Tag Archives: said-it-before

Iggy Azalea Nipples of the Day

Someone must be into Iggy Azalea, they must be telling her how hot she is, because she’s been bringing her titties out aggressively the last few weeks, probably a new album, did she even have an old album? I figure she’s less about the AL, and more about the BUM, because she gets hers so jacked up, and people apparently like it, I am not one of those people, it terrifies me…but I guess it’s important to celebrate the slutty tools people use to market themselves….strictly because it encourages the retards to follow them to think that’s how to get ahead…providing me with additional content of low levels half naked nipples out….to stare at…because it’s NORMALIZED I said it before, probably 2 posts a go, and I’ll say it again, because I don’t have that much to say in a day…and that is that I am all for the normalization of slutty behavior and porn sex…because it makes my days more entertaining…so anyone of influence..get naked…even if they fact that they have influence is silly in and of itself…

Iggy Azalea Nipples of the Day

Emily Bett Rickards in Panties of the Day

I don’t watch Arrow, there’s something about Low Budget, Canadian produced garbage TV shows that I fucking hate and have hated since Xena Warrior Princess and Hercules…it makes me want to break shit… I think it has to do with the shows being on for free back when I didn’t have cable, but I did have a roommate who would watch the shit… I was surprised when I found out that that style of shite became an actual genre and all these superhero shows people actually watch have the same shit vibe… But I guess nerds love all things comic they used to read, and all women who participate in those shows based on the comics they read, like this Emily Brett chick, looking slutty… She’s straight from the mean streets of Vancouver, now too famous to care about Canada, but still Canadian programming and here she is. The post Emily Bett Rickards in Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emily Bett Rickards in Panties of the Day

Elsa Hosk Victoria’s Secret Fitting of the Day

Elsa Hosk is some Candice Swanepoel replacement, for when Candice was off making babies, becuase she is the same age as Candice and because all these girls were created in some lab, and this one was based on Candice DNA or some shit… Before winning the Victoria’s Secret lottery, she was nude modelling for low level shoots, and I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, get naked, people may notice, and give you high profile work, assuming she wasn’t created in the lab like I think she was… This is her trying on some shit. She was in some lingerie for the VS SHow.. SHE WAS WORKING OUT: SHE WAS IN TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE TO SEE HER IN MORE TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk Victoria’s Secret Fitting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk Victoria’s Secret Fitting of the Day

TV Nudity Report: The Deuce & Vice Principals 10.30.17

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, thank god for HBO! Two of their best series saved us from what would’ve otherwise been a skinless week! Let’s check it out!… read more

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TV Nudity Report: The Deuce & Vice Principals 10.30.17

Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I know people with armpit fetishes…most girls get uncomfortable when you start fucking with their armpits, as I’ve been known to eat their armpits out like it is their pussy, mainly because it’s next to my face while I’m fucking them, and I have limited mobility and just like the idea of flopping my tongue around like a retard trying to solve a puzzle…all dopey and shit… I like it….I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish, I know a dude who would only cum by pit fucking a girl…he’d try the traditional holes, but could only get off with PIT…While my armpit fetish is less of a fetish, I can live without it, but I like it enough to do it….while girls are generally not into it…so it’s something…on the weird spectrum…just not overly extreme So seeing Elizabeth Olsen drying her armpits in a bathroom for her social media…is an interesting thing to see…from armpits, to little legs in a squating position, in a mini skirt and heels, while sweaty like a ditch pig…it’s almost too much to handle… The post Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elizabeth Olsen Armpit Fetish of the Day

Baywatch Premiere of the Day

I guess I should do a post on the Baywatch premiere, because despite not getting any budget from the people who created Baywatch the movie (PARAMOUNT), not giving me money to promote their bullshit movie….which is probably a good thing… I’d hate to be a whore endorsing this nonsense because they gave me 25,000 dollars to do so, but I’d like the 25,000 dollars more than having integrity to you assholes who never cared enough to give me any love and respect despite my honest take on pop culture… I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, because i assume that the only people who will see this shit is 40 year old weirdos who used to jerk off to baywatch.. I know the hope is that kids will see it because the Rock is in it, and unless tits get snapped off, or blow the fuck off, I don’t think they stand a chance.. We have this thing called internet porn and slutty hot chicks on instagram, to see some average cunts in bathing suits sent to a porno quality storyline worked in 1990s late night TV…but as a movie, when kids don’t got to movies…fuck that…noise… And noise it is, but they had a premiere to hype up this FAIL…that better fucking fail and paid some cunts to be there….. Do Not go See This Shit… Pam Anderson the Queen….of Baywatch…which besides the sex tape and Playboy is all she’s done and known for….looking terrifying…zombie…monster…frankenstein weirdness… TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE Charlotte McKinney is in the Movie, which is a reminder of how shit it will be…. TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE Donna D’Errico is still livng her Baywatch dream because Baywatch was the reasons she didn’t get into porn and will forever be grateful for that..because that’s all this shit was… TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE Izabel Goulart was there…I guess she’s in it also…weird…. TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE In more Miami Baywatch Promo – Kelly Rohrbach was there in a towel for attention – you know cuz she doesn’t have Leo to ride anymore – she’s gotta pull her own stunts… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE More interestingly – but not necessarily hotter – Pam Anderson was lurking in a see through shirt.. The post Baywatch Premiere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Baywatch Premiere of the Day

Justin Bieber to Fans: Stop Acting Like Animals!

