Tag Archives: situation-room

As The Trump White House Turns…Kelly Allegedly Banned Angry Omarosa’s Hubby From X-Mas Bash Right Before Canning Her

  WH Chief Of Staff John Kelly Reportedly Banned Omarosa’s Spouse Before She Was Tossed For folks who have been confused about if Omarosa really resigned after initial reports of being *allegedly* fired from the White House, Daily Mail is adding more fluff to the theories. They’re suggesting that the former MAGA supporter definitely knew she was being FIRED. Due to her friendship with President Trump and at his request, Kelly reportedly agreed to let Manigault say she “resigned” and allowed her to stay in office until January 20, so she would have a full year of working at the White House. Scandalous. DM says of that reported X-Mas party fall out, that Omarosa got into an explosive argument with WH staffers after John Kelly revoked her husband form attending the WH Christmas party days before she was tossed. She allegedly stormed off in the direction of Trump’s residence and secret service restrained her. Omarosa left the area with egg all over her face, sources say. Omarosa however denies this story in her recent ABC interview, t he former reality star claimed that she resigned after a conversation with Kelly in the Situation Room and did not confront him during a White House Christmas Party or try to get into the White House residence to ask President Donald Trump about her dismissal. Sure , Jan. Who’s really going to admit all of this mess was going on, it’s embarrassing and secret service would be on her tail!

Excerpt from:
As The Trump White House Turns…Kelly Allegedly Banned Angry Omarosa’s Hubby From X-Mas Bash Right Before Canning Her

As The Trump White House Turns…Kelly Allegedly Banned Angry Omarosa’s Hubby From X-Mas Bash Right Before Canning Her

  WH Chief Of Staff John Kelly Reportedly Banned Omarosa’s Spouse Before She Was Tossed For folks who have been confused about if Omarosa really resigned after initial reports of being *allegedly* fired from the White House, Daily Mail is adding more fluff to the theories. They’re suggesting that the former MAGA supporter definitely knew she was being FIRED. Due to her friendship with President Trump and at his request, Kelly reportedly agreed to let Manigault say she “resigned” and allowed her to stay in office until January 20, so she would have a full year of working at the White House. Scandalous. DM says of that reported X-Mas party fall out, that Omarosa got into an explosive argument with WH staffers after John Kelly revoked her husband form attending the WH Christmas party days before she was tossed. She allegedly stormed off in the direction of Trump’s residence and secret service restrained her. Omarosa left the area with egg all over her face, sources say. Omarosa however denies this story in her recent ABC interview, t he former reality star claimed that she resigned after a conversation with Kelly in the Situation Room and did not confront him during a White House Christmas Party or try to get into the White House residence to ask President Donald Trump about her dismissal. Sure , Jan. Who’s really going to admit all of this mess was going on, it’s embarrassing and secret service would be on her tail!

Excerpt from:
As The Trump White House Turns…Kelly Allegedly Banned Angry Omarosa’s Hubby From X-Mas Bash Right Before Canning Her

THE NEWT-SARAH LOVEFEST: Gingrich Says Palin Would Have A ‘Major Role’ In His White House


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One day after getting a sort-of endorsement from Sarah Palin , Newt Gingrich returned the favor this afternoon, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that the former Alaska Governor and Tea Party princess would “play a major role” in his administration if he is elected. In an interview on Blitzer’s The Situation Room, Gingrich stopped short of offering Palin a Cabinet post, but lavished praise on she and her… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Business Insider Discovery Date : 18/01/2012 03:31 Number of articles : 2

THE NEWT-SARAH LOVEFEST: Gingrich Says Palin Would Have A ‘Major Role’ In His White House

Teen Mom Shockers: Who’s Losing Her Baby? Who’s Ruined By Stardom? Who’s Getting Engaged?!

