Tag Archives: wolf blitzer

CNN Omits ‘Watchdog’ Group Leader’s Anti-Christian Attacks

On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN highlighted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s concerns over a planned concert at Fort Bragg, North Carolina organized by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Foundation, but omitted the MRFF president Michael Weinstein’s past invective against Christianity. Anchor Wolf Blitzer referred to the MRFF as merely a ” watchdog group .” Blitzer introduced correspondent Chris Lawrence’s report by summarizing the controversy over the “Rock the Fort” concert and used his “watchdog” label for the MRFF: “A concert scheduled at Fort Bragg in North Carolina tomorrow may sound like a good way for soldiers to kick back, but a watchdog group is objecting to the message behind the music: an attempt to recruit the troops to ‘God’s army.’ ” Lawrence picked up where the anchor left off: “Well, on one hand, you’ve got thousands of soldiers and their families who want to praise God and to hear this Christian music at the concert tomorrow. On the other hand, you’ve got people saying, why is the U.S. Army helping an evangelical organization recruit new members?” After playing footage from past “Rock the Fort” events, the CNN correspondent stated that the “Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is bringing Christian rock bands and worship to Fort Bragg, and some say, crossing a line .” He then played his first sound bite from Weinstein, who outlined that apparently, “the expressed purpose of this event is to evangelize and spread the Gospel to all those who are lost. Soldiers are being given pieces of paper with seven blank names on it- to bring seven more people, so they will come to Christ.” Lawrence continued by noting that “Fort Bragg advertised the concert on its website, and Mikey Weinstein says more than a hundred soldiers there have complained to his group…sending e-mails like, ‘Please help us, MRFF. This is wrong.'” The correspondent later played a clip from an unidentified member of Billy Graham’s ministry, who expressed his prayer intentions for the concert: “We pray that not only they become soldiers here in boot camp, but we- that we pray that they’ll come into God’s army, in the sense of giving their life over Jesus Christ .” Lawrence added that ” critics say that’s a dangerous message for the military to bring right into basic training ,” and played his second clip from Weinstein, who stated that “we’re not supposed to be using the U.S. Army to develop and engender and- you know, new soldiers for Christ.” Lawrence did play two sound bites from Fort Bragg’s chaplain, who defended the concert. But the CNN correspondent, like his former colleague Campbell Brown back in May 2010 , didn’t bring up Weinstein’s past lawsuits against the military. Earlier in 2010, he demanded that “Bible codes” imprinted on rifle scopes used in Afghanistan be removed, and asked the Army to change the emblem of Evans Army Community Hospital in Colorado, whose motto invokes God in Latin, and bears a cross. The MRFF president is also on the record as using anti-Christian language. During a February 2008 interview , Weinstein referred to Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” as the ” Jesus Chainsaw Massacre ,” and blasted two military-oriented Christian organizations as ” variances of this Christian Taliban and the Christian al-Qaeda .” He even compared this apparent “Christian Taliban” inside the military to Nazis, or communists who aided Stalin. None of this background came up during the report. Besides the MRFF, CNN correspondent cited one other organization notoriously critical of the religious right near the end of the segment: ” Americans United for Separation of Church and State wrote the secretary of the Army, urging him to stop the military’s endorsement of the event . They argue proselytizing is prohibited, and the Army is breaking the law by endorsing religion.” The full transcript of Chris Lawrence’s report, which aired 51 minutes into the 5 pm Eastern hour of Friday’s Situation Room: WOLF BLITZER: A concert scheduled at Fort Bragg in North Carolina tomorrow may sound like a good way for soldiers to kick back, but a watchdog group is objecting to the message behind the music: an attempt to recruit the troops to ‘God’s army.’ Let’s go to our Pentagon correspondent Chris Lawrence- he’s working the story here. What is the controversy, Chris? CHRIS LAWRENCE: Yeah, Wolf. Well, on one hand, you’ve got thousands of soldiers and their families who want to praise God and to hear this Christian music at the concert tomorrow. On the other hand, you’ve got people saying, why is the U.S. Army helping an evangelical organization recruit new members? LAWRENCE (voice-over): The Christian concert is called ‘Rock the Fort,’ and it’s living up to the name. UNIDENTIFIED MALE 1: We’re going to have a little fun today. LAWRENCE: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is bringing Christian rock bands and worship to Fort Bragg, and some say, crossing a line. MIKEY WEINSTEIN, MILITARY RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FOUNDATION: The expressed purpose of this event is to evangelize and spread the Gospel to all those who are lost. Soldiers are being given pieces of paper with seven blank names on it- to bring seven more people, so they will come to Christ. LAWRENCE: Fort Bragg advertised the concert on its website, and Mikey Weinstein says more than a hundred soldiers there have complained to his group, Military Religious Freedom [Foundation], sending e-mails like, ‘Please help us, MRFF. This is wrong.’ UNIDENTIFIED MALE 2: In a few minutes, I’m going to give you a chance to make a decision. It’s your choice. LAWRENCE: ‘Rock the Fort’ has been to several other bases, including recruit training at Fort Jackson. UNIDENTIFIED MALE 2: And we pray that not only they become soldiers here in boot camp, but we- that we pray that they’ll come into God’s army, in the sense of giving their life over Jesus Christ. LAWRENCE: Critics say that’s a dangerous message for the military to bring right into basic training. WEINSTEIN: We’re not supposed to be using the U.S. Army to develop and engender and- you know, new soldiers for Christ. COL. DAVID HILLIS, U.S. ARMY CHAPLAIN [misidentified as “David Dreier”]: And our goal is- again, not to proselytize anyone- you know, from either their particular faith that they’re a part of- and our goal is not to coerce anyone. LAWRENCE: Fort Bragg’s chaplain says the event on his base is open to the public. No one has to come, except the thousands of soldiers and their families who are excited to do so. COL. HILLIS: It really is up to the individual, and people, like any message or any faith, can choose to accept or reject. LAWRENCE: The chaplain wrote to North Carolina churches on Fort Bragg letterhead promoting the event, and Billy Graham’s website states right up front, ‘The Rock the Fort outreach is designed to channel new believers into your church.’ Americans United for Separation of Church and State wrote the secretary of the Army, urging him to stop the military’s endorsement of the event. They argue proselytizing is prohibited, and the Army is breaking the law by endorsing religion. The chaplain says the base is merely a host for anyone who wants to come. UNIDENTIFIED MALE 3: God bless America! LAWRENCE (live): And Fort Bragg’s chaplain also told me that- you know, sharing the faith is part of a Christian tradition, and he’s not only obligated, but happy to support any other faith on base that would want to put on a similar event. Now, critics say, when it comes to religion, all the Army is supposed to do is officiate religious services and give soldiers some place to worship, and these concerts go way beyond that. Wolf? BLITZER: Chris Lawrence, thanks very much for that report.

