Tag Archives: classification

Psycho Baseball Wife Anna Benson Tries To Rob Her Estranged Husband Dressed As Ninja With A Gun, Hatchet, Taser, & Bulletproof Vest

Wait, what??? Anna Benson Tries To Rob Her Estranged Husband Dressed As A Ninja Via NYPost Crazed “Baseball Wife” Anna Benson dressed like a ninja and armed herself with a gun, ammo, hatchet and taser to break into the home of estranged hubby and ex-Mets pitcher Kris Benson, demanding dough and calling him a “p—y,’’ a police report shows. The former Playboy Playmate and mom of four, 37, ambushed her stunned husband, 38, Sunday night as he exited the bathroom in the master bedroom of the home they once shared in Marietta, Ga., the document says. Anna Benson, dressed all in black, wore a bullet-proof vest and loaded ammo clip, cops said. She also had on her a black Taurus handgun, black hatchet, black baton, black taser, 13 rounds of ammunition, a bag of syringes — and a red “Batman” folding knife, authorities said. She demanded $30,000 from her husband, police said. Kris Benson said she pulled the gun out of her purse at one point, although she didn’t directly aim it in his direction. “It scared me,’’ he later told cops. Asked if he thought she’d shoot him, he said, “Maybe.’’ The shaken ex-Mets ace told his out-of-control wife that he had to get his wallet — and quickly fled to the basement, where he called 911, police said. This beyotch is NUTS. He then ran out of the house and into the woods to hide until police arrived. When cops got to the home, they found Anna Benson on the back porch smoking a cigarette. Told her husband had called them, she hissed, “He’s a f—ing p—y,’’ officers said. She added to the cops that she was just wearing the “tactical ballistic vest” “because it was a new model she was testing for a company’’ and she needed “to get it to mold to her body,’’ the police report said. She told the officers “she didn’t think that she did anything wrong and didn’t understand why we were making such a big deal out of this,’’ according to the report. The pair are in the middle of a bitter divorce battle. A judge tossed her from the home for good last month. LMAO @ “He’s a f***ing p****” Image via FHM

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Psycho Baseball Wife Anna Benson Tries To Rob Her Estranged Husband Dressed As Ninja With A Gun, Hatchet, Taser, & Bulletproof Vest

The United States Of Chubby Lumpkins: Mexico Surpasses America As The Fattest Country In The World

Mexico Surpasses America As The Fattest Country In The World American chubby lumpkins, rejoice! Mexico has now officially been crowned the fattest country in the world, taking the crown from the United States, which held the number one spot on the list just last year. via THG Stand up and celebrate, America. Go ahead, you can do it. A new survey proves as much: American is no longer the fattest country in the world! According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, Mexico has taken over the top spot as the world’s fattest developed nation, bumping the U.S. to second. The results are based on percentage of residents 20 years of age and over whose BMI (Body Mass Index) is at least 30. Nearly one-third of Mexicans fall under this classification, while United States citizens are at 31.8 percent. Syria (31.6 percent) is on our plump tail in third, while Venezuela and Libya are tied for fourth at 30.8 percent. Abelardo Avila, a physician with Mexico’s National Nutrition Institute, says obesity is a “serious epidemic” in his nation and cites malnourishment among the poor as a leading cause of this poor showing. The report states that around 12 percent of the world’s developed population is overweight. Meh. Number two isn’t anything to celebrate either. We still have some work to do, folks! Shutterstock

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The United States Of Chubby Lumpkins: Mexico Surpasses America As The Fattest Country In The World

Cat Cora Calls Out Cynthia Nixon, View on Homosexuality as "Dangerous"

Following Cynthia Nixon’s declaration that homosexuality – at least in her case – is a choice , the reaction within the gay community has been strong, swift and mixed. The harshest rebuke of the Sex and the City star has likely come from celebrity chef Cat Cora, who appeared yesterday on The Talk and said: “I’m gay, and I was born this way,” adding of Nixon’s view and how it could impact others: “I really feel like it was dangerous and irresponsible of Cynthia, especially in this environment today when so many young people are taking their lives.” Continued Cora, making a plea to the actress who is currently starring on Broadway: “I know growing up as a young gay person how much you hate yourself, how much you already think you’re different. And for someone to say, ‘It’s a choice, you can be this way or that way,’ I think it’s dangerous and I ask Cynthia to please, reach out to the community and say – to all the people who do hate themselves right now, all the young kids who are impressionable – to say, ‘You’re OK, take it one day at a time, it gets better.'” Nixon has been in relationships with both men and women, but dismisses the classification of “bisexual.” I completely feel that when I was in relationships with men, I was in love and in lust with those men,” she told The Daily Beast . “And then I met [girlfriend Christine Marinoni] and I fell in love and lust with her. I am completely the same person and I was not walking around in some kind of fog. I just responded to the people in front of me the way I truly felt.” Finally, in a Huffington Post article , Tracy Baim – editor of the Chicag-based LGBT publication The Windy City Times – writes: “The bottom line is that those who hate us, want to cure us, or even kill us don’t really take the time to understand these nuances. “Yes, there are some who advocate a ‘nature made us this way’ argument to help us accept ourselves. But others still try to get gays to suppress their sexuality, or transgender people to suppress their gender identity, no matter how they got that way.”