The cast of Teen Mom 2 is in turmoil these days. Which adorable tyke featured on the MTV show might be forced to grow up without the love of their parents? Which star is considering getting remarried already? OK! has the full rundown in its new cover story. Eight months after her divorce from Corey Simms, Leah Messer is talking engagement with Jeremy Calvert, the boyfriend who lives with her and her twin daughters. Ali and Aleeah have been a major focal point of Season 2 of Teen Mom 2 , but we already know that Leah and Corey split up, and the 19-year-old is happier for it. Corey is not happy with this new arrangement, however. “I’d die for my girls,” Corey told a pal. “Jeremy is not there to replace me. No one will keep me from them.” As viewers of this week’s Teen Mom 2 saw, Corey and Leah’s love for the girls is strong, but their marriage unraveled very quickly and with a lot of hard feelings. Now Leah is intent on Jeremy becoming a father to the girls. “Leah is going full steam ahead, she loves that Jeremy is acting like a father to the girls,” says the insider. “She is more than fine with him taking [Corey Simms’] place. She doesn’t see anything wrong with it and is happy to be moving on.” Meanwhile … Chelsea Houska has remained devoted to her baby daddy Adam Lind, but his latest eff-up may be one more reason for her to cut him out of baby Aubree’s life forever. “He also seems to have a drinking problem,” says the insider. On a related note, despite Jenelle Evans’ vows to stay sober after completing rehab in California last June, insiders say she’s not sober and she’s no closer to reclaiming custody of her son, Jace, from her mother, Barbara. Sources say “stardom totally ruined Jenelle” and that “very little has changed … her relationship with her mother is terrible. She has almost no real relationship with her son . She’s not a bad person, but she’s acting like an idiot.” Kailyn Lowry fears that one day she’ll be unable to pay her rent, and will lose her home and her baby, Isaac. “Kailyn never knows one day to the next if she and Isaac will even have a roof over their heads,” says an insider. On the original Teen Mom front, Amber Portwood was jailed for violating the terms of her probation. She may be there all the way until mid-January. Court papers cite her getting fight at an IHop in November, failure to pay fines, not completing anger management classes and other infractions, topped off by her inability to produce a prescription for medication found on her this week. Crazy girls. Crazy times.

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Teen Mom Shockers: Who’s Losing Her Baby? Who’s Ruined By Stardom? Who’s Getting Engaged?!

Mitt Romney Wants to Deport President Obama’s Uncle Omar

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney says he would deport President Barack Obama’s uncle, who authorities say was arrested in August for DUI near Boston. Onyango “Omar” Obama is, allegedly, an illegal immigrant. In an interview with Boston radio host Howie Carr, Romney said “yes” when asked if “Uncle Omar” should be deported. Romney at first did not recognize the name, and was far from incendiary about it, saying simply that U.S. immigration laws should be enforced. Take a listen to the exchange: Mitt Romney on Obama’s Uncle Onyango Obama is the 67-year-old half-brother of the commander-in-chief’s late father, Barack Obama, Sr. His case is pending in Framingham, Mass., District Court. He was initially held without bail by immigration officials on allegations he violated an official order to return Kenya issued 20 years ago but has since been released.

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Mitt Romney Wants to Deport President Obama’s Uncle Omar

Ron Paul Walks Off CNN Interview, Irritated By New Questions About Old Newsletters

GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul furrowed his eyebrows, growing agitated before taking off his mic and walking away from CNN interview about his old newsletters. As Paul has gained traction in recent polls, the media has turned up the heat, alleging that he made money and won fame with a sometimes racist series of publications. Paul claims he didn’t read most of the newsletters and their controversial content, written during the 1980s and 1990s, despite them being published under his name. He has taken responsibility for being a bad publisher, but disavowed the views, as he explained to CNN’s Gloria Borger, who grilled him on the topic yesterday … Ron Paul Walks Off CNN interview “Why don’t you go back and look at what I said yesterday on CNN and what I’ve said for 20 something years. 22 years ago?” the 76-year-old Paul said at the outset. “I didn’t write them, I disavow them, that’s it.” Borger pressed on for a few seconds before urging Paul to react to what people are saying about the allegations. “These things are pretty incendiary,” Borger said . “Because of people like you,” Paul snapped back. Later, when talking with Borger about the interview incident on air, Situation Room host Wolf Blizter suggested that Paul “got tired of talking about” the allegations. He could have probably handled it a lot better, although he has answered the same questions the same way a ton of times now, including last week on Hannity . What do you think? Is Paul’s explanation satisfactory? Will the fiery newsletters from long ago continue to dog him, or will they become background noise?

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Ron Paul Walks Off CNN Interview, Irritated By New Questions About Old Newsletters

CNN: What Did Kiran Chetry Do That Made John Roberts Snap at Her on the Air?