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CNN Omits ‘Watchdog’ Group Leader’s Anti-Christian Attacks

Jack Cafferty Lumps in Christine O’Donnell in New Attack on Palin

On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN’s Jack Cafferty revisited his anti-Sarah Palin obsession and somewhat predictably, grouped U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell with the former Alaska governor, stating it ” feels like Sarah Palin all over again ….O’Donnell has some big question marks on her resume, just like…Palin.”  Most of the viewer e-mails Cafferty read bashed the two politicians. The commentator devoted his 5 pm Eastern hour commentary to the two Republican women. After his “feels like Sarah Palin all over again” line, Cafferty recounted O’Donnell’s emergence on the national political scene, and wasted little time in outlining her negative similarities to Palin: “Suddenly, everybody can’t seem to get enough of her. This is despite the fact that O’Donnell has some big question marks on her resume, just like Sarah Palin. She’s come under fire for allegedly misusing campaign funds for personal expenses-just like Sarah Palin .” The CNN personality briefly touched on the Delaware Republican’s eleven-year-old “dabbled in witchcraft” remarks and her traditional stance on sexuality before returning to his attack: CAFFERTY: O’Donnell has also been in the spotlight for saying that years ago, she ‘dabbled in witchcraft,’ and had one of her first dates with a witch on a satanic altar- she really said that. And she’s used her views on abstinence to rule out masturbation. After her last-minute cancellation of two Sunday show appearances this past weekend, O’Donnell suddenly announced that Sarah Palin has advised her now not to do any more national media interviews, and instead, focus just on local media. Based on Sarah Palin’s interviews with Katie Couric, that’s probably not bad advice. Those were disastrous, remember? I wonder if it means that O’Donnell is as poorly informed on the issues as Sarah Palin was . It all sounds so very familiar, doesn’t it? Palin’s resume [is] littered with goofy comments like saying that she could see Russia from Alaska, or not being able to name a single newspaper that she read on a daily basis. Sarah Palin quit as governor of Alaska midway through her first term. She often refuses to talk about a lot of the issues with the media, unless, of course, it’s with the F-word network- they pay her . But none of that seems to matter. Sarah Palin has become this huge celebrity who is seriously being talked about as a possible presidential contender- which is just what we need. Remember the McCain campaign? Cafferty concluded the segment with his “Question of the Hour” on the two women: “So here’s the question: why do people like Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell attract so much attention? Go to CNN.com/CaffertyFile, and please enlighten me, because I don’t have a clue .” Unsurprisingly, only two of the viewer replies which he read just before the top of the 6 pm Eastern hour could be characterized as leaning neutral, with the rest going in full liberal rage mode against the politicians. The CNN personality, along with anchor Wolf Blitzer, also made light of O’Donnell’s witchcraft remarks after he concluded reading the replies. CAFFERTY: Carlos in Pasadena [California]: ‘The popularity of the Tea Party lies with the media because the media loves the anomaly, the weird, the extreme, and the immediate . This, coupled with the quick solution, the sound bite, and an audience that has a brief attention span, makes the Palins et al popular.’ Andy says, ‘ Palin and O’Donnell represent the ideal Stepford housewives. The older conservative white men can fantasize about them, and the older white women can emulate them. It’s scary to think that candidates no longer have to talk about the issues, and can hide behind slideshow bullet points. Once again, beauty reigns in the white man’s world and intelligence is a negative .’ Professor writes, ‘I don’t think the majority of Americans like either one of them, Jack. We simply like watching train wrecks occur. These two whackos are foolish people who think the rest of us are stupid enough to fall for rhetoric and populism .’ Nick writes, ‘It’s because their rhetoric is in the right place. The country is still going through a rough time, economically, and while they have shown time and time again that they do not have the qualifications to fix our problems, much less debate them , they still provide an accurate mouthpiece to vent frustration and anger among Americans. They’re using the current situation for their own political and personal gain.’ Jean writes, ‘Three words: pretty white women- looks and no brains. Who was more famous than Marilyn Monroe? And, they don’t have to be blond to be ditsy .’ Tom in Texas writes, ‘Harken back to some of Palin’s old video, plus Ms. O’Donnell’s recent admissions. You’ve just gotta know, as the song goes, it’s witchcraft.’ If you want to read more on this- got a lot of e-mail- go to my blog, CNN.com/CaffertyFile. WOLF BLITZER: Jack- CAFFERTY: Have you ever been on a date at a Satanic altar? BLITZER: Missed that one. (unintelligible) CAFFERTY: Missed that- me too. (unintelligible) My life has got some voids in it. That’s one . BLITZER: That’s certainly one I have (unintelligible) (both Blitzer and Cafferty laugh) Jack, thanks very much. The CNN commentator has targeted Sarah Palin since the autumn of 2008, devoting 35% of his Cafferty Files segments over a month period to bashing the former governor. Since then, Cafferty has derided Palin as “lame” and referred to her as ” Caribou Barbie .” Just over two months ago, he hypothesized that the Republican’s popularity was a good omen for Democrats: “”If anything could overcome the increasingly sour view of the Obama presidency, it might be this. Why, the Democrats should be positively euphoric .”

