Tag Archives: the-equivalent

Jessica Lowndes Self Shot Bikini Shoot of the Day

Jessica Lowndes is some implant rocking, bikini clad, Canadian who managed to get on TV once and who now has enough money and a work visa to stick around LA and try to get on TV again. It may happen, it may not, but in the downtime she’s co-ordinating self shot bikini photoshoots, proving that you don’t need a photographer to take pics of you when no one cares…you can do it yourself and some asshole with a website will post it like it matters or like it is news even though this motherfucker hardly knows who Jessica Lowndes is, I just need to support my fellow countryman – even if she escaped the first chance she got to live the American dream…when it all collapses and no American is willing to marry her for citizenship…she’ll be right back where she started, on Canadian TV, which is the equivalent of being in nothing at all since no one ever sees it..but based on these fake tits should…so my advice to her is before giving up, turn to porn. I’m down to watch this fuck go down.

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Jessica Lowndes Self Shot Bikini Shoot of the Day

Jessica Lowndes Self Shot Bikini Shoot of the Day

Jessica Lowndes is some implant rocking, bikini clad, Canadian who managed to get on TV once and who now has enough money and a work visa to stick around LA and try to get on TV again. It may happen, it may not, but in the downtime she’s co-ordinating self shot bikini photoshoots, proving that you don’t need a photographer to take pics of you when no one cares…you can do it yourself and some asshole with a website will post it like it matters or like it is news even though this motherfucker hardly knows who Jessica Lowndes is, I just need to support my fellow countryman – even if she escaped the first chance she got to live the American dream…when it all collapses and no American is willing to marry her for citizenship…she’ll be right back where she started, on Canadian TV, which is the equivalent of being in nothing at all since no one ever sees it..but based on these fake tits should…so my advice to her is before giving up, turn to porn. I’m down to watch this fuck go down.

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Jessica Lowndes Self Shot Bikini Shoot of the Day

Kim Matula Nipple Slip at Some Emmy Event of the Day

I’ve never heard of Kim Matula, but I have seen her nipple, all thanks to some strategic dress planning for some EMMY bullshit that happened yesterday or the day before… Apparently, she’s some 26 year old Texan who is on Bold and the Beautiful, where I guess she plays the Bold, you know the kind of bitch who would pull out her tit on the red carpet of the only event she is probably invited to attend, as being a Soap Star is the equivalent of being a porn star, without the nudity, and the actors who play soap stars and debatably less talented than the actors who are in porn…and the reality is more middle aged fat women masturbate to Soap Operas than they do porn, so maybe Soap Operas are considered porn…either way…nipple. #450911014 / gettyimages.com #450902622 / gettyimages.com

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Kim Matula Nipple Slip at Some Emmy Event of the Day

Sahara Ray Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

Her name is Sahara Ray, she may or may not be my friend’s girlfriend. I may or may not have emailed her at least 20 times asking her to be my girlfriend or at least to pose nude in my basement shower stall one a specific day my wife is at her doctor’s appointment for her diabetes…an appointment that she needs to continue getting the disability checks I steal to get drunk…not that it matters.. What matters is that she’s ignored me, despite me trying to masturbate at least once to her in HER NUDE SHOOT FOR LUI …which in some cultures is the equivalent of buying a bitch flowers… I don’t know what these behind the scenes with nipple pics are for, but I think they may or may not be par of my friend Viv’s first print issue of her LIVEFAST MAGAZINE that she raised 77,000 dollars on Kickstarter to do…because that’s how I found the pics posted on sticksandstoneagency and may or may not be by Jannekestorm … Either way, Nipples.

Sahara Ray Behind the Scenes Nipple of the Day

Bikini of the Day

I prefer my bikinis to be crotchless, but this works too, especially on a nice sunny Sunday in the park while I sit back and look onto your sun tanning because half naked girls, even when fat and talking about salad, in some confusing twilight zone way, is fun to stare at, even when it isn’t built like this innovative japanese bikini…so when I see this all I see is possibilities….but maybe I’m just sucked in by the video production qulaity of the japanese babe modeling this shit….

