Tag Archives: Stretch Marks

Paula Bulczynska Ass Stretch Marks for Lingerie Shoot of the Day

There’s something erotic about seeing Paula Bulczynska’s tiger stripes, or whatever it is the girls with stretch marks on some stretch mark empowering program, because empower everything by sharing your insecurities with the world in one big reveal, that keeps you insecure, but that give you support from other people with the same ailment or issue as you, starting a movement, giving you a purpose, and giving me things I don’t necessarily like…naked…it’s all part of the process… I don’t generally like empowerment, or mind stretch marks, all girls have them, but girls hate them and feel insecure about them and start these movements that I hate because they take away from the upset, sheltered girl who fears the world, all mousy and too sad to talk in public or look people in the eye, because they are easy to seduce into sex, or letting you mooch off them…so this empowerment nonsense gets in the way of that… But not with low level, probably barely paid, barely an instagram model but she gets naked Paula Bulczynska and her stretch marks, because her tits are so good, who’s even looking at her grew to fast ass… The post Paula Bulczynska Ass Stretch Marks for Lingerie Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paula Bulczynska Ass Stretch Marks for Lingerie Shoot of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Nipple of the DAy

I guess what we can all learn from these recent Behind the Scenes pics of Alessandra Ambrosio on set…is that even the early models, or should we call them the old model of the Victoria’s Secret marketing robot, have nipples… That brand built that pussy you want to fuck, so that you buy the mall brand panties for your wife to help make the fantasy that you’re fucking their sex doll real…a little too real thanks to your wife’s belly and stretch marks…but when you close your eyes and see that matching bra and panty set – while on sedatives after drinking two bottles of wine…it’s probably as good as the real thing, less obnoxious, spoiled, high maintenance…but the good news is, they all die off eventually.. Alessandra Ambrosio is on her way out, she’s old now, been around forever…but on her demise..and this is a test to see if people still care about her nipple. The post Alessandra Ambrosio’s Nipple of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alessandra Ambrosio’s Nipple of the DAy

Chrissy Teigen Stretch Marks of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is the fucking worst. I am not just saying that because she targeted me on her blog and called me a rapist..I am saying that because everything about her, from career, to social media comedy, to weird freakouts to her realtionship and marriage is a fucking joke….the only thing I wish wasn’t a joke was when she mentioned her suicidal thoughts…because maybe they’d get the best of her in a drunken, bloated rage… People in the mainstream, I call them suburbanites, or peasants, are buying into her nonsense..and last night I even saw people celebrating and commedning Chrissy Teigen for being so brave by posting a pic of her stretch marked thighs…likes it is revolutionary to be disgusting… Girls have stretch marks…and I think it is safe to say based on even her photoshopped pics that this pig faced, pot bellied, obscure ethnicity was imperfect…a photoshop lie…that wasn’t even that great, but good enough to secure her funds by gold digging smart, with a guy right before he got super fucking rich…so that he thinks it’s true love… She’s high maintenance, high strung, irritating, and shouldn’t even be on anyone’s radar… So only models because she’s positioned herself properly and her rich as fuck husband likes it for his ego..and she’s just doing this for attention…because she sucks and loves attention…and pparently so do her fat inner thighs. All this to say…I think she’s got a dick…no, that’s not what I wanted to say….what I wanted to say is stop encouraging her…there is nothing good about this oversharing, look at me “fans”…”it’s like you’re in my room with me as we drink because I have no friends, let’s talk about our insecurities” behavior…it’s the worst. The post Chrissy Teigen Stretch Marks of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Chrissy Teigen Stretch Marks of the Day

Hi Haters: Mother Of 5 Pens Facebook Letter To Trio Who Mocked Her Stretch Marks During 1st Time Back On Beach In A Bikini!

The bullying has got to stop… Alberta Mother Of 5 Writes Open Letter To Bullies Who Mocked Her Stretch Marks On Beach A mother of five from Alberta, Canada has been embraced by people across the globe after turning to Facebook to vent about her horrifying experience at the beach. Check out her open letter below: “This is an open letter to the 2 guys and 1 girl who decided to skip work today in Sherwood Park where they were building a house, but instead decided to come to Alberta Beach to relax in the sun, enjoy the water and some beers. I’m sorry if my first attempt at sun tanning in a bikini in public in 13 years “grossed you out”. I’m sorry that my stomach isn’t flat and tight. I’m sorry that my belly is covered in stretch marks. I’m NOT sorry that my body has housed, grown, protected, birthed and nurtured FIVE fabulous, healthy, intelligent and wonderful human beings. I’m sorry if my 33 year old, 125 lb body offended you so much that you felt that pointing, laughing, and pretending to kick me. But I’ll have you know that as I looked at your ‘perfect’ young bodies, I could only think to myself “what great and amazing feat has YOUR body done?”. I’ll also have you know that I held my head high, unflinching as you mocked me, pretending that what you said and did had no effect on me; but I cried in the car on the drive home. Thanks for ruining my day. It’s people like you who make this world an ugly hateful place. I can’t help but feel sorry for the women who will one day bear your children and become “gross” in your eyes as their bodies change during the miraculous process of pregnancy. I can only hope that one day you’ll realize that my battle scars are something to be proud of, not ashamed of.” Well said, right?! We’re glad that she was able to turn her negative into a positive. Her letter has been shared all across the world OVER 3,400 times!!! Facebook

See the article here:
Hi Haters: Mother Of 5 Pens Facebook Letter To Trio Who Mocked Her Stretch Marks During 1st Time Back On Beach In A Bikini!

