Tag Archives: activist

Sit Down, Be Humble: Activist Pens Open Letter To Steve Harvey Blasting Him Over Flint Water “Jokes”

(WENN) People’s Army Activist Demands Steve Harvey Put Up Or Shut Up As you already know, Steve Harvey is in serious isht with plenty of people over his “Flint” jokes he made on air earlier this week. We don’t usually do this, but we received an open letter from an activist who eloquently told Mr. Harvey exactly where he can go with his comments. We’re sharing it now and we want your thoughts. Here goes: Mr. Harvey, I actually used to enjoy your country humor and down home jokes until recently I had to check myself for confusing ignorance with comedy. All this time I was duped into believing that Steve Harvey was the “funny uncle” or the “brother on the corner” always crackin’ jokes, temporarily relieving the pain brought about by everyday struggles. I’m ashamed to admit that my family and I would watch “Family Feud” back to back religiously to catch you hosting with your punch lines, one-liners and goofy facial expressions. As a community activist and people’s advocate I would listen to the “Steve Harvey Morning Show” periodically, in spite of your recognizable ignorance and buffoonery chalking it up as “just comedy”. But we know that nothing is “just comedy” and everything is political. In January, when you met with Donald Trump the people were upset, many felt outraged and slighted. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “the people have an 8 day memory”, we see that those words have proven to be precise because many have forgotten about your bowing down to the oligarchy and reporting to America that, “Trump is a good man”. Your latest bout of uncontrollable idiocy was delivered via “The Steve Harvey Morning Show” when you made mockery of a caller from Flint, Michigan, a victim of the genocidal practices of the US Government (Flint Water Crisis) by stating, “He (the caller) gonna say Cleveland don’t deserve jack and he over there bathing in all that silver water” and if that foolishness wasn’t enough, as your co-hosts tried to apologize and move on “your dumb ass” continues to put your $5000 shoes down your own throat by saying “one more thing, enjoy your nice brown glass of water”. Absolutely despicable! You must REALLY be feeling yourself. It must be pretty comfortable in “the house” when you can muster up the audacity to make mockery of an ongoing tragedy such as the Flint Water Crisis. What’s funny about the countless people who have loss their lives and loved ones from outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease? What’s funny about the hundreds of thousands of children and adults exposed to lead poison? The same lead poison that can be attributed to behavior disorders, brain damage, hearing problems, delayed puberty and reduced fetal growth in pregnant women. Do you know that lead poison affects the heart, kidneys and nervous system? Aside from that, do you know that the residents of Flint, Michigan were forced to continue to pay the water bill for this contaminated water or risk having their children taken by child protective services? And YOU think it’s funny? You silly man! Where is your humanity? Where is your empathy when it comes to these victims of chemical and biological warfare? This is a form of ethnic cleansing and over the loss of a basketball game you douse your own supporters with brown water? You have some explaining to do. Not just a contrived press statement from your high paid publicist or a funky donation, photo op at ground zero or a “Hoodie Award”. Not this time Steve, it’s time for you to really humble yourself and invest in the community on a grassroots level or watch the community divest in you. No longer will we, Black and oppressed people be betrayed by the comprador class and delivered on a platter as the laughing stock to the ruling class. Life is not a game show respect the people or the people will reject you. Kalonji Jama Changa National Coordinator Thepeoplesarmy.org Good stuff right. Do you think Steve Harvey will listen?

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Sit Down, Be Humble: Activist Pens Open Letter To Steve Harvey Blasting Him Over Flint Water “Jokes”

Gigi and Bella Hadid are Bullshit Arab Activist But Have Cleavage and Do Incest for Vogue of the Day

Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid aren’t hot to me, but they are hot to the rest of the world who book them as the “it girl” sisters…because America likes rich kids with a dad who fucks Sugarbabies and a mom who is so vapid and superficial she gets on shows about being Vapid and superficial…while consistently marrying rich guys…it’s just garbage, LA county trash…that people forget is trash because they’ve scammed the world… I look at GIGI and BELLA Hadid..and think…damn they are overrated, they are dopey retard looking and should be working as interns at an entertainment company while doing their degree in some bullshit they won’t need because they’ll just marry a rich dude they have access too.. Yet instead they are social media influencer models, and they don’t do anything interesting or impressive… That was until today, when they decided to protest the TRUMP travel ban that I guess targets Muslims since it is in Muslim countries and that Facebook claim is the same ban Obama had during his presidency while bombing those countries – which could be seen as worse…but I am not into that, I am not going to act like I know or care…Muslims were killed a three hour drive from where I live in a Mosque and I don’t like that kind of hate, or bullshit..it’s like hate everyone, kill yourselves, hate the governement, but when you get to killing, you’re a real fucking asshole… Not that this protest GIGI and BELLA are attaching themselves to because they like attention, it’s a PR stunt, and they get to connect to the Muslim americans because their dad is Arab… It’s a good PR move, that allows them to think they have some substance or value… But the truth is they should just sign over their model money they don’t need or deserve, if they really cared for more than just a PR photo opp…it would have more results than this… Not to mention GIGI looks 40 and Bella looks ugly…because they are…that’s how being overrated work…Garbage…activists making it about their narcissistic selves… That said, she’s in Vogue UK with her Brother, who I’ve seen them pimping out, narcissists like to keep it in the family, same genetics, but they also like to fuck their family, because they see themselves in their siblings…which explains why little Hadid is inappropriately touching her, he probably jerks off to her, and she’s trying to get her entire family to pull off the same scam she did…and it will work because society are fucking morons… Here’s her cleavage….that’s that all that really matters.. The post Gigi and Bella Hadid are Bullshit Arab Activist But Have Cleavage and Do Incest for Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi and Bella Hadid are Bullshit Arab Activist But Have Cleavage and Do Incest for Vogue of the Day

Activist In Viral #WomensMarch Pic Says White Feminists Need To Listen To Black Women

Woman In Viral Women’s March Photo Gives Advice To White Feminists Earlier this week, we reported that despite over 500,000 protestors showing up in DC and other Women’s Marches across the nation, activists within in the organization complained about race tearing them apart. 30-year-old Activist Angela Peoples , whose #WomensMarch photo has gone viral shares with The Root what she really thought of all the racial disparity at the protests. It definitely felt very white. The other black women that I talked to there, and even women in other marches around the country, felt like they were alone, like more of the same was happening. I know that a lot of the organizers, particularly of the D.C. march, did a lot of work to make sure that the speakers were diverse, that the issue points reflected black folks’ experiences; but there’s also this reality that when we talk about feminism in this country, the faces have been white. Without an effort by white women especially to make sure those spaces are reflecting the diversity of women and femme people, we’re not going to make the progress we need to. Peoples offers this advice to white women who wants to really help the feminist movement : But one thing I do know is, black women, we got us; we’re continuing to organize our own communities, we’re continuing to hold folks accountable across genders, across race. I would actually say to white women, if you want to be a part of a powerful movement that’s going to get something done, you need to get behind and trust black women, trust black femmes, trust black trans women. Because we are making this way out of no way. If you’re a white woman thinking, “What’s next? Everything seems insurmountable,” welcome to the fucking party. Listen to a black woman. No caption necessary pic.twitter.com/Jf9oJ5rkTi — Ratchet of the Earth (@BlackAutonomist) January 23, 2017 What do you think of Angela’s comments? Angela Peoples/Twitter

Activist In Viral #WomensMarch Pic Says White Feminists Need To Listen To Black Women

Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day

Alicia Silverstone would rather go naked than wear wool…at least that’s what she claims in this ad for PETA that we should call bullshit on….It’s more a “I’m a mom who would bird feed my child by chewing for him, who still has an ass people want to fuck, even though when I was at my most famous, I wasn’t even that hot, I blame my crooked face”… I mean, I don’t know if that last part is true, but I never felt she was hot or someone I’d want to bang or jerk off to, I mean sure she’s famous and all – but it never spoke to my soul or my penis….she was just around more than anything… And now the activist – will flash her ass to prevent you from wearing wool…and here is a gallery of pictures I’ve pulled from GOOGLE IMAGES of her wearing what could be wool…throughout her career…because she’s a fucking liar…she just wants to go naked with purpose… EVEn better – here she is in LEATHER LOL The post Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day

Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day

Alicia Silverstone would rather go naked than wear wool…at least that’s what she claims in this ad for PETA that we should call bullshit on….It’s more a “I’m a mom who would bird feed my child by chewing for him, who still has an ass people want to fuck, even though when I was at my most famous, I wasn’t even that hot, I blame my crooked face”… I mean, I don’t know if that last part is true, but I never felt she was hot or someone I’d want to bang or jerk off to, I mean sure she’s famous and all – but it never spoke to my soul or my penis….she was just around more than anything… And now the activist – will flash her ass to prevent you from wearing wool…and here is a gallery of pictures I’ve pulled from GOOGLE IMAGES of her wearing what could be wool…throughout her career…because she’s a fucking liar…she just wants to go naked with purpose… EVEn better – here she is in LEATHER LOL The post Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day

Race Matters: Bill Maher Calls Hillary Clinton’s #BlackLivesMatters Disruptor “F***ing Idiot” [Video]

