Tag Archives: agenda

MTV’s Power Of 12 Headed To New Hampshire

Sway Calloway tells CBS’ ‘Early Show’ about MTV’s New Hampshire primary coverage and election-year plans. By Gil Kaufman Sway Calloway on CBS’ “The Early Show” Photo: CBS News MTV News already showed you some of the Power of 12 on Tuesday in Iowa when we spoke to a number of poll-goers about their choices in that first-in-the-nation presidential caucus. And our young voter initiative will continue on next Tuesday as we descend on New Hampshire for the first primary of the season. This time, our correspondent Sway Calloway will be on hand to speak to voters about what issues are on their minds, which candidates are likely to get their vote and what they’re looking for from their leaders as campaign 2012 heats up. Sway dropped in on CBS’ “Early Show” on Friday (January 6) to talk up the initiative, telling reporters Nancy Cordes and Jim Axelrod why the nation’s 45 million millennial (18-29) voters could hold the key to this year’s contest. “They can help set the agenda,” Sway said. “It’s about the individual vote and, collectively, they could change the whole entire election. We’ve seen this in the past, just four year ago. That’s what the Power of 12 is all about.” And that’s the reason, he said, why MTV created the Power of 12 hub as a clearinghouse for information on voting and a resource for young voters to get information and become informed about the issues. A continuation of MTV’s two-decade-plus commitment to political engagement, the Power of 12 initiative is an updated way to engage a new generation in the importance of political participation. “The Power of 12 is about now. It’s about 2012. It’s about this generation who are experiencing a different economic climate, as well as political climate,” Sway explained. “A lot of young Americans are feeling disillusioned, but they’re not disengaged with the political process. We saw the turnout with Occupy Wall Street . But when I go out in the streets and I talk to young potential voters, some of their concerns are student loans, how to pay for college and coming out of college and not having jobs.” It remains to be seen whether young voters will come out to support the remaining Republican candidates in New Hampshire. But in Iowa they showed up loud and proud for libertarian Ron Paul , even if voters under 30 only ended up representing 4 percent of the total vote in the Hawkeye state. Asked whether those voters will turn out for incumbent president Barack Obama they way they did in 2008, Sway said that while Obama still has the highest approval rating among that group for Democrats, “young voters will definitely set the agenda. If the candidates are wise, it would behoove them to tap into this ‘Power of 12’ and utilize this power and talk to this young vote.” Check back here around the clock for up-to-the-minute coverage on the primary caucuses and stick with PowerOf12.org throughout the 2012 presidential election season. Related Videos Power Of 12: Andrew Jenks Kicks Off Election 2012 Barnstorming The Iowa Caucus With Andrew Jenks

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MTV’s Power Of 12 Headed To New Hampshire

Former SNL Cast Member Slams Glee for Intolerance, Gay Kiss

Victoria Jackson has sounded off again. Last month, the former Saturday Night Live member sung about how Barack Obama is clearly a Communist . Now, in a column for World Net Daily, Jackson writes that “progressives, communists, liberals, globalists and Muslims want to destroy America” and then focuses on the most recent episode of Glee . It featured two male characters kissing, which led to this excerpt: Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians — again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of Glee — what’s your agenda? One-way tolerance? Did Jackson just label a gay kiss “sickening” and then call out Glee producers for being intolerant? Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when one really needs a knife. This is ironic, don’t you think?

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Former SNL Cast Member Slams Glee for Intolerance, Gay Kiss

Iran next? No way! Parliament wants to execute Mousavi and Karroubi


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Iran next? No way in hell, they will murder and slaughter their people and the people know it. Iran’s regime make believe they are on the Arabs side but they want a resurgent dominant Persia once again and they “the IRG and the Basij” are not going to let their agenda be stopped after going this far. Iranian lawmakers condemn protests; call for execution of leaders Egypt echoes across region: Iran,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mizozo Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 05:44 Number of articles : 2

Iran next? No way! Parliament wants to execute Mousavi and Karroubi

Iran next? No way! Parliament wants to execute Mousavi and Karroubi


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Iran next? No way in hell, they will murder and slaughter their people and the people know it. Iran’s regime make believe they are on the Arabs side but they want a resurgent dominant Persia once again and they “the IRG and the Basij” are not going to let their agenda be stopped after going this far. Iranian lawmakers condemn protests; call for execution of leaders Egypt echoes across region: Iran,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mizozo Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 05:44 Number of articles : 2

Iran next? No way! Parliament wants to execute Mousavi and Karroubi

The Big Buy: Tom Delay’s Stolen Congress

The story of how Tom Delay stole the U.S. Congress. It’s the story of one of the most blatant power grabs in American history, and how a District Attorney in Texas turned out to be the biggest threat to the national DeLay Machine. The film is a warning about how easy it is for American democracy to be hijacked by a combination of relentless ambition and corporate millions. It makes the case that DeLay built a “custom-made Congress” that is still providing votes for his agenda. added by: treewolf39