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Jack Cafferty Lumps in Christine O’Donnell in New Attack on Palin

Is CNN Perpetuating the ‘Obama is Muslim’ Meme? Chyron: ‘W.H.: Pres. Obama Isn’t Muslim’

Every time the question about President Barack Obama’s faith is brought up, the wizards of smart in the mainstream media get up in arms about “right-wingers” or “tea partiers” perpetuating those allegations. But is it possible that by devoting so much attention to these issues of Obama’s faith and his citizenship, the media are creating the very feeding frenzy they’re appalled by? On CNN’s Aug. 19 “The Situation Room,” host Wolf Blitzer led his program off with at what first glance is a startling chyron: “W.H.: Pres. Obama Isn’t Muslim”. That graphic was in response to a recent Pew Research Center poll that found 18 percent of respondents thought Obama was Muslim. Later in the program, Blitzer went to his panel – CNN political analyst James Carville and Washington Times columnist and Heritage Foundation fellow Tony Blankley. Initially Carville said he didn’t have a clear explanation. Video with partial transcript and commentary below fold “I don’t other than the fact people are just willing to believe anything or there are a lot of stupid people out there,” Carville said. “I really don’t have an explanation, just like I don’t have an explanation for the fact that you see some of these polls that a quarter of the people believe he was born outside the country. I’m just as flummoxed as the next person.” Blankley cited an instance in 19 th Century England, which people questioned the faith of British Prime Minster Benjamin Disraeli. “I would compare it to what happened to Benjamin Disraeli, the British Prime Minister in the mid-19 th Century,” Blankley said. “He was suspected of being a Jew all through his career. His dad had been Jewish, but he baptized young Benjamin in the Church of England and he remained a practicing Christian with Jewish ancestry. I think it’s a similar situation with Obama.” And according Blankley, although he didn’t condone that belief, he suggested the same sort of circumstances were in play with the 44 th President of the United States. “His father was obviously Muslim and so that suspicious is there,” Blankley continued. “And then I think — what’s interesting is the numbers have gotten worse for him since he’s been President and I think some of his decisions, the outreach to Islam, good as it may be, wise as it may be, encourages some. His getting into a fight with the Israeli prime minister and his lack of attending church conspicuously, although Reagan, the President I worked for, didn’t go to church much because he said it would interrupt the congregation. So, there are good reasons for it, but the public is going to think what it’s going to think and he’s not made it easier.” Carville wasn’t buying it. Instead he just chalked the public up as “stupid” and willing to believe anything. He conflated the argument with questions about the President’s birth certificate. “I guess I would dispute, Tony — I don’t think the public thinks,” Carville said. “How can they think he wasn’t born in the United States, I mean with two birth announcements in both Honolulu papers. Again, I don’t have an explanation, and the quality of information to people today is exponentially higher than it was in 19 th century England. But again you’ve got to assume some people are just willing to believe anything and some people are out and out stupid. I wish I had a better explanation for it.” Despite the explanations (or lack of) from esteemed panelists, it’s possible the media themselves are to blame. By consistently using questions about Obama’s faith and his citizenship as fodder to demean conservatives, specifically the Tea Party movement and thereby creating a general mistrust by saying vile things, have the mainstream media perpetuated the very allegations they are abhorred by?

See the article here:
Is CNN Perpetuating the ‘Obama is Muslim’ Meme? Chyron: ‘W.H.: Pres. Obama Isn’t Muslim’

CNN’s Blitzer Presses Crist on Party Preference, ‘You Just Can’t Caucus with Yourself’