Take a quick break from speculating about the outcome of the elections this November. There is a new topic that is causing quite a bit of speculation: just what did Kiran Chetry of CNN’s American Morning do last Wednesday that caused co-host John Roberts to pause in the middle of introducing guest David Axelrod and snap at her in a fit of extreme irritability? Almost as funny watching it on TV was the fact that the moment was officially recorded in CNN’s transcripts : DAVID AXELROD, SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you for having me. ROBERTS: Let me ask you first of all, David, before we get into the — excuse me. You would mind not doing that while I’m talking? Thank you. I appreciate that. If you don’t mind. David if, I could just Terry Jones and this Quran burning that is planned for September 11th, what does the president think about that? Does the president — is he as concerned about it as other members of his administration are? That ire was aimed at Chetry, not Axelrod. So what was Kiran Chetry doing that so irritated Roberts? So far no reporting on this mystery from CNN although Mediate described the scene: As Roberts introduced Pres. Obama’s senior adviser, he seemed distracted. “Let me ask you first of all,” pause, smile, restart. “Let me ask you first of all, David, if I could, before we get into the…” Full stop. Then, Roberts turned to where Chetry was sitting next to him (she had been on camera earlier in the segment), and said, with Axelrod still in the double-box shot: “Would you mind not doing that while I’m talking? Thank you, I appreciate that.” Then, added for emphasis and sarcasm, “If you don’t mind.” So, Dear Readers, what do YOU think Kiran Chetry did that set off John Roberts? Here are some possible Chetry actions that could have set off the conniption fit: 1. She was applying lipstick or makeup. 2. She was giving Roberts the Finger. 3. She was trying to cause Roberts to laugh by crossing her eyes. 4. She was grinding her teeth. 5. Polishing her nails. Yes, these are all possibilities but my favorite would be: 6. She held up a copy of American Morning’s incredibly low ratings . The good news for CNN here is that this is a great opportunity to boost American Morning’s basement ratings. They have the rest of today and all weekend to promo this incident on the Situation Room, Anderson Cooper 360, both John and Larry King, and Reliable Sources with a promise to reveal the tape on American Morning Monday of Chetry’s actions that set off the rage in Roberts. Although that show’s ratings will be doomed to sink again, they will at least temporarily enjoy a boost as viewers tune in to find out why John Roberts was not able to keep his anger in check.

Glenn Beck: ‘Rick Sanchez Is The Dumbest Man Ever On Television’

Glenn Beck on Thursday told his radio audience that CNN’s Rick Sanchez is the dumbest man ever on television. As NewsBusters has been chronicling the bumblings and stumblings of Sanchez for quite some time, we’re certainly not going to take the other side of this debate. Even if we tried, it would be difficult for the conservative talker highlighted many of this genius’s missteps that we’ve also shared with our readers recently (video follows with transcript and clips of related miscues, h/t The Right Scoop ): GLENN BECK, HOST: The Rick Sanchez who I honestly don’t know how the man ties his own shoes. I’m sure he has slip ones. Rick Sanchez, quite possibly the dumbest man on television, and that’s saying something because there’s some dumb people in television. But Rick Sanchez I think has to be the dumbest man in television. A guy who doesn’t understand that a volcano can happen in a cold place like Iceland. (Begin audiotape) RICK SANCHEZ, CNN: I was just asking Chad, how can you get a volcano in Iceland? Isn’t it too when you think of a volcano, you think of, like, Hawaii and long words like that. You don’t think of Iceland. You think it’s too cold to have a volcano there. (End audiotape) BECK: Long words like Hawaii. (Begin audiotape) SANCHEZ: It’s too cold to have a volcano there. (End audiotape) BECK: Too cold to have a volcano there. And besides, when you think of volcanoes, you think of long words like Hawaii. STU BURGUIERE: Which are shorter than Iceland. BECK: What a dope. This guy’s the dumbest man ever on television. PAT GRAY: I don’t know how you can say that. BECK: You don’t know? GRAY: I don’t. I don’t know how you BECK: That’s the only example I have. GRAY: Well, there might be others, but… (Begin audiotape) SANCHEZ: 3:00. Thanks so much, Wolf, appreciate it. Look forward to seeing you. Good job on the Situation Room today, as I’m sure you will do. Up next, ad lib, a tease, that’s what it says right here. (End audiotape) BECK: What a dope. GRAY: But I mean, you couldn’t find anything else. BECK: No. (Begin audiotape) SCIENTIST: Down here we had this big drop. This is about a 9 meter drop. SANCHEZ: Nine meter drop? SCIENTIST: Nine meters. SANCHEZ: What does that mean? SCIENTIST: Well, it means that the ocean waves are doing something, that we’re seeing some changes. It’s been going down and SANCHEZ: By the way, nine meters in English is? (End audiotape) GRAY: Still nine meters, Rick, it’s still nine meters. BECK: Still nine meters. And meters is English. GRAY: (Laughing). BECK: What a dope. GRAY: I love it. BECK: Anyway, so here’s his here’s his latest. “If you start going into who’s giving money, you gotta go to Rome and start asking where’s the money going into Rome.” What? And you have to go to the Mormons and ask, what are they doing with their money?” No, I don’t know if you get this, Rick. The Catholic church and no renegade part of the Catholic church is flying planes into building. GRAY: Yeah, but remember that group, that band of marauding Mormons? Remember them? BECK: They were really… GRAY: Remember them? BECK: Holy cow, yeah. GRAY: Remember they continued to scream that they would do it again, too? BECK: Yeah. GRAY: Remember that? BECK: And they were like, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, no coffee! Oh, that was great! GRAY: Threaten Starbucks? Oh, my gosh. BECK: Well, they threatened never to walk into a Starbucks because there was really nothing well, the hot cocoa is pretty good. So this Mormon goes in there. But anyway, that’s a whole different story. You are onto something, Rick. You are onto something. And when I think of Catholics and Mormons, I normally think of really… bigger words like decent. GRAY: Or Jew. BECK: (Laughing). Long words like that.