NPR Laments That Obama’s Pardoned Four Turkeys, But No Human Lawbreakers

National Public Radio often has “news judgment” that coincides with the agenda of liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union. So it's not surprising that they greeted Thanksgiving by highlighting that President Obama is nicer to turkeys than to human lawbreakers on Wednesday night's All Things Considered : MARY LOUISE KELLY, substitute anchor: Now, presidents have been pardoning humans for much longer than they've been pardoning turkeys. But as White House correspondent Ari Shapiro reports, with this president, the turkeys are winning so far. ARI SHAPIRO: As of today, President Obama's tally of pardons is as follows: turkeys, four; humans, zero. read more

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NPR Laments That Obama’s Pardoned Four Turkeys, But No Human Lawbreakers

Marina Silva Wants to Be Brazil’s Greenest President

On Sunday, nearly 136 million Brazilians will be heading to the polls to elect a new president, and for a country on the rise with such a wealth of natural beauty , there may be more at stake than just politics. Among the leading candidates, one has put sustainable development at the top of her agenda. Meet Marina Silva — she wants to be Brazil’s Green new president…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Marina Silva Wants to Be Brazil’s Greenest President

New Attempt at Civil Discourse From the Left: ‘F*ck Tea’

A “progressive” political activism campaign has launched a new project apparently aimed at engaging opponents in civil discourse about important issues of the day. Their motto: “F*ck Tea.” Setting its sights on the Tea Party movement, the Agenda Project has launched an online store to sell shirts and mugs with the slogan and inform visitors of some statistics about the Tea Parties – none of which are sourced. On its own website , the Agenda Project claims its goal is “to build a powerful, intelligent, well-connected political movement capable of identifying and advancing rational, effective ideas in the public debate and in so doing ensure our country’s enduring success.” “Our goal is to return normal Americans to the center of the policy debate by cultivating an understanding of public policy, facilitating common action, and connecting the best ideas and the strongest leaders with engaged citizens, elected officials, the media, political insiders, and experts through a variety of in-person and on-line platforms,” the group says. Apparently that didn’t fit on a t-shirt. Politico reports that the Agenda Project was founded by Erica Payne, who also helped establish the Democracy Alliance and the Center for American Progress, a left-wing think tank.

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New Attempt at Civil Discourse From the Left: ‘F*ck Tea’

Rasmussen Finds Most ‘Angry’ with Liberal, Pro-Obama Media

A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds most Americans (51%) say the average reporter is more liberal than they are, and nearly as many (48%) think the media are “are trying to help”  President Obama pass his left-wing agenda. Perhaps as a result, the poll finds an astonishing two-thirds of the public (66%) say they are angry with the media, “including 33% who are very angry” with the press. Most Americans seem to have a low view of journalists’ integrity and professionalism. Rasmussen discovered that “68% say most reporters when covering a political campaign try to help the candidate they want to win,” vs. 23% who think most reporters “try to offer unbiased coverage.” At the same time, “54% of voters think most reporters would hide any information they uncovered that might hurt a candidate they wanted to win, up seven points from November 2008.” Rasmussen also discovered that Republicans and independents are most offended by the media, with a plurality of Democrats (43%) who “say their coverage is unbiased.” This new poll is consistent with many others from the past decade showing rising discontent with the press and a growing awareness of the media’s liberal bias. The Media Research Center has posted a collection of relevant polls — along with polls of journalists showing how their views differ from the general public — on our “ Media Bias 101 ” page. Here’s an excerpt from the June 15 report by Rasmussen, based on their poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on Sunday and Monday (June 13-14). Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33% who are very angry…. Now 48% of voters think most reporters when they write or talk about President Obama are trying to help the president pass his agenda. Only 18% think most reporters are trying to block the president from passing his agenda. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say they are simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner…. Fifty-one percent (51%) say the average reporter is more liberal than they are, consistent with earlier findings on the question. Fifteen percent (15%) say the average reporter is more conservative than they are, while 27% say the average reporter shares roughly the same ideological views that they have…. Seventy-six percent (76%) of GOP voters and 56% of unaffiliateds think most reporters are trying to help Obama pass his agenda. Among Democrats, 33% say they are trying to block the president’s agenda, while 43% say their coverage is unbiased. Just 15% of Democrats say most reporters are trying to help the president. You can read the entire report here .

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Rasmussen Finds Most ‘Angry’ with Liberal, Pro-Obama Media

Bilderberg 2010: What We Learned

A huge agenda of global issues was crammed into four days of 'secret' meetings by a mysterious group of power brokers. But who elected them and why are we paying for them? Check out the agenda for Bilderberg 2010: “Financial reform, security, cyber technology, energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, world food problem, global cooling, social networking, medical science, EU-US relations.” That list is a window into your future. Don't think for one minute that it isn't. And don't ignore it, because it isn't ignoring you. more at link…Please research the Bilderberg Group and the NWO…it may save your life. www.current.com/groups/conspiracy-films added by: rodstradamus