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Bikini of the Day

Julianne Hough Flashes Her Cooter the Old Fashioned Way of the Day

There’s nothing quite like a good old fashioned, getting out of the car, panty and labia flash, to remind us that Julianne Hough cares about increasing her popularity, and having the media talk about her, now that she doesn’t have Ryan Seacrest’s fame and fortune to attach herself to, as people look on and wonder whether she’s just his beard, because there’s no way those frosted tips don’t like anal, the bottom kind. Because once you hit a level of celebrity, the paparazzi love when you pull this kind of shit off…. While I just look on and imagine what could have been if it all didn’t work out for her, because let’s face it, there’s really only 2 jobs a professional dancer can take, and she got her hands on the wrong one. But at least she’s giving us a taste of what coulda been, while getting herself written about, all thanks to a little low level pussy flash. I’m into it. Next time a little more crotchless and a lot more spread asshole. It will distract from her shitty face…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Julianne Hough Flashes Her Cooter the Old Fashioned Way of the Day

Miley Cyrus Did Maxim and is their Top 100 of the Day

So these Maxim assholes and their Top 100 stories are a fucking joke. Maxim isn’t a relevant news agency with objective journalism, objectifying women by any systematic way, they are just doing it haphazardly. You know a bunch or half retard dudes, with some publicist connections, doing a list that is best for their dying business, from a business development and marketing standpoint…. So them choosing Miley as number 1, is the equivalent of me saying Miley is number 1, everytime I see pics of her bra-less titties and tight little funny elf faced body. It means nothing. But Miley is pretending to be happy about it, posting pics from her shoot, looking hot, the way she wants to, to get some revenge on her ex boyfriend /fiance who left her, because that’s how spoiled rich girls work, they get even by showing the motherfucker what they are missing, and that’s a Maxim Number 1 Girl, even if Maxim doesn’t fucking matter, it’s just another thing to throw in his face and to feel about her brat self with. Luckily, I’m into Miley, at least when she’s not talking, so when she’s in pictures, and seeing her in ghetto, low grade, bikini shoots for shitty magazines, works for me. Even if I know how ridiculous the whole approach to it is. She’s putting in work lately, after years of being stagnant all thanks to a broken heart.

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Miley Cyrus Did Maxim and is their Top 100 of the Day

Miley Cyrus Did Maxim and is their Top 100 of the Day

So these Maxim assholes and their Top 100 stories are a fucking joke. Maxim isn’t a relevant news agency with objective journalism, objectifying women by any systematic way, they are just doing it haphazardly. You know a bunch or half retard dudes, with some publicist connections, doing a list that is best for their dying business, from a business development and marketing standpoint…. So them choosing Miley as number 1, is the equivalent of me saying Miley is number 1, everytime I see pics of her bra-less titties and tight little funny elf faced body. It means nothing. But Miley is pretending to be happy about it, posting pics from her shoot, looking hot, the way she wants to, to get some revenge on her ex boyfriend /fiance who left her, because that’s how spoiled rich girls work, they get even by showing the motherfucker what they are missing, and that’s a Maxim Number 1 Girl, even if Maxim doesn’t fucking matter, it’s just another thing to throw in his face and to feel about her brat self with. Luckily, I’m into Miley, at least when she’s not talking, so when she’s in pictures, and seeing her in ghetto, low grade, bikini shoots for shitty magazines, works for me. Even if I know how ridiculous the whole approach to it is. She’s putting in work lately, after years of being stagnant all thanks to a broken heart.

See original here:
Miley Cyrus Did Maxim and is their Top 100 of the Day

Michelle Cruz is AMazing in GQ Russia of the Day

No idea who Michelle Cruz, but I am going to assume she’s not Tom Cruise’s adopted daughter….or Penelope Cruz’s sister, or cousin, or really anything relevant..because you know in the world we live in…nothing matters unless it is on TV or the big screen, but I’m gonna argue that nothing matters including whether it has been on the big screen or TV…life is so insignificant…that we try to make an impact in the time we are here but in the grand scheme of humanity, it’s the equivalent of a fucking grain of sand on the beach that is our species….insignificant…but that doesn’t mean give up, kill yourself, it just means sit there and wait to die while staring at babes posing half naked….cuz as much as they don’t matter….at least they give you boners.

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Michelle Cruz is AMazing in GQ Russia of the Day

Miranda Kerr Hot Ass for Reebok of the Day

Reebok is smart enough to take Victoria’s Secret approach to marketing, by recruiting their prized hen and slutting her up in activewear in efforts to sell shoes using her ass….making her the equivalent of a low level spokesperson prostitute who traded her dignity for a paycheck that corporations rape to make fucking sales…..and I am not complaining….because hot model ass slutting out for money in pictures I can look at….whether I give a fuck about the brand or not…is a good thing….we need more of that in this horrible world we live in….that is luckily coming to an end in 8 months.

See the original post here:
Miranda Kerr Hot Ass for Reebok of the Day