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Cat Cora Calls Out Cynthia Nixon, View on Homosexuality as "Dangerous"

The Human Centipede II Banned in Australia

Consider it another notch in Tom Six ‘s cinematic bedpost: The barf-inducing horror sequel The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) has been banned in Australia following review by the Classification Review Board, the nation’s three-person governing body. Too extreme even for an R 18+ rating, the film was deemed to contain “gratuitous, exploitative, or offensive depictions of violence with a very high degree of impact and cruelty which has a high impact;” hit with a RC (Refused Classification) label, it can’t be “sold, hired, or advertised” in Australia.

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The Human Centipede II Banned in Australia

In Honor of The Human Centipede II, 12 Other Films Banned by the UK

Earlier this week, the British Board of Film Classification refused to approve The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) for public distribution on DVD, meaning that the British people will not be able to add the gross-out sequel to their home library anytime soon — legally, at least. As disappointing as this is for Tom Six fans, this is not the first time that the UK has banned a film because of illicit content and it won’t be the last. As such, let’s remember nine other films that were prohibited overseas.

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In Honor of The Human Centipede II, 12 Other Films Banned by the UK

New version of Justin Bieber film to hit theaters

LOS ANGELES ( Hollywood Reporter ) – In an unprecedented move, Paramount ‘s Insurge Pictures will release an updated director’s fan cut of “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” in a one-week exclusive run, beginning February 25. Director Jon M. Chu ‘s updated “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Director’s Fan Cut” will play only in 3D runs in the U.S. and Canada , replacing the original version. There will be 40 minutes of new footage. Chu has trimmed 30 minutes of footage from the original “Never Say Never” to accommodate the additional scenes. Updated version runs 115 minutes, instead of the original running time of 105 minutes. Move is designed to whip up renewed interest among Bieber’s diehard fans, and spark repeat viewing in the film’s third weekend in release. “Never Say Never” is already a financial success, having grossed $51.4 million in its first 11 days in release. The original “Never Say Never” will continue playing in 2D runs. The cost of a 35mm print makes sending the director’s cut to those theaters financially unworkable. Digital prints, however, are a fraction of the cost. Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore said the studio is “trying to take advantage of options from digital technology that didn’t exist before and give fans even more of what they loved from the first version.” As he began the editing process, Chu realized he had a significant amount of footage that he couldn’t use in the initial theatrical release. He then spent dozens of hours on Twitter and Facebook engaging with fans to see what they would like to see. Some of the new footage includes more of Bieber’s friends and hometown life, as well as new songs and special footage shot of the film’s premiere at theaters across the country. “I realized I had an embarrassment of riches when I was I in the cutting room,” said Chu. “This cut allows me to retain some of the best scenes from the original movie, while incorporating previously unseen footage and new material I shot during our extensive promotional tour on behalf of the movie. Justin’s dedication to his fan base is unwavering and I was inspired as a filmmaker to attempt to provide them a unique experience that showed even more of his world.” Paramount has submitted the “Director’s Cut” to the ratings board. Because the studio isn’t asking for a new rating, it doesn’t need to pull “Never Say Never” from theaters pending review by the Classification and Ratings Administration. (Editing by Zorianna Kit )

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New version of Justin Bieber film to hit theaters

Who Can Visit Lil Wayne In Jail, And When?