Shakira for Self Magazine of the Day

Shakira went and got herself photoshopped for Self Magazine like all the mom celebrities who want to feel good about themselves do. One of those edit my mom gut so hard I look cut…make those stretch marks look like abs…talk about how great I’ve bounced back from my pregnancy…I don’t mind doing your low budget shit magazine…it’s good for my self esteem kind of thing…not to mention it makes all the Walmart shopping, white trash trailer park moms remember I exist now that I am not the crazy “mexican” on The Voice…and you don’t want that key demo to forget you, they are the only one still buy CDs…cuz they can’t afford them computer things… Here are the pics

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Shakira for Self Magazine of the Day

Ashley Greene GQ Photos

That#39;s Ashley Greene in the December issue of GQ UK. In meticulously reviewing these pictures, I#39;ve come to the conclusion that I would very much like to impregnate Ashley Greene. And I wouldn#39;t even pressure her into getting an abortion like I always do by dropping little comments like “wow, didn#39;t those pants used to fit you?” or “did you know that stretch marks are impossible to get rid of?” I#39;m a gentleman like that.

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Ashley Greene GQ Photos

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Sexy Beach Photos

Here’s supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio at the beach in Malibu showing off her sweet MILF body. I don’t know how having a kid didn’t ruin her body but that’s the reason why I’m staying single and never getting married. I wouldn’t be able to deal with a wife having stretch marks and saggy boobies, unless she was rich and able to support a poor blogger. Then I’d deal with it and visit massage parlours weekly.

Xenia Deli Hot in the Changing Room of the Day

Xenia Deli is pretty fucking hot…so hot I can see past her stretch marks….that are making me wonder if her booty grew too fast when she first hit puberty and was all hormonal….or if it was a product of quick weight loss after being a fat slob….cuz you see one of those things is not quite like the other….but maybe both should not be analyzed…because it takes away from all that is good about her…even if I have no idea who the fuck she is…cuz when you look like this you don’t have to be anyone, you don’t even have to be breathing, you just need to keep getting in a bikini, shit will work out ok for you as more and more people start jerking off to you….. So I did some research….turns out that “Xenia Deli, was born October 27, 1989 in the Republic of Moldova (south of the Ukraine). She stands 5’7″ and dreams of one day becoming successful model.” Makes a huge fucking differnece when looking at these pics right? All communist raised, hard working and familiar with organized crime to finance her escape into this sex trade…. Who cares. She’s in a changing room. Half naked. I’m into this….but then again watching girls change is kinda a fetish of mine….one that has got me banned from many stores. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Xenia Deli Hot in the Changing Room of the Day

Reese Witherspoon Unfortunate Bikini Bottoms of the Day

I normally have a white bikini fetish. I think it is cuz I was once at a pool and a hot 18 or 19 year old was walking around, inches from my face, fully see through, rocking a bald, coinslot, inny vagina….and since then…has made me seek the white bikini…like it was some forbidden fruit I had a taste of….but today….all that ended…cuz Reese Witherspoon had to prove that sometimes a white bikini bottom isn’t as pornographic as it was meant to be…or as you always thought it was…. I can just be thankful that she’s wearing a shirt…cuz sometimes your bikini top doesn’t cover up your ravaged stretch marks from all your breeding you 40 year old overrated pig….she’s halfway there…all she needs is a pair of pants and we’re good…and remember, I’m a pervert who wishes all women were half naked at all times…. The real weird thing about Reese Witherspoon, I mean other than that she’s tricked the world into thinking she’s anything but a chubby pigfaced bitch who traps dudes with her uterus, cuz she’s a good christian southern girl, is that she’s always jogging…I mean ALWAYS fucking jogging…yet she still has an like this? I mean where the fuck did all that jogging go? Either way, here is her ass being all American….

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Reese Witherspoon Unfortunate Bikini Bottoms of the Day

Raica Oliveira Poses For Heine Heine Spring Summer 2011 Collection

Her name is Raica Oliveira, I’ve never heard of her, but apparently she’s a Brazilian swimsuit model, who has done SI and some other swimsuit model shit….which means she could also be a tranny, cuz everyone knows Brazil is the second largest exporters of trannies behind Thailand….not that I think she is one, but what the fuck do I know, today’s the first time I’ve heard of her, and I haven’t really had the opportunity to give her a gynecological exam, I’ve really only seen her in these pictures for a bathing suit line that I can only assume is for the 40+ crowd, cuz shit’s all high waisted and tank top oriented to cover up the fact that a bitch is in the 40+ crowd…babies, stretch marks, one too many pieces of birthday cake, you get what I’m saying here….and if you don’t it’s that this bitch needs some more erotic bikinis to model…I feel like I’m at the public pool mid summer with a bunch of mom’s looking at her…and that’s only porn to me when nothing else is going on….

See the rest here:
Raica Oliveira Poses For Heine Heine Spring Summer 2011 Collection