Your browser does not support iframes. “ Girls Trip ” was one of the biggest comedies that came out this year. During “Hip-Hop Spot,” Headkrack spoke about Jada Pinkett Smith slamming the Golden Globes . The other day as nominees came out, “Girls Trip,” nor any of the other ladies made the list. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Smith believed that Tiffany Haddish should have been nominated at least and shared why she was upset. Headkack mentioned that the problem with some of these award shows is that most of the Foreign Press doesn’t want to watch the movie and it is unfair for people that deserve the awards. Listen to “ The Rickey Smiley Morning Show ” 6am ET. RELATED: “Girls Trip” Producer Will Packer Talks Possible Sequel RELATED: Tiffany Haddish Steals The Show On GMA [VIDEO] RELATED: Tiffany Haddish Recalls Ex-Husband’s Abuse That Led To Miscarriage The Latest : Will Fired Omarosa Snitch On Trump About Russia Collusion? Stream T.I.’s Artist Yung Booke New Mixtape, ‘Children Of The Corn’ Why K. Michelle Decided To Get Booty Implants [EXCLUSIVE] Why Jada Pinkett Smith Slammed The Golden Globes [EXCLUSIVE] [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”1822955″ overlay=”true”]
Explosive accusations regarding Matt Laue r’s alleged behavior has emerged, detailed in a new report by Variety . In a lengthy expose put together by the publication over the course of a two-month investigation, summarizes the accounts of multiple unnamed sources including the alleged victims, colleagues and “Today Show” producers. RELATED: Matt Lauer Fired From NBC News Over Inappropriate Sexual Misconduct One startling accusation claims that the former “Today Show” host once purchased a sex toy for a female employee, then wrote her a note expressing the way he wanted to use it on her. Another victim recalled an incident where Lauer called her into his office, only to expose his penis and then reprimand her after said refused to engage in a sexual act. Lauer would also reportedly quiz female producers, grilling them on who they slept with, “offering to trade names,” Variety writes. Later would also play obscene games with his colleagues in office, including labeling who he would “fuck, marry, or kill.” The location of Lauer’s office was also positioned in a secluded area in Rockefeller Center and included a button in his desk which would lock the door immediately when pressed. On Wednesday morning “Today” hosts Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb broke the news on-air after NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack sent an internal memo to employees, informing them of the Lauer investigation. An unnamed woman accused Lauer of inappropriate behavior during the 2014 Sochi games in Russia which continued on for several months. The woman is said to have reported her experiences with Lauer during a Monday meeting with human resources. After the meeting and the detailed review into the accusations, Lauer was fired on Tuesday evening. Several people who were interviewed by Variety say that Lauer’s behavior was known among senior executives at NBC, but the weight of his influence prompted inaction. According to the report, executives were most concerned with the advertising pull of the program and were content to keep Lauer satisfied. His alleged victims were discouraged from coming forward due to Lauer’s pull in the media industry, fearing for the future of their careers. Another source said that Lauer was known for being occupied with women and their bodies, and also gained notorious power after Katie Couric ‘s departure from the show in 2006. “There were a lot of consensual relationships, but that’s still a problem because of the power he held,” a former producer told the outlet. “He couldn’t sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within his stable, where he exerted power, and he knew people wouldn’t ever complain.” Many are also calling attention to the irony of Lauer covering the parade of high-profile men and women accused of sexual harassment and assault over the last few months. Read the full report here . SOURCE: Variety DON’T MISS: Wendy Williams Accuses Comedian Of On-Air Sexual Assault Michelle Obama Addresses Recent Sexual Assault Allegations: ‘I Can’t Tell You How Sick It Makes Me’ [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”2969052″ overlay=”true”]
The only letters I understand here are “ Megan Fox ” and “ Esquire ” and honestly? That’s more than good enough for me. I’ll take more of Megan’s hotness comeback however we can get it, even if it means tracking down photoshoots she did for Esquire Russia . I know we’re supposed to hate Russia and everything right now, but it’s hard to stay too mad at them after this. Enjoy.
