Tag Archives: girls-willing

Sarah Hyland – Armpit Fetish of the Day

I have an armpit fetish…I don’t have a Sarah Hyland fetish…but sometimes one thing overrides the other…and you take the armpit you get…since most girls are shy about their armpits and don’t like broadcasting their armpits unless they are the armpit you don’t want…because it is all hairy and matted from sweat on some pig feminist bitch who wants you to know she’s a real woman because she doesn’t shave…you know a not so silent protest…that should be focused on PUSSY hair..because the bigger the bush the less disgusting the fat feminist bitch is…but the hairier the armpits have a reverse effect.. I’m glad we sorted this out together… The post Sarah Hyland – Armpit Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sarah Hyland – Armpit Fetish of the Day

Gillian Anderson Bikini Pics of the Day

Gillian Anderson’s husband is looking for her pussy…because I guess when Menopause happens, the VAGINA dies…and dude’s left wondering if being with such a super famous nerd icon is worth it…and maybe she is cool enough to let him get away with fucking younger pussy for fun…who knows, getting old is weird… Every old married guy I knows bitches that his wife won’t fuck him, not that he wants her to fuck him, and reminisces about getting head and being a sexual deviant in younger years, but traded it all in for prison…which makes no sense…always fuck the young girls willing to fuck you….married or not…we only live once… That said, here’s Gillian Anderson in a bikini for her creepy pervert fans who still jerk off to her all these years later – even though she wasn’t even that hot on x-files. The world is weird. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICk HERE The post Gillian Anderson Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gillian Anderson Bikini Pics of the Day

Elsa Hosk for Love Magazine Bullshit of the Day

Love magazine produces some real dog shit videos for their Christmas advent – even though Christmas was days ago – and advent isn’t supposed to be every singe day of decemeber – but they are so edgy, so innovative, they use top models, heavily followed models, and pander to their audience all the hopes to end the year in style, with lots more followers of their own, to sell ads against…it’s almost brilliant, the problem is that the creative direction like everything on the internet is lame, boring, repetitive, stupid, a miss use of eager to participate whores…and when you have talented or successful directors producing the videos – why the fuck is this low level shit what we are left with…it confuses me…but then again…I am either drunk or hungover and sometimes basic things like wiping my wife’s ass because she’s obese confuses me… So here is titty model – who used to only show tit in photoshoots, before turning into a VS model because Candice Swanepoel wanted to breed – and she had the same look….not showing her tits…not even looking as good as she could thanks to that bull ring….and not being nude… But it happened, and I’m lazy, so I’m posting it….dog shit or not…I’ll roll around in it. The post Elsa Hosk for Love Magazine Bullshit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk for Love Magazine Bullshit of the Day

Censored Bambi Northwood-Blyth Titty Pics of the Day

Bambi Northwood-Blyth blocked me on social media a long time ago…It was very sad, but I’ve managed to power through…. She was the young hot girlfriend of some Australian fashion tycoon from some jeans company called Tsubi that was all the fucking rage for a while, and may still be, but all the hot bitches were wearing it back when she was 12 and he was 40, because that’s the solid strategy for old rich dudes – as there will always be hot young girls willing to fuck them for the life…. Being rich and successful always leads to LOVE with any and all aspiring models trying to sleep their way to the top… And it works, because she’s made it to the top….And here she is showing some titties on the beach – like she was still and up and comer…even though she’s pretty much made it… FASCINATING… Here are some throwback pics of her tits… The post Censored Bambi Northwood-Blyth Titty Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Censored Bambi Northwood-Blyth Titty Pics of the Day

Alyssia McGoogan by Alessandro Casagrande Nude of the Day

Alessandro Casagrande is a big TUMBLR photographer and tumblr is the future, because tumblr is better designed and makes more fucking sense than Instagram, and I believe they will win this war against instagram, when people realize that TUMBLR lets you post nudes…and that’s something I’ve been doing and been penalized for fucking ever…maybe one day…brands will say “holy fuck, pussy isn’t just for fucking behind my wife’s back at the office, it’s can be compelling content also”….asshole ad agency cocksuckers.. That said, I assume he’s from Italy, but I don’t fucking know, I just geographically locate people by their name….I am a bigot like that… I don’t know who the model Alyssia McGoogan, but she’s naked in “artistic” poses….that aren’t really artistic, but are still not porn, so it’s grey area perfection I love…so let’s just encourage her to continue…cuz without that…we got nothing…but the girls willing to fuck us naked and that is a terribly, horribly, scary thing to look at… The post Alyssia McGoogan by Alessandro Casagrande Nude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alyssia McGoogan by Alessandro Casagrande Nude of the Day