Justin Bieber is at it again. He’s taking his shirt off again on Instagram? He’s sticking it to Kourtney Kardashian (where it counts!) again in bed? He’s attacking members of the paparazzi for snapping photo? Okay, good point. We need to be more specific here. In this case, Justin Bieber is once again treating his fans like crap, making fun of them and mocking them simply because they are excited to be in his presence. Heck, those descriptions may be too kind to Bieber. He’s really trashing them in the clip below. Filmed by a fan in Australia, where Bieber is currently on tour, the following footage features Justin addressing a loud group of supporters who surrounded him while he tried to eat a meal in peace in between concerts. “The more you guys scream and act like animals, the less we can have a conversation,” Bieber condescends to his followers. “the more you guys scream and act like animals, the less we can have a conversation” TELL THEM @justinbieber pic.twitter.com/BnqzzSXkym — mandy (@imadgizzle) March 17, 2017 Just days prior to this incident, Bieber told a girl who asked for his autograph that she made him “sick.” This has become a very strange, disturbing and unfortunate pattern for Justin Bieber. In October, the artist blasted his own concert goes for dating to yell in support and excitement. “Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?” Bieber asked at the time , going on to put his fans in their place as follows: “I get it, I get it, but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious… “I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating. When I’m speaking, can you guys not scream at the top of your lungs?” A couple days later, Bieber dressed down another crowd , telling them he was “just trying to engage,” but if they kept being so loud, he’d stop talking and “just play the music.” And then a couple days after this incident, a frustrated Bieber stormed off stage due to the enthusiasm of his audience: Justin Bieber Storms Off Stage Finally, after continually showing such little respect for the people who have made him rich and famous, Bieber posted a lengthy message on Twitter toward the end of last October. “I simply feel like, if I didn’t use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn’t use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what’s in my heart, then I’m doing myself injustice, and I’m not doing anybody in this audience any justice,” the singer rambled . He continued: “There’s going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I’m human. But I don’t pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don’t say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I’d be a robot, and I’m just, I’m not a robot. “There’s times when I get upset … times when I get angry, there’s times when I’m going to be myself on this stage… “All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people … certain cities aren’t going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it’s my job to just say, ‘hey, I’m not going to try to force anything.’ “I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing.” Look, JB. We get it: it must be very annoying to feel like you are a piece of meat at times; to be gawked at and yelled at and maybe not really listened to as a human being. But one way to solve this problem would be to post fewer shirtless photos of yourself . Another way to solve this problem would be to gain some perspective. All celebrities must trade some privacy for a lot of wealth. You get to live your dream of working as a very successful recording artist and, in exchange, you must eat lunch while sort of being treated like a museum display. Case in point: So either do not go out to eat so often, or embrace your celebrity. You can’t have it both ways. You’re only rich and famous because of these same people that you now see as “animals.” If you need a break from the spotlight, go ahead and take it. Otherwise, shut up, apologize to your fans and realize that you have it pretty darn awesome overall. View Slideshow: Justin Bieber Hairstyles: From Cute to Creepy…

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Justin Bieber to Fans: Stop Acting Like Animals!

Little Girl Steals Pope’s Hat, Hearts of Everyone on the Internet

We've said it before and now we can say it again: Pope Francise for ALL the wins! The beloved gay rights supporter stepped out to meet fans St. Peter's Square in Rome on Wednesday, stopping at one point to say hello to a man and a young girl. The little girl was named Estella Westrick, she was three years old, she was in attendance with her godfather… and she stole The Pope's hat upon meeting him! She gave it back quickly, we should note, but not before the surrounding crowd let out a loud and awkward laugh. Would The Pope be angry? Would the man get in trouble? Would the toddler get kicked out of the area? HA! Of course not! This is Pope Francis! He took the incident in awesome stride! “Right before she went up she was a little nervous. Then she stole his hat. It was hilarious. Everyone was laughing, including the Pope,” Mountain Butorac told CNN, adding: “It's her first full day in Rome. Who knows what she will get up to tomorrow?” Hopefully something equally hilarious and viral! Watch the hilarious clip now!

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Little Girl Steals Pope’s Hat, Hearts of Everyone on the Internet

Beate Muska Nude of the Day

Beate Muska is the future..I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again..as I keep seeing more and more nude pics or shoots of her come up…shoots I am a fan of because she looks amazing and if you’re going to work your way into being the next Victoria’s Secret girl, you migh as well do it through nude shoots I can reference once she makes it, and jerk off to…like old times… I don’t know much about her, but I assume she’s European…with a name like BEATE..for a man who eats BEETS just to see if I pee red….in a world that’s all about beats…whether they are by Dre or Diplo…for shitty pop acts..she’s just current on all fronts… She’s only got 30,000 instagram followers, but if she keeps this up, she’s gonna get to where she needs to be because sometimes cream floats to the top in the TEET that is social media whores getting naked…in efforts to win at life…with work, money, dudes they fuck…thanks to their vaginas… The post Beate Muska Nude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beate Muska Nude of the Day

Rapid Retribution: Old Head Puts The Beats On Racist White Guy For Calling Him “Ni**er” [Video]

Fight On NYC Subway Train Pops Off Over White Guy Saying “Ni**er” We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again, these are VERY tense times in America . White people, you cannot, we repeat CANNOT, let Donald embolden you to think you can say “ni**er” to black folks and not be administered a proper fade. Ain’t gonna happen. Peep ya mans. You see that rapid retribution? Don’t let it happen to you. Image via YouTube

Rapid Retribution: Old Head Puts The Beats On Racist White Guy For Calling Him “Ni**er” [Video]