` Irina Shayk put on a catsuit to celebrate Halloween, because it’s still Halloween in Russia, or at least it is for a hired vagina an actor as commissioned to make him a baby -girl’s gotta be ready to get in catsuits, lingerie, clown suits, whatever the weirdo actor is into on call, everyday of the week…because that’s what being a high paid escort who is giving a dude the girlfriend experience…he could be like – take out the trash dressed like Jay Leno in Crotchess panties while peeing yourself and girl would…like the strategic sex worker she is… Especially now that she hasn’t recovered from her baby weight…she’s gotta work extra hard to keep him roped in, you know so she gets a second kid with hi, the payout doubles.. STRATEGIC….sex worker.. The post Irina Shayk in a Slutty Cat Suit of the Day appeared first on .
Steven Seagal might seem like too much of a caricature to actually exist, but we regret to remind you that he is all too real. The actor, who has openly pondered a political run and shared some of his truly frightening political views, is only the latest to be accused of sexual harassment. But newly revealed audio of Steven Seagal has him ranting angrily about female journalists in what has been characterized as a misogynistic rant. You can listen below for yourself. What's the most recent news that we've heard from this guy? Probably when Steven Seagal slammed the NFL for “disrespecting the flag.” There were a couple of problems with his complaints. One, that's not what the NFL protests are about — they're not sticking up their middle finger at America, they're using the opportunity to protest the killing of unarmed black men by the very police who are supposed to protect them and enforce the law. At this point, we feel like anyone who honestly wants to understand the situation already knows that. Two, if Steven Seagal loves America so much, why does he live in Russia? Russia isn't just another country — it's a hostile foreign power that has actively worked against the United States time after time. And yet Steven Seagal seems to absolutely adore Russia's shameless despot, Vladimir Putin. We don't really need to rehash the election interference that almost no one is denying, right? Or the habit of Vladimir Putin's political enemies have of being poisoned or otherwise dying? (The same happens to journalists investigating Putin and his interests) So Steven Seagal has some pretty controversial opinions, to say the least. That is not, however, the most recent thing that we've heard about Steven Seagal. In the aftermath of the Weinstein sexual harassment scandal , more and more actresses (and actors!) have been coming forward with their #MeToo stories . In many cases, they've revealed instances of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Some women have come forward to add their names to the lists of Harvey Weinstein's accusers. Others have, for a host of reasons, declined to name the men who harassed or assaulted them. Actress Jenny McCarthy, perhaps best known for her ludicrous “medical” beliefs that have mad her name synonymous with the anti-vaxx movement, recently came forward in a podcast. She alleges that Steven Seagal told her to take off her dress during a casting call for one of his films. Just so that you know, folks, that is not appropriate. And Lisa Guerrero, who is now a journalist but was once an actress, told The Hollywood Reporter of her own Steven Seagal encounter . She alleges that in the '90s, Steven Seagal summoned her to his Beverly Hills home for an audition. That's a little weird, so she insisted upon the casting director also being present, so it should be fine, right? Well … Steven Seagal not only seemed surprised to see that casting director with her, but he answered the door in a silk kimono. Now, we're sure that kimonos are very comfy, but if you're not a college student, you should probably put on something other than a robe when people come over. Especially if it's a work thing. Instead, she describes how Steven Seagal sat on a throne-like chair in his robe and watched her audition for 10 minutes. It was fine — he didn't touch her or expose himself. But … what would have happened if she hadn't brought the casting director? While the brief audio clip, which you can listen to below, doesn't provide a whole lot of context, it's pretty damning on its own. You hear Steven Seagal's own voice as he speaks to a male interviewer. “The few times that I had a hard time was usually with women.” That's not a great way to talk about … anything. “When somebody is on tour, a promotional tour, he’s there to talk about his film, not about who he’s f—ing or who he would like to f— or who his wife was with ten years ago.” Those are the explicit versions of normal questions to ask celebrities. “They should go into pornography or something else instead of journalism