See original here:
Glenn Beck: ‘Rick Sanchez Is The Dumbest Man Ever On Television’

Reader Scolds Washington Post: There Are No ‘Liberals’ on the Supreme Court

Crazies on the left allow journalists to see themselves as under siege from both sides of the spectrum, and thus must be playing it down the middle. To wit: Saturday’s Washington Post carried a letter from a reader upset the newspaper had reported the Supreme Court has “four firm liberals.” Robert B. McNeil Jr., of Alexandria, insisted “there hasn’t been even a single ‘liberal’ on the court in years.” He recommended: The Post should recognize philosophical reality and refer to the “moderate” and “conservative” wings of the court, although “moderate” and “radical-conservative” would be more accurate. McNeil’s ridiculous contention that Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer and John Paul Stevens are not liberal, headlined online “There are no ‘liberals’ on the Supreme Court” and in the real newspaper with the blander “Mislabeling the high court,” appeared on the “Free for All” page – an extra full page of letters run each week in the Saturday newspaper. The full letter in the Saturday, August 14 Washington Post: The Aug. 6 front-page story about the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan referred to “a court with four solid conservatives and four firm liberals.” This usage continued a long and an inaccurate tradition that I wish The Post would change. There are not “four firm liberals” on the Supreme Court, and there hasn’t been even a single “liberal” on the court in years. The Post should recognize philosophical reality and refer to the “moderate” and “conservative” wings of the court, although “moderate” and “radical-conservative” would be more accurate. Robert B. McNeil Jr., Alexandria

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Reader Scolds Washington Post: There Are No ‘Liberals’ on the Supreme Court

CNN’s Blitzer Presses Crist on Party Preference, ‘You Just Can’t Caucus with Yourself’