During on interview on Saturday’s The Situation Room with independent Florida Senate candidate and Governor Charlie Crist, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed the former Republican to announce which party he would choose to caucus with if he is elected to the Senate, and brought up his current associations with Democrats and flip-flops toward more liberal positions. As Crist repeatedly tried to evade acknowledging the importance of being aligned with one of the two major parties to have influence, and the likelihood that he would ultimately choose to ally with one of the parties, Blitzer was persistent in pressing for an answer, at one point quipping: “You just can’t caucus with yourself, if you will, if you want to have some influence.” Crist eventually seemed to hint that his decision would depend on which party holds the majority after November: “And you’ve just hit on the pivotal issue really: What is in the best interests of the people of Florida? We don’t know who’s going to be in the majority November 2 nd after the general election. And so I think it’s important to keep an open mind, to stay committed only to one thing, and that’s the people of my state.” After playing a clip of Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio accusing Crist of moving toward President Obama politically, Blitzer noted: “But are you increasingly embracing the Obama agenda? Because he’s saying you flip-flopped on a whole lot of issues where you were a Republican, but now you’re siding with the Democrats, including President Obama.” Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Saturday, August 14, The Situation Room on CNN: WOLF BLITZER: All right, let’s talk a little bit about why you’re here in Washington. Among other reasons, obviously, you want to be in the Situation Room, our Situation Room- GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST (I-FL), LAUGHING: I came here to see you. BLITZER: -but tonight you’re going to a fundraiser and some prominent Democrats are hosting this fundraiser for you, including someone very close to the former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. What does that mean? Are you now a Democrat for all practical purposes? CRIST: I think it means we have broad support, and I’m very pleased by that. I mean, from Republicans, Democrats, independents. I think everybody has the notion and the idea that they would like an independent voice in the United States Senate fighting for Floridians first. And that’s what this is really all about – being independent, putting people above the party, and making sure that they have a voice in the Senate that’s an honest broker, looks out for their interests first. And Democrats and Republicans and independents want it. BLITZER: Are you getting more support now from Republicans or Democrats? CRIST: I’d say it’s pretty evenly split. I mean, you know, a lot of friends from the Republican party have stayed with us, continued to help, and God bless them for that. New Democrats who have become very good friends and some Democrats have been friend for a long time are just stepping up in a much more significant way now. BLITZER: The fundraiser tonight’s going to be basically Democrats, though? CRIST: That’s correct, it is. BLITZER: There are two independent U.S. Senators, as you know – Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman. But they both caucus with the Democrats and the Democrats are in the majority. They have chairmanship committees and committee rankings and all of that. If you’re elected to the United States Senate, will you caucus with the Democrats or the Republicans? CRIST: I’ve always said that I’ll caucus with the people of Florida. And what I mean by that is, issue by issue, whatever’s in the best interests of the people of my state, my fellow Floridians, I want to be able to be with those that are going to help Florida. BLITZER: But you got to make a decision because, if you’re not going to be caucusing with one party or the other party, you’re not going to have any committee ranking, you’re not going to have any influence in the United States Senate. You’re going to have to make a major decision. CRIST: Well, if I have the honor of winning, I’ll have a vote in the United States Senate. BLITZER: You’ll have one vote, but if you’re chairman of the committee, if you caucus with the Democrats, chairman of a subcommittee, you could have some influence, so you’re going to have to decide whether to caucus with the Democrats or the Republicans. You just can’t caucus with yourself, if you will, if you want to have some influence. CRIST: Well, I got to keep my eye on the ball, and the eye on the ball for me means looking at November 2 nd. I’m not going to be a chairman of anything if I don’t get elected to the Senate first. So I have to continue to work hard, campaign hard, continue to strive to earn the trust and confidence of my fellow Floridians. BLITZER: So when the Democrats at the fundraiser tonight ask you, Charlie Crist, we’re going to give you money, they’ll say. Are you promising us you’ll be with Harry Reid and the Democrats assuming he gets re-elected in the United States Senate, you won’t go with Mitch McConnell and the Republicans? CRIST: I’m not going to commit to either one because I’m only committed to the people of Florida. BLITZER: So you’ll commit after, if you’re elected. Is that what you’re saying? CRIST: Probably. BLITZER: Because you’ll have to caucus, you’ll have to make that decision down the road. CRIST: Well, I don’t know that Wayne Morris did. I think he literally took a seat in the middle of the aisle, right? BLITZER: He didn’t. You’re right. You’re right on that. He didn’t. He took a seat in the middle, but, you know, then the people of Florida could suffer if you don’t have the influence that you would like to have. CRIST: And you’ve just hit on the pivotal issue really: What is in the best interests of the people of Florida? We don’t know who’s going to be in the majority November 2 nd after the general election. And so I think it’s important to keep an open mind, to stay committed only to one thing, and that’s the people of my state. BLITZER: Your Republican challenger, Marco Rubio, was here. He was sitting in that seat in the Situation Room just a little while ago on July 20. He said this: MARCO RUBIO, FLORIDA REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: I don’t believe he’s really an independent. I think there’s increasing evidence that he now is embracing the Obama agenda. BLITZER: You heard what he said. CRIST: I heard what he said. BLITZER: You’re smiling. CRIST: Well, why wouldn’t I smile? BLITZER: But are you increasingly embracing the Obama agenda? Because he’s saying you flip-flopped on a whole lot of issues where you were a Republican, but now you’re siding with the Democrats, including President Obama. CRIST: Well, that’s what you’d expect him to say. He’s my opponent after all, one of them. And we don’t know who the other one’s gong to be yet until the primary concludes on August 24. So I look forward to that. I really do. And there will be distinctions between us on a lot of issues. But that’s the kind of thing you hear from a lot of the, you know, party candidates, if you will. They like to take shots at people. I’m not here to really do that today. I’m here to offer myself to the people of Florida as an independent voice who wants to rise above that kind of back-and-forth stuff that’s driving them crazy all over the country.

