described how the “analysis finds that federal employees have gotten bigger pay and benefit increases than private employees for nine years straight.” She cited numbers from the report: “Federal salaries have grown 33% faster than inflation. Their pay and benefits average $123,000, up 37% since 2000. Private workers average $61,000, up just 8.8% over the same time.” In addition, Attkisson included a sound bite from Cato Institute budget analyst Tad Dehaven: “So you have Wall Street, you have big oil, and now you have federal civilians.” She went to note: “And the bonuses are flowing. CBS News has learned your tax dollars funded $95.8 million in airport security TSA bonuses last year. A $35,000 bonus to the head of the agency.” In concluding her report, Attkisson gave the public sector perspective: “Defenders of federal salaries say they reflect the higher skills and education often required for their jobs and many are paid more because they’ve stuck with their jobs so long.” She added: “President Obama has ordered a freeze on bonuses for 3,000 political appointees and is asking for the smallest pay hike in more than a decade for 2 million other federal workers, 1.4%.” Given that the poor economy, government spending, and the deficit are key issues in the midterm elections, it’s interesting that neither ABC or NBC deemed a story about overpaid government workers to be worthy of coverage. Here is a full transcript of Attkisson’s August 10 report: 6:39PM ET KATIE COURIC: For those fortunate enough to have a job in this tough economy, there’s a growing gap in salary between government employees and those who work in the private sector. More on that now from Sharyl Attkisson. SHARYL ATTKISSON: While many Americans have suffered pay cuts or job losses, one group is bucking the trend – federal workers. A USA Today analysis finds that federal employees have gotten bigger pay and benefit increases than private employees for nine years straight. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It made me think, man, I should be a federal employee. ATTKISSON: Federal salaries have grown 33% faster than inflation. Their pay and benefits average $123,000, up 37% since 2000. Private workers average $61,000, up just 8.8% over the same time. TAD DEHAVEN [BUDGET ANALYST, CATO INSTITUTE]: So you have Wall Street, you have big oil, and now you have federal civilians. ATTKISSON: And the bonuses are flowing. CBS News has learned your tax dollars funded $95.8 million in airport security TSA bonuses last year. A $35,000 bonus to the head of the agency. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They’re really overpaid. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right now everything should be – should be a freeze across the board until we really get the economy back up and running. ATTKISSON: Federal employees see things differently. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I definitely don’t think I’m being paid too much. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think I’m paid a fair wage, definitely. ATTKISSON: Defenders of federal salaries say they reflect the higher skills and education often required for their jobs and many are paid more because they’ve stuck with their jobs so long. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I’ve been working for the government 21 years. ATTKISSON: President Obama has ordered a freeze on bonuses for 3,000 political appointees and is asking for the smallest pay hike in more than a decade for 2 million other federal workers, 1.4%. Katie? COURIC: Sharyl Attkisson. Sharyl, thank you very much.

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Only CBS Reports on Salary Gap Between Public and Private Employees

AP White House Reporter Loven Jumps to Liberal Democratic Political PR/Lobbying Shop