During on interview on Saturday’s The Situation Room with independent Florida Senate candidate and Governor Charlie Crist, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed the former Republican to announce which party he would choose to caucus with if he is elected to the Senate, and brought up his current associations with Democrats and flip-flops toward more liberal positions. As Crist repeatedly tried to evade acknowledging the importance of being aligned with one of the two major parties to have influence, and the likelihood that he would ultimately choose to ally with one of the parties, Blitzer was persistent in pressing for an answer, at one point quipping: “You just can’t caucus with yourself, if you will, if you want to have some influence.” Crist eventually seemed to hint that his decision would depend on which party holds the majority after November: “And you’ve just hit on the pivotal issue really: What is in the best interests of the people of Florida? We don’t know who’s going to be in the majority November 2 nd after the general election. And so I think it’s important to keep an open mind, to stay committed only to one thing, and that’s the people of my state.” After playing a clip of Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio accusing Crist of moving toward President Obama politically, Blitzer noted: “But are you increasingly embracing the Obama agenda? Because he’s saying you flip-flopped on a whole lot of issues where you were a Republican, but now you’re siding with the Democrats, including President Obama.” Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Saturday, August 14, The Situation Room on CNN: WOLF BLITZER: All right, let’s talk a little bit about why you’re here in Washington. Among other reasons, obviously, you want to be in the Situation Room, our Situation Room- GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST (I-FL), LAUGHING: I came here to see you. BLITZER: -but tonight you’re going to a fundraiser and some prominent Democrats are hosting this fundraiser for you, including someone very close to the former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. What does that mean? Are you now a Democrat for all practical purposes? CRIST: I think it means we have broad support, and I’m very pleased by that. I mean, from Republicans, Democrats, independents. I think everybody has the notion and the idea that they would like an independent voice in the United States Senate fighting for Floridians first. And that’s what this is really all about – being independent, putting people above the party, and making sure that they have a voice in the Senate that’s an honest broker, looks out for their interests first. And Democrats and Republicans and independents want it. BLITZER: Are you getting more support now from Republicans or Democrats? CRIST: I’d say it’s pretty evenly split. I mean, you know, a lot of friends from the Republican party have stayed with us, continued to help, and God bless them for that. New Democrats who have become very good friends and some Democrats have been friend for a long time are just stepping up in a much more significant way now. BLITZER: The fundraiser tonight’s going to be basically Democrats, though? CRIST: That’s correct, it is. BLITZER: There are two independent U.S. Senators, as you know – Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman. But they both caucus with the Democrats and the Democrats are in the majority. They have chairmanship committees and committee rankings and all of that. If you’re elected to the United States Senate, will you caucus with the Democrats or the Republicans? CRIST: I’ve always said that I’ll caucus with the people of Florida. And what I mean by that is, issue by issue, whatever’s in the best interests of the people of my state, my fellow Floridians, I want to be able to be with those that are going to help Florida. BLITZER: But you got to make a decision because, if you’re not going to be caucusing with one party or the other party, you’re not going to have any committee ranking, you’re not going to have any influence in the United States Senate. You’re going to have to make a major decision. CRIST: Well, if I have the honor of winning, I’ll have a vote in the United States Senate. BLITZER: You’ll have one vote, but if you’re chairman of the committee, if you caucus with the Democrats, chairman of a subcommittee, you could have some influence, so you’re going to have to decide whether to caucus with the Democrats or the Republicans. You just can’t caucus with yourself, if you will, if you want to have some influence. CRIST: Well, I got to keep my eye on the ball, and the eye on the ball for me means looking at November 2 nd. I’m not going to be a chairman of anything if I don’t get elected to the Senate first. So I have to continue to work hard, campaign hard, continue to strive to earn the trust and confidence of my fellow Floridians. BLITZER: So when the Democrats at the fundraiser tonight ask you, Charlie Crist, we’re going to give you money, they’ll say. Are you promising us you’ll be with Harry Reid and the Democrats assuming he gets re-elected in the United States Senate, you won’t go with Mitch McConnell and the Republicans? CRIST: I’m not going to commit to either one because I’m only committed to the people of Florida. BLITZER: So you’ll commit after, if you’re elected. Is that what you’re saying? CRIST: Probably. BLITZER: Because you’ll have to caucus, you’ll have to make that decision down the road. CRIST: Well, I don’t know that Wayne Morris did. I think he literally took a seat in the middle of the aisle, right? BLITZER: He didn’t. You’re right. You’re right on that. He didn’t. He took a seat in the middle, but, you know, then the people of Florida could suffer if you don’t have the influence that you would like to have. CRIST: And you’ve just hit on the pivotal issue really: What is in the best interests of the people of Florida? We don’t know who’s going to be in the majority November 2 nd after the general election. And so I think it’s important to keep an open mind, to stay committed only to one thing, and that’s the people of my state. BLITZER: Your Republican challenger, Marco Rubio, was here. He was sitting in that seat in the Situation Room just a little while ago on July 20. He said this: MARCO RUBIO, FLORIDA REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: I don’t believe he’s really an independent. I think there’s increasing evidence that he now is embracing the Obama agenda. BLITZER: You heard what he said. CRIST: I heard what he said. BLITZER: You’re smiling. CRIST: Well, why wouldn’t I smile? BLITZER: But are you increasingly embracing the Obama agenda? Because he’s saying you flip-flopped on a whole lot of issues where you were a Republican, but now you’re siding with the Democrats, including President Obama. CRIST: Well, that’s what you’d expect him to say. He’s my opponent after all, one of them. And we don’t know who the other one’s gong to be yet until the primary concludes on August 24. So I look forward to that. I really do. And there will be distinctions between us on a lot of issues. But that’s the kind of thing you hear from a lot of the, you know, party candidates, if you will. They like to take shots at people. I’m not here to really do that today. I’m here to offer myself to the people of Florida as an independent voice who wants to rise above that kind of back-and-forth stuff that’s driving them crazy all over the country.

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CNN’s Blitzer Presses Crist on Party Preference, ‘You Just Can’t Caucus with Yourself’