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CNN’s Blitzer Presses Crist on Party Preference, ‘You Just Can’t Caucus with Yourself’

Captionfest: Katie, Bill, and Wolf at the World Cup Edition

Below is a photo of CBS “Evening News” anchor Katie Couric and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer hanging out with President Bill Clinton at the World Cup last Saturday. Couric posted a link to the photo from her Twitter account , where she noted that “Clinton’s people invited [her] to [the U.S. vs. Ghana] game last minute.”

Media Praise Obama’s ‘Brilliant’ Decision to Fire Gen. McChrystal

President Obama’s decision to relieve General Stanley McChrystal of command in Afghanistan and replace him with General David Petraeus was met with a chorus of praise in the media, as anchors and pundits on CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN all sang in unison that it was a “brilliant” move.   During live special coverage leading up to the announcement in the 1PM ET hour on CBS, White House correspondent Chip Reid proclaimed: “it sounds like a pretty brilliant decision really.” At the same time on NBC, correspondent Jim Miklaszewski described it as a “stunning development” and added “at a quick glance, almost brilliant .” Minutes later, White House correspondent Chuck Todd declared: “politically, in this town, it’s going to be seen as a brilliant choice by the President.” Over on CNN, moments after Obama finished speaking, anchor Wolf Blitzer remarked that it was a “major moment for this president” and later observed: “a very brilliant move to tap General Petraeus.” Finally, in the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, Meet the Press host David Gregory concluded: “I think he took swift and decisive action. I think that’s how it’s going to be read.” In addition to cheering Obama’s brilliance, another common theme in the media reaction was to assert the President’s decision would be immune from criticism. Reid explained: “So the President avoids both the criticisms here, number one, putting somebody new in charge and, number two, since he fired McChrystal, he’s not going to be accused of being weak.”  Miklaszewski noted: “this may quiet some of the critics up on Capitol Hill.” Todd later added: “…you will not hear a single word from Capitol Hill, no Republican will dare say a negative thing about this decision.”

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Media Praise Obama’s ‘Brilliant’ Decision to Fire Gen. McChrystal

The Don Lemon Lookbook: An Appreciation of CNN’s Dandiest Anchor

This weekend, Times Style writer Guy Trebay accurately observed that the CNN reporter’s default uniform in Haiti was a snug-fitting muscle shirt. This, Trebay concluded, was a sign that journalists were basically becoming slobs

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The Don Lemon Lookbook: An Appreciation of CNN’s Dandiest Anchor

CNN’s Post-Heroic Phase

Two days ago, CNN’s Haiti coverage reached a strange climax, as Sanjay Gupta and Anderson Cooper morphed into a heroic team of life-saving reporters. Tonight—eight days after the earthquake hit—Gupta and Cooper seemed beaten down, almost resigned. Their reports focused mainly on the lack of supplies—medical and otherwise—that threaten to make the earthquake’s aftermath as deadly as the disaster itself.

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CNN’s Post-Heroic Phase

Auto-tune the Meme

Auto-tune the Meme 2:08 Take everything on the internet and auto-tune it. Continue reading

CNN Hosts Who Suck at ‘Jeopardy’ for $500

Wolf Blitzer — one of the most decorated hard-news reporters on the planet — got his ass handed to him on “Jeopardy” last night … by a comedian’s sidekick. By the end of Double Jeopardy, Blitzer racked up an impressive NEGATIVE $4,800 — after …

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CNN Hosts Who Suck at ‘Jeopardy’ for $500