Inmates at Rikers Island can refuse visitors — fans take note! By Jayson Rodriguez New York’s Rikers Island Prison Photo: MTV News Once Lil Wayne has turned himself in to begin his one-year prison sentence in New York, his label, the Miami-based Cash Money outfit, is expected to relocate its operations to the Big Apple both to be closer to its franchise artist and to show him support. That support, one assumes, will include plenty of visits to Wayne on Rikers Island, where the rapper will reside at the Eric M. Taylor Center, according to a corrections officer who spoke with MTV News. According to the New York City Department of Correction Web site , the rapper is afforded a number of visitation options during his incarceration. Each week, inmates are permitted two visits, which can last up to an hour and occur any day of the week except Monday and Tuesday, when the facility is closed to all visits. On those days when visitors are welcomed, hours for visits range from 12:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Within those options lie scheduling blocks dictated by a sliding-scale that is determined by the first letter of a prisoner’s last name. The schedule is available by accessing the DOC Web site. For instance, next week (the week of March 14) inmates whose last names begin with the letters A-L, which would include Lil Wayne (real name: Dwayne Carter), are permitted visitors on Sunday and Wednesday only (on Friday each week all prisoners are permitted visitors). The following week (beginning March 21), inmates whose last names begin with the letters A-L have just Thursday allocated for visitors. During the following week (beginning March 28), Lil Wayne will have Sunday and Wednesday available for visitors. People who wish to visit inmates on Rikers Island don’t have to register ahead of time to schedule trips to the prison. The DOC advises visitors to take public transportation to the compound, although a small amount of parking spaces are available. And while anyone can visit, the inmate must approve the visitation, and the facility’s security personnel have the authority to reject any potential visitor (fans take note). Once visitors arrive at the facility, they are directed to the Central Visit Control Building, where they must complete a registration form and pass through a number of security clearances. Visitors must go through a metal detector and all of their items will be searched. In addition, visitors may also be selected for an ION Scan Test, which checks for the presence of narcotics or explosives. Canine searches may also be performed as well. Once the security posts are cleared, visitors then wait to be transported by shuttle to the specific prison (there are nine different jail houses on Rikers Island) that houses the inmate they came to see. Three visitors at a time are permitted to visit inmates; visits by an attorney, counselor, religious adviser or member of the media do not count toward the imprisoned person’s visits per week. Conjugal visits are not permitted unless the inmate is married to the visitor. During visits, inmates and family or friends can chat, and items can be given to incarcerated individuals; clothes are primarily permissible items. For Wayne, his visits may be the the only time he gets to interact with individuals beyond the guards assigned to protect his safety. A corrections officer, who didn’t wish to be identified because of the classified information he shared, told MTV News late last month that the rapper will be placed in a unit with inmates that meet a certain classification. “He’ll be housed with inmates who are classified in his category, and he’ll be able to be a regular inmate,” the guard said. “He’ll be able to watch television, go into the day room and congregate with people of his classification.”It’s a high-class area where he will be segregated from [the general] population,” the guard added. Related Videos Lil Wayne Goes To Jail Related Photos Lil Wayne Heads To Rikers Island Related Artists Lil Wayne

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Who Can Visit Lil Wayne In Jail, And When?

Lil Wayne’s Jail Time: A Prison Guard Breaks Down His Routine

Rapper is expected to start one-year prison sentence Tuesday. By Jayson Rodriguez, with reporting by Sway Calloway and Rahman Dukes Lil Wayne Photo: Thaddeus Now that Lil Wayne’s teeth are in order , the superstar MC is expected once again to turn himself in to authorities, this time on Tuesday, to finally begin his one-year prison sentence stemming from a 2007 arrest on gun charges. The rapper will be formally sentenced in a Manhattan courtroom by Judge Charles H. Solomon after last month’s postponement due to Wayne’s dental surgery . Wayne is scheduled to enter his plea, and authorities will then whisk him away for processing at New York’s Rikers Island. There, Weezy’s world will be unlike anything he’s experienced before in his life. According to a prison guard who spoke with MTV News, the Cash Money lyricist’s hectic life of recording, touring and performing will be replaced by a regimented routine that features wakeup calls at 4 a.m. and dinner at 3 p.m. The guard, who declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the information, said Wayne should be treated like a regular inmate for the most part, obvious safety concerns aside. “He’ll be housed with inmates who are classified in his category, and he’ll be able to be a regular inmate,” the guard said. “He’ll be able to watch television, go into the day room and congregate with people of his classification.” Wayne’s classification, however, will most likely be decided based in part on his fame, the guard said. The guard also suggested Wayne would be placed in the Eric M. Taylor Center at Rikers, on the north side of the facility in East Elmhurst, New York. “It’s a high-class area where he will be segregated from [the general] population,” the guard explained. The rapper, though, won’t be in a dormitory setting, as a retired corrections officer told MTV News last month. He’ll likely have his own 10-by-15-foot cell with a toilet, sink, bed and one window. “He’ll be able to see another wall [outside the window],” the guard said. Wayne also will not be able to make many of his own decisions during his incarceration, including what recreation he participates in and the option to work. “He probably won’t be assigned a job, just to keep things quiet,” the guard said, alluding to the rapper’s safety and the overall safety of the unit he’s placed in. When Wayne graced the cover of Rolling Stone recently, he said he would bring an iPod loaded with music he could write to; the guard, however, emphasized that an mp3 player would be classified as contraband, meaning the rapper would not be permitted to have one. Weezy will have plenty of downtime, though, of which he can choose how he passes the time. In between the rapper’s 4 a.m. wakeup calls for breakfast, 11 a.m. lunchtimes, 3 p.m. dinners and evening lights out, he has a number of options. He’s allowed to receive two visits per week, which can be any day of the week or weekends at various times. With his commissary money, he can purchase a transistor radio. It’s unlikely that he’ll visit the law library, as he has no appeal to make for his case; he’s widely expected to be released after eight months if he serves with good behavior. If he wishes to participate in religious activity, he can be excused to visit the places of worship within the prison. Throughout Wayne’s sentence, he’ll have an intermittent amount of time to interact with fellow inmates. According to the guard, that decision is one that is made by the governing officers of the facility to keep things orderly. For the most part, Wayne will be isolated and treated like any other numbered prisoner at Rikers Island. “He’ll have no preferable treatment at all. He’ll be treated like a regular inmate,” the guard said, with one added caveat: “He may have heightened security. A guard will walk with him when he moves from location to location.” Related Videos Lil Wayne Goes To Jail