Jennifer Loven, an 18-year AP veteran and the wire service’s chief White House correspondent, has decided to put her communications talents to work for The Glover Park Group , a “strategic communications firm” founded in 2001 by a bunch of Clinton and Gore staffers, most prominently Joe Lockhart, who found themselves unemployed after the 2000 election. She’ll be “Managing Director in its Public Affairs practice,” a Thursday press release from the Glover Park Group, plugged by Politico’s Mike Allen , announced. She’s the second President in a row of the White House Correspondents’ Association to leave journalism for a left-wing, or at least left-leaning, lobbying outfit. In June, Bloomberg’s White House reporter, Ed Chen, formerly of the Los Angeles Times, jumped to the Natural Resources Defense Council as Federal Communications Director. (My complete Obama-journalism revolving door list .) Loven held the WHCA position for 2008-2009 and was succeeded by Chen. Amongst the clients touted on the Glover Park Group’s Web site: American Civil Liberties Union, Alliance for Climate Protection, Campaign for Women’s Lives, Better World Campaign and the Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty. They also list some corporate clients, but no conservative activist groups. The firm’s leaders include a who’s who of ex-Clinton and Gore operatives, such as “Founding Partner and Managing Director” Joe Lockhart , “the former chief spokesman and senior adviser to President Bill Clinton from 1998-2000” who “served as Senior Advisor to Sen. John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid.” Earlier, he toiled as “Deputy Press Secretary for the 1988 Dukakis-Bentsen campaign, and Assistant Press Secretary for the 1984 Mondale-Ferraro campaign.” In between all that, he put in stints as “Assignment Editor at ABC News and Deputy Assignment Manager for CNN in Washington.” Another “Founding Partner and Managing Director,” Carter Eskew , “was Chief Strategist for the Gore 2000 presidential campaign, leading the message and creative team that helped Vice President Gore win every primary and caucus, secure the nomination, then make up a 20 point deficit in the polls to a victory in the popular vote.” Susan Brophy , “Managing Director,” from 1993-1998 was “Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, where she developed, implemented and directed legislative strategy with the White House, administration and Congress in support of President Clinton’s policy priorities.” Loven’s husband, by the way, is a liberal environmental activist. A 2009 National Review “Media Blog” post provided an excerpt from this bio for him: Roger Ballentine is the President of Green Strategies Inc., where he advises and represents businesses, associations, government agencies and non-profit entities on domestic and international public policy issues and business strategies, focusing on energy, conservation and environmental matters. Roger is also a Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington D.C. where he works to develop cutting edge, third way approaches to public policy challenges in the areas of energy and the environment. He also served as Senior Advisor to the Kerry-Edwards Campaign on energy and environmental matters. Roger previously was a senior member of the White House staff, serving President Bill Clinton as Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force and Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Initiatives. Prior to being named Deputy Assistant to the President, Mr. Ballentine was Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, where he focused on energy and environment issues. … He and his wife, journalist Jennifer Loven, reside in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

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AP White House Reporter Loven Jumps to Liberal Democratic Political PR/Lobbying Shop

Awkward: ABC Skips Report That Bianna Golodryga’s Fiancee Is Leaving the White House

Good Morning America on Tuesday skipped the news that Peter Orszag, Barack Obama’s budget director, is resigning from the White House. Perhaps not coincidentally, Orszag is also the fiancee of GMA’s weekend anchor Bianna Golodryga. CBS’s Early Show and NBC’s Today both covered the subject. Today reporter Savannah Guthrie explained, “It’s a mix of the personal and the political. Most budget directors stay about 18 months. If he had stayed much longer, he’d probably have to get into the next budget cycle and be in for the long haul. He’s also getting married this fall .” The Early Show’s Betty Nguyen pointed out, “Orszag would be the first high profile member of the Obama administration to leave.” GMA has a history of ignoring awkward details for Golodryga. In January, the show skipped the fact that Orszag had a love child with his previous girlfriend (after divorcing his first wife). NBC covered it. On May 17, 2010, Orszag actually appeared on GMA to congratulate his fiancee for being named the new weekend anchor. With former Democratic aide turned host George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America, doesn’t the program have enough conflicts of interest? Brief transcripts from The Early Show and Today can be found below: The Early Show 06/22/10 BETTY NGUYEN: It’s reported that President Obama’s budget director is calling it quits. A Democratic official tells the Associated Press that Peter Orszag is expected to resign in the coming months. Orszag would be the first high profile member of the Obama administration to leave. Today 6/22/10 MORALES: All right. Meantime, Savannah, there’s also some news this morning about the budget director, Peter Orszag? GURTHRIE: That’s right. As long expected, Peter Orszag is actually leaving the administration, probably some time this summer. Why? It’s a mix of the personal and the political. Most budget directors stay about 18 months. If he had stayed much longer, he’d probably have to get into the next budget cycle and be in for the long haul. He’s also getting married this fall. MORALES: All right. Savannah Guthrie with a lot there going on at the White House- thanks so much.

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Awkward: ABC Skips Report That Bianna Golodryga’s Fiancee Is Leaving the White House