Bill Maher Calls #BlackLivesMatters Activist A “F***ing Idiot This week we posted a video of a #BlackLivesMatter activist confronting Hillary Clinton about her support of mass incarceration and demanding an apology to African-Americans. Last night on Real Time With Bill Maher, the outspoken political comedian addressed the aforementioned disruptor with much vitriol… Whoa, whoa, whoa, Billy boy. None of us f**k with Donald Trump, but Hillary and Bernie gotta know that we’re holding them responsible for our well-being too. Image via HBO

Originally posted here:
Race Matters: Bill Maher Calls Hillary Clinton’s #BlackLivesMatters Disruptor “F***ing Idiot” [Video]

So Sad: #BlackLivesMatter Activist MarShawn McCarrel Fatally Shoots Himself Outside Ohio’s Statehouse

Black mental health matters… MarShawn McCarrel Commits Suicide An activist in the Black Lives Matter movement has died. MarShawn McCarrel, 23, killed himself Monday outside the steps of Ohio’s statehouse after posting on social media that his “demons won.” Prior to his death he was celebrated for his work in raising awareness on Ohio’s homelessness and was named one of Radio One’s Hometown Champions. The New York Daily News reports: A Black Lives Matter activist killed himself on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse, authorities said. MarShawn McCarrel, 23, shot himself in front of the Columbus building Monday evening, Lt. Craig Cvetan of the State Highway Patrol told the Columbus Dispatch. “My demons won today. I’m sorry,” the activist, who recently attended the NAACP Image Awards, posted on his Facebook page about 3 p.m., just hours before his body was found near the Statehouse. His last tweet read: “Let the record show that I pissed on the state house before I left.” No one witnessed the shooting, Cvetan said. McCarrel was pronounced dead at the scene. McCarrel, who had recently worked with Black Lives Matter, helped organize protests in Ohio after a Missouri cop shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in 2014. He also founded youth mentorship program Pursuing Our Dreams, which launched Feed the Streets, a project to help Ohio’s homeless. He attended the NAACP’s Image Awards on Friday, Pursuing Our Dreams wrote on its Facebook. So, so sad to hear that this young brother took his own life. Condolences to the family.

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So Sad: #BlackLivesMatter Activist MarShawn McCarrel Fatally Shoots Himself Outside Ohio’s Statehouse

Ali Michael Hipster Fashion Porn of the Day

Photographer, who I assume is popular on instagram, named Chadwick Tyler ..did this Hipster Fashion Porn shoot with a girl named Ali Michael, who at one point in time was about to be a hugely famous model, but she weight 105 lbs, which was too fat for fashion, before fashion decided to only hire these instagram famous girls who are pushing 130, and have parents who pay the brand to give their little babies the chance to live the dream…I call it the Super Sweet Sixteen era of brats having parents get them anything…even modeling jobs and social media fame…thanks to the ability to hiring the best of pulicists.. Well, it turns out that model Ali Michael has decided to go down the softcore erotica route, because even if packaged as “art”…or “who cares, it’s just a nude body”…and I absoultely agree, I don’t care. I love nudity, I’ve been doing this site for over a decade and always posted nudity that I didn’t think was porn, alienating myself and turning down branded ad campaigns, all because I though nudity wasn’t worth penalizing, and in my activist, lazy activist, way…this was my protest…only to tell anyone I meet, “it’s not a porn site, if this is porn you get off to, you’re fucked up”…not that that makes me more money, or gives me more credibility, but I say it anyway… But this shoot is pushing it…I mean it’s no spread pussy, no labia, theoretically just tits…packaged as art, because dude put a black and white filter on it…to make it more dramatic…and in my opinion lame…I only like black and white when shot on film because it was cheaper to process for the starving snapshot photographer before digital…in an era where dude sat and removed color to be artsy…and in and of itself that’s lame… What isn’t lame is that he has some dumb mode buying into it…on all fours in panties…and maybe this will go viral and get her acting jobs like she was Emrata, but I think it’s more a shoot that requires more penis penetration…why go half way..when you cross that line into pornography…just own it… The post Ali Michael Hipster Fashion Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ali Michael Hipster Fashion Porn of the Day

Girl Masturbating on the Beach and Other Videos of the Day

Don’t be a Hillbilly Shamer Body Shamer Gets it Of the Day Woman Kids Thief in the Face Guy Turns into a Pussy Boyfriend Hires GOONs to Hack his GF Street Fight of the Day Cops Bunch a SO Cal Girl Rumble at the Derby… Spaghetti Loving Rat Japan Asleep in the Hood Black VS McDonalds Workers New York Noise… Chimp VS Beer Woman and her Pussy Smell The post Girl Masturbating on the Beach and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Girl Masturbating on the Beach and Other Videos of the Day

Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day

Thick, disgusting, gold digging stripper from philly who doesn’t need to strip now that she’s gold dug with rappers…she’s taken her fame whoring to getting knocked up by rappers…set with solid child support for the next 18 years…. Amber Rose…. The entity that exists, but that barely exists, who has a bit of a fan base, because people are just that aggressively into “celebrity”…that they’ll even follow and identify with their talentless fat ass..as if she matters…all because rappers fucked her…That’s fucked…. But not as fucked as her…literally and figurative, who cleverly tried to embrace the “slut” she’s shamed for being, by doing a campaign, or event , or walk that I guess the LA radio promoted aggressively….because LA is ridiculous….and is basically run by the idea of raging teen girls fans…and the want to fuck them and take their money…so anyone will suck onto anything….even aspiring actors responding to a casting call…in a free performance as “Amber Rose’s Audience”…. The premise of the event: “Outrage Toward Issues of Sexual Violence, Gender Inequality, Derogatory labeling and Victim Blaming”. The reality, people call me a whore and always have, people call porn chicks and strippers whore, because they always have, we should unite as sex workers, and just girls who fuck rappers, which I guess she’s saying is like sex work, and celebrate our sexual identity, because cyber bullying is wrong…slut shaming is wrong… But EVERYONE is a fucking slut, especially this young generation, and the idea of it being empowering to get fucked aggressively by random dudes who don’t respect you, is not accurate and really just misogynistic ideals…”get banged out, it’s cool, we’re empowered, we’re girls! No man will marry you, but they’ll fuck you, they just won’t cum inside you, but they may spit on you, but don’t worry, abuse porn is totally normal kids, it’s what you need to cum, since you’ve all been masturbating to porn since you were 7, thanks Internet”…. So this generation of half retards who all want to be activists, but are also more interested in getting that selfie, and herpes, while showing their tits because it gets like, leading and running with to a bunch of flimsy politics, like “fat shaming, cyber bullying, trolling, slut shaming, etc”….. Sometimes people are fucking sluts, sometimes heroin addicts are fucking addicts…it’s not that complicated…and I’ll tell you every slut I’ve known, and I love sluts, so I’ve known alot, I just try not to stick my dick in them…always end up sad at the end of the slut train…this goes for porn people, strippers and everyday girls who fuck a a lot…they are always sad when they are honest to themselves… Also, why can’t people just be themselves, why can’t they fuck who they want, dress how they want, be teased but not listen to it, by men who apparently “LOVED” her but really just told her lies to get her to be a slut for them….why do they need to stage walks, and campaigns…accepting broken behavior… I know why Amber Rose did it, she saw opportunity, as her pussy does, in her pussy to create a publicity stunt around herself,”let’s milk these idiot kids with the fact that I fuck and get pregnant by rappers, and make it a cause”…By doing a “walk”…. Here’s the stupidity…with her talking about loving porn and that porn sluts aren’t sluts…but rather girls doing what they love…even though I’ve met pornstars and they are all sluts…and will admit to being sluts and just pretend it is empowering…to live with themselves… I hate that people need to justify their actions, instead of just dealing with people commenting on the content they put out on social media, if you put it out there, you can instil negative opinions, and the fact that you put it out there, means we can react to it, if she just kept shit to herself, and didn’t use social media for money and ego, no one would be “slut shaming her’…no one would rememberher… I hate that nothing can just be, everything needs to be rationalized, explained, justified, defended…like fuck off, live your life.. Here she is breaking down about dating Kanye, about how she did it for love because that’s what her heart and his level of fame and fortune told her and Whiz her husband who came in her life…and who she is friends with because she signed a contract to get paid out to not talk shit on him…because whores can be bought…all for calling her a stripper in one of his songs because she’s a stripper…and about some dude named Darnell who got her 14 year old ass on her knees and shoved his dick in her face…This bitch seems like the kind of girl who just doesn’t shut the fuck up… All this to say, I know these signs were handed out to the crowd…I know she’s still milking her past relationships….to get attention…it’s all she has, it’s all she’s worth, and her past relationships are the only reason she exists… “I do this for you, I do all This For You” Why do people buy into this shit. Shut the fuck up…slut…creating problems out of nothing… Amber’s mom….is the best one…holding a sign in reference to Kanye saying he needed 30 showers after Amber to fuck Kim, who had 30 golden showers from every black guy she’s ever fucked before Kanye, but he can’t say Kim’s as big a whore as Amber, it’s bad for his home life… The post Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pro Rape Activist at Amber Rose Slut Walk As She Acts Her Way Through a Speech of the Day