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Lil Wayne’s Jail Time: A Prison Guard Breaks Down His Routine

Who Knew There Were So Many Interesting Ways to Die?

Let’s talk about the weird ways people die! Tonight, the Times writes about how New Yorkers die. Apparently, the city uses over 6,000 codes to classify accidental deaths. We looked at the list and found some doozys. These deaths are all classifications recognized by the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases manual . Doctors and the city use the manual to complete death certificates and compile statistics. Without further ado, here is a list of the strangest entries in the “accidents” section of the ICD: Weird Ways to Accidentally Die V35 Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle V71 Bus occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle V82.4 Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar V82.7 Occupant of streetcar injured in derailment without antecedent collision V95.1 Ultralight, microlight or powered-glider accident injuring occupant V95.4 Spacecraft accidents injuring occupant V96.0 Balloon accident injuring occupant V96.1 Hang-glider accident injuring occupant V96.8 Other nonpowered-aircraft accidents injuring occupant (Kite carrying a person) W04 Fall while being carried or supported by other persons W14 Fall from tree W15 Fall from cliff W26 Contact with knife, sword or dagger W27 Contact with nonpowered hand tool (includes: axe; can-opener; chisel; fork; handsaw; hoe; ice-pick; needle; paper-cutter; pitchfork; rake; scissors; screwdriver; sweing-machine, nonpowered; shovel) W41 Exposure to noise (includes: sound waves; supersonic waves) W44 Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice W52 Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampeded W53 Bitten by rat W56 Bitten or struck by marine animal W64 Exposure to other and unspecified animate mechanical forces V84.7 Person on outside of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident W88 Exposure to ionizing radiation (includes: radioactive isotopes; X-rays) X05 Exposure to ignition or melting of nightwear X21 Contact with venomous snakes and lizards (includes: Cobra; fer de lance; Gila monster; krait; rattlesnake; sea snake; snake (venomous); viper) X24 Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes (tropical) X25 Contact with other venomous arthropods (includes: ant; caterpillar) X33 Victim of lightning (excludes: fire caused by lightning; injury from fall of tree or other object caused by lightning) Y36.5 War operations involving nuclear weapons (Includes: Blast effects; exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon; fireball effects; heat) X37 Victim of cataclysmic storm (includes: blizzard; cloudburst; cyclone; tornado) X51 Prolonged stay in weightless environment (includes: weightlessness in spacecraft (simulator)) U01.8 Terrorism, other specified (includes: lasers; battle wounds; piercing or stabbing object injuries; drowned in terrorist operations) X58 Exposure to unspecified factors

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Who Knew There Were So Many Interesting Ways to Die?

Multi-dimensional Sphere Problem from 1950s Solved.

When mathematicians talk about higher-dimensional spaces, they are referring to the number of variables, or dimensions, needed to locate a point in such a space. The surface of the earth is two-dimensional because two coordinates—latitude and longitude—are needed to specify any point on it

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Multi-dimensional Sphere Problem from 1950s Solved.