if they want to hear that s–t. They're a bunch of a—-.” They should “go into pornography” … what?! Does he mean that they should be porn stars or interview porn stars? Both suggestions are absurd. He has some lovely things to say about some unnamed woman. “I won't even dare tell you what I think it is. It was just some dumb b–ch that is a liar and wanted to be sensational.” If someone is saying “some dumb b–ch” and not jokingly referring to themselves or making a totally okay inside joke with a friend … that tells you a lot about their opinions of women. Steven Seagal's decision to style his home and much of his clothing in an Asian manner is fine. He's a little eccentric, sure. But it's fine. As we all learned in 2016, an audio recording of a man with extensive Russian ties saying offensive things about women doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be negatively impacted. Of course … what exactly is Steven Seagal's career these days? So whatever fallout this audio recording might have had during his heyday probably won't amount to anything in 2017. Listen for yourself:
Sierra Skye is a nobody, who you could have got to post your skinny tea for 500 dollars about a year ago, but who wised up and increased her hooker rates to 10,000 or more per post, because she’s just that popular, likely in Russia or wherever she is buying her followers from, but the interesting thing about seeing this real life picture of her, is seeing just how fucking weirdly shaped she is, how mutilated her face is, on some typical, common, all the girls are doing it kick…of shaping their body into some kind of creepy instagram filter or facetune/photoshop filter by sucking fat out of the stomach, putting it in the ass, getting bolt on looking tits, and jacking up their face…not looking anything like they did two years ago, carried away with the IG dream..because it’s all they have going for them…it’s fucked up…but it happens all the time..this is the normal…and they are all going to age so fucked up, while looking so fucke dup..but check out the tits…because we like tits…another trend that comes with this body mulilation that everyone’s doing in their vain disgusting vapid existences… GUTTER..but she thinks she’s an “influencer”…or content creator curating her life..the world is dumb..but it did get me talking about her…proving yet again that nipples win all wars. The post Sierra SKye Bolt On Tits and Weird Instagram Body of the Day appeared first on .
I have never sought the spotlight. So stated Jared Kushner after speaking in private to the Senate Intel Committee this week. The son-in-law of Donald Trump, Kusher answered questions in this session about allegations that he colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election, following the revelation that he met on a number of occasions with representatives from that foreign adversary. In response to the charges, Kushner said simply afterward: “I did not collude.” He also uttered the above quote about the spotlight, which got our attention because… come on, Jared! We all know you and wife Ivanka Trump appeared on a 2010 episode of the former CW smash Gossip Girl! It's true! You can see for yourself via the screen capture below: For their cameo, Kushner is presenting an award at a New York Observer party, while Trump is seen smiling in the background. It actually aired on the couple's one-year wedding anniversary, and Ivanka later quipped that she wasn't sure you could refer to what she's doing in the clip below as “acting, per se.” Ah, that classic Trump self-deprecation! Check out the throwback video below and think back to a more innocent time… when Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were simply appeared on teen TV shows, not threatening our national security.
This is a model named Magdalena Frackowiak who I am guessing is from Russia or some other communist country that is no longer communist but that I pretend is still communist for the sake of comedy…because rationed toilet paper, bread lines, and a love for contraband levis jeans and Michael Jackson… Which I guess isn’t comedy at all…but I figure when you’re not a funny person and you don’t find things funny…you commentary is not going to be funny… I will say that she was on VS contract for a while, she may still be, and they were paying her something like 750k….which is fucking nuts since no one really knows who Madga is…even after seeing her tits…or maybe that is why we don’t care about Magda…. Yet for some reason, I am posting her instagram content…like it matters…interesting…but not at all…a lot like my life, the site, etc. The post Magdalena Frackowiak Bikini WHoring of the DAy appeared first on .
Joy Reid did NOT let a Trump supporter off the hook when holding him to his own words during a discussion over Ron Goldstone being the main player in the Russia probe.