Sara Sampaio’s bare Ass and Tits with a Horse for the Perverts of the Day

This is not a weird fetish photoshoot from some obscure porn site, this is Sara Sampaio for Vogue Spain, which means this is top fashion, and I guess you can ignore the clothes she is in, despite it being a fashion magazine, and focus on the fact that she is naked with a horse…or half naked with a horse, up on some weirdo Equus fetish shit…. I am sure horse love has existed forever, and that pony play fetish has even inspired a line horse tail butt plugs, hoof hand and feet covers, and even leather horse masks…I don’t know who sexualized the horse first, I am sure a a lot of people over the history of man have inserted their majestic genitals inside random girls willing to get fucked by a horse…I’ve seen the videos…and I guess this is the

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Sara Sampaio’s bare Ass and Tits with a Horse for the Perverts of the Day

Irina Shayk and her Boyfriend Simulate Sex in Vogue of the Day

Vogue Spain did a photoshoot with Irina Shayk, who I like to think is one of the hottest BEARD to a homosexual athlete who can’t come out of the closet because Europeans are homophobes, despite being some of the daintiest, emotional freak show men in tight pants around… They would hate their star player they are so passionate about…being a poofter… So his team, who make a lot of money from him, found some desperate model, promised her the world, to save her from just being another Russian Babe on webcam, because so many Russian girls are just as hot and soulless as Irina Shayk…and she went for it. Now she’s making money, is a Sports Illustrated model, because I am sure it was challenging for his sports agents to set that up…and here they are pretending to be a real couple…as he giggles…because he’s not just in on the joke, he’s all about the fucking joke…his career depends on it… You see, I’ve been told by 10 different people, at different times, with different levels of involvement with the couple, that it’s strictly a business transaction, they see each other when they need to make an appearance together, but they spend under 3 weeks a year together, because she’ too busy in AMerica fucking other dudes…and he’s too busy in Europe fucking dudes… Either way, I approve of their sham…even though this shoot is super fucking gay…I believe that hiding your sexuality so hard that you find the world an Irina Shayk, totally works for me….and as you know, it’s all about me.

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Irina Shayk and her Boyfriend Simulate Sex in Vogue of the Day

Emily DiDonato Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

When I see this Emily DiDonato behind the scenes video at an Armani perfume shoot, I don’t see a hot model showing off some nipples for money, I just see RED, and by red I mean I see Jake Gyllenhaal’s unwanted pussy, because he tainted her with his seed, even though he’s a fucking pussy who you’d think is more into making people watch him stick things in his bratty ass…You see, he doesn’t need some implant tit model who isn’t even that hot, because he’s famous and there are so many other girls willing to leverage his status to help her career…at least that’s what this video of her is telling me… You see, he’s a loser, a horrible person, a fucking brat with an industry dad, and any girl into that, is clearly only into him for his name, status and money… So this Emily chick is just a low grade groupie, who couldn’t even lock him down with pregnancy…but I guess dating him helped her increase her day rate..

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Emily DiDonato Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

Emily DiDonato Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

When I see this Emily DiDonato behind the scenes video at an Armani perfume shoot, I don’t see a hot model showing off some nipples for money, I just see RED, and by red I mean I see Jake Gyllenhaal’s unwanted pussy, because he tainted her with his seed, even though he’s a fucking pussy who you’d think is more into making people watch him stick things in his bratty ass…You see, he doesn’t need some implant tit model who isn’t even that hot, because he’s famous and there are so many other girls willing to leverage his status to help her career…at least that’s what this video of her is telling me… You see, he’s a loser, a horrible person, a fucking brat with an industry dad, and any girl into that, is clearly only into him for his name, status and money… So this Emily chick is just a low grade groupie, who couldn’t even lock him down with pregnancy…but I guess dating him helped her increase her day rate..

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Emily DiDonato Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

Alicia Keys is Unfortunatel in her Bikini of the Day

I don’t think Alicia Keys keeps on falling in and out of love….with “UH” you…I think she keeps falling in and out of love with cake, but for the most part, she’s pretty in love with cake. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Alicia Keys is Unfortunatel